Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics
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[edit]![]() | Requests for articles about notable associations and other organizations are on a separate page, and should be added there. |
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Law firms
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[edit]![]() | Please request articles about people in business at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics/People in business, not here. |
Terminology (business)
[edit]- fuel policy [2]
- nuclear insecurity [3] [4] [2]
- economic politics in the United States[3]
- philosophy of management [5]
- Managerial Capitalism [4]
- capital liability[5]
- nationalism of internet or nationalism of mass media [6][6]
- economy of press [7] [8]
- Political commercial marketing or totalitarian marketing [9]
- propaganda and advertising in business propaganda and advertising or advertising and propaganda or Political and business propaganda [10] [11] [12][7]
- cocaine of poor [13][8]
- business terminology[9]
- company leadership [10]
- who tells [11]
- social illiteracy pt:Analfabetismo político[12]
- business soft power [14][13]
- Business of misery or misery in business[14]
- christian business[15]
- Transnational business[16]
- ethics policy[17]
- Outline in business of nazism or outline in management of nazism or outline in business of fascism or outline in management in fascism [15] [16] [17][18]
- outline of terminology in business[19]
religious bias in the Job interview [18][20]
- Business meal A meal scheduled for the express purpose of improving business relations between two entities and making business deals. There is already an article on three martini lunch, but it focuses more on the concept of businessmen leisurely drinking alcohol during lunch.[19]
- Business proverbs [20][21]
- Connectivity integrator (Develop integrated solutions for telecom, network, data center and cloud technologies; often assist throughout the lifecycle of solutions, from design to implementation to service management.)[22]
- outline of fascism[23][24]
- International centre for local credit has a website, though no content is available – some information in Dutch at BNG
- Managed live chat (Managed Live Chat Service is a Managed Service or MSAAS - Managed Software as a Service. Companies use this service to interact with their website visitors via instant chat on their websites round the clock using outsourced live chat service providers. This service exists since 2010 and many companies are adopting it. Managed Live Chat guarantees friendly and professional support to customers using professionally trained OSE’s (Online Sales Executives), reducing website bounce rate, nurturing users to qualified sales leads, increasing revenue and, providing engaging customer service and assistance to existing clients. [21][25][26][27]
- Microadvisory (a digital, business consultation focused on solving specific problems for the clients through clear, transparent, and affordable services and solutions. The term microadvisory was first used by HalloSophia founders Markus Waghubinger and Johannes Mayer during the mentoring program following the European Commission's #EUvsVirus Hackathon in April 2020. The microadvisory services are tailored for entrepreneurs and all enterprises regardless of their size. Microadvisory services are accessible digitally and more affordable than traditional consulting. They include expertise and experience from professional advisors, video calls, and additional services like a report and to-do list. The main goal of microadvisory is to provide all the enterprises with the same access to professional business experts, so that economy can scale equally. Another long-term goal is to empower people to be self-determined and successful entrepreneurs):[28][29][30][31][32][33][34]
- Multi-brand point program - In Japan case → ja:共通ポイント and ja:ポイントプログラム#日本における歴史. cf. Loyalty program
- Solar PV technician – There are articles on other jobs, such as Software engineer, and also a category Category:Green_jobs, but I want to know what this specific job is. Maybe a better article would be Solar PV jobs, which could describe many different jobs. I couldn't find that information in any of Solar PV, Solar power, or Solar power in the United States.
- The next Kodak / Next Kodak
- The next Nokia / Next Nokia
- Website broker:[35]
[edit]- International Development Cooperation[36]
- Multinationals and the state[37]
- insolvency in companies [22] [23] [24]
- business of freemasonry[38]
- Global Freemasonry[39]
- christian business[40]
- religious rebranding [25]
- State in Islam or public administration in Islam [26] [27] [28] [29]
- queer business[41]
- business astrology[42]
- outline of science ethics [30]
outline of business[43]
- censorship in TV Globo or censorship of Rede Globo or Censorship in Globe TV or Censorship in Globe Network [31] [32] [33][44]
- international trade of Islamic State [34] [35] [36]
- Economic diplomacy of Islamic State [37][45][38] [39]
- Slavery in nazism[46]
- Slavery in Islamic State [40] [41]
- Slavery in Americas [42] [43][47]
- Attempted acquisition of Spirit Airlines by JetBlue:[44] [45]
- Best European Countries for Business (BECB) – Business: index by "Economic Outlook for 2023 (published Nov 2022)". Retrieved 2023-11-27., which annually provides business environment rankings of 46 European countries based on data from the World Bank's Ease of doing business index and Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International.[48][49][50]
- Central States Pension Fund (often shortened to Central States). Though about twenty articles mention the fund and the scandal which surrounded it in the 1970s, there is no article on the fund or the scandal. Thirty-seven articles, as of 7 May 2016, include the phrase "Central States Pension Fund", and it is in the headlines[51]but there is no article.
- Liberty (tax avoidance scheme), promoted to high earners by Mercury Tax Group and used by many UK celebrities until it was shut down by HMRC in 2017, involved a limited partnership that was registered in Jersey and was claiming to carry out trade in the UK. Each of the users of the scheme contributed a sum which was used, with a large bank loan, to acquire rights to dividends declared by a company registered in the Cayman Islands.
[edit]Economic theory and history
[edit]![]() | Requests for articles about topics relating to economic theory, policy or history are on a separate page, and should be added there. |
[edit]- econometric intelligence or Logical science or economics intelligency or economic logic or economic intelligence [46] [47][52]
- communist mathematics [48] [49] [50][53]
- mathematical capitalism or mathematics in capitalism[54]
- economic metodology[55]
- totalitarian econometrics [51] [52]
- employment in Brazil[56]
- cold War economy [53] [54] [55][57]
- sports and public pay [56][57][58]
- deaths in economic war [59]; [60] [58]
- brazilians societies[59]
- econometrics and statistics[60]
- theory of econometrics[61]
- student econometrics[62]
- esotheric Economics [63]
- parametric econometrics[64]
- inequality and violence [61]
- Combustion economics or fuel economics [62][65]
- real econometrics[66]
- econometrics of risk[67]
- spectral econometrics[68]
- intermediate econometrics[69]
- Environmental econometrics[70]
- technology in econometrics[71]
- Limites of econometrics [63][72]
- Elements of econometrics[73]
- conceptual econometrics[74]
- Dynamic econometrics[75]
- random econometrics[76]
- econometrics in macroeconomics[77]
- econometrics in internet[78]
- econometrics inference[79]
- econometrics behavior[80]
- History of econometrics[81]
- Asymptotic Econometrics[82]
- linear econometrics[83]
- microeconometrics[84]
- Mathematics in Econometrics[85]
- econometrics of trade[86]
- Developing Econometrics[87]
- data econometrics[88]
- techno-econometrics[89]
- qualitative econometrics[90]
- practice econometrics[91]
- econometrics in capitalism[92]
- Statistic and econometric model or statistics and econometrics[93]
- parametyric econometrics[94]
- stationary econometrics[95]
- high econometrics[96]
- statistics and econometric model[97]
- econometrics of commodities markets [64] [65] [66]
- economy of philosophy[98]
- outline of econometrics [67]
- statistics in Market or private statistics or patrimonial statistics[99]
- econometrics in military [68][100]
- Philosophy of econometrics [69]
- statistics in State[101]
- calculus in economics[102]
- Statistics in economics[103]
- positivist economics[104]
- Tribute and inflation [70] [71]
- Advanced Econometrics – 1985 textbook on econometrics; written by Amemiya
- Algebra and economics:[105]
- Baxter-King filter
- Dynamic conditional correlation – Widely used method developed by Robert F. Engle
- Econometric bias: Analysing Econometric Bias and Non-linearity in Returns to Education of Pakistan [72]
Gaussian Copula: [73]; pt:Cópula gaussiana
- Geometry and economics, Arithmetics and economics: [74] [75] [76][106]
- Grenander conditions
- Ichimoku Chart
- Incidental Parameter Problem
- Integrated System Analysis – analysis of markets, determinants and market interventions
- LDOD – (long-term debt outstanding and disbursed)
- Least squares learning
- New Empirical Industrial Organization
- Nonmyopic equilibrium
- Physics and economics: Econophysics; [77][107][108]
- Quasi-differencing
- Quasi-likelihood ratio statistic
- Quit rate — the rate at which people quit their jobs – Turnover (employment)
- Reduced-form regression
- Robust smoother
- Roughness penalty
- Socialist statistics, Communist statistics: Data capitalism[109][110][111]
- Staiger-Stock test for the strength of instrumental variables
- State-space approach to linearization
- Stochastic economics:[112]
- Structure of production
- Structural change method (SCM model) – By my understanding, like a Markov model but with continuous values instead of simply on/off. Used for the modeling of sudden jumps in financial time series. Has also been used in BioConductor for detecting transcription (biology) boundaries.
