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' Dr.Lenin Raghuvanshi'

Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi is the symbol of resistance to millions of Dalits fighting for dignity in India. Lenin is credited with changing the discourse on Dalit Politics in India and bringing into focus an innovative "people centric" approach to reclaim "human dignity" in a caste ridden Indian society. The gamut of Lenin's activities reflects his personal and ideological span and provides credibility and a sense of completeness to the work he does. His care for details, meticulous planning, diligent patience, and sincere advocacy of the issue of the marginalized, has made millions of his supporters optimistic about a dignified future.

Lenin's views on caste, conflict and social change took shape while he worked with bonded laborers. He was born into a high caste Hindu family which he describes as "feudal." He noticed that not a single child bonded in the sari or carpet industries came from an upper caste, even though some high-caste families were often just as poor as the lower castes. He realized that caste, not class, was at work. By the end of 1996, Lenin was championing the rights of lower-caste people. Early experiences taught him that confrontation was dangerous and not the most effective method. Increasingly, Lenin recognized caste in all kinds of social conflict and envisioned a movement that could break the closed, feudal hierarchies of conservative slums and villages by building up local institutions and supporting them with a high profile and active human rights network.

As a self taught Dalit ideologue, Lenin understood from the beginning that village in India is the cradle of exploitation. Instead of tampering with the symptoms, 'caste' needed to be tackled by both its horns. On the one hand he created a democratized structure for the 'voiceless' to enable them access to the constitutional guarantees of modern India and on the other, his innovative advocacy forced the 'state' to sensitize its mechanisms to deliver social justice in a manner where Justice is not only done but perceived to be done.

Lenin conceived of a folk school which not only enabled empowerment of the poor, but also endowed them with the ability to access information and justice through the constitutional mechanism of the state.

To translate policy into practice, Lenin has begun working on the latest part of his strategy, Jan Mitra Gaon, or the People-Friendly Village . These villages have durable local institutions that work to promote basic human rights in the face of continuous discrimination. Lenin has adopted three villages and one slum as pilot projects, which include reactivating defunct primary schools, eradicating bonded labor, making sure girls get education, and promoting non-formal education. The village committees comprise at least 50 percent Dalits, and seek to realize greater political representation of Dalits on village councils. The heads of the village committee and village council, a government representative, and a PVCHR employee will serve as a conflict resolution group and form the People-Friendly Committee. The approach of the organization is two-fold: to have a strong grassroots organization to work for democratic rights of those in marginalized communities and second, to create the structure and dynamics to receive the assistance of national and international institutions. Lenin's work marks a shift in the Indian human rights movement, which has been reluctant to address injustices in the name of caste as a fundamental human rights issue. He is one of only a handful of activists to declare that such discrimination goes against democratic principles by promoting inequality. By working from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh–one of the most traditional, conservative, and segregated regions in India–Lenin demonstrates his resolve.

With meager resources, but rich with confidence and conviction, Lenin in a short period of time has managed to amplify the voice of the marginalized in national and international fora through "Peoples SAARC", rehabilitation and resettlement of weavers of Varanasi; Benaras Convention; UP Assembly Election Watch; prevention of torture; voice against hunger and many such activities. Recognition by the international community of Dr Lenin's work is indeed the recognition for the millions whose hopes and aspirations rest on his slender shoulders. Born on 18 May 1970 at Varanasi

Mother's name: Shrimati Savitri Devi

Married to Shruti Nagvanshi on 22 February 1992; has a 12 year old son, Kabeer Karunik

Completed his Bachelor degree in Ayurveda, Modern Medicine and Surgery from the State Ayurvedic Medical College, Gurukul Kangari, Haridwar in 1994.

1993: President, United Nations' Youth Organization (UNYO), UP Chapter.

1993: Founding member of Bachapan Bachao Andolan (Save the Child hood Movement) along with Mr. Kailash Satyarthi and others.

1996: Founded People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) along with Shruti, Dr.Mahendra Pratap(Historian),Vikash Maharaj (Musician),Gyanedra Pati (poet) to work on child labour free village.

