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Wikipedia:CHECKWIKI/WPC 999 dump

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This page contains a dump analysis for errors #999 (Test for WPC).

It can be generated using WPCleaner by any user. It's possible to update this page by following the procedure below:

  • Download the file enwiki-YYYYMMDD-pages-articles.xml.bz2 from the most recent dump. For example, on your.org, go to directory YYYYMMDD for the most recent date (for example 20171020), and retrieve the requested file (for example enwiki-20171020-pages-articles.xml.bz2).
  • Create a command file, for example ListCheckWiki999.txt with the following contents:
    ListCheckWiki enwiki-$-pages-articles.xml.bz2 wiki:Wikipedia:CHECKWIKI/WPC_{0}_dump 999
  • Run WPCleaner in the command line with a command such as:
    java -Xmx1024m -cp WPCleaner.jar:libs/* org.wikipediacleaner.Bot en user password DoTasks ListCheckWiki999.txt

To mark pages as fixed, manually remove them from the list.

Detections for error #999

  • List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 0.1 to 1,000 square kilometers: <cite id="CITEREFPaul,_Chevalier_(pseudonym)" class="citation web cs1">Paul, Chevalier (pseudonym). [https://web.archive.org/web/20030524113120/http://www.maineworldnewsservice.com/caltrap/anessay.htm "An Essay on the Order of St. John (S.M.O.M.)"]. Archived from [http://www.maineworldnewsservice.com/caltrap/anessay.htm the original] on May 24, 2003<span class="reference-access-date">. Retrieved <span class="nowrap">October 8,</span> 2012</span>. <q>Miniscule as it is, the Order does also possess sovereign territory. This consists of the land in Rome on which stands the Grand Magistracy in the Via Condotti and the Villa Malta</q></cite>, <cite id="CITEREFArocha,_Magaly_(First_Consul_of_the_General_Consulate_of_Venezuela_in_Naples)1999" class="citation web cs1">Arocha, Magaly (First Consul of the General Consulate of Venezuela in Naples) (May 1999). [https://web.archive.org/web/20030507094219/http://www.analitica.com/vam/1999.05/sociedad/01.htm "La Orden de Malta y su Naturaleza Jurídica"] &#91;The Order of Malta and Its Legal Nature&#93;. Archived from [http://www.analitica.com/vam/1999.05/sociedad/01.htm the original] on May 7, 2003<span class="reference-access-date">. Retrieved <span class="nowrap">October 1,</span> 2012</span>. <q>On the one hand, the clear territorial separation of sovereign areas that exists between the Italian State and the State of Vatican City does not exist between the Order of Malta and the Italian State, but neither can it be said that the treatment given to the headquarters of the Order (Aventine, Via Condotti) is, simply, that reserved for the headquarters of diplomatic missions accredited to the Italian State. In fact, the headquarters of the Order have diplomatic extraterritoriality, ... but in addition, the Italian State recognizes the exercise, in the headquarters, of the prerogatives of sovereignty. This means that Italian sovereignty and Maltese sovereignty coexist without overlapping, because the Order exercises sovereign functions in a wider area than occurs in the diplomatic missions of the States for, although enjoying extraterritoriality, the guarantees deriving from the privilege of immunity [in those diplomatic missions] are constrained to a purely administrative area; the Order, instead, makes use of extraterritoriality to meet the very acts of sovereign self-determination that are the same as the States (legislative, judicial, administrative, financial acts).</q></cite>