Terminology (economics)
[edit]- radical feminist economy [113]
- state bias[114]
- Anti-Muslim propaganda on Facebook in economics of hate or economy of hate or online slavery [78] [79][115]
- War bias [80] [81][116]
- economic bias or social bias[117]
- anarcho capitalism in the United States[118]
- religious capitalism or religion in capitalism[119]
- nazism in the Islamic State[120]
- anarcho-communism in the United States [82]
nazism in the United States [83] [84] [85][121]
- anarcho-capitalism and morality or anarchy and morality or capitalist ethics [86] [87][122]
- geoeconomy [123]
- economy of impeachment or economics of impeachment [124]
- Feudal economy[125]
- republican economics or republican economy[126]
- quantum economy or quantum economics [88][127]
- viral economy or viral economics[128]
- Contemporary slavery in war [89] [129]
- slavery morality [90]
- economy of looting [91] [92][93][130]
- pacifist liberalism[94] [95]
- oriental revolution [96][131]
- economic domicide [97][132]
- Nationalism and socialism [98][133]
communism in the United States or communism in the Americas [99] [100] [101][134]
- capitalism in Russian Empire [102] [103][135]
- capitalism in India [136]
- capitalism in Iran[137]
- real money or royal money or Republican money[138]
- anarcho-militarism [139]
- economic stage [104][140]
- nazi continuous revolution [105] [106]
- eurocentrism and Euroscepticism [141]
- financial dictatorship of United States [107] [108] [109][142]
- comedy of commons[143]
- narco-nazism or narco-totalitarianism [110] [111] [112] [144]
- left-girondine [113] [114][145]
- economic apocalypse or economy apocalypse [115] [147]
- antifa socialism ou antifa communism or antifa revolution or partisan communism or partisan socialism or partisan revolution [116] [117] [118][148]
- food economy or food economics [119] [120] [121][149]
exploitation colonialism [150]
- internazism [122]
- bankruptcy of soccer club or failure of soccer club or relegation of soccer club [123] [124] [125][151]
- economy of marxism or pop marxism or market of marxism [126] [127] [128] [152]
- elitism in communism or elitism in marxism or marxist cult or marxist idolatry or elitism in socialism or socialist oligarchy or marxist pedantism or marxist oligarchy [129] [130][153]
- democratic war [131] [132] [133]
- militar economic integration [134] [135][136][154]
- rural communism[155][137]
industrial socialism or
industrial communism[156]
- capitalism in nobility [157]
- indigenous liberalism [138]
- liberalism in West Asia [139]
- behavorism in economics or economic behavorism [140][158]
- communist urbanization [159]
- oriental socialism [141] [142] [143] [144][160]
- economy of nobility [145] [146] [147][161]
- Communist renaissance or communist revival or Renaissance of communism [148][162]
- economy of sociology [149]
- brazilian Revolution or communism in Minas Gerais or brazilian revolution or revolution in Brasil or revolution in South America [150] [151] [152][163]
- microeconomics of social networks or market reserve of social networks [164] [153]
- Economy in Society [165]
- economic militarism in the United States or militarism in the United States or militarism in the Americas [154] [155] [156][166]
- red militarism[167]
- neoliberalism in the United States[168]
- empire of Capital[169]
- international capitalism[170]
Capital mobility[171]
- metal economy[172]
- antifa imperialism pt:Antifascismo na Rússia; [157][173]
- colonialism in the United States or
apartheid in the United States[174]
- scottish liberalism [175]
- Spanish socialism or ibero-socialism or latin socialism or latin communism or ibero-communism or spanish communism [158][176]
socialism in France or french socialism or celtic communism or or communism in Gaul[177]
- liberalism in the Americas[178]
liberal nationalism[179]
- socialism in the Americas or socialism in Peru[180]
- capitalist republicanism [181]
- Socialism in the Arctic or economy in North Eurasia [159] [160][182]
- nazism in America [183]
- atheist communism [184]
- Socialism in the Arab Peninsula [161] [162]
- socialism in Iraq or communism in Iraq [163] [164] [165]
- socialism in Syria or communism in Syria [166]
- socialism in Morocco [167]
- economics of press [168] [169] [170]
- moral economics [171] [172] [173]
- freestyle marxism [174]
- french economics[185]
- economy's health [175]
- "nazis"[186]
- online slavery [176] [177] [178][187]
- free pay lunch [188]
- ethics in capitalism[189][179]
- economics terminology[190]
- capitalist darwinism[191]
- dual use technology goods [180][192]
- Statistics and econometrics[193]
- petro-nationalism [194]
- private privatization or inverted privatization or again reverse privatization[195]pt:Clube-empresa [181] [182] [183]
- lincolnomics [196]
- economics of materialism Sustainable Societes: Transiton from theories to practce
- globalization in the United States [184][197]
- mormon economics[198]
- economics and medicine [185] [186] [187][199]
- structuralism in economics or positivist economics[200]
- Transindividuality [201]
- atheist Economics or economics atheist or atheism in Economics or Skeptic economics[202]
- petrowar[203]
- capitalism in socialism [188]
- narco-nationalism [189] [190] [191][204]
- cuban liberalism or cuban enlightenment or liberalism in the Americas or enlightenment in the Americas [192] [205]
- gospel economy [206]
- economic impact of natural disasters or economic effect of natural disasters or economics of natural diasters [193] [194]
- neo capitalism [207]
- neossocialism or neo socialism or newssocialism or new socialism or new-socialism[208]
- economics adjustment or economy adjustment [195][209]
- Economic neurosis [196] [197][210]
- capitalist afro-religions [198][211]
- communal capitalism [199][212]
- gay capitalism [213]
- communal socialism[214]
- necrossocialism or necro-socialism[215]
- cognitive economy or cognitive economics [200][216]
- economics of impeachment[217]
- communist freemasonry[218]
- freemasonry in Israel or jew freemasonry [201]
- agrarian Reform in Russia[219]
- catholic capitalism or Usury in catholicism [202] [203] [204]
- freemasonry in Vatican [205][220]
- Sub-imperialism or subimperialism [206] [207] [208][221]
- Fordist State[222]
- racism and imperialism [209][223]
- Liberalism and freemasonry[224]
- revival capitalism [225]
- revival socialism or communist revival [226]
- coaching economy[227]
- Cuban socialism[228]
- transsocialism ou traveconomics [210] [211] [212][229]
- racism and socialism [213]
- Soil economy [230]
- atheist capitalism [214] [215] [216]
- Transracial economy [217]
- saffic economy [218]
- Surreal (Currency) [219]
- narco-money [220]
- social freemasonry [231]
- Illegal economy[232]
- atheist economics[233]
- jewish economics or zionist economics [221] [222][234]
- Capitalist liberalism or liberal capitalism[235]
- impeachment in economics [223] [224] [225]
- Economic fair play [226]
- economics of society/economy of society [227][236]
- liberal in economy and conservatism in behavior[237]
radical conservatism or radical capitalism or radical liberalism[238]
chinese imperialism or chinese colonialism[239]
- Hindi imperialism or hindu imperialism or hindi colonialism or hindu colonialism[240]
- imperialism in Brazil or brazilian imperialism [228][241]
- imperialism in Americas[242]
- afro-imperialism or afro-colonialism [229] [230] [231] [243]
- oriental judaism[244]
- capitalism in Egypt[245]
- religious economy in Cold War or religious economics in Cold War [232] [233] [234][246]
- new Euro [235] [236][247]
- economic outbreak[248]
- Economics of religious terrorism[249]
- Sexist socialism [237][238]
- atheism and slavery [239]
- british capitalism [240] [241] [242][250]
- economics of sex[251]
- israeli communism [243]
- dialectics of economics[252]
- metaphysics of economics[253]
- economics positivism[254]
- economy or life or life or economy [244] [245] [246][255]
- family work pt:Agricultura familiar[256]
- economy of attention or economics of attention [247][257]
- Freemasonry in terrorism[258]
- Freemasonry in Enlightenment[259]
- multimodal economy[260]
- capitalism in totalitarianism [248] [249] [250]
- Economic significance [251][261]
- economic Law [252]
- Economic terminology or terminology of economic [253][262]
- Socialism and capitalism[263]
- outline of terminology of economics or outline of economic terminology[264]
- family in capitalist slavery or slavery and racism [265]
- confuncian economics [254]
- liberal-liberalism [255]
- religious racism in the public employment or defiance or disregard or outline of defiance or Public contempt or Outline of deviance Social deviance or outline of social deviance or Outsourcing contempt [256] [257] [258] pt:Desacato[266]
- republican socialism[267]
- pagan socialism [259] [260]
- mass-media economics or popular economics [261] [262] [263][268]
- Economic relations[269]
- private war [264] [265][270]
- socialism in nazism or social doctrine in nazism or nazi Economics or fascist Economics[271]
- Capitalist ontology[272]
- Economic ontology[273]
- public liberalism[274]
- public capitalism[275]
- social private[276]
- transsocialism or trans-socialism or trans socialism [266][277]
- communist indigenism social-indigenism, left-indigenism, socialist-indigenism[278]
- imperialist globalization[279]
- social-economics[280]
- Economics social[281]
- economist philosopher [267]
- political and economic liberalism The System of Liberty Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism[282]
- Community bias[283]
- nazi capitalist globalization Research Findings about Ford-Werke Under the Nazi Regime[284]
- ecology in economics [268] [269] [270][285]
- socio-bias [271]
- marketing of nazism or totalitarianism in propaganda [272]; Research Findings about Ford-Werke Under the Nazi Regime; [273][286]
- wiki-economics[287]
- outline of fascism[288][289]
- outline of nazism [274][290]
- wiki-economics[291]
- military in religious inequalities or religion and military inequalities or religion in the military inequalities [275] [276][277][292]
- economics of sex[293]
- geometrics in economics[294]
- radical State or totalitarian economy or totalitarian economics [278][295]