1996: He was demonstrating for liberation of bonded child labour & their rehabilitation, CRPF - paramilitary force beat-up on 17th July, 1996. This case is taken by Amnesty International and NHRC. 1997: Dr. Lenin on child labour issue published in Time Magazine


1997: Novib published about the activities of Lenin


1998: Organized, coordinated, and participated as Core Marcher in Global March against Child Labour.

1998: Fair Play Campaign against use of child labour in Indian Sporting Goods Industry. The campaign forced FIFA, ICC (International Cricket Council), World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry and Reebok to prohibit use of child labour in producing their goods.

1999: Founded Jan Mitra Nyas, a public charitable trust, for working on governance, and Human Rights in five adopted villages near Varanasi

2001: Awarded the Ashoka Fellowship for social entrepreneurship and change maker from Ashoka: innovators for Public based in Washington, DC

2001: Elected to the Executive Council of Voice of People (VOP, 25000 membership), a state wide people's alliance for bringing to the fore the politics of marginalized.

2002: Campaigned and mobilized at State and national level for prevention of torture.

2002: Appointed member of District Vigilance committee on Bonded Labour under Bonded Labour abolition Act 1976 by the Governor of UP.

2004: Created Model Village "people Friendly Village" to enable and amplify the voice of the marginalized.

2004: Organized Benaras Convention in order to assert the discourse of politics of marginalized in the national mainstream. The convention attended by thinkers and activists across the nation unanimously declared that the City of Varanasi was the symbol of Shraman Sanskriti (culture of the working class) as opposed to that of the Brahminical Sanskriti (Culture of the feudal class).

2004: Established Bunkar-Dastkar Adhikar Manch (Forum on rights of the weavers and artisans) to give voice to their plight in an organized manner. The forum has membership of 3000 people and has been able to make Planning Commission of India commit Rupees One Thousand crores for their re-habilitation. This body is led by indigenous leaders and is self supporting.

2004: Conceptualized and formed the Varanasi Weavers Trust along with eminent economist and Ashoka fellow from Srilanka, Dr. Darin Gunasekara. The trust envisages creation of a democratized mode of production with social control over capital for the weavers. The Planning Commission of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh have taken note of the objective of the trust and are in the process of giving shape to the idea respectively.

2004: Founded the Musahar-Nut Adhikar Manch (Forum on rights of Musahars and Nuts; Musahars and Nuts are the most marginalized untouchable caste) in the hunger infested districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Advocacy at national and international fora has succeeded in prioritizing hunger in Government expenditure policy. Active mobilization of the poor Dalit has forced political parties to include the improvement of Dalit in their electoral manifesto. The liberation from social inhibitions has resulted in creation of Martyrs' domes in village where hunger deaths occurred and has created a pool of indigenous hunger activists among the poor. The District administration of Varanasi has sought Rupees 6.75 crores to fight hunger situation of Musahars in the district. As a result of PVCHRs' pressure the UP Panchayat Act was amended to include a clause which directed each local self Government of village to hold a fund of Rupees one thousand to mitigate emergency hunger situation.

2005: Conceived and convened People's SAARC at Varanasi . The objective was to bring together the issues of the people of SAARC countries to the forefront and establish a people to people relationship to fight caste, communal, ethnic, and fascist forces in the region. The most important declaration read, "We cherish and uphold the Rule of Law, sovereignty of the people, a system of governance that ensures devolution of power, People' right to self rule and control over resources." Convention is resulted in South Asian People's Forum (SAPF) of which Dr. Lenin was elected the coordinator. The core committee comprised of PVCHR ( India ), INSEC ( Nepal ), People's Forum for Human Rights ( Bhutan ), Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, LOKOJ ( Bangladesh ) and Wiros Lokh Institute (Srilanka).This convention triggered off a series of similar convention across the SAARC countries. Two major outcomes of the convention were inclusion of Afghanistan in the SAARC, and in the Dhaka declaration in 2005 SAARC summit inclusion of civil society voice in the decision making process.

2006: Founded Rozagar Haq Abhiyan (Right to work campaign) along with AIM, Parmarth, GSS, Musahar Manch for monitoring implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in UP.

