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...ashuu? Learn to read before entering Romaji plz


Excuse me? Maybe if you'd get off that high-horse of yours, you would realize how common a typo something like "asshu" and "ashuu" is, jerk. -Crimsonseiko 03:28, 16 February 2007 (UTC) [reply]



I left a message on Shedinja's talk page regarding whether a pokeball is necessary for evolution. Your input would be appreciated. Bhamv 09:47, 16 February 2007 (UTC) [reply]



You... I was not foruming! I'm tempted to call you an idiot, but the "No Personal Attacks" is holding me back. BassxForte 06:49, 20 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Super Smash Bros. Brawl


Not all the stages were just platforms. In Melee the Hyrule stage is not like a platform. Also The Ice Climbers was not platformish.Pendo 4 21:40, 20 February 2007 (UTC) [reply]




Yep, I was kind of thrown off by it too....it was found on Bulbagarden here: http://bmgf.bulbagarden.net/showthread.php?p=332110#post332110 -Sukecchi 20:02, 25 February 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Signing others’ posts


LOL... In my opinion, it’s pretty obvious what’s happening in this edit, which you reverted here. He’s signing his sockpuppet’s post. Personally, I suspect that all the new, no-user-page editors in the Nospillet/Magnufo conflicts are the same person. I’m not suggesting that we need to do anything about it, yet. Just letting you know what I think, and that I’m not sure the reversion was the right thing. --WikidSmaht (talk) 15:19, 26 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I love your edits.


I was wondering if we could become friends? Nevermind that idiotcy that I made on the Porygon2 article, I was new on that time. Now I know what to put in articles. Well, I know you don't responde to comments here but could you try? TheBlazikenMaster 22:21, 26 February 2007 (UTC) [reply]

OK, buddy.


First of all, I know the difference between Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. The episode titles contain, usually, a mixture of Katakana and Kanji. I don't have Japanese language support on my work computer (where I usually am), so I can't tell which particular episode titles had just Katakana or included some Kanji, and even so, I was editing for a variety of episodes which could some have had Kanji and some not... and in such limited space on the editing notes, "Kanji" seemed a more suitable "round-up" term than anything I thought of at the time.

Regardless of my knowledge on Japanese symbols, what place do you have to be condescending about such a minor detail in the editing? Whether or not I understand the damn difference has no relation whatsoever to the particular edit: the usage of those "dots" was the sole subject of those edits. I don't care how endowed you are with the Japanese language; quit being so arrogant. I'm not here to push any kind of inaccurate information on the internet, or to have conflicts with other users. I don't blindly add/omit/edit articles for kicks. I contribute to Wikipedia to try and spread valid, thorough information, and having someone constantly shove in my face how much more they know than me is very discerning. I'm here to help, so stop prodding me. It's not a competition.

Second, if you're going to enforce the "dot/space" rule in the episode title translations, then be consistent. War-Rock's name is written with the same dot, yet his name appears throughout the article hyphenated. If you're going to change my edits, then his name should be changed for the exact same reason.

-Crimsonseiko 00:23, 1 March 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Those of _____’s


About this edit... note where you say “Its legs are like those of Roselia's as well”. NO. To make the Roselia possessive, say “like those of [a] Roselia”, or, preferably just “like Roselia’s”. Saying “like that/those of _______’s” is redundant. In other words: WRONGVERYBADDON’TDOIT. EVER. This particular grammatical atrocity pervades the Pokémon articles. I am NOT blaming you for its prevalence, but in the article in question it was easy to find the perpetrator. I beseech you, strike this hideous anomaly from your composition. If you see it anywhere, wrought by yourself or another, eliminate it. And if it springs from another’s hand, please pass along this lecture, that we may eradicate this horror for all time. --WikidSmaht (talk) on Floramage’s talk page 07:39, 28 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, hello. Regarding your add to my talk page, I would gladly have changed that grammatical error much earlier had someone mentioned it. I thank you for that, yet I am shocked by your sharp-tongued and slighlty - scratch that - downright rude method of expressing your reason. Perpetrator? You make it sound as though an accidental error in my grammar were a horrendous crime! Surely, you are not perfect; of course, neither am I. If it bothered you so to this degree, then say something, but say it kindly. Still, I will do my best as a Wikipedian to do all I can to make the Pokémon articles the best they can be. Good day. --Floramage! on WikidSmaht’s talk page 16:02, 28 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hm-hm! Seems I missed the mark on that one, eh? I apologize for my attitude; not very Kind Campaign of me, was it? Well, anyways, thank you for correcting me, and good day. --Floramage! on WikidSmaht’s talk page 19:31, 28 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I am sorry that I offended you with what I said. The overdramatic approach was meant to convey some humor, but obviously it failed, perhaps having been influenced by my negative reactions to one of my newest and most severe English-language pet peeves. --WikidSmaht (talk) 04:20, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Um, what the fuck are you talking about in this edit? It is NOT fine, “that/those of (a) ______’s” is redundant. Saying “those of ______” already makes the noun( which I have left blank in this case) possessive. Adding the apostrophe and letter s, then, is unnecessary, and, more to the point, completely wrong. To be explicit:

  • “like those of a Roselia’s” WRONG
  • “like those of Roselia’s” WRONG
  • “like those of Roselia” OK, but awkward
  • “like those of a Roselia” acceptable, but not what I would use in that case
  • “like a Roselia’s” RIGHT, though perhaps not fitting in that context
  • “like Roselia’s” RIGHT

Please do not encourage bad grammar. --WikidSmaht (talk) 02:08, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Any need to be such an asshole about it?—ウルタプ on WikidSmaht’s talk page 02:10, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Um, I really don’t see what was uncivil, and I am sorry you took umbrage at what I said. I attempted to be clear and concise. I was not rude, insulting, or condescending. Perhaps it is a difference in perception... Note that I did not, and would not swear at you or call you names... I do not consider swearing just for emphasis to be uncivil, and therefore make no effort to censor myself. No offense was intended by my use of the word “fuck”. --WikidSmaht (talk) 04:20, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, Urutapu, is this guy for real? I truly believe that the edit in question is perfectly fine! Do you agree with me? I'm all for correct usage of grammar, but I am very sure that this is correct! Also, do you know how someone can earn a "barnstar"? Floramage! 03:03, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It's kind of ridiculous just how he had to fly off the handle over two characters.
And you just have to..make good edits to get stars, I guess. I got my Pokémon one for what I can only assume is fixing all the grammar, spelling and terminology corrections no one really cares to do.—ウルタプ on Floramage’s talk page 03:12, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It really is ridiculous. I don't remember how, but now I'm caught in an edit war with him. I'm sure he won't give up, either. His persistance is admirable. Hm-hm! Floramage! 03:23, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

ARRRRGH You guys are really trying my patience on this issue. OK, let me attempt another way of explaining it. Please do not mistake this as condescending, I am merely trying to teach, and in this case attempting to be as clear as possible since I utterly failed to convey the lesson in my previous comments.

Let us examine the sentence “Its legs are like those of Roselia’s.”. This sentence contains several ambiguities - all of which are perfectly acceptable in English, but for clarity in this lesson, it is best to eliminate them. We will begin by replacing pronouns with the nouns they represent, specifically: the posessive pronoun “Its” is standing in for “Roserade’s”, and the pronoun “those” is standing in for “the legs”.

So, making those changes, the sentence becomes “Roserade’s legs are like the legs of Roselia’s.”. Roselia’s what? Because it is implied, it is not necessary to spell it out when writing, but, again, for the purpose of this lesson, it is better to be explicit. So, “Roselia’s” becomes “Roselia’s legs.”

And there we have it. When you fully spell out all the abbreviated and omitted elements, “Its legs are like those of Roselia’s.” actually means “Roserade’s legs are like the legs of Roselia’s legs.”. As you can see, this is incorrect, because you are trying to make a comparison to the legs of a Roselia, not to its legs’ legs, and, in fact, the legs of a Roselia do not have legs of their own.

Applying the same rules to the correct versions, we can say “Its legs are like those of Roselia.”, which would mean “Roserade’s legs are like the legs of Roselia.”, or we can say “Its legs are like Roselia’s.” which would mean “Roserade’s legs are like Roselia’s legs.”. But we can NOT combine the two, as that results in redundancy, and a fallacy as well.

I hope that this time I have finally been successful in helping you to understand. --WikidSmaht (talk) 04:20, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

P.S.: I know my punctuation is non-standard, that is conscious and intentional. Note that I only use my personal punctuation rules on talk pages, in articles I use standard punctuation. If I do use non-standard punctuation in an article, it is usually a typo, so you should feel free to correct it. --WikidSmaht (talk)

Mudkips Meme


Thanks for helping me clean that up! I prolly shouldn't be editing hungover...lol!!!

--Piepie 21:44, 4 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for pointing that out


I was thinking that he might just be taking his time from the transition from vandal to contributor, so I was being a bit more tolerant. Thanks for showing me that. - Zero1328 Talk? 06:33, 6 March 2007 (UTC) [reply]



Basically what i was trying to say in the short space i had was that because we're an english wiki we should try to limit exposure to other languages to only the necessary. That being said, we shouldn't be confusing lay readers by mixing two forms of japanese. The into to Feebas's article uses nihongo to display "Feebas (ヒンバス Hinbasu?, Hinbass in original Japanese language versions)". In your later discussion you dissect Hinbass with poverty (貧 hin?). I think it would be best to use whatever part of ヒンバス means poverty rather than 貧 because the immediate reaction by someone who doesn't understand that there are different forms of written japanese is "where'd that character come from?" -ΖαππερΝαππερ BabelAlexandria 18:28, 8 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Just wondering if you might be interested.....


Hoen Locations is being disscussed for deletion.

Please click here to vote.

Feel free to vote. If you're not interested that's ok too. I was just wondering if you were interested.