- Technology in social inequality [279] [280][296]
- politics in the militar inequality [281] [282] [283] [284][297]
- african mode of production [285]
- semite asian mode of production [286] [287]
- economics of american opposition [288] [289]
- finances of Syrian Emirate [298] [290] [291]
- exact sciences and Economics [292] [293]
- interdisciplinarity in Economics [294]
- libertarianism in Islam [295] [296][299]
- communism in internet [297][300]
- nazism in Germany [298] Braunbuch War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany; State, Economy, Administration, Army, Justice, Science [299][301]
- outline of Enlightenment or outline of liberalism[302]
- atheism and socialism [300][303]
- Economics in the human and exact science debate[304]
- outline of capitalism or outline of communism[305]
- capital society[306]
- political inequality [301][307]
- national social inequality or national inequality [302][308]
- religious and racial inequalities or religion in the racial inequality[309]
- Religious social inequality [303] [304] [305] [310]
- intersectional economics[311]
- Enlightenment in the socialism [312]
- capitalism in Enlightenment or economic and political liberalism or enlightenment in capitalism [306] [307][313]
- freemasonry in economy [308] [309]
- shinto economics[314]
- confucian economics[315]
- Plank in economics [310]
- skepticist theology in economics or monotheism in economics[316]
- libertarianism in atheism or atheism in libertarianism[317][318][319]
- Christian economy[320]
- lusitan imperialism[321]
- Crisis of zionism or israeli imperialism or jew imperialism or zionist imperialism or jew colonialism or israeli colonialism or zionist colonialism[322]
- christian economics [311][323][312]
- christianity in economics [313] [314][324]
- protestant economics or protestantism in economics or economics in protestantism [325] [315] [316] [317]
- vedic economics or dharma economics or buddhist economics[326]
- liberal capitalism in China [318]
- military economics [319] [320][327]
- Salafi economics or Oriental international capitalism [321][328]
- religion in social global inequality [322] Framing Racial Inequality Reassessing the Effect of Religion on Racial Attitudes [323][329]
- religion in the racial inequality of United States[330]
- religion in the racial inequality[331]
- Narco-anarchism[332]
- religious racial inequality[333]
- indigenous capitalism [324] [325][334]
- socialist colonialism [326] [327]
- Socialist racial inequality or Nationalism in socialism [328][335]
- Queer capitalism [329][336]
- pimping in economy or economy of pimping [330] [331] [332][337]
- Economics in social nationalism or nationalism social or nationalism socialist or socialism national or social nationalism or Social nationalism in the United States or socialist nationalism [333] [334] [335][338]
- social internationalism[339]
- petrocapitalism [336] [337] [338] [339][340]
- petromanly[341]
- State fusion[342]
- Social fusion[343]
- Economic alienation [340][344]
- capitalist army [341] [342]
- social army or activism in virtual spaces or militance of virtual environment [343] [344]
- narco-totalitarianism [345] [346]
- totalitarianism in Islam or religious totalitarism [347]
- left-wing nazism's conspiracy theory [348] [349] [350]
- academic capitalism [351], [352]
- slavery and gender [353][345]
- Zeminism[346]
- Settler colonialism in China [354]
- racial and social inequalities [355][347]
- National and social inequalities [356][348]
- economics and atheism [357]
- capitalist philosophy Mahnkopf, B. (2019). The ‘4th wave of industrial revolution’—a promise blind to social consequences, power and ecological impact in the era of ‘digital capitalism’. EuroMemo Group.[349]
- power economics[350]
- fossil economy[351]
- Totalitarian economics [358][352]
- Automatic Mixed Securities Shelf
- Bipartisan inequality [359] [360] [361]
- Bipartisan policy [362]
- Default barrier
- Export-supply curve
- Freudian Economics or Psychoanalysis policy [363] [364] [365][353]
- Hedonic deflation
- Level accounting
- Multimodal economics[354]
- Narco-communism or Drug economy or narcossocialism or narcopolitics [366] [367] [355]
- Narco-conservatism or narco-loyalism [368] [369][356]
- Narco-coup [370] [371] [372]
- Necroeconomics or profites of genocide [373] [374][357]
- New Statism [375] [376][358]
- Open offer, Open offering – Special kind of a capital increase of joint-stock companies
- Polyopoly Local monopolies, due to high cost of relocation. Historically seen in factory locations in industrial-revolution-era woolen mills in England, in modern times ISP local monopolies.
- Pro-cyclicality – Mentioned as a potential major factor in the 2008 world financial crisis – may be covered with business cycles
- Proto capitalism [377][359]
- Racial religious inequality or racism and religion in social inequality [378][360]
- Religious inequality[379][361]
- Real communism[362]
- Real social: [380][363]
- Republican capitalism [381] [382] [383][364]
- Resource colonialism
- Risk corridors (in health insurance)
- Segment operation income
- Sociocapitalism [384] [385]
- Tax performance
- Terms of sale, probably best to explain in the Terms of service article and then make both "Terms of sale" and "Terms of Sale" redirect there. Many companies have separate Terms of sale, such as The New York Times,[386] which may make finding reliable sources that discuss the subject difficult
[edit]- economy of religion [387] [388] [389][365]
- economic resilience or economics of resilience[366]
- agri-globalization [390] [391]
- soccer's economy [392]
- rural capitalism[367]
- capitalism in the New York [368]
- Interstellar economic paleontology [393] [394][369]
- sub-colonialism or reverse colonialism [395][370]
- sanitary economics [396]
- economy of water or economics of water [397] [398][371]
- economy of philosophy [399]
- economy of theology [400]
- European Union and sponsored terrorism [401] [402]
- Economy of Ocean[372]
- Funfair of theatre in Brazil or trade of theatre in Brazil or trade of arts in Brazil or Funfair of arts in Brazil[373]
- nobility in the United States or nobility in the Americas [403] [404] [405][374]
- capitalism in Iran [406][375]
- Mediterranean capitalism[376]
islamic imperialism [377]
- nazism in Canada[378]
- racist transumanism [407]
- cocaine evangelistan [408]
- economic life[379]
- economy of Baghdad [380]
- reverse slavery traffic or reverse modern slave trade[381]
- medieval liberalism[382]
- privatization of university [409] [410] [383]
- Holocaust economy [411] [412] [384]
- Decolonial economics[385]
- culture of globalization [413][386]
- ethics of globalization [414][387]
- economy in freemasonry or economics of freemasonry [415] [416][388]
- jewish globalization [417] [418] [389]
- Economy and racism or economics and racism[390]
- neonazi organized crime or neofascist organized crime [419]
- business of news censorship or economics of news censorship [420] [421] [422][391]
- autistic socialism [423]
- Poverty in Asia [424]
- socialism in Chicago [392]
- socialism in the New York [425]
- geral government [426] pt:Regimento do Governador-Geral pt:Provedor-mor
- Land Reform in the United States [427]
- freemasonry and society religion [428]
- left-peronism [429]
- capitalist aesthetics [430]
- work and energy [431]
- slavery and bondage[393]
economy of Siberia or economy in North Eurasia [432][394]
- Life Beyond Work Movement [433] [434] pt:Movimento Vida Além do Trabalho
- cold War in Outer space [435] [436] [437][395]
- cold War in Africa[396]
- cold War in Antarctica [438][397]
- cold War in Oceania [439] [440] [441]
- cold War in the Americas [442] [443] [444] [445][398]
Cold War in Europe [446][399]
- Economy of peaceful use of nuclear energy [447]
- economics of Human Rights or economy of Human Rights or State economics [448] [449][400]
- economy of refugees [450] [451][401]
- economy of water [452][402]
- animal economics or economic objectification [453] [454] [455]
- nobility in socialism [456] [457] [458][403]
- oligarchy socialism [459] [460] [461][404]
- capitalism in conservatism [462] [463] [464]
- informal black economy[405]
- capitalism conservative [465]
- outline of feudalism [466] [467]
Outline of marxism[406]
- popular power[407]
- christian enlightenment [408]
- socialist nationalism in France[409] [468]
- Socialist nationalism in Egypt [410]
- Marxism and hitlerism in economic propaganda [469] [470] [471]
- Jesus in economics or economics thought of Jesus of Nazareth [472][411]
- economics in medicine or economics of Physician or economic and medic depression or Economic and psychologic depression [473] [474] [475]
- pedagogy in economics[412]
- socialist urbanization or urbanization in socialism [476] [477] [478] [413]
- Feminism and Enlightenment [479]
- Capitalist permanent revolution [480] [481]
- Economic design[414]
- national socialism of internet or nazism of internet [482] [483] [484] [485]
- economics of internet or socialism of internet [486] [487][415]
Socialist imperialism or communist imperialism [416]
- Slavery in popular culture [488][417]
- Totalitarian religion[418]
- Communism in Egypt [489][419]
- communism in South Africa [420]
- serfdom economy or medieval economy [490][421][491] [422]
- socialist nationalism in France[423]
- Medieval socialism or feudal socialism [424][492] [493] [494]
- social feudalism [495][425]
- theology in economics or theology of economics or religion in the economics [426][496] [497]
- Theology and economics or economics and theology or religion in economics [498] [499]
- Economics of peace in Pacific Ocean[427]
- Communism and anarchy or communism and State or anarchy in communism [500] [501][428]
- Economists of TV Globo: [502]
- Cities by cost of real estate
- Convertible Ruble (articles to base on in German, Russian (de:Transferrubel)(ru:Переводный_рубль)
- Countries by insurance penetration – a filterable list of countries and their insurance penetration figures, similar in form to a page like List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita. Insurance penetration is defined by the ratio of (insurance premiums)/GDP.