2006: PVCHR work on torture victims resulted in Dr. Lenin being appointed State Director of National Project on Prevention of Torture funded by European Union and FNSt.

2006: In the context of international advocacy along with AHRC, PVCHR achieved the rare distinction of being reported by the UN special rappoteur on Racism and Xenophobia. In the same year three out of four reported cases from India in the report of representative of Secretary General for Human Rights defenders were from PVCHR.

2007: Drafted along with Faisal Anurag the vision paper for NAFRE Peoples’ Movement, an alliance of representative from 16 states of India . This paper presented a road map for civil society movement drawing from the traditional working class past of India from the perspective of caste. 2007: Established Folk School for Dalit in Belwa

2007: PVCHR and Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) along with 210 NGOs across the state conducted the UP Election watch (UPEW). The objective was to sensitize the electors about the governance processes. By providing background information of candidates UPEW facilitated informed choice of the citizens of UP. Dr. Lenin, coordinator of UPEW, successfully ran a media campaign and managed to bring the issue of criminalization of politics to the center stage.

2007: received 2007 Gwangju Human Rights Award from May 18 Foundation of South Korea along with Ms. Sharmila Irom of Manipur

2008: Developed Testimonial Model for India with Dr. Inger Agger PhD, International Development Consultant, Psychologist, Denmark

2008: Received ACHA Star Peace award from Association for Communal Harmony in Asia USA along with B. M. Kutty, Karachi, Karamat Ali, Karachi, Pakistan and Mubashir Mirza, Sadiqabad from Pakistan.

2008: Director for the Association for Communal Harmony in Asia USA

2008: Participated as co-presenter along with Dr.Inger Agger and Dr.Peter Polatin on testimonial therapy: experience of India in An evidence –based International Conference: rehabilitating torture Survivors on December 3-5, 2008 at Copenhagen,Denmark

2009: formation of “National Alliance on Testimonial Therapy” (NATT) in the national consultation “Testimony to improve psychosocial wellbeing and promote advocacy for survivors of torture and organized violence” It was formed by the Panelists for the further use of testimonial therapy in India.

2009: Secretary cum Director for the Association for Communal Harmony in Asia USA. 2009:Co-author of Testimonial Therapy: A Pilot Project to improve Psychological Wellbeing among Survivors of Torture in India published in Volume 19, No. 3, 2009 of Journal ‘Torture’ published by IRCT.Link: http://www.irct.org/Admin/Public/DWSDownload.aspx?File=/Files/Filer/TortureJournal/19_03_2009/Testimonial%20therapy%20p204-217.pdf

2009: He is of the view that the glorification of encounter specialists by the media and the establishment has to stop if extrajudicial killings and torture are to end. Activists such as Raghuvanshi and organisations such as the PVCHR and the NHRC have raised their voices on these lines for long, but they are yet to get a positive response from the political establishment. http://www.frontline.in/stories/20091009262002700.htm

2009:Received threat on his work www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/1446 2009: Participated Asian Folk School at Gwangju,South Korea organized by May 18 Foundation

2010: President for the Association for Communal Harmony in Asia USA

2010: India Today, Hindi edition profiled him as one of five most influence person in province of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand


Profile in dignity magazine:


2010: Received Usmania Award from Madarsa Usmania, Bazardiha, Varanasi in India for the development and welfare of education.

2010: City council of Weimar in Germany selected for 2010 International Human Rights Award.

Link related to death threat, intimidation and false criminal cases against Lenin:

http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/1446 http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/2105 http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2006/2693/ http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2008/2718/ http://pvchr.blogspot.com/2009/07/india-human-rights-defender-once-again.html http://vodpod.com/watch/3006985-dr-lenin-on-death-threat-and-intimidation-hindi http://www.mynews.in/News/Terror_strategy_of_SIB_against_Dr._Lenin_N30037.html http://www.thesouthasian.org/archives/2007/threat_to_life_of_advocate_for_1.html http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2005/1221/ http://www.alrc.net/doc/mainfile.php/alrc_st2008/469/function.mysql-connect http://pvchr.blogspot.com/2009/10/india-drug-mafias-don-assaults-dr-lenin.html http://pvchr.blogspot.com/2009/10/india-drug-mafias-don-assaults-dr-lenin.html http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2005/1203/ http://www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfile.php/2008/2718/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4dqH_L7KHg