TheBlazikenMaster 00:02, 11 March 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Not Logical


I'm amazed and shocked that someone like you hasen't been banned yet, you refuse to listen to ANYTHING I say, you use extremly cheap excuses to fool the naive into thinking that your right, i'm disgusted that someone like you uses this, one of my favorite websites. BassxForte 23:37, 15 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Shy war + Arseus war (apparently)


Hey yo. According to your last edit, you said it can't possibly be "shy" since it's pronounced a certain way. Ok. But, look at how it's spelled. シャイ= shy becomes シェイ=shei + ミ (seed, clearly in reference to the flower on its head and that it's a Grass type). Now, there is no proof that it's either "shy" or "shame", but as you said it's an "elusive Pokemon" hidden away in a garden, and so the reason for "shy" is more probable than "shame". Besides why would it be "shame"? I edited it with both possibilities to settle this peacefully :) shao 00:49, 16 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You say you know some Japanese? Prove it. How many other articles are there where they provide some reasons to the Japanese names of the Pkm?
Lemme give you an example of how to use "aru" in a sentence:
aru hito ha imaimashii.
Certain people/ a certain person are/is annoying.
Get it? shao 01:30, 16 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Well its name could be an "inside joke", if you will, on what type of PKM it is. It's highly probable it's name comes from Zeus, or Deus etc. but what does that matter if it's simply there? Having "aru Zeus" means that it's "a type of" god or a "type of" pokemon that is comparable to the god (Zeus or otherwise). Many other articles provide translations for what a name could mean. Like if you look at Sentret's name, it makes sense as it stands on its tail, or Yukinoo, as it's the "king of snow". These names have meaning aside from just putting A and B and making into a name. shao 01:45, 16 March 2007 (UTC) [reply]



What's the problem with this image? It has proper colour unlike the Image:Tyranitar.png which has white patches and incorrect shades. The way we update articles, why can't we update images? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Vikrant Phadkay (talk • contribs) 12:12, 17 March 2007 (UTC). [reply]

Vaati's "Earth" Powers


I've looked up some "turning to stone" incidents in western stories, apperantly some people were able to turn others to stone while not possessing earth powers themselves, i'll leave the mention of Vaati's "Earth" powers out of the article, and another thing, on this page I stated you shouldn't even belong on wikipedia, sorry about that, I was in a bad mood and you challenged something I did on Talk:Organization XIII again so I kinda lashed out at you, feel free to delete it. BassxForte 04:34, 19 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I really know the feeling, but the the revision comment on this revert [1] is a bit, well, abrupt. It may be possible to turn this editor into a usefull contributor with a more moderately worded sugestion to check out the welcome page (of course it may also NOT be possible, but it's worth a couple more tries). AntiVan 03:54, 21 March 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Roxas cutscene vs. boss


The reason I keep putting it in the article is because it's noticeable enough about him, furthermore i'm putting it in the section about Roxas, not Roxas's stroy sub-section, if you look at the screenshots you can clearly see that the fight against him has turned into a boss battle, if you take it out, i'm just gonna keep putting it back in anyway. BassxForte 23:31, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Saying that the orginization members from chain of memories can be fought again in KHII Final Mix+ on the kingdom hearts II disk does not have enough importance to be in the article, Roxas is diffrent though, Roxas could not actually be fought in the original version of KHII, yet suddenly we can fight him, this definitly is noticeable enough to get a mention in the article, which is all i'm trying to do. BassxForte 23:36, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Roxas is a unique member of XIII in all this, as I said earlier the return of the chain of memories isn't importent enough to get a mention, if their return is story-lined in some way it will be mentioned in the article. BassxForte 23:42, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I was reffering to the fact that I gather from the screenshots their going to be battled in the Hades Colsiem (please forgive my spelling), if we just fight them then it won't be mentioned in the article, if before Sora fights them theirs some storyline to it regarding how they came back it will be noticeable enough to be in the article. BassxForte 23:48, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah... I was reffering to the COM guys (and gal) who look to be returning, although it's unknown if their return will be storylined, as for Roxas, the article could say he will be a boss encounter in the new version, then once the game is released we can mention his fighting style, judgeing from the screenshots he seems to be fighting very aggressivly, but it would be wrong to out that in the article before the game came out. BassxForte 23:59, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Anyway... i'm going to keep putting it back if you keep deleting, but i'm not going to continue this discussion, we probably won't come to an agreement anway. BassxForte 00:09, 4 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I know your not trying to make me show weakness, it's just that I think it belongs in the article, and you and the others think it doesn't, I tried to reach a compromise in the talk page, but that didn't go anywhere, (in all honesty, all I did was open a pathway to bickering but I guess thats better then an edit way) I still say without a ting of doubt, that it belongs in the article, and due to the fact you and the others who were against me have been against everything i've done on the article, regardless of the fact they improve it. BassxForte 02:46, 22 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, why did you blank half of the article and left a sentence unfinished? According to your edit summary, you were deleting some "terrible prose", but somehow I don't think all of those blanked parts were concerned. Was it a mistake? Kariteh 08:53, 21 March 2007 (UTC) [reply]

"Enigmatic Man"


Can you point me to where "Enigmatic Man" was used? I can't find it anywhere in the transcriptions for Jiminy's Journal or the game script. ' 06:16, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, I wasn't doubting it was Marluxia; the game confirms that itself in the D-Report. ' 21:06, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

"those're quotes. >_>"


They look the same in the Diffs. Sorry about that! ^^; Nique talk 13:50, 2 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Request from a stupid Wikipedian...