- Infonomics (Valuing data and information)
- Institute of Community Economics
- Marshall and Swift Cost Index – Cost estimation for engineering equipment
- MEA Mannheim – "Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging" (MEA) associated with University of Mannheim (also listed in this article)
- Money recasting (ja:貨幣改鋳) - c.f. Debasement.
- Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grant [503]
- Net importer:[429][430]
[edit]- Adolfo Gordo [504] [505] [506] [431]
- George Abed – Institute of International Finance [507] Senior Counselor and Director for Africa & the Middle East. Former Chairman of the Palestine Monetary Authority, where he was responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive plan to restructure the PMA in preparation for transforming the institution into a full fledged central bank and for reforming and strengthening the banking system in Palestine [508]. Previously, Mr. Abed had served as Director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department of the International Monetary Fund and Special Advisor to the Managing Director. Prior to taking up that position, he served as Deputy Director of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department [509] [510] [511]
- Giorgio Alleva - Italian National Institute of Statistics - Italian economist and statistician, president of Italian National Institute of Statistics from 2014 to August 2018. After graduating with a grade of 110/110 cum laude in Economics, in 1983 he embarked on a career as a university researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, where he is currently a full professor of Statistics and holds numerous management positions. Before becoming a teacher, he also worked for Censis. In 2003 he joined INIS and became its president on 15 July 2014.
- Dennis R. Appleyard – Chair Department of Economics at Davidson college, Main Author of the International Economics (6th Edition) McGrawHill Inc. Received UNC-Chapel Hill's Tanner Award for "Excellence in Inspirational Teaching of Undergraduate Students" in 1983 and Davidson's Thomas Jefferson Award for teaching and service in 2004; [512][dead link ]
- Philip Armstrong (historian) – economic historian
- Dany Bahar (economist): d:Q27892374 – Venezuelan and Israeli economist. Focus areas are international economics and economic development. David M Rubenstein Fellow at the Brookings Instituion and associate at Harvard Center for International Development.
- David Besanko: d:Q30072109 – Alivn J. Huss Professor of Management and Strategy; author of multiple economics text books; Editorial Board, Review of Industrial Organization; Editorial Board, Journal of Regulatory Economics; [513]
- Robin Brooks (economist) – Institute of International Finance [514] Mr. Brooks serves as Managing Director and Chief Economist, overseeing the IIF’s macroeconomic analysis and serves as part of the IIF’s senior management team. Previously, Mr. Brooks was the Chief FX Strategist at Goldman Sachs based in NY, where he was responsible for the firm’s foreign exchange forecasts and publishing international macro research. Prior to joining Goldman, Mr. Brooks was the FX strategist at Brevan Howard. Before joining the private sector, Mr. Brooks spent eight years as an economist at the International Monetary Fund, where he worked on the IMF’s fair value models for FX, published academic research and participated in missions to IMF program countries. Mr. Brooks earned his PhD in Economics from Yale University in 1998. He earned a BSc in Monetary Economics from the London School of Economics in 1993.
- Katrina Ellis – Head of Research at Australian Prudential Reglatory Authority, PhD at Cornell University, Fulbright scholarship alumni. Worked with Maureen O'Hara on "When the Underwriter is the Market Maker: An Examination of Trading in the IPO Aftermarket"
- Arthur Grimes - Former Chair of New Zealand Central Bank. Known for creating the 2% inflation target.[515] [516]
- Bent Hansen (economist): ru:Хансен, Бент (экономист) [517] [518] – the chair of Department of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley (1977–1985)
- John William Hatfield – PhD economics, Stanford, 2005; currently at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- Henry T. C. Hu – Allan Shivers Chair in the Law of Banking and Finance at the University of Texas Law School; appointed by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary L. Schapiro as the inaugural Director of the SEC's Division of Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation (2009-2011).
- Jeffrey Rogers Hummel - a professor of the faculty of the Department of Economics in San Jose State University who authored Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the American Civil War [519] [520] [521] [522] [523] [524]
[edit]- Locke and Hobbes[432]
- marx and Hitler [525][433]
- Elias Khalil Jabbour [526][434]
- Naum Jasny – ru:Ясный, Наум Михайлович – the father of Natascha Artin Brunswick
- Hari Bansh Jha – one of senior most economists of Nepal; academician
- Jim Jubak – senior markets editor, MSN Money
- Hilary Kramer – financial journalist
- William Dean Lastrapes: d:Q30073045 – Current editor of the Journal of Macroeconomics (2014–present). Current Professor of Economics at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia (2002–present). Associate editor of the Journal of Economics and Business (1999-present). Former Economics Department Head at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia (2002–2008).
- Susan Laury – d:Q29570209 Experimental Economist; over 5000 citations on google scholar
- Manuel Fernández López – Specialist in History of Economic Thinking, FCE, University of Buenos Aires
- Mukul Majumdar: d:Q102123223 – PhD economics, Berkeley, 1970. Fellow of the Econometric Society (1976). Currently at the economics department at Cornell University.
- Jordan Matsudaira – d:Q95970920 Ph.D. Associate professor of economics, chief economist for Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers [527] [528] [529] [530]
- James C. McConnon, Jr. Professor of Economics, University of Maine, Microenterprise research, cruise ship economic impacts, regional economics
- Gerhard Mensch: de:Gerhard Mensch (Wirtschaftswissenschaftler) – professor at Case Western Reserve University
- Kamiar Mohaddes – Macroeconomist at Cambridge Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge and Fellow in Economics at King's College, Cambridge. Executive Secretary for the International Iranian Economic Association.
- Nugent-Smith, Jerome Patrick – International economist and educator. Lancaster University (1967-71) cited in Umberto Meoli.
- Julio H. G. Olivera – Argentine Math economist: es:Julio H. G. Olivera [531]
- James E. Pesando – d:Q41804783 [532]
- Solomon W. Polachek: d:Q30071224 — Labor economist, Distinguished Research Professor at Binghamton University. [533] [534]
- John M. Quigley (1942–2012) d:Q30069057 – scholar of housing markets; [535] [536]
- Janet Stotsky – [537]
- Leonardo Augusto Amaral Terra – Socioeconomic Dynamics researcher, University of São Paulo, Winner of West Churchman Memorial Prize (2014).
