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User talk:Mike Cline/Articles Under Contemplation/List of delisted species under Endangered Species Act

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The following species, once listed as federally threatened or endangered under the US Endangered Species Act have been delisted.[1][2] Species may still be listed as threatened or endangered on individual state or international lists.

Species Population Date Listed Date Delisted Reason
Arizona Agave, (Agave arizonica) May 18, 1984 June 19, 2006 Original data in error, not a list able entity[3]
American Alligator, (Alligator mississippiensis) Entire July 27, 1979 June 4, 1987 Recovered[4]
Truckee Barberry, (Berberis (=Mahonia) sonnei) December 6, 1979 October 1, 2003 Original data in error - taxonomic revision[5]
Cuneate Bidens, (Bidens cuneata) February 17, 1984 February 6, 1996 Original data in error - taxonomic revision[6]
Guam Broadbill, (Myiagra freycineti) August 27, 1984 February 23, 2004 Extinct[7]
Bahama swallowtail butterfly, (Heraclides andraemon bonhotei) April 28, 1976 August 31, 1984 Original data in error - act amendment[8]
Lloyd's hedgehog cactus, (Echinocereus lloydii) November 28, 1979 June 24, 1979 Original data in error - taxonomic revision[9]
Spineless hedgehog cactus, (Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. inermis) December 7, 1979 September 22, 1993 Original data in error - not a listable entity[10]
Robbins' Cinquefoil, (Potentilla robbinsiana) September 7, 1980 August 27, 2002 Recovered[11]
Longjaw cisco, (Coregonus alpenae) March 11, 1967 September 2, 1967 Extinct[12]
Tennessee purple coneflower, (Echinacea tennesseensis) July 5, 1979 September 2, 2011 Recovered[13]
Morelet's Crocodile, (Crocodylus moreletii) June 2, 1970 May 23, 2012 Recovered[14]
Maguire daisy, (Erigeron maguirei) September 5, 1985 February 18, 1985 Recovered[15]
Columbian white-tailed deer, (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus) Douglas County, Oregon distinct population segment July 24, 2003 July 24, 2003 Recovered[16]
Palau ground dove, (Gallicolumba canifrons) June 2, 1970 September 12, 1985 Recovered[17]
Mexican duck, (Anas diazi) U.S.A. only March 11, 1967 July 25, 1978 Original data in error - taxonomic revision[18]
Bald eagle, (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) lower 48 states March 11, 1967 August 8, 2007 Recovered[19]
American Peregrine falcon, (Falco peregrinus anatum) June 2, 1970 August 25, 1999 Recovered[20]
Palau fantail flycatcher, (Rhipidura lepida) June 2, 1970 September 12, 1985 Recovered[21]
Arctic Peregrine falcon, (Falco peregrinus tundrius) June 2, 1970 October 5, 1994 Recovered[22]
Amistad Gambusia, (Gambusia amistadensis) April 30, 1980 December 4, 1987 Extinct[23]
Tumamoc globeberry, (Tumamoca macdougalii) April 29, 1986 June 18, 1993 Original data in error - new information discovered[24]
Aleutian Canada goose, (Branta canadensis leucopareia) March 11, 1967 March 20, 2001 Recovered[25]
Purple-spinned hedgehog cactus, (Echinocereus engelmannii var. purpureus) October 11, 1979 November 27, 1989 Original data in error - taxonomic revision[26]
Eastern gray kangaroo, (Macropus giganteus) December 30, 1974 March 9, 1995 Recovered
Red kangaroo, (Macropus rufus) December 30, 1974 March 9, 1995 Recovered
Western gray kangaroo, (Macropus fuliginosus) December 30, 1974 March 9, 1995 Recovered
Island night lizard, (Xantusia riversiana) Entire September 2, 1997 April 1, 2014 Recovered
Mariana mallard, (Anas oustateti) December 8, 1977 February 23, 2004 Extinct[27]
Rydberg Milk-vetch, (Astragalus perianus) May 27, 1978 September 14, 1989 Original data in error - new information discovered
Tinian Monarch, (old world flycatcher) (Monarcha takatsukasae) June 2, 1970 September 21, 2004 Recovered
No common name, (Gahnia lanaiensis) (sedge) September 20, 1991 May 28, 2013 Original data in error - taxonomic revision
Palau owl, (Pyrroglaux podargina) June 2, 1970 September 12, 1985 Recovered
Sampson's pearlymussel, (Epioblasma sampsoni) June 14, 1976 January 9, 1984 Extinct[28]
Brown pelican, (Pelecanus occidentalis) except U.S. Atlantic coast, FL, AL June 2, 1970 December 17, 2009 Recovered[29]
Brown pelican, (Pelecanus occidentalis) U.S. Atlantic coast, FL, AL June 2, 1970 February 4, 1985 Recovered[30]
McKittrick pennyroyal, (Hedeoma apiculatum) July 13, 1982 September 22, 1993 Original data in error - new information discovered[31]
Blue pike, (Stizostedion vitreum glaucum) March 11, 1967 September 2, 1983 Extinct[32]
Tecopa pupfish, (Cyprinodon nevadensis calidae) October 13, 1970 January 15, 1982 Extinct[33]
Cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, (Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum) Arizona March 10, 1997 April 14, 2006 Original data in error - not a listable entity
Stellar sea lion, (Eumetopias jubatus) Eastern DPS April 5, 1990 December 4, 2013 Recovered[34]
Caribbean monk seal, (Monachus tropicalis) April 10, 1979 October 28, 2008 Extinct[35]
Magazine Mountain shagreen, (Inflectarius magazinensis) Entire April 17, 1989 June 14, 2013 Recovered
Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew, (Sorex longirostris fisheri) September 26, 1986 February 28, 2000 Original data in error - new information discovered
Utah snail, (Valvata utahensis) December 14, 1992 September 24, 2010 Original data in error - new information discovered
Concho water snake, (Nerodia paucimaculata) September 3, 1986 November 28, 2011 Recovered[36]
Lake Erie water snake, (Nerodia sipedon insularum) subspecies range clarified August 30, 1999 September 15, 2011 Recovered[37]
Dusky seaside sparrow, (Ammodramus maritimus nigrescens) March 11, 1967 December 12, 1990 Extinct[38]
Santa Barbara song sparrow, (Melospiza melodia graminea) June 4, 1973 October 12, 1983 Extinct[39]
Idaho springsnail, (Pyrgulopsis idahoensis) December 14, 1992 September 5, 2007 Original data in error - taxonomic revision[40]
Virginia northern flying squirrel, (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus) Entire July 31, 1985 March 4, 2013 Recovered[41]
Eggert's sunflower, (Helianthus eggertii) May 22, 1997 August 18, 2005 Recovered[42]
Pine barrens treefrog, (Hyla andersonii) Florida population December 18, 1977 November 22, 1983 Original data in error - new information discovered[43]
Coastal cutthroat trout, (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) Umpqua River September 13, 1996 April 26, 2000 Original data in error - taxonomic revision[44]
Indian flap-shelled turtle, (Lissemys punctata punctata) June 14, 1976 February 29, 1984 Original data in error - erroneous data[45]
Gray whale, (Eschrichtius robustus) except where listed June 16, 1994 June 16, 1994 Recovered[46]
Gray wolf, (Canis lupus) Northern Rocky Mountain DPS March 9, 1978 May 5, 2011 Recovered[47]
Hoover's Wollly-star, (Eriastrum hooveri) July 19, 1990 October 7, 2003 Recovered[48]


