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Wikipedia:Missing science topics/List of nuclear energy terms

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This list contains subjects important to nuclear energy research and regulation.

Prior to pruning, this list contained 419 entries. Before removing blue links from this list, please check them to make sure they actually cover the intended subject.

Public domain sources: NRC glossary

  1. Access hatch
  2. Activation
  3. Active fuel length
  4. Activity
  5. Agreement State
  6. Air sampling
  7. Airborne radioactivity area
  8. ALARA
  9. Annual limit on intake (ALI)
  10. Anticipated transient without scram (ATWS)
  11. Assumptions (for IPEs, IPEEs, and PRAs)
  12. Attenuation
  13. Auxiliary building
  14. Auxiliary feedwater
  15. Average planar linear heat generation rate (APLGHR)
  16. Background radiation
  17. Bayesian estimation
  18. Bayesian prior
  19. Becquerel (Bq)
  20. Beta particle
  21. Beyond design-basis accidents
  22. Binding energy
  23. Bioassay
  24. Biological half-life
  25. Biological shield
  26. Boiling water reactor (BWR)
  27. Bone seeker
  28. Breeder
  29. British thermal unit (Btu)
  30. Byproduct
  31. Calibration
  32. Capability
  33. Capacity factor (gross)
  34. Capacity factor (net)
  35. Cask
  36. Cation
  37. Chain reaction
  38. Charged particle
  39. Chemical recombination
  40. Cladding
  41. Cleanup system
  42. Coastdown
  43. Cold shutdown
  44. Collective dose
  45. Committed dose equivalent (CDE)
  46. Committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE)
  47. Compact
  48. Compound
  49. Condensate
  50. Condenser
  51. Construction recapture
  52. Containment structure
  53. Contamination
  54. Control rod
  55. Control room
  56. Controlled area
  57. Coolant
  58. Cooldown
  59. Cooling tower
  60. Core
  61. Core damage frequency
  62. Core melt accident
  63. Cosmic radiation
  64. Counter
  65. Critical mass
  66. Critical organ
  67. Criticality
  68. Crud
  69. Cumulative dose
  70. Curie (Ci)
  71. Daughter products
  72. Decay heat
  73. Decay, radioactive
  74. Declared pregnant woman
  75. Decommissioning
  76. DECON (but also needs reactor decon)
  77. Decontamination
  78. Deep-Dose Equivalent (DDE)
  79. Defense-in-depth
  80. Departure from nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR)
  81. Departure from nucleate boiling (DNB)
  82. Depleted uranium
  83. Derived air concentration (DAC)
  84. Derived Air Concentration-Hour (DAC-hour)
  85. Design-basis accident
  86. Design-basis phenomena
  87. Design-basis threat
  88. Detector
  89. Deterministic (probabilistic)
  90. Deterministic effect
  91. Deuterium
  92. Deuteron
  93. Doppler coefficient
  94. Dose
  95. Dose equivalent
  96. Dose rate
  97. Dose, absorbed
  98. Dosimeter
  99. Dosimetry
  100. Drywell
  101. Earthquake, operating basis
  102. Effective Dose Equivalent
  103. Effective half-life
  104. Efficiency, plant
  105. Electrical generator
  106. Electromagnetic radiation
  107. Electron
  108. Element
  109. Emergency classifications
  110. Emergency core cooling systems (ECCS)
  111. Emergency feedwater
  112. ENTOMB
  113. Environmental qualification
  114. Event Notification (EN) system
  115. Exclusion area
  116. Excursion
  117. Exposure
  118. External radiation
  119. Extremities
  120. Fast fission
  121. Fast neutron
  122. Feedwater
  123. Fertile material
  124. Film badge
  125. Fiscal year
  126. Fissile material
  127. Fission (fissioning)
  128. Fission gases
  129. Fission products
  130. Fissionable material
  131. Flux
  132. Formula quantity
  133. Fuel assembly
  134. Fuel cycle
  135. Fuel reprocessing
  136. Fuel rod
  137. Fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity
  138. Full-time equivalent
  139. Fusion reaction
  140. Gamma radiation
  141. Gap
  142. Gas centrifuge
  143. Gas-cooled reactor
  144. Gaseous diffusion plant
  145. Gases
  146. Geiger-Mueller counter
  147. Generation (gross)
  148. Generation (net)
  149. Gigawatt
  150. Gigawatthour
  151. Graphite
  152. Gray (Gy)
  153. Half-life
  154. Half-life, biological
  155. Half-life, effective
  156. Half-thickness
  157. Head, reactor vessel
  158. Health physics
  159. Heap leach
  160. Heat exchanger
  161. Heat sink
  162. Heatup
  163. Heavy water (D2O)
  164. Heavy water moderated reactor
  165. High radiation area
  166. High-enriched uranium
  167. High-level waste
  168. Hot
  169. Hot spot
  170. In situ leach
  171. In vitro
  172. In vivo
  173. Individual plant examination (IPE)
  174. Individual plant examination for external events (IPEEE)
  175. Induced radioactivity
  176. Integrated plant evaluation
  177. Iodine spiking factor
  178. Ion
  179. Ion-exchange
  180. Ionization
  181. Ionization chamber
  182. Ionizing radiation
  183. Irradiation
  184. Isotope
  185. Isotope separation
  186. Isotopic enrichment
  187. [[[no terms for this letter]]]
  188. Kilo-
  189. Kilovolt
  190. Kinetic energy
  191. Lens Dose Equivalent
  192. Lethal dose (LD)
  193. Licensed Material
  194. Licensing basis
  195. Light water
  196. Light water reactor
  197. Limiting condition for operation
  198. Limiting safety system settings