- Jan Toporowski — pl:Jan Toporowski [538]
[edit]- E-Communism finances or breadtube finances [539] [540] [541]
- finances of press or economy of press [542]
finances of wikipedia [543] [544] [545]
- neonazi finances Syrian National Socialist Party and His Coup Attempt In Lebanon 1961-1962 [546] [547][435]
- finances of Hindutva or hindutva economy or hindutva economics or hindutva sponsored terrorism or hindutva sponsored terrorism [548] [549][436]
- economics of United Nations or economy of United Nations or finances of United Nations [550] [551][437]
- European finances looting of art[438]
- cold War finances in te United States or military finances in the United States [552][439]
- energy spend in finances [553] [554] [555][440]
- financial education of internet [556] [557] [441]
- militar corruption or military corruption [558] [559][442]
- finances of Wikipedia [560]
- fortune tiger [561] pt:Jogo do Tigrinho
- finances of zionism[443]
- finances of narco-army [562]
- financial holocaust[444]
- Econometrics of financial markets[445]
- DoWar [563] [564][565]
- Arab and Islamic State finances [566] [567][446]
- Antifa finances pt:Antifascismo na Rússia; [568][447]
- Accident year (along with report year, policy year, calendar year, but this is probably the most important) – a way that data is aggregated in actuarial science and insurance [569]
- Act of April 10, 1806 (United States legislation dealing with currency and coinage among other issues) Act of April 10, 1806 (bottom of the page) Act of April 10, 1806 (as related to currency); [448]
- Abacus Deal – [570]
- Agibank – A digital bank and tech startup that uses the phone number as a bank account. [571] [572]
- AirGap - (A free self-custody cold storage crypto wallet that securely stores private keys offline.)website, medium
- Akirix – A service that provides a secure way of transferring money from company to company. [573]
- Alliance One – An ATM cooperative network for credit unions and community banks similar to the Co-op Network. Both networks may have overlapping memberships, but not all credit unions are members of both ATM networks. [574]
- American Oriental Bioengineering – traded New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: AOB) 119; currently redirects to Financial statements
- Ameriflex – uses automatic electronic transfer of pre-tax dollars from an employee account when paying for qualified expenses; [575] [dead link ]
- Assetization (Process of turning things into financial assets) [576]
- Black Diamond Capital Management – Private Equity
- cabinet order – discussed for example in FIX book management practices – no online definitions!
- California Mortgage Association - [449]
- Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP) – Professional certification designation granted by HFMA.
- Charge Rate – Financial Analysis / Tariff Computation
- Chapter X bankruptcy - a former bankruptcy chapter rolled into chapter 11
- Cinium Financial – holding company; provides insurance and financial-related products and services to small an medium businesses; subsidiaries include a licensed and admitted property and casualty insurance company (upper hudson national insurance company), licensed insurance agency (cinium underwriter services group dba OxBonding), risk management group (cinium risk management), a company that provides payroll services (ox payroll), and a company that provides financing and working capital to small businesses (cinium finance corp). [577] [578] [dead link ];[579] [dead link ];[580]
- Coficom Trust S.à r.l. – [581] provides expert tax structuring advice and important information on double-tax treaties and changes in law, specifically in Luxembourg.]
- ConnectPay - An Electronic Money Institution (EMI) that offers banking services for businesses and institutional clients: [450]
- Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) - A national organization founded in 1902, dedicated to protecting and advancing the nation’s dual-banking system. The NMLS is owned and operated by the State Regulatory Registry LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of CSBS.[451]
- Narco-communism or Drug economy or narcossocialism [582][452]
- Default fund – a mutualised loss-sharing arrangements where clearing members make contributions to central counterparties
- Disguised financing – A loan masquerading as a sale or lease transaction [453]
- finances of New York State[454]
- Effective financing statement
- economy of economics or finances of economics [583][455]
- finances of Association football [584]
- paraguayan horse [585] pt:Cavalo paraguaio
- Eldorado GG - A virtual economy marketplace for gamers to trade virtual goods:[456]
- "In-Game Items and Currencies Marketplace Publishes Infographic Showing Most Expensive Items Ever Sold". (Press release). Retrieved 2023-07-03.
- Hua, Ying (2020-06-09). "Why players should use online gaming marketplaces like". Retrieved 2023-07-03.
- Electric Home and Farm Authority (EHFA) – US Gov agency from 1936-1942[586]
- EI Variance This term has been used by Navarik inspection tool in a report. What does this mean? I can't find any references for the same on internet.
- Enfinium – global trading firm; created through the combination of engineering and finance
- ePayLater -ePayLater is a Mumbai based fintech company, founded in 2015, offering digital credit based payment solution. [457]
- ESW Capital – A private equity firm based in Austin, Texas that owns Trilogy (company)[458]
- Finances of militar dictatorship in Brazil [587]
- Fare collection systems in Bangladesh [459]
- Federal Reserve National Settlement Service[460]
- finances of New York State[461]
- economy of Islamic State of Israel or finances of Islamic State of Israel [588], [589], [590]
- finances of popular economics or economy of popular economics or marxist coaching [462][463]
- FINIPC Financial Interprocess Communication message format
- economics of indigenous peoples in Brazil or finances of indigenous people in Brazil [591][464]
- finances of Islamic State of Saudi Arabia or economy of Islamic State of Saudi Arabia [592], [593], [594], [595], [596]
- Finances of Islamic State of Turkey or economy of Islamic State of Turkey [597]
- finances of yemeni military [598]
- Financial operations - [599][600]
- Gobi Partners - Gobi Partners is one of the longest-standing venture capital firms with a Pan-Asian presence across North Asia, South Asia, and ASEAN with over US$1.1 billion in assets under management (AUM). The firm, headquartered in Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai, supports entrepreneurs from the early to growth stages and focuses on emerging and underserved markets[465]
- Refugee Lens Investing A framework to define and qualify refugee investments to facilitate the deployment of capital toward refugees and the communities hosting them [601] [602] [603] [604]
- guevara e Hugo Chavez[466]
[edit]- insolvency in companies [605] [606]
Islamic finance [607]
hitlerism [608], [609][467]
- Heartland Seniors Finance (Australian Reverse Mortgage provider, originally established in 2004 as 'Australian Seniors Finance', the company was purchased by Heartland Bank – a New Zealand bank. ASF was renamed to Heartland Seniors Finance to reflect new ownership ([610], [611] [612]
- HedgeGuard Fintech company where full front-to-back portfolio management system has been designed and created by developers and buy-side professionals. Used by Asset managers, hedge funds, family offices and their respective middle office team [613] [614][615] [616]
- Heinlein Heritage Check System, Heritage Check System, Heritage Check, Social Credit – A theoretical public finance system designed by the Engineer Robert H. Heinlein and proposed in his book, "For Us, The Living" whereby a government is funded by investing in the society instead of by taxes.
- Industrial goods – Define and compare to consumer goods and services.
- Internet finance in China - Internet finance services in China such as P2P, third-part lending, and online investment funds have increased in recent years, China has biggest internet finance industry; scandals and frauds related to internet finance in China; and regulatory framework and policies.
Istituto Finanziario Industriale, the principal holding company of the Agnelli Group which includes 30% of the Fiat and 60% of Juventus F.C.. It joined it:Exor.
- kandir law pt:Lei Kandir [617]
- Kasasa cash – some sort of financial tool or alternative currency being used by smaller banks.
- KCRise Fund – A venture capital firm based in Kansas City that focuses on investing in emerging business in and around the Kansas City metropolitan area.[618] KCRise Fund is the most active venture capital fund in the state of Kansas[619] and, with $60 million in assets under management, is the largest Midwest-based venture capital firm founded solely by a woman.[620]
- Laybuy - Laybuy is a New Zealand financial technology company operating in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. The company is a payments platform that allows retailers to offer weekly, interest-free, instalment plans[468]
- Loan Notes – UK financing technique
- Lendingkart – Lendingkart is an online financing company [621], [622]
- Land and Buildings Investment Management – Notable activist hedge fund that focuses on investments in REITs and real estate related companies.
- Lending Loop Canadian p2p business lending platform.
- Matching halt – I think it is a kind of Pause in the Stock Marked when new vital information is released.
- MMIFF – cf. the Federal Reserve's balance sheet [623]
- Middle East and Africa Bank A bank based in Beirut, Lebanon with some controversy related to its owners.
- Mirror account – A bank maintaining its account with another bank
- Mlhuillier Financial Services – One of largest Financial Services Company in the Philippines offering Quick Cash Loans, Money Transfer Services (Domestic & International), Bills Payment and other services.
- Monacoin - cryptocurrency involved in the 2018 Zaif exchange compromise[469]
[edit]- Nath Finanças pt:Nath Finanças [624]
- nobility in the Islamic State [625] [626] [627]
- Named order – a type of order on the London Stock Exchange, not allowed for all financial instruments. An explanation is needed by someone familiar with the subject.
- Needham Funds[470]
- Neal Analytics(A B2B consulting company focused on AI, data science, and cloud technology. Founded in 2011, headquarters is in Bellevue, Washington. Currently over 200 employees across several countries. Serving the United States, Canada, and India. Gold Partner with Microsoft.)[628]
- Novantas, Inc. – An international banking analytics and advisory services firm with locations in New York, Chicago, Toronto and others. A FinTech 100 firm [629]; [630]
- OANDA – Key player in the retail FOREX. Analysts are frequently quoted in top-tier news sources. Cited/sourced on wiki regularly. Conspicuous by their absence since AFD of an apparently promotional article in 2016. These are just a few examples in the last day, from the first couple pages of this 82,000-hit Google search of news sources[471]
- Ox Bonding – national leader in credit and bonding services. The Contractor Credit Program (CCP) provides A.M. Best A− rated Bid, Payment and Performance bonds to contractors as well as working capital advances, payroll processing and other services designed to support their client’s needs. In addition to the CCP program, they offer traditional commercial surety bonds to the millions of American business that are required to post a bond under the terms of their licenses [631] [632][dead link ][633][dead link ]; [634]
- Panic of 1855 – discussed in History of Wells Fargo, subsection title improperly pointing to Panic of 1857. [635] [636], et al.