See also



  1. ^ "Delisting a Species Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act" (PDF). Delisting is the removal of a species from the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Downlisting is the reclassification of a species from Endangered to threatened. Delisting and downlisting actions result from successful recovery efforts. To delist a species, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) must determine that the species is not threatened based on a number of factors, such as population size, recruitment, stability of habitat quality and quantity, and control or elimination of the threats. If some of the threats have been reduced and the population has met its recovery objectives for downlisting, we may consider changing the species status from Endangered to Threatened. Delisting species is the ultimate goal of implementing the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
  2. ^ "Environmental Conservation Online System Delisting Report". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  3. ^ "Species Profile Arizona Agave". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  4. ^ "Species Profile American Alligator". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  5. ^ "Species Profile Truckee Barberry". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  6. ^ "Species Profile Bidens cuneate". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  7. ^ "Species Profile Guam Broadbill". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  8. ^ "Species Profile Bahama Swallowtail butterfly". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  9. ^ "Species Profile Lloyd's hedgehog cactus". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  10. ^ "Species Profile Spineless hedgehog cactus". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  11. ^ "Species Profile Robbins' Cinquefoil". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  12. ^ "Species Profile Longjaw Cisco". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  13. ^ "Species Profile Tennessee Purple coneflower". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  14. ^ "Species Profile Morelet's Crocodile". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  15. ^ "Species Profile Maguire daisy". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  16. ^ "Species Profile-Columbian White-tail deer". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  17. ^ "Species Profile Palau Ground dove". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  18. ^ "Species Profile Mexican Duck". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  19. ^ "Species Profile Bald Eagle". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  20. ^ "Species Profile American Peregrine falcon". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  21. ^ "Species Profile Virginia northern flying squirrel". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  22. ^ "Species Profile Arctic Peregrine falcon". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  23. ^ "Species Profile Amistad Gambusia". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-02.
  24. ^ "Species Profile Tumamoc globeberry". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-27.
  25. ^ "Species Profile Aleutian Canada Goose". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-27.
  26. ^ "Species Profile Purple-spined hedgehog cactus". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-27.
  27. ^ "Species Profile Mariana mallard". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-24.
  28. ^ "Species Profile Sampson's pearlymussel". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-24.
  29. ^ "Species Profile Brown Pelican". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  30. ^ "Species Profile Brown Pelican". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  31. ^ "Species Profile McKittrick pennyroyal". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  32. ^ "Species Profile Blue Pike". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  33. ^ "Species Profile Tecopa pupfish". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-24.
  34. ^ "Species Profile Stellar sea lion". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-27.
  35. ^ "Species Profile Caribbean Monk Seal". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-24.
  36. ^ "Species Profile Concho water snake". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-27.
  37. ^ "Species Profile Lake Erie Water Snake". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  38. ^ "Species Profile Dusky Seaside Sparrow". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-24.
  39. ^ "Species Profile Santa Barbara song sparrow". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  40. ^ "Species Profile Idaho springsnail". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  41. ^ "Species Profile Virginia northern flying Squirrel". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  42. ^ "Species Profile Eggert's Sunflower". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-02.
  43. ^ "Species Profile Pine Barrens treefrog". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  44. ^ "Species Profile Coastal cutthroat trout". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  45. ^ "Species Profile Indian Flap-shelled Turtle". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  46. ^ "Species Profile Gray Whale". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-02.
  47. ^ "Species Profile Gray Wolf". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  48. ^ "Species Profile Hoover's woolly-star". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-01-01.
  49. ^ "Species Profile Virginia northern flying squirrel". US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2017-03-27.

[[Category:Lists of endangered species]]