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Vinko Möderndorfer

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Vinko Möderndorfer
Vinko Möderndorfer in 2020
Vinko Möderndorfer in 2020
Born (1958-09-22) 22 September 1958 (age 66)
Celje, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (now in Slovenia)
OccupationWriter, poet, playwright and director
Notable worksKrog male smrti, Nekatere ljubezni, Gledališče v ogledalu
Notable awardsPrešeren Foundation Award
2000 for Nekatere ljubezni
Rožanc Award
2003 for Gledališče v ogledalu

Vinko Möderndorfer (born 22 September 1958) is a Slovene writer, poet, playwright and theatre and film director.[1]

Möderndorfer was born in Celje in 1958. He studied at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana and worked in numerous theatre companies around Slovenia. He started writing poetry in the late 1970s and since the early 1980s also published numerous works of prose, essays and drama as well as poetry and stories for children.

In 2000 he won the Prešeren Foundation Award for his book of short stories Nekatere ljubezni.[2] In 2003 he received the Rožanc Award for Gledališče v ogledalu (The Theatre in a Mirror).


  • Inferno (2014 Slovenian film) directed by Vinko Möderndorfer, starring Jozica Avbelj, Ludvik Bagari, Silvo Bozic
  • Predmestje (2004)
  • Pokrajina part. 2 (2008)
  • Zastoj (2021)

Published work


Poetry for children

  • Kako se dan lepo začne (The Day Starts So Well), 1993
  • Madonca fleten svet (Goodness, What A Great World), 1995
  • Zakaj so sloni rahlospeči (Why Elephants Are Light Sleepers), 2003
  • Luža, čevelj, smrkelj in rokav (Puddle, Shoe, Snot and Sleeve) 2009

Prose for children

  • Sin Srakolin, 1999
  • Muc Langus in Čarovnička Gajka (Langus the Cat and Gajka the Little Witch), 2002
  • Vrnitev muca Langusa in Čarovničke Gajke (The Return of Langus the Cat and Gajka the Little Witch), 2006
  • Potovanje muca Langusa & Čarovničke Gajke (The Travels of Langus the Cat and Gajka the Little Witch), 2009
  • Rdečehlačka : vesele zgodbe zelo male deklice (Redpants : Happy Stories of A Tiny Little Girl), 2010
  • Velika žehta (The Great Wash), 2011

Dramska for children

  • Pozor! Hudobe na delu! (Beware! Naugties at Work!), 1997
  • Miši v operni hiši (Mice at the Opera House), 2007

Poetry collections for adults

  • Rdeči ritual (Red Ritual), 1975
  • Pesmičice (Small Poems), 1977
  • Mah (Moss), 1981
  • Telo (Body), 1989
  • Male nočne ljubavne pesmi (A Little Night Love Poetry), 1993
  • Zlodejeve žalostinke (The Devil's Laments), 1999
  • Pesmi iz črne kronike (Poems from the Black Chronicle), 1999
  • Temno modro kot september (Dark Blue Like September), 2003
  • Skala in srce (Rock and Heart), 2004
  • Razhajanja (Partings), 2007
  • Dotikanja (Touchings), 2008
  • Tavanja (Wanderings), 2010
  • Prostost sveta (The Freedom of the World), 2011
  • Nimam več sadja zate (I Have No More Fruit for You), 2011

Short stories

  • Krog male smrti (The Small Death Circle), 1993
  • Čas brez angelov (A Time Without Angels), 1994
  • Tarok pri Mariji (Taro at Maria's), 1994
  • Ležala sva tam in se slinila kot hudič (We Lay There Slobbering Like Hell), 1996
  • Nekatere ljubezni (Some Loves), 1997
  • Total (Total), 2000
  • Druga soba: novelete (The Other Room), 2004
  • Vsakdanja spominjanja : zgodbe 1993–2007 (Eneryday Memories: stories 1993 – 2007), 2008
  • Kino dom : zgodbe nekega kina (Home Cinema: the Stories of a Movie Theatre), 2008
  • Plava ladja (Blue Boat), 2010


  • Tek za rdečo hudičevko, (Running After the Red She-Devil), 1996
  • Pokrajina št. 2 (Landscape No.2), 1998
  • Predmestje, (Outskirts), 2002
  • Omejen rok trajanja, (Limited Sell By Date), 2003
  • Ljubezni Sinjebradca, (Sinjebradec's Loves), 2005
  • Nespečnost (Insomnia), 2006
  • Odprla sem oči in šla k oknu (I Opened My Eyes and Went to the Window), 2007
  • Opoldne nekega dne, (At Midday One Day), 2008
  • Nihče več ne piše pisem, (No One Writes Letters Any More), 2011


  • Kruti dnevi (Cruel Days), 1982
  • Prilika o doktorju Josefu Mengeleju (The Tale of Doctor Josef Mengele), 1986
  • Help, 1989
  • Camera obscura, 1990
  • Hamlet in Ofelija (Hamlet and Ophelia), 1994
  • Transvestitska svatba (The Transvestite Wedding), 1994
  • Sredi vrtov (Amidst Gardens), 1995
  • Štirje letni časi (The Four Seasons), 1996
  • Jožef in Marija (Joseph and Mary), 1997
  • Vaja zbora – tri komedije (Choral Practice – Three Comedies), 1998
  • Limonada slovenica (Slovenian Soap), 1999
  • Mama je umrla dvakrat (Mother Died Twice), 1999
  • Podnajemnik (The Subtennant), 2000
  • Klub Fahreinheit (The Fareinheit Club), 2001
  • Mefistovo poročilo (Mephistopheles' Report), 2002
  • Tri sestre (The Three Sisters), 2002
  • Limonada slovenica: štiri komedije (Slovenian Soap: Four Comedies), 2003
  • Na kmetih (On the Farm), 2003
  • Mrtve duše (Dead Souls), 2004
  • Na dnu (At the Bottom), 2006
  • Šah mat ali Šola moralne prenove za može in žene (Cheque Mate or the School of Moral Renweal for Men and Women), 2006
  • Štiri komedije (Four Comedies), 2008
  • Lep dan za umret (A Good Day to Die), 2009
  • Blumen aus Krain: igre 1990–2010 (Blumen aus Krain: plays 1990 – 2010), 2011

Essay collections

  • Gledališče v ogledalu (The Theatre in a Mirror), 2001
  • Vzporedni svet : razmišljanja o ustvarjanju (Parallel Word : Thoughts on Creativity), 2005
  • Hvalnica koži (Ode to Skin), 2011


  1. ^ "Slovene Writers' Association site". Slovene writers' portal (in Slovenian). DSP Slovene Writers' Association. Archived from the original on 24 February 2012. Retrieved 29 February 2012.
  2. ^ Slovenian Ministry of Culture, complete list of Prešeren Foundation Awards recipients[permanent dead link]