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User talk:Peteforsyth/Scratch1

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Hi Peter - got the shock o' my young life when I saw that my "Playpen" was deleted...but then I figured out that YOU had moved it, and it was still all there! THANK YOU - but durn it, I need to figure out what the hell the structure of this Wiki thing is....about what I know at the moment is that there are various "places" associated with my user page - talk, the page itself, and I guess the playpen is associated with the "Talk" page - is the hierarchy?

Martha Forsyth
Playpen's Talk


Also, I'm not clear on where I should leave messages for you - on my page? (my Talk page? my Playpen page?) - right now I think you're kind of monitoring what I'm doing, for which I'm grateful, but I guess that eventually if I want YOU to see something, I should leave it somewhere on YOUR page. Hey, some of this can wait - I'll figure it out gradually, or we can talk about it when you're here. Right now my head is a bit of a big jumble, with all these pieces stuffed into it, but the underlying structure hasn't become clear yet.

Meanwhile - here's a link Dad came up with, to a cute set o' slide-show things. Start out at http://www.burmees.nl, drop down the "home" menu and pick the first item. Specifically, I'm intrigued by the "Other scripts" options, next-to-Right button on top menu. Eventually, menus (but not tonight!) (There's another rather nice menu thing I've seen, where it virtually disappears into one side of the page, but when you hover your cursor over that area, it opens out. Gives a nice, clean page when you don't want the menu, but it's easy to find when you do. It's all Javascript, I'm told....

And thanks for the reassurance on my "copyright" question. --Martha Forsyth 06:38, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]