Some more fact


Most popular Magazine of India published the profile:


http://indiatoday.intoday.in/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36130&Itemid=1&issueid=101&sectionid=3&limit=1&limitstart=2 SHRUTI NAGVANSHI , 34, AND LENIN RAGHUVANSHI , 38, SOCIAL WORKERS

“The caste system is like Tolstoy’s old man, who sympathises with his poor bearer but will not get off his shoulder.” It was the case of the 17-year-old Dalit bonded labourer, Nageshwar, who was being branded by a feudal landlord near Varanasi, which changed their lives. Shruti Nagvanshi with Lenin Raghuvanshi Shruti Nagvanshi, 34, and Lenin Raghuvanshi, 38, decided to fight for his cause. A year later, having rehabilitated him, they set up the People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights in Varanasi to work against untouchability. Raghuvanshi, a doctor, has been working with Nagvanshi, who has focused on women, children and Dalits. They have handled 350 cases and resolved 200 of them. Their resources are meagre and they rely on donations from agencies like Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and CRY. Despite this, they have managed to amplify the voice of the marginalised in national and international forums like the Peoples’ SAARC. Their work has met international recognition such as the Gwangju Human Rights Award in 2007 from the May-18 Foundation of South Korea and the ACHA Peace Star Award by the US-based Association for Communal Harmony in Asia. Married in 1992 with a 10-year-old son, the couple has six full-time dedicated staff and 30 consultants. Right now, they are focusing their attention on the struggling weavers of Varanasi, who are facing death and starvation. Role model: Raghuvanshi’s grandfather Shanti Kumar Singh, a Gandhian freedom fighter, who used to say that grassroot politics is the future. -Farzand Ahmed Referees: 1. Mr. Erik Wendt, Manager-Asia,RCT,Denmark


2. Mr.Chanho,Director,"May 18 Foundation”, South Korea a. Email: surnadal@hanmail.net b. Mobile: (+82) 10 4642 6650 3. Prof.Priyankar Upadhayay,Director,Malviya center for peace Research,BHU,Varanasi,India a. Mobile:+91-9415256554 4. Mr.Subhendu Battacharya,Dupty General manager,CRY,India Mobile:+91-9899110837 5. Ms.Gunjan Veda, Honorary advisor, Planning Commission of India, Mobile:+91-9999028841 6. Mr. Farzand Ahmed,India Today,India Mobile:+91-9839225707 7. Mr.Frank Hoffman,Germany Mobile:+4915117867473 8. Ms.Edith Glanzer, Zebra, Austria,Email:edith.glanzer@gmx.net 9. "Dr. Pritam Rohila", Founder and Executive Director-Association for communal Harmony in Asia,USA.Email:asiapeace@comcast.net

Quote from Lenin:

The system continues to determine political, social and economic life of a billion people in South Asia. The caste system, straddling across the scrawny shoulders of the untouchables, is like that old man in Tolstoy’s story, who has all the sympathy for the poor bearer and would like to do anything but to get off his shoulder. The most significant aspects of caste are its ability to resurface without a trace of remorse on the part of the perpetrator. It is like that chemical addition which once had makes you vulnerable to its guiles forever.

“Unless the Indian society deals with the injustices of the caste system head-on, it will not attack social conflict at its root.” Translating our convictions into action we have built local, national, and regional institutions that challenge caste. Our People's Vigilance Committee for Human Rights (PVCHR) draws in people from different walks of life. Among its 50,000 members in five northern states, 3000 are former torture victims whom the Committee has helped. Their solidarity demonstrates how PVCHR is creatively building an inclusive social movement. Also participating are famous intellectuals whose integrity and credibility raise the coalition's public image. PVCHR is fighting back the caste system of India through participatory activism through “local thinking and local global action”. Now Dalits is uncensoring themselves and claming their own voice in a sustained way, PVCHR has aimed at voicing the disgust of the silent millions not through the bayonet, but by reinstituting their faith in the system of democracy, by fighting continuously with the state to assert their rights.

