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Wikipedia:Database reports/Talk subpages with redirect parent/Configuration

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
# Copyright 2009-2010 bjweeks, MZMcBride, svick
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import MySQLdb
import wikitools
import settings
report_title = settings.rootpage + 'Talk subpages with redirect parent'
report_template = u'''
This page lists first 1000 talk subpages (excluding user talk subpages and subpages of [[Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation]]) whose parent talk page is a redirect. Data as of <onlyinclude>%s</onlyinclude>.

{| class="wikitable sortable plainlinks"
! No.
! Page
wiki = wikitools.Wiki(settings.apiurl)
wiki.login(settings.username, settings.password)
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=settings.host, db=settings.dbname, read_default_file='~/.my.cnf')
cursor = conn.cursor()
/* subtalks_of_redirects.py */
/* SLOW_OK */
select ns_name, sub.page_title
from page sub
join page parent
  on sub.page_namespace = parent.page_namespace
  and parent.page_title = substring_index(sub.page_title, '/', 1)
join toolserver.namespacename
  on ns_id = sub.page_namespace
where sub.page_namespace % 2 = 1
and sub.page_namespace != 3
and sub.page_title like '%/%'
and not (sub.page_namespace = 5
     and sub.page_title like 'Articles\_for\_creation/%')
and sub.page_is_redirect = 0
and parent.page_is_redirect = 1
and dbname = 'enwiki_p'
and ns_type = 'primary'
and not exists
  (select 1
   from pagelinks
   where pl_namespace = sub.page_namespace
   and pl_title = sub.page_title
   and pl_from !=
    (select page_id
     from page
     where page_namespace = 4
     and page_title = 'Database_reports/Talk_subpages_with_redirect_parent'))
order by sub.page_namespace, sub.page_title
limit 1000
i = 1
pages = []
for row in cursor.fetchall():
    page_title = '[[%s:%s]]' % (unicode(row[0], 'utf-8'), unicode(row[1].replace('_', ' '), 'utf-8'))
    table_row = u'''| %d
| %s
|-''' % (i, page_title)
    i += 1

cursor.execute('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rc_timestamp) FROM recentchanges ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;')
rep_lag = cursor.fetchone()[0]
current_of = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=rep_lag)).strftime('%H:%M, %d %B %Y (UTC)')

report = wikitools.Page(wiki, report_title)
report_text = report_template % (current_of, '\n'.join(pages))
report_text = report_text.encode('utf-8')
report.edit(report_text, summary=settings.editsumm, bot=1)


04 18  * * 1 qcronsub -N subtalks_of_redirects -l h_rt=00:30:00 -l virtual_free=30M $HOME/reports/qsub.sh subtalks_of_redirects