- Paytron – an Australian financial software company that specializes in payments online. Offering a global payments platform that simplifies the way businesses and accountants can manage their transactions from start to end. The Saas tool simplifies accounts payables, international transfers, payroll payments and approval workflows. Paytron currently integrates with additional accounting, financial and payroll software companies including Xero and KeyPay while MYOB Advanced and Netsuite are coming soon. Paytron was co-founded in Sydney Australia by Francois Henrion and Jaco Veldsman. [472]
- Portfolio Management Software – Details and comparison of software used to manage investment portfolios
- Primary capital certificate – some sort of security, possibly primarily Norwegian, which is traded on the London Stock Exchange.
- Principal investment
- QT Mutual Bank – A mutual bank in Queensland, Australia, soon to be merged with Royal Automobile Club of Queensland; [637]
- RCN Capital – Nationwide private, direct lender based out of Connecticut[473]
- Regulation H – Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System, Defines the requirements for membership of state-chartered banks in the Federal Reserve System; sets limitations on certain investments and requirements for certain types of loans; describes rules pertaining to securities-related activities; establishes the minimum ratios of capital to assets that banks must maintain and procedures for prompt corrective action when banks are not adequately capitalized; prescribes real estate lending and appraisal standards; sets out requirements concerning bank security procedures, suspicious-activity reports, and compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act; and establishes rules governing banks' ownership or control of financial subsidiaries; "Regulation H: Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System". Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Retrieved 2023-12-21.
- Republic (Investment Platform) – Republic is a financial technology firm headquartered in New York City focused on expanding access to the private markets. Republic operates several distinct business lines including a retail investment platform, a private capital division, and a blockchain advisory practice. Republic was founded by Kendrick Nguyen in 2016 as a spinout of AngelList, an angel investing website. [638] [639] [640] [641] History: Republic was founded in 2016 after the passing of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission enacted Title III of the JOBS Act, which allowed non-accredited investors to participate in funding rounds for startups. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act. After spinning out of AngelList in 2016, Republic opened up investing in startups to retail investors with minimums of $20-$50. [474]
- Rice Finance Company – stock market investment company
- Rodrigo Patto de Sá Motta: pt:Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta Scholar of economy of Military dictatorship in Brazil in 1964. [642] [643]
- Heloísa Starling Idem., academic of economic history of Brazil.[475]
[edit]- stochastic finance[476]
- Saudism or saudi business or saudi economics or again saudi finance [644] [645] [646][477]
- Wikipedia like social network [647] [648] [649] [650]
- finance of nuclear weapons [651]
- scrap rate scrapping rate of capital
- Stock market crash 2021 - ongoing
- Swap Mis-selling – anyone want to write an article on what the UK experienced?
- Tassa di Circolazione – An Italian equivalent to the British tax disc that vehicle owners used to have to display until somewhere around the 1980s.
- Target Redemption Notes – Composition underlying options that make up such structures
- Time averages – moving averages (example 60-day moving average) used in technical analysis of stocks
- WIIFM Principle – [652]
- Yieldbroker Pty Ltd – Subsidiary of the Australian Stock Exchange.
- ThinkMarkets – ThinkMarkets is a Financial Conduct Authority and Australian Securities and Investments Commission regulated online broker for Forex, Shares, Indices, Precious metals, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies trading, providing leading technology to traders around the world [653] [654] [655] [656][478]
- White Rabbit Money A gold backed local complementary currency that circulates in Central Illinois.[657]
[edit]- ^ Like this
- ^ The Medical Anthropologies in Brazil ISBN 9783861355687
- ^ "The Coming of the American Behemoth: The Origins of Fascism in the United States, 1920–1940" by Michael Joseph Roberto
- ^ Managerial Capitalism, Ethics, Secrets and the Business School: Footsteps and Foundations ISBN 1036400026; Managerial capitalism: ownership, management, and the coming new mode of production ISBN 0745337538; Managerial Capitalism in Retrospect ISBN 0-312-21578-9
- ^ Corporate Social Capital and Liability [1 ed.] ISBN 978-1-4613-7284-4; Capital Directive in Europe: The Rules on Incorporation and Capital of Limited Liability Companies ISBN 052149334x Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: invalid character
- ^ "He Is Brazil's Defender of Democracy. Is He Actually Good for Democracy?" ISSN 0362-4331
- ^ Black, Edwin (2001). IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation. [S.l.]: Crown Publishers.ISBN 9780914153276; The Professionalization of Psychology in Nazi Germany (1 ed.) ISBN 0521102138; For God, Country, and Coca-Cola ISBN 0465029175; Thinking Small The Long, Strange Trip of the Volkswagen Beetle ISBN 0345521447
- ^ Collor: a cocaína dos pobres: a nova cara da direita ISBN 8527401088
- ^ An Intuitive Introduction to Finance and Derivatives: Concepts, Terminology and Models ISBN 3031234529
- ^ Best practices in leadership development and organization change: how the best companies ensure meaningful change and sustainable leadership [1 ed.] ISBN 0787976253
- ^ Truly Totally Trump: A Collection of Put-Downs, Insults & Unforgettable Utterances from a President Who Tells It Like It Is ISBN 1250201543
- ^ Freire, Paulo (1967). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Boston: Beacon Press. ISBN 978-0816491322; Hevia, James Louis (2003). English Lessons: The Pedagogy of Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century China. Durham: Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0-8223-3188-9; Zygmunt Bauman, “The Art of Life,” (London: Polity Press, 2008), p. 88 ISBN 978-0745643267; Searle, John. (1995). The construction of social reality. New York, NY: Free Press; On Confounding Politics with Pedagogics Lenin; Putnam, Hilary. (1975). The analytic and synthetic. Mind, language and reality: Philosophical papers, volume 2 (pp. 33– 69). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
- ^ Re-centering Cultural Performance and Orange Economy in Post-colonial Africa: Policy, Soft Power, and Sustainability ISBN 9811906408
- ^ Climate Changed: Refugee Border Stories and the Business of Misery ISBN 2020026801 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
- ^ Christian Business Values in an Intercultural Environment ISBN 9783428067923
- ^ Global and Transnational Business: Strategy and Management ISBN 0470851260; Transnational Business Cultures: Life And Work In A Multinational Corporation ISBN 0754642658; Networked Governance, Transnational Business and the Law ISBN 978-3-642-41211-0; Financial Elites and Transnational Business: Who Rules the World? ISBN 0857935518; Menstrual Bodies and Gender: The Transnational Business of Menstruation from Latin America ISBN 9811929955; Regulatory Property Rights: The Transforming Notion of Property in Transnational Business Regulation ISBN 9789004313521
- ^ ENG, David. Public Policy: Why ethics matters ISBN 9781921666759
- ^ Kugler, “Das Opel-Management,” p. 52, 61 ff., e 67; Kugler, “Flugzeuge,” p. 85; 89 ISBN 9783860991442
- ^ Financial Lexicon: A Compendium of Financial Definitions, Terminology, Jargon and Slang (Finance and Capital Markets) ISBN 1403936099
- ^ Ethnic & Religious Bias in Africa: An Analysis of Bias Decline and Conversion Based on the Works of Bernard Lonergan ISBN 0874627362
- ^ Wealth and Poverty in the Book of Proverbs ISBN 1850752648
- ^ "Loop boosts RACQ's email security". iTnews. Retrieved 2023-11-27.
- ^ Eatwell, Roger (1997). Fascism, A History. [S.l.]: Viking-Penguin. pp. xvii–xxiv, 21, 26–31, 114–40, 352. ISBN 978-0140257007; Griffin, Roger (2000). «Revolution from the Right: Fascism». In: Parker, David. Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition in the West 1560-1991. London: Routledge. pp. 185–201. ISBN 978-0415172950; Eatwell, Roger (1997). Fascism, A History. [S.l.]: Viking-Penguin. pp. xvii–xxiv, 21, 26–31, 114–40, 352. ISBN 978-0140257007; Fritzsche, Peter (1998). Germans into Nazis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674350922
- ^ "Vilfredo Pareto". Retrieved 2024-03-29.