Contact: SA 4/2 A, Daulatpur, Varanasi-221002, India Email:pvchr.india@gmail.com Mobile: +91-9935599333 Web: http://pvchr.weebly.com/ www.pvchr.org www.pvchr.blogspot.com www.lenin-shruti.blogspot.com

Human rights prize of the city of Weimar in 2010 to Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of the India


The City Council announced on 23rd June, 2010 in session 16 to give human rights prize of the city of Weimar in 2010 , Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of the Indians . Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi has been working 15 years for the rights and interests of the Dalits (members of the lower caste), primarily in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. As the founder of the " Peoples‘ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights ( PVCHR ), he strove to maintain and enforce the fundamental rights of vulnerable groups such as children, women , Dalits and indigenous minorities. Dr. Raghuvanshi with his committee put in place structures that allow it to demand these basic rights. He also documented many kind of human rights such as starvation, police torture, child labor, etc., and tried through cooperation with local human rights groups to care for the victims individually. Because of its commitment to human rights are he, his family and associates permanent hostility (including death threats ) exposed by political opponents. Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi was proposed by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom". On 19 June 2010 's at 10.15 clock the 12th Charity soccer tournament was opened by the Mayor on the football field in Tröbsdorf and it benefit the Human Rights Prize of the City of Weimar From 10.30 then the preliminary round matches begin for the big tournament of the Weimar Arts and company teams in favor of the Weimar Human Rights Award, which annually on 10 will be awarded in December , the International Human Rights Day . All Weimar and Weimarerinnen are invited to participate in this beautiful day in football in Tröbsdorf with passionate flag-waving and loud support of their favorites as an audience. The city of Weimar has the honor to remember their special historical responsibility and give a sign for all the nameless victims of dictatorships and tyrannies in the world, a human rights award. Weimar) is a city in Germany famous for its cultural heritage. Weimar's cultural heritage is vast. It is most often recognised as the place where Germany's first democratic constitution was signed after the First World War, giving its name to the Weimar Republic period in German politics, of 1918–1933. However, the city was also the focal point of the German Enlightenment and was where writers Goethe and Schiller developed the literary movement of Weimar Classicism. The city was also the birthplace of the Bauhaus movement, founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, with artists Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer, and Lyonel Feininger teaching in Weimar's Bauhaus School. Weimar has as many three entries in UNESCO’s World Heritage List: Classical Weimar fronting 13 buildings and architectural ensembles, the 3 Bauhaus buildings and the Memory of the World, containing handwritten manuscripts by Goethe. Winner 2009 Sonja Biserko is one of the best known human rights activists in Serbia. She is one of the few who dared even in the days of the Milosevic regime , to raise their voice against the crime. She is President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia "and various other non-governmental organizations for the enforcement of human rights active. Winner 2009 Mrs. Jestina Mukoko is chairman of the human rights organization " Zimbabwe Peace Project ( ZPP ). The organization was founded in 2000 and is one of the leading organizations in Zimbabwe , human rights violations , document and publish for the rights of victims and persecuted. Mrs. Mukoko directs this organization since 2007. Winners 2008 Issam Younis has been the foundation of the human rights organization Al Mezan Director and thus driving and decisive force of the organization. The NGO is working under difficult conditions in Gaza and proves every day that it is committed to the protection and respect for human rights without fear or favor and without partisanship . Winner 2007 The Indian human rights activist Nimisha Desai is co-founder and Director of Women's Rights Organisation OLAKH (Identity). She has been fighting for over 20 years for women's rights in India. Award Winners 2006 The life of independent journalists and psychologists Guillermo Farinas is marked by the confrontation with the dictatorship in his native Cuba. Born on 03 January 1963 in the poor district of La Chirusa in Santa Clara , he is sent to his education and attended the Military Academy as a cadet in the war in Angola . Winner 2005 