Hello. I would highly appreciate some open discussion about the information you've been so doggedly deleting from the POTC soundtrack article. As I said on that article's Talk page, I'd rather talk it out with you than engage in a ridiculous edit war. For the time being, I'm adding the sentence back in, but rewritten in order to more closely adhere to your view of the topic. If you feel compelled to again delete it, let's talk it out first, OK? Also, I'd appreciate not being called stupid. I've neither done anything to disrespect you nor anything to indicate a lack of intelligence on my part. Thanks. Datameister 06:18, 6 April 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Happy easters.


I wanna say happy easters to you. I hope you have a nice day. TheBlazikenMaster 20:33, 9 April 2007 (UTC) (Yes, I'm aware of the fact I didn't post this yesterday. I was busy.)[reply]

BassxForte on WP:ANI


I know you don't want to get involved again, but I can't really put up a good argument if I'm the only one willing to comment. I'm starting to feel like I'm being put under a bad light, by myself. Do you think you could leave a comment or two? - Zero1328 Talk? 23:51, 9 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Forget what I said, try Wikipedia:Requests_for_comment/BassxForte. - Zero1328 Talk? 02:51, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Why did you revert my reverting on vandalism? It isn't like you. I hope it was an accident. TheBlazikenMaster 21:59, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Not a problem. Everyone can do mistakes. TheBlazikenMaster 22:03, 11 April 2007 (UTC) [reply]

About your revert on Ocarina of Time


I noticed that you reverted my edit to the Ocarina of Time article, in which I removed the characters and settings section because it seemed out of place in the article. I know you have a good reason for this, but I was hoping you'd let me know it on the talk page so I'd, ya know, know it. Bucky 17:45, 13 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

That's right, I forgot to sign. Sorry. It's a dirty habit I'm trying to kick. Did you see a problem with the edit itself, though? I gave my reasoning for it already. Bucky 05:40, 14 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

That was the dirty habit I was referring to. Again, sorry. And sorry about the vocabulary oops. I'll go more in depth with my reasoning; my brother, with his Masters in English, says that that never hurts.

I figured that the section "Characters and Settings" was out of place in the Ocarina of Time article, since the important information was duplicated in the "Story" section and in the further reading articles (Characters in OoT, Places in OoT, ect.). I also figured that just being a wild man and doing it without connsent would result in a revert and probably some flack, so I asked about it on the article talk page. I waited two weeks, with no reply, so I figured that no one would care. Sorry again about forgetting the edit summary. Bucky 06:11, 14 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Would it be okay if I tried again? I'll remember the edit summary. I've been waiting for your okay before trying again. Bucky 20:15, 14 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



You reverted a nasty comment and wrote "..I think I'm allowed to revert this?". Of course that's allowed! Mindless ranting like that has no place on Wikipedia. Keep up the good work :) --kingboyk 00:43, 16 April 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Ummm... Any real reason why you deleted my comments? The Placebo Effect 01:56, 19 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Would that be better in Wikiproject talk space instead? The Placebo Effect 02:00, 19 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



The site I linked to is a non-commerical site that has no ads at all. It is an archive of GameFAQs message baord topics. It was merely building on the sexual euphemism that Jeske had mentioned. hbdragon88 04:05, 19 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Another/No heart


Do you have any source for this? I've not actually heard anyone say it was more than a fan theory, so it would be interesting to see what else he may have verified.KrytenKoro 04:50, 19 April 2007 (UTC) [reply]



Sorry about that. I was trying to get to a version that wasn't flooded w/Probopass.--Tempest115 18:30, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



You can't do that?--Tempest115 20:15, 22 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I can imagine.--Tempest115 20:19, 22 April 2007 (UTC) [reply]



Thanks for the nihongo assist over on Ico. I'm a little rusty, & have been trying to get back on the horse, but my irregular verbage was never all that great. --mordicai. 21:40, 29 April 2007 (UTC) [reply]



How did you find that?--Tempest115 13:35, 1 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Your recent edit to Gliscor (diff) was reverted by an automated bot that attempts to recognize and repair vandalism to Wikipedia articles. If the bot reverted a legitimate edit, please accept my humble creator's apologies – if you bring it to the attention of the bot's owner, we may be able to improve its behavior. Click here for frequently asked questions about the bot and this warning. // MartinBot 17:18, 5 May 2007 (UTC) [reply]



Yeah he's a mirror, but the article seemed unclear about the bulbs in bronzor's design. I just posted that image to clear that and to justify deleting the segment on what the round orbs could be. Also to emphasis that bronzor and bronzong are both based on east asian bronze specifically. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 21:20, 6 May 2007 (UTC). [reply]

Edit summary for Invader Zim


Please assume good faith when making the edit summary. The page was moved manually because the target page already existed. ●BillPP (talk|contribs) 23:22, 18 May 2007 (UTC) [reply]

poke ball


yeah, he was funny... but i think he lost it in the end... i was getting a kick out of it thought, thank god for histories, lol. -ΖαππερΝαππερ BabelAlexandria 01:47, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

May 2007


Please do not delete content from articles on Wikipedia, as you did to Pokémon Colosseum. Your edits appear to be vandalism and have been reverted. If you would like to experiment, please use Wikipedia:Sandbox for test edits. Thank you. User:Krator (t c) 08:38, 21 May 2007 (UTC) Apologies, should've gone in the talk page of the IPuser before you. I reverted myself. --User:Krator (t c) 08:39, 21 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Why did you erase the luxray biological characteristics?