  199. Linear heat generation rate
  200. Loop
  201. Loss of coolant accident (LOCA)
  202. Low population zone (LPZ)
  203. Low-level waste
  204. Mass number
  205. Mass-energy equation
  206. Maximum dependable capacity (gross)
  207. Maximum dependable capacity (net)
  208. Mega-
  209. Megacurie
  210. Megawatt (MW)
  211. Megawatt hour (MWh)
  212. Metric ton
  213. Micro-
  214. Microcurie
  215. Mill tailings
  216. Milli-
  217. Millirem
  218. Milliroentgen (mR)
  219. Mixed oxide (MOX) fuel
  220. Moderator
  221. Moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity
  222. Molecule
  223. Monitoring of radiation
  224. Nano-
  225. Nanocurie
  226. Natural circulation
  227. Natural uranium
  228. Net summer capability
  229. Neutron
  230. Neutron capture
  231. Neutron chain reaction
  232. Neutron flux
  233. Neutron generation
  234. Neutron leakage
  235. Neutron source
  236. Neutron, thermal
  237. Noble gas
  238. Non-stochastic effect
  239. Non-vital plant systems
  240. Nonpower reactor
  241. Not Applicable (NA)
  242. Not Reported (NR)
  243. Nozzle
  244. NRC Operations Center
  245. Nuclear energy
  246. Nuclear force
  247. Nuclear power plant
  248. Nuclear steam supply system
  249. Nuclear waste
  250. Nucleon
  251. Nucleus
  252. Nuclide
  253. Occupational Dose
  254. Operable
  255. Operational mode
  256. Orphan Source
  257. Parent
  258. Parts per million (ppm)
  259. Pellet, fuel
  260. Performance-based regulation
  261. Performance-based regulatory action
  262. Periodic table
  263. Personnel monitoring
  264. Photon
  265. Pico-
  266. Picocurie
  267. Pig
  268. Pile
  269. Planned special exposure
  270. Plausible accidents
  271. Plutonium (Pu)
  272. Pocket dosimeter
  273. Poison, neutron
  274. Pool reactor
  275. Positron
  276. Possession-only license
  277. Power coefficient of reactivity
  278. Power defect
  279. Power reactor
  280. Preliminary Notification (PN)
  281. Pressure vessel
  282. Pressurized water reactor (PWR)
  283. Pressurizer
  284. Primary system
  285. Probabilistic risk analysis
  286. Production expense
  287. Proportional counter
  288. Proprietary information
  289. Proton
  290. Public Dose
  291. Quality factor
  292. Quantum theory
  293. Rad
  294. Radiation (ionizing radiation)
  295. Radiation area
  296. Radiation detection instrument
  297. Radiation shielding
  298. Radiation sickness (syndrome)
  299. Radiation source
  300. Radiation standards
  301. Radiation warning symbol
  302. Radiation, nuclear
  303. Radioactive contamination
  304. Radioactive decay
  305. Radioactive series
  306. Radioactivity
  307. Radiography
  308. Radioisotope
  309. Radiological sabotage
  310. Radiological survey
  311. Radiology
  312. Radionuclide
  313. Radiosensitivity
  314. Radium (Ra)
  315. Radon (Rn)
  316. Reaction
  317. Reactivity
  318. Reactor coolant system
  319. Reactor, nuclear
  320. Reasonable
  321. Reference man
  322. Reflector
  323. Rem
  324. Restricted area
  325. Risk
  326. Risk-based decisionmaking
  327. Risk-informed decisionmaking
  328. Risk-informed regulation
  329. Risk-significant
  330. Roentgen (R)
  331. Rubblization
  332. Safe shutdown earthquake
  333. Safeguards
  334. Safety injection
  335. Safety limit
  336. Safety related
  337. Safety-significant
  338. SAFSTOR
  339. Scattered radiation
  340. Scintillation detector
  341. Scram
  342. Sealed source
  343. Secondary radiation
  344. Secondary system
  345. Seismic category I
  346. Severe accident
  347. Shallow-Dose Equivalent (SDE)
  348. Shielding
  349. Shutdown
  350. Shutdown margin
  351. Sievert (Sv)
  352. Somatic effects of radiation
  353. Source material
  354. Special nuclear material
  355. Spent (depleted) fuel
  356. Spent fuel pool
  357. Spent nuclear fuel
  358. Stable isotope
  359. Standard Review Plan
  360. Standard Technical Specifications
  361. Startup
  362. Stay time
  363. Steam generator
  364. Stochastic effects
  365. Subcritical mass
  366. Subcriticality
  367. Supercritical reactor
  368. Supercriticality
  369. Superheating
  370. Survey meter
  371. Technical Specifications
  372. Terrestrial radiation
  373. Thermal breeder reactor
  374. Thermal power
  375. Thermal reactor
  376. Thermal shield
  377. Thermalization
  378. Thermoluminescent dosimeter
  379. Thermonuclear
  380. Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)
  381. Transient
  382. Transuranic element
  383. Transuranic waste
  384. Trip, reactor
  385. Tritium
  386. Turbine
  387. Turbine generator (TG)
  388. Ultraviolet
  389. Uncertainty range
  390. Unnecessary regulatory burden
  391. Unrestricted area
  392. Unstable isotope
  393. Unwanted Radioactive Material (Orphan Sources)
  394. Uranium
  395. Uranium fuel fabrication facility
  396. Uranium hexafluoride production facility
  397. Vapor
  398. Very high radiation area
  399. Viability assessment
  400. Void
  401. Void coefficient of reactivity
  402. Waste, radioactive we have Radioactive waste.
  403. Watt
  404. Watt-hour
  405. Weighting factor (WT)
  406. Well-logging
  407. Wheeling service
  408. Whole-body counter
  409. Whole-body exposure
  410. Wipe sample
  411. X-rays
  412. Yellowcake