Until 1994 Libkan Basajewa worked as a lecturer Lecturer of Russian Literature and Linguistics at the University of Grozny. Since 1994 she is fighting against the war in their country. They documented numerous cases of Chechen citizens who were murdered by soldiers , humiliated or were abducted and reported it before the Council of Europe Award Winners 2004 Paul Polansky, Born 2/1/1942 . in Mason City, Iowa (USA ) as a child of German and Czech immigrants , left in protest against the Vietnam War, the United States and lived in Europe. In 1990 he settled in Prague and devoted himself to the discriminated against Roma and Sinti , about whose fate he has published nine books. Winners 2003 Mr. Riad Seif, Born 1946 , former independent member of the Syrian National Assembly and head of the ' National Dialogue Forum ', has been involved in years of very courageously for democracy and civil rights in his country. He calls for political reforms and democratic elections. Prize Winners 2002 The organization 'Jamaicans for Justice' was started in 1999 as a non-partisan citizens' action group to life. It is made for the brave one realization of human rights in their country. Jamaica is the world's first country to human rights has canceled the agreement. Winner 2001 Woman Shahnaz Bokhari, 45 years old and mother of four children, founder and director of the refuge is the Progressive Woman 's Association in Rawalpindi. She has her father's house as a refuge and shelter for women victims of male violence , were made available. Winners 2000 counts for three decades Father Shay Cullen, A member of the Irish Columban Order, the world's most dedicated critics and opponents of sex tourism and child prostitution. For this use gives the city its Weimar this year's Human Rights Award at the International Human Rights Day , 10 December 2000. Winner 1999 Woman Heike Chamber, Born 1960, has been working very hard in 1980 to ensure that human rights are respected. As an employee of the international peacekeeping brigades accompanied Mrs. chamber including in Guatemala , El Salvador and Mexico to help and advice , human rights groups , returning refugees, strike or displaced from their ancestral land farmers. Laureates 1999 Jean -Paul Bengehya MuhananoBorn in 1968 , sits in an environment of civil war, country, happened in the atrocities of unimaginable in , horrible way for a mediation between the population groups. Winner 1998 The proposal for the award to Ms. Meral Danis - Bestas handed " Amnesty International " one . The human rights organization , Ms Meral Danis - Bestas and appreciate them as gefährsdet . The proposal explains that : "... The lawyer has been active since her student days - for about ten years ago - in Diyarbakir in the human rights work. Winners 1997 Dr. Beko Ransome- Kuti has been honored for his human rights work, in which he has been working since 35 years to ensure that all patients receive access to good medical care , not just the elites of Nigeria. Winners 1996 Dr. Luis Guillermo Pérez Casas is honored for its diverse commitment to human rights was . As a member of the Colombian Association of Lawyers ' Democratas Abogados " (Democratic lawyers ) give legal advice and legal aid for victims of political violence. Winners 1995 Selim Beslagic has used since the beginning of the war in his country to ensure that the people of all nationalities and religions live together in the great industrial city of Tuzla Bosnian further and defend themselves jointly against the chauvinism that has been brought in from outside and will be. Winners 1995 Walter Schilling is within the opposition movement of the former GDR, one of the personalities who have fearlessly committed to human rights. The name of the now 60-year Walter Schilling is inextricably linked with his Braun of action village where he was several generations of young people contact and retreat.

For more detail please visit the given below URL • http://www.en.freiheit.org/About-us/790c709/index.htmlhttp://stadt.weimar.de/aktuell/aktuelle-nachricht/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1593&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=310&cHash=d6bf02d8dchttp://stadt.weimar.de/aktuell/aktuelle-nachricht/?tx_ttnews%5Bpointer%5D=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1591&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=310&cHash=14105c155dhttp://stadt.weimar.de/aktuell/aktuelle-nachricht/?tx_ttnews%5Bpointer%5D=2&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1581&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=310&cHash=bfa883c3bdhttp://stadt.weimar.de/aktuell/aktuelle-nachricht/?tx_ttnews%5Bpointer%5D=3&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1563&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=310&cHash=d9d6cf3c11http://www.menschenrechtspreis.de/

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