Dude, seriously wtf? --Dekubobo 00:30, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

how do i contribute to bulbapedia?


Just wondering how i can help out with that, and thank you for telling me the info about original research. Was sitting at work (evolved my luxio before going to work this morn) and after reading the pokedex entry i spent an hour researching how x-ray vision would be possible. Just was geeking out lol -__-v --Dekubobo 00:39, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Unfortunately, 3RR also goes both ways in a case like this; I have to enforce a block here as well. Personally, you were just enforcing consensus, but that's not a technical exception under our block policy. — Deckiller 02:17, 23 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I know it sucks to get blocked. I hope you'll be more careful when you get back. I didn't know such a good editor could get blocked. TheBlazikenMaster 15:43, 23 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
As an admin, sometimes I have to block even my own allies in certain situations. It's part of the reason why we have to go through RfA; the community has to know that they can trust us even in situations where we have to issue hard, but fair, blocks. — Deckiller 16:38, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



You said you wanted some kind of list of the keychains (I assumed you meant the keychains, not the keyblade names), and ' deleted it as I predicted he would. If you still want the list, here it is (they all seem to be connected to what Sora used to seal the keyhole of the world).KrytenKoro 05:54, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]


  • Kingdom Chain: Silver Mickey-head
  • Inverse Kingdom Chain: Silver Mickey-head
  • Promise's Charm (Oathkeeper): Kairi's thallasa charm
  • Spellbinder: Blue Book
  • Sweet Memory: Honeybee
  • Star Seeker: Crescent Moon
  • Lady Luck: Playing Card
  • Olympia: Hercules' necklace (not Hero Stone)
  • Hero’s Crest: Hero Stone
  • Jungle King: Butterfly
  • Three Wishes/Wisher’s Lamp: Lamp
  • Wishing Star: Pentagram Star
  • Crabclaw/Wonder of the Abyss: Clamshell
  • Pumpkinhead: Jack o' Lantern
  • Holy Pumpkin: Zero
  • Fairy Harp: Robin's feather
  • Divine Rose/Rambling Rose: Beast's Rose
  • Circle of Life: Simba-head that the Rafiki drew
  • Follow the Wind: Aztec Coin
  • Hidden Dragon: Medal that Emperor gave Mulan (has flame on it)
  • Monochrome: steering wheel
  • Photon Debugger: Identity Disc
  • Memories Past (Oblivion): Sora's Charm
  • Ultima Weapon: Full-heart charm
  • Ultima Weapon+: Full-heart charm with spikes
  • Way to the Dawn: Uncrossed Heartless Emblem
  • Lionheart/Sleeping Lion: Griever Emblem
  • Metal Chocobo: Chocobo
  • Fenrir: Fenrir Emblem
  • One-Winged Angel: One-Winged Angel Wing
  • Guardian Soul: Nog Bottle
  • Gullwing: Tidus' Charm
  • Diamond Dust: Snowflake
  • Fatal Crest: Hades' Cup
  • Bond of Flame: Fire Chakram
  • Nature Keyblade?: Paopu Fruit
  • Dark Keyblade?: None
  • Genie’s Keyblade?: None
  • Terra's Keyblade?: None
  • Acrossing Two: Roxas' Charm
  • Winner's Proof: XIII Mushroom

I also have pictures, but not all of them are good quality (Kingdom Key and Ultima Weapon have never had a good picture), so if you did want to start a keyblade article (with the descriptions given by the game maybe?), I can provide the pics.KrytenKoro 05:54, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Erm... Barnstar!

The Editor's Barnstar
For expertly editing so many Pokémon articles (and doing so with such diligence), I award you this Barnstar! Enjoy!- Floramage! 15:13, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

No personal attacks


[2] Please see Wikipedia's no personal attacks policy. Comment on content, not on contributors; personal attacks damage the community and deter users. Note that continued personal attacks may lead to blocks for disruption. Please stay cool and keep this in mind while editing. Thank you. --Wantsgains 05:39, 25 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'm just gonna say, wow, you are an audacious vandal, aren't you? Judgesurreal777 07:02, 25 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Your userpage has been vandalized


Just wanted to warn you. MrMacMan Talk 08:21, 25 May 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Someone you might want to watch


This guy claims a relative of his confirms that there will be a third game in the 4th Generation,a nd that Giratina will be its posterPoke. I responded on his userpage; he left a message on User talk:M C Y 1008 before I did so. -Jeske (v^_^v) 05:42, 4 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Fair use rationale for Image:Firered-leafgreenost.jpg


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Please go to the image description page and edit it to include a fair use rationale. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to insure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.

