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Wikipedia:Imperial College/Project Page

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List of Articles Improved

Images for project plan
Team Da Phaeos
Hard at work!

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What are the types of sources I should use?

Find relevant accurate information on pubmed- try to get open access articles by limiting to 'free full text' Search other databases and check the journals are open access by using Doaj https://doaj.org Find an open access version of an article at https://oadoi.org

The library is happy to help with search strategies- do you understand MeSH to make sure you're finding all information?

What style of writing should I be using?



If you need support in appraising your sources try a CASP checklist http://www.casp-uk.net/checklists. Remember it's all about VALIDITY, RESULTS and RELEVANCE. The process of critical appraisal is usually applied to primary research like RCTs but you need to appraise any source you use, be it a Cochrane Systematic Review or content from a library textbook. Is it up to date, from a reliable publisher, organisation, site? Ask your librarians Rebecca and Georgie if you need some help or advice.





Here is a workspace for this project for Team 1, Da Phaeos!

Here is a workspace for this project for Team 2, (Doctors' Arteriosus)

Here is a workspace for this project for Team 3, (Team Psych)

Here is a workspace for this project for Team 4, (De Fibrillators)