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- ^ International Development Cooperation Today: A Radical Shift Towards a Global Paradigma ISBN 9462702616; International Development Cooperation of Japan and South Korea: New Strategies for an Uncertain World ISBN 9811646007
- ^ Foreign Investment & Domestic Development: Multinationals and the State ISBN 1588266338
- ^ Leading Masonic Organizations: To Build and Sustain the York Rite of Freemasonry ISBN 1662936516
- ^ Global Freemasonry ISBN 0-620-30165-1; Miners, mariners et masons : the global network of Victorian freemasonry ISBN 1905816243; Freemasonry and American Culture, 1880-1930 [1st ed.] ISBN 0691047162
- ^ Til Debt Do Us Part ISBN 0736908994
- ^ Queer Business: Queering Organization Sexualities (Routledge Advances in Critical Diversities) (1 ed.) ISBN 1138814016
- ^ Signs of Success: The Remarkable Power of Business Astrology ISBN 0814474411; Investing by the Stars: Using Astrology in the Financial Markets ISBN 0070689997
- ^ Kernaghan, Kenneth (1986). «Political Rights and Political Neutrality: finding the bland point». Canadian Public Administration: 639–652
- ^ [661] ISBN 0813065003;[662] ISBN 0415897211; Free Speech and Censorship Around the Globe ISBN 9633860563; GAMBARATO, R. R. ; ALZAMORA, G. C. ; TARCIA, L. ; JURNO, A. . 2014 FIFA World Cup on the Brazilian Globo Network: A transmedia dynamics?. Global Media and Communication (Print), p. 174276651773425-9, 2017; GAMBARATO, R. R. ; ALZAMORA, G. C. ; TARCIA, L. ; JURNO, A. . 2014 FIFA World Cup on the Brazilian Globo Network: A transmedia dynamics?. Global Media and Communication (Print), p. 174276651773425-9, 2017; TARCIA, L. ; ALZAMORA, G. C. . Proposed methodology for analysis of transmedia news stories. Study of the Globo Television?s Flutuador Project. In: Transmedia Literacy: from storytelling to intercreativity in the Era of Distributed Authorship. Barcelona International Seminar., 2013, Barcelona. Transmedia Literacy: from storytelling to intercreativity in the Era of Distributed Authorship. Barcelona International Seminar., 2013. p. 10-10.
- ^ Social Media and the Islamic State: Can Public Relations Succeed Where Conventional Diplomacy Failed ISBN 9780367173418
- ^ Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ISBN 0691172420
- ^ Shaping the New World: African Slavery in the Americas, 1500-1888 (Paperback ed.) ISBN 1442605553, A World Transformed: Slavery in the Americas and the Origins of Global Power ISBN 1472144333; The Faces of Freedom: The Manumission and Emancipation of Slaves in Old World and New World Slavery ISBN 900415082X; America's Forgotten Slaves: The History of Native American Slavery in the New World and the United States ISBN 9781711731940
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- ^ Herbert Simon and the concept of rationality: Boundaries and procedures ISSN 1809-4538: Machine learning approach for crude oil price prediction with Artificial Neural Networks-Quantitative (ANN-Q) model ISBN 9781424469178; State Fusion Centers: Their Effectiveness in Information Sharing and Intelligence Analysis ISBN 9781593325305; The Authorised History of British Defence Economic Intelligence: A Cold War in Whitehall, 1929–90 ISBN 1138658286; The Logical Structure of Science ISBN 0367426072; The Logical Systems of Lesniewski ISBN 0444533958; Economic Logic [5 ed.] ISBN 1621577716; Economies of Death: Economic logics of killable life and grievable death ISBN 1138805769; Economic Intelligence and National Security ISBN 0886293359; Administrative Behavior [4th ed.] ISBN 0684835827; Digitalization and Big Data for Resilience and Economic Intelligence: 4th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, ICESS 2021, Bucharest, Romania ISBN 3030932850; Private Vices, Public Virtues Bawdry in London from Elizabethan Times to the Regency ISBN 0709057245; Bounded rationality and politics ISBN 0520945514; The Economic Psychology of Herbert A. Simon ISSN 0167-4870; The Duhem-Quine Thesis in Economics ISBN 9781634350518; [663] ISBN 9781424469178
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- ^ Nock, Richard; Magdalou, Brice; Sanz, Nicolas; Briys, Eric; Celimene, Fred; Nielsen, Frank (2009). "Information geometries and Microeconomic Theories". arXiv:0901.2586 [q-fin.GN].
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- ^ Stochastic Economics. Stochastic Processes, Control, and Programming ISBN 978-0-12-691650-8
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- ^ The Syrian Information and Propaganda War: The Role of Cognitive Bias Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Missing ISBN.
- ^ Social Intelligence and Interaction: Expressions and implications of the social bias in human intelligence ISBN 0521453291; How We Misunderstand Economics and Why it Matters : the Psychology of Bias, Distortion and Conspiracy ISBN 131567534X
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- ^ Arad, Gulie Ne'eman (2000). America, Its Jews, and the Rise of Nazism. [S.l.]: Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press. ISBN 9780253338099; Loftus, John (2010). “America’s Nazi Secret”. [S.l.: Trine Day Press] ISBN 1936296047; For God, Country, and Coca-Cola ISBN 0465046991
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- ^ Reich, Simon (2001). Research Findings about Ford-Werke Under the Nazi Regime. [S.l.]: Ford Motor Company pp.24 and 28; Inside the Nazi Ring: A Naval Attaché in Sweden, 1940-1945 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Missing ISBN.; Making Fascism in Sweden and the Netherlands: Myth-Creation and Respectability, 1931–40 ISBN 9781350192331
- ^ Herman Göring and the Nazi art collection: the looting of Europe's art treasures and their dispersal after World War II ISBN 1280377879; Looting Africa: The Economics of Exploitation ISBN 1842778129
- ^ Islamic revolution and historical memory: an inquiry into the art of ʻAbbāsid apologetics ISBN 9780940490666
- ^ Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich [Illustrated] ISBN 074532181X
- ^ Nationalism and socialism in the Armenian revolutionary movement (1887-1912) (Zoryan Institute thematic series) [Paperback ed.] ISBN 0916431045; Beyond Neoliberalism, Nationalism and Socialism: Rethinking the Boundary Between State and Market ISBN 2017941125 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum; Black nationalism & socialism ISBN 0905998057
- ^ Unrepentant Leftist: A Lawyer's Memoir ISBN 0-252-02253-x Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: invalid character; The Concise Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History ISBN 978-1-4008-3946-9; International Trotskyism, 1929–1985: a documented analysis of the movement. Durham: Duke University Press. ISBN 0-8223-0975-0; The Roots of American Communism. Nova Iorque: Viking Press. ISBN 0-7658-0513-8; American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen, Communists & Others. Amherst: Prometheus Books, 1996. ISBN 1-57392-058-4; «Neoconservatives and 'Trotskyism'». Taylor and Francis. American Communist History. 3 (2). ISSN 1474-3892; THE COMMUNISTIC SOCIETIES OF THE UNITED STATES: From Personal Visit and Observation. Harper & Brothers (reprinted 1966), Dover Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-486-21580-6; Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism (em inglês). São Francisco: City Lights Books. ISBN 978-0-87286-329-3
- ^ The Development of Capitalism in Russia [ebook ed.] ISBN 0203028066; The Origins of Capitalism in Russia;: Industry and Progress in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries ISBN 0812901657; State Capitalism in Russia ISBN 9780906224441
- ^ Crony Capitalism in India: Establishing Robust Counteractive Institutional Frameworks ISBN 978-1-137-58287-4
- ^ Capitalism and Revolution in Iran (Middle East series) ISBN 0905762576
- ^ Republican Money Collectibles and investment ISBN 7539826738; How to Make Real Money in Second Life: Boost Your Business, Market Your Services, and Sell Your Products in the World's Hottest Virtual Community [1 ed.] ISBN 9780511506451; Jim Cramer's Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World [First edition.] ISBN 0743224892; Food Industry and the Internet: Making Real Money in the Virtual World [1 ed.] ISBN 063205753X; The Little Book of Main Street Money: 21 Simple Truths that Help Real People Make Real Money (Little Books. Big Profits) [1 ed.] ISBN 0470473231; 101 Real Money Questions: The African American Financial Question and Answer Book [1 ed.] ISBN 0471206741; Writing for Quick Cash: Turn Your Way with Words into Real Money ISBN 0814471994; The Invisible Hands: Top Hedge Fund Traders on Bubbles, Crashes, and Real Money [1 ed.] ISBN 1118065484; Beyond book sales : the complete guide to raising real money for your library ISBN 1555709125; Real money answers for every woman : how to win the money game with or without a man [First Amistad edition] ISBN 0062420275; Real Money, Real Power?: The Challenges with Participatory Budgeting in New York City [1 ed.] ISBN 9783030592004; Mastering Online Marketing: 12 World Class Strategies That Cut Through the Hype and Make Real Money on the Internet ISBN 2007021488 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum; Insider Secrets to Diamond Dealing - How The Real Money Is Made ISBN 0873648765; Fake Goods, Real money: The Counterfeiting Business and its Financial Management ISBN 9781447346975