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Is it possible that this page can be protected? In the past several days, there has been a huge increase of vandalism to this page, mostly all pertaining to the "so i herd you like mudkips" thing. I think that it would be best if this page could be fully protected so no more vandalism will occur. Obviously, this fails WP:ATT and isn't notable enough for inclusion in the article, yet other users continue to debate this. I think full page protection is the only sure-fire way of avoiding more vandalism, or at least some protection of some sort. --Ksy92003 (talk) 04:56, 7 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I haven't seen a recent edit that has actually contributed worthwhile information to the article, aside from edits from you, Jeske, and mcy (I don't know who edited, but I know that all three of you are like the leaders of the Pokemon articles). This is why I feel that full protection would be a better way, as not that many other users are actually helping the article. It's just minor edits that are contributing; that's something that can surely wait until after the protection period expires. I'm not sure if a special process must be followed in order to protect a page, but if possible, could you at least semi-protect it? --Ksy92003 (talk) 05:04, 7 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
By the by, you two, I suggest you watchlist Bidoof. The semi-pro I requested will expire any day now, and I expect the Bidoof Derp meme editors to add it to the article within seconds. -Jeske (v^_^v) 05:39, 7 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]


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Re: Neopets controversy (British English vs. American English)


The main article, Neopets, is written in British English (per the notice on the talk page: I haven't looked the article over recently to check). Is there some policy dictating American and British English usage on Wikipedia?

Thanks, --Lmblackjack21 00:06, 10 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]



you. - A Link to the Past (talk) 03:18, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'm not sure when I have turned things into a discussion of merchandise


I am deeply sorry, then, and retract my rude comments.KrytenKoro 01:40, 12 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I just realized that you may have been replying to VileRocks/BassxForte (who was actually asserting that what had been there was sufficient) - in that case, then I apologize, but the comment should have been after something he had said, or at least have his name in the comment.KrytenKoro 01:27, 12 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]



In response to your edit comment at [3]. See Ainu language#Special katakana for the Ainu language. —Tokek 13:51, 15 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Turks: Shisune


I'm not sure how to credit a magazine scan, so I just wanted to point out that the character's name is Shisune, not Shizune. You can clearly read it (in Japanese) in the lower right of this scan (Scan credit goes to adventchildren.net). --Eajs 04:59, 17 June 2007 (UTC)ʈ [reply]

Article proposal at WP:POKE


If you could give input, that'd be great, since this article may cause a couple articles to be merged. Thanks. - A Link to the Past (talk) 04:13, 18 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]



Is there any particular reason why you deleted "Strangely, the Pokédex misspells Mawile's name as "Mawhile" in the Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald versions of the game." from the Mawile article? If a reference is what is needed, just add "citation needed" or something. If you don't believe this misspelling exists, check the games. Tamajared 03:05, 20 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Professor Layton


Whether or not Arcane Villa is the true name is irrelevant - only two Google hits appear, both from Wikipedia. This title is not recognizable to the readers. - A Link to the Past (talk) 21:56, 21 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Edit summaries


You need to tone your edit summaries down a notch. Edit summaries are for describing the edit you just made, not for comments like "...WHAT THE HELL!?" and most certainly not for comments like "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEADS". Please consider this. --Deskana (talk) 01:48, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You need to stop making edit summaries like "..............". They are not helpful. --Deskana (talk) 02:15, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hey, guy. I just reverted this change on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I know you did it in good faith, but as my edit summary says, every valid citation improves an article, and the perfect encyclopedia entry is one that has every factual statement referenced. Just thought I'd let you know here, so that you didn't think I was a vandal, or anything silly like that. --Dreaded Walrus t c 00:34, 26 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Dont be so rude


"(It's written "mahoukishi" but pronounced "majikku naito". Leave it alone.)"

All I was doing was trying to help. Don't be rude assuming I was doing something else. THROUGH FIRE, JUSTICE IS SERVED! 12:31, 27 June 2007 (UTC) [reply]



Your userbox tells me you can read basic Japanese. Is it enough for granting this request? If yes, can you do that, please? Cheers, The Raven's Apprentice (PokéNav|Trainer Card) 03:13, 1 July 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Mist "typo"?


Were you trying to respond to the ip, or me? Anyway, sorry if he dragged you into this. Have a good day!KrytenKoro 21:36, 8 July 2007 (UTC) [reply]



She is not going to listen to you. -Jeske (v^_^v) 02:01, 13 July 2007 (UTC) [reply]



Hey, Urutapu. I know that you use popups to revert acts of vandalism and whatnot. But that's not my main conccern. Last night, I added the code to User:Ksy92003/monobook.js, but for some reason, today the popups aren't working. I was wondering if there is something wrong with my code or some other reason why this might not be working.

And the second thing I want to ask is how do you revert edits using popups? ––Ksy92003(talk) 18:09, 15 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

It's weird... it was working perfectly fine last night. But I'm not gonna worry about it right now. I don't really need the popups that much now. But thank you anyway. Ksy92003(talk) 21:54, 15 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WP:POKE is doing some housecleaning


This notice is to inform you that because many people have added their names to Wikipedia:WikiProject Pokémon#Participants but do not seem to be active, all names are being deleted in an effort to find out who is still truly interested in the project. All you have to do is re-add your name if you'd still like to be considered a member of WP:POKE. Any questions, you can contact me on my talk page. -ΖαππερΝαππερ BabelAlexandria 17:48, 22 July 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Sanctuary song


Hi, I know this may like sound a rather strange request, but I was hoping I could get your help with something. I'm currently working to improve the Music of Kingdom Hearts article and there is an edit I found in the Sanctuary (Utada song) history regarding a statement you added about Utada writing the lyrics for the song. I know it was over a year ago, but you don't happen to remember the source of that statement do you? It's an excellent bit of content that I would like to include but in order to get the article to GA I need the proper citation. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. (Guyinblack25 talk 14:29, 9 August 2007 (UTC)) [reply]

Why are you reverting my removal of the cats? They aren't lions, they're Pokemon. 05:47, 15 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

This is as silly as saying "Will Smith isn't a human he is an actor." They indeed are lions, lion pokémon. Pokémon aren't just pokémon. For example, Arcanine is a dog or a lion or something like that, it is still a pokémon. Gengar is a pokémon, but it is still a ghost. But their category will be deleted as soon as they are merged, trust me. TheBlazikenMaster 18:32, 15 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I wanted to answer the question for you to save Urutapu some time. TheBlazikenMaster 18:32, 15 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In Response To Your Wonderment


of this edit: [4]. I think it means that, unlike paper which comes from trees, we can make as many pages as we want and therefore don't have to conserve or "merge." That's what it seems to mean in my opinion at any rate. Though I myself have no problems with the merge. -WarthogDemon 00:09, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

. . . and I have no idea why the above smiley is merging with my post. -WarthogDemon 00:10, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I fixed it. --Dreaded Walrus t c 00:12, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, and you may also be interested in WP:NOT#PAPER, and Wiki is not paper for fuller explanations. :) --Dreaded Walrus t c 00:14, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Thanks for fixing my mistake on Talk:Pokemon. My mistake could have possibly caused some controversy :D. SpigotMap 21:31, 31 August 2007 (UTC) [reply]



The place where viz uses moon is in his bankai name, not his shikai name, and we already mention it in the part on his bankai.

By the way, there is a very good reason we use Hepburn romanized names rather than Viz's choices: Viz isn't caught up to the latest chapter, we are. We cannot be consistent with new content while following Viz. --tjstrf talk 05:07, 2 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

After spending the last 15 minutes in a chain of furious interlingual wiki navigation, it looks like we're both wrong: while hyorin IS an idiomatic/poetic expression for the moon, that's only in Korean. It's not used in Japanese. Check for yourself, it's right at the bottom of ja:wikt:氷. --tjstrf talk 05:41, 2 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]
No clue. The real question now is whether Kubo was referencing the Korean idiom as a double meaning or if it's a coincidence.
His use of the seemingly extraneous 3rd kanji, which doesn't change anything about the meaning in Japanese ("ice wheel ring") but in Korean makes it change from "moon" to "full moon", might suggest that it was intentional. And if that's the case, then how many more double meanings are we missing? Other than Mayuri and Unohana, I don't think we've done much digging for them.
Ah well, glad to have that settled. --tjstrf talk 06:00, 2 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Why JP and Europe instead of JPN and European Union


I saw what you did there in the Super Mario World page, reverting my changes. I want to know why you think it's better to follow your opinion instead of mine, or more precisely, if there are some guidelines regarding that. In the WP:VG example pages for the infobox I saw JPN in some of them, and it's the same in features articles, like Chrono Trigger. Thanks. --Lashiec 04:30, 4 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The European Union is exactly that, a Union of European countries. Europe is the continent. I can't say anything for JP vs JPN, as both are fine. However, I can say that making a very negligible change is a waste of time and energy. (This rule is used for articles with British vs US spellings, stick to the original, unless justified.) - Zero1328 Talk? 07:12, 4 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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sode no shirayuki


thankyou... i'd been trying to change it for ages but people kept changing it back to sleeve of white snow... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:36, 14 September 2007 (UTC) [reply]

About a specific edit


This may be a bit old, but I wanted to clear it up: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Feraligatr&diff=140185405&oldid=139576569 . That was me that put the remark about its name. I added it in because I felt it was an oddity for its name. I don't think people realize that's the reason for its name, and have noticed people spell it incorrectly. At any rate, the page is destroyed now because of this list category thing. --Antoshi~! T | C 17:18, 15 September 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Brock (Pokémon)


The Brock (Pokémon) article received heavy editing today by new/unregistered users, which I noticed at WikiRage.com. The article may benefit from a good review. According to Wikipedia Page History Statistics, you are one of the top contributors to that page. If you have the time, would you please read over the article and make any necessary changes. Thanks. -- Jreferee (Talk) 07:41, 16 September 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Subtitles and colons


I have reverted your removal of colons from two articles. The colons indicate subtitles. They aren't present on the boxes, but neither are they in most English products with subtitles. It is also not present in a textual representation using Japanese kana and kanji as the colon is a Western punctuation mark. The Japanese have their own punctuations and grammatical conventions. Romanization represents the Japanese using Roman-script letters and puncuation marks, and thus follows the grammatical conventions of English and not Japanese – which includes using a colon to separate titles from subtitles. Infernal Inferno 21:53, 22 September 2007 (UTC) [reply]

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In regards to repeatedly reverting users blanking their talk page of warnings.


I've noticed you have been reverting users pages that blank their own warnings. They have every right to do so, as expressed by administrator Kusma. Please review this detailed discussion on the matter.

"Blanking warnings is perfectly acceptable. As Carnildo points out, it means the user has read them. Re-adding the warnings and forcing the user to keep content they do not like on their talk page crosses into harassment quickly. While blanking of relevant warnings is not polite or nice, restoring them is even less polite. We do not keep permanent archives (other than page histories) of users' past misdeeds." --Kusma

SashaNein 15:42, 27 September 2007 (UTC) [reply]



you beat me to it, i was in the process of reversing the order of the names, as priority should go to the English name, and doing so hopefully will prevent a silly edit-war....but you got there first. good call anyway. thanks.Sennen goroshi 22:17, 7 October 2007 (UTC) [reply]



About this edit, that was my bad. I was trying to revert the name change, but my computer was acting up. Since I was editing an older version (rather than hitting undo) and it took me so long, I guess I reverted your's by mistake. Sorry about any inconvenience. // DecaimientoPoético 23:38, 9 October 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Revert on the akatsuki talk page?


I asked a question on the akatsuki talk page about it looking weird and I'm pretty sure you reverted it or something. If you did why did you?Naruto Tron 22:00, 14 October 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Is it all right to violate WP:3RR if we're reverting something that violates WP:SOAP and WP:SPAM? I'm thinking of WP:IAR here. -- Altiris Helios Exeunt 02:57, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, then we shouldn't worry to much about violating 3RR; since we're doing this for the betterment of Wikipedia, we're protected by IAR. Thanks. -- Altiris Helios Exeunt 03:04, 25 October 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Yes indeed


Yes, I thought that as soon as I put it in the Bulbasaur article, went to check the Pokemon anime page, linked the English chap, made sure the Japanese chap was there, went back to take it out and saw that you'd already done it, thanks.--Barnyard animals 22:25, 28 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, I thought you just took out the first line, I'd also linked that Spanish voice actor, but the revert removed it, no worries though, I put it back.--Barnyard animals 22:48, 28 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

FFVII Crysis Core OST


I noticed you changed some double quotes to single quotes in the English song titles. I don't really care which one we use, but I was curious about if there is a back-able reason to the change. Is it just because a double succession of double quotes (""), due to song titles being double quoted, looks ugly? Or is it because the official translation to 『text』is "text"? Or is it just plain and simply there is an official English translation with single quotes?
I'm not questioning your change, I just want to know how rock solid it is, before I start applying it to other pages, like for FFX's "『listen to my story』" and "『never forget them』".
Thanks for the info! happypal (Talk | contribs) 16:26, 30 October 2007 (UTC) [reply]



You just reverted Death Note to the vandalized version. Doceirias 04:18, 1 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

FF7 Music, Crisis Core, again


Could you also fix the reference from where the english titles where aquired? Thx.
Sorry for changing them when changing the list to a table format.happypal (Talk | contribs) 08:26, 1 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl


You currently appear to be engaged in an edit war according to the reverts you have made on Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Note that the three-revert rule prohibits making more than three reversions in a content dispute within a 24 hour period. Additionally, users who perform a large number of reversions in content disputes may be blocked for edit warring, even if they do not technically violate the three-revert rule. If you continue, you may be blocked from editing. Please do not repeatedly revert edits, but use the talk page to work towards wording and content that gains a consensus among editors. -- ReyBrujo 04:46, 5 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Re: DP


Sorry, but I don't want to get involved, besides I am going to sleep soon. Invite him to discuss in the talk page, try to approach him and reach a conclusion. I guess if this article has this problem, all other articles about Pokémon games have it as well. Find a reference where it is stated the game is a console role-playing game (or a role-playing game), and point that unless he cannot provide a reference for the type of game, it cannot be accepted. If both find references for both definitions, just add both definitions to the infobox. -- ReyBrujo 04:52, 5 November 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Strange edits...


Somebody tried to be funny here. -- Altiris Helios Exeunt 02:14, 10 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Urutapu. I appreciate your efforts at keeping the talk page of Pokémon clean. However, I believe it was inappropriate of you to remove this post by user Firstly, the user was not expressing his "hating" of Wikipedia, like you wrote. He/She wanted the semi-protection of the article to be removed, and I have kindly explained on his/her talk page that this is unlikely to happen. Secondly, this person is a newbie, and clearly does not know (yet) how things work. Judging from his/her edits, the user is not a vandal, and should therefore not be 'bitten'. Again, thank you for your time and efforts. Cheers, Face 12:22, 10 November 2007 (UTC) [reply]

Mario & Sonic


Thanks for at least providing proof, you are the first person to offer proof. TJ Spyke 01:37, 13 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]