- ^ Guerrilla Capitalism: How to Practice Free Enterprise In an Unfree Economy ISBN 0915179164; Institutional Challenges in the Integration of the Brazilian Public Security Intelligence System. In: SWENSON, Russel; HIRANE, Carolina SAncho. (Org.). Intelligence Management in the Americas. 1ed.Washington: National Intelligence University, 2015, v. 1, p. 263-280. ISBN 1932946438
- ^ Late Capitalist Fascism (Theory Redux) ISBN 1509547444; Late Fascism: Race, Capitalism and the Politics of Crisis ISBN 1839760222
- ^ [664] ISBN 1134040911
- ^ It Can't Happen Here ISBN 1496101480; We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United States ISBN 9780822391784; From Development to Dictatorship: Bolivia and the Alliance for Progress in the Kennedy Era [1 ed.] ISBN 0801452600; Cuban militant’s release draws fire ISSN 0458-3035
- ^ The Struggle for Water in Peru: Comedy and Tragedy in the Andean Commons [1 ed.] ISBN 0804731381
- ^ Narco Terrorism: A Unified Strategy to Fight a Growing Terrorist Menace ISBN 978-90-04-47955-5
- ^ La Constitution Girondine de 1793 ISBN 0656865040; 69,000 Died or Disappeared in Peru Conflict, Panel Reports ISSN 0362-4331
- ^ Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism ISBN 1847927270; Raging Twenties: Great Power Politics Meets Techno-Feudalism in the Era of COVID-19 ISBN 1608882209
- ^ Financing the Apocalypse: Drivers for Economic and Political Instability ISBN 3030047202; Marx, Uno and the Critique of Economics: Towards an Ex-Capitalist Transition ISBN 3031226291; Periodizing Capitalism and Capitalist Extinction ISBN 978-3-030-14390-9; Can We Avoid a Third World War Around 2010?: The Political, Social and Economic Past and Future of Humanity [1 ed.] ISBN 978-1-349-04427-6
- ^ Investment and Property Rights in Yugoslavia: The Long Transition to a Market Economy [1 ed.] ISBN 0521122589; Socialist Unemployment - The Political Economy of Yugoslavia, 1945-1990 ISBN 0691086451
- ^ For God, Country, and Coca-Cola ISBN 9780465046997; Food Economics: Industry and Markets ISBN 9780415604598; The global food economy: The battle for the future of farming ISBN 1842777955; The Food Economy: Global Issues and Challenges ISBN 9086861091; The World Food Economy [2 ed.] ISBN 0470593628; The Role Of Markets In The World Food Economy [1 ed.] ISBN 9780367295646; Bringing the food economy home: local alternatives to global agribusiness ISBN 1565491467
- ^ pt:Colônia de exploração e povoamento; Medieval Colonialism: Postcrusade Exploitation of Islamic Valencia ISBN 9781400867592
- ^ The Barcelona Complex: Lionel Messi and the Making - and Unmaking - of the World's Greatest Soccer Club ISBN 2021021666 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
- ^ In the Trenches with Jesus and Marx: Harry F. Ward and the Struggle for Social Justice (Religion and American Culture) [1 ed.] ISBN 0817312463; The Cult of Rajavi ISSN 0362-4331; Marxism, Maoism, and Utopianism: Eight Essays [1st ed.] ISBN 0299084205; US Trotskyism 1928-1965. Part I: Emergence : Left Opposition in the United States. Dissident Marxism in the United States: Volume 2 [1 ed.] ISBN 9789004356986; The Generation That Knew Not Josef: A Critique of Marxism and the Religious Left ISBN 0880700815The Generation That Knew Not Josef: A Critique of Marxism and the Religious Left ISBN 0880700815; Marx, Critical Theory, And Religion: A Critique of Rational Choice ISBN 9004152385; Buddha, Marx, and God: Some aspects of religion in the modern world [2 ed.] ISBN 978-0-333-24554-5; Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories and Tall Tales: Selected Writings of Groucho Marx An Updated and Expanded Edition ISBN 9781557839213;[665] [666]; The Generation That Knew Not Josef: A Critique of Marxism and the Religious Left ISBN 0880700815; The Cult of Rajavi ISSN 0362-4331 Lenin Lives!: The Lenin Cult in Soviet Russia ISBN 0674524306; Russia and the Cult of State Security: The Chekist Tradition, From Lenin to Putin [1 ed.] ISBN 041560933X; International Communism and the Cult of the Individual: Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs under Lenin and Stalin [1 ed.] ISBN 978-1-349-71778-1; Marx's Religion of Revolution: Regeneration Through Chaos ISBN 093046415X; Marxist-Leninist 'Scientific Atheism' and the Study of Religion and Atheism in the USSR [Reprint ed.] ISBN 3110838583
- ^ The Generation That Knew Not Josef: A Critique of Marxism and the Religious Left ISBN 0880700815The Generation That Knew Not Josef: A Critique of Marxism and the Religious Left ISBN 0880700815
- ^ Berton, Pierre. Marching as to War: Canada's Turbulent Years 1899-1953. Anchor Canada: 2002. Harris, Steven, Canadian Brass: The Making of a Professional Army, 1860-1939. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988. Includes a section on the interwar defence planning. Preston, Richard A. The Defence of the Undefended Border: Planning for War in North America 1867-1939. Montreal and London: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1977.
- ^ Communism in Rural France: French Agricultural Workers and the Popular Front (International Library of Historical Studies) ISBN 1845117085; Poetics of village politics : the making of West Bengal's rural communism ISBN 0195662687; Fourth World Conflicts: Communism and Rural Societies ISBN 0813380723; ORIENTAL DESPOTISM: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TOTAL POWER ISBN 0394747011
- ^ Soviet Non-Capitalist Development: The Case of Nasser's Egypt ISBN 0275931358
- ^ The King's Two Bodies ISBN 1400880785
- ^ The Professionalization of Psychology in Nazi Germany ISBN 0521332974;Biology and Behavioral Economics: The Prophesy of Alfred Marshall ISBN 1032300469
- ^ Efficiency Criteria for Nationalised Industries (Routledge Revivals) ISBN 978-0415682435
- ^ Manning Marable, Beyond Black and White: Transforming African-American Politics. London: Verso, 1996; p. 61. ISBN 1844673820; The New York Intellectuals: The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left From the 1930s to the 1980s ISBN 0807817163; In Defense of the Communist Party and the Indicted Leaders, by William Z. Foster ASIN B003NXYX5Y; The Roads to Russia: United States Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union Hardcover – Import, January 1, 1969 ISBN 9780806108230; Ambassador Key to Secretary of State, August 15, 1951, in U.S. Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951, Asia and the Pacific, VI, 28 (hereafter FRUS). National Intelligence Estimate 74, “Probable Developments in Burma Through 1953,” FRUS, 1952-1954. East Asia and the Pacific XII, 54.
- ^ Mohamed Al-Fayed & Princess Diana: The Shocking Truth ISBN 1446724107; Mohamed Al-Fayed & Princess Diana: The Shocking Truth ISBN 1446724107; Viscount Maua and the Empire of Brazil: A Biography of Irineu Evangelista De Souza ISBN 0520320077
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- ^ Couto L (2013) Relações Brasil-América do Sul: a construção inacabada de parceria com o entorno estratégico (Brazil-South America Relations: The Unfinished Construction of Partnership with the Strategic Surroundings). In: Lessa AC, Altemani H (eds) Parcerias Estratégicas Do Brasil: Os Significados E as Experiências Tradicionais. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, pp.195–217; Robert Jackson Alexander, Eldon M. Parker, A history of organized labor in Brazil. Westport, CN: Praeger, 2003, ISBN 0-275-97738-2, page. 141; Controversies about History, Development and Revolution in Brazil Economic Thought in Critical Interpretation (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 211) ISBN 9789004500204; The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey Around South America ISBN 1859849717; Brazil and Its Radical Left: An Annotated Bibliography on the Communist Movement and the Rise of Marxism, 1922-1972 [Hardcover ed.] ISBN 0527168211; Brazilian Communism, 1935-1945: Repression during World Upheaval ISBN 9780292771659
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- ^ Being, Time, Bios: Capitalism and Ontology ISBN 143844589X; The Ontology and Function of Money: The Philosophical Fundamentals of Monetary Institutions ISBN 0739195115; Ontology of Social Being: Labour ISBN 850362555 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: length; The Economic World View: Studies in the Ontology of Economics [1 ed.] ISBN 0521000203
- ^ The Economic World View: Studies in the Ontology of Economics ISBN 0521801761
- ^ A Republic of Righteousness: The Public Christianity of the Post-Revolutionary New England Clergy ISBN 019512989X
- ^ Public Capitalism: The Political Authority of Corporate Executives (Haney Foundation Series) ISBN 0812244443
- ^ Public and Private Social Policy: Health and Pension Policies in a New Era ISBN 83-2008-362-1; The Divided Welfare State: The Battle over Public and Private Social Benefits in the United StatesISBN 0521013283; Private Vices, Public Virtues Bawdry in London from Elizabethan Times to the Regency ISBN 0709057245
- ^ [670] ISBN 979-8524111708; Transgender Resistance: Socialism and the Fight for Trans Liberation ISBN 1910885835; Crossing: A Transgender Memoir ISBN 9780226662732
- ^ Indianismo e indigenismo en América ISBN 8420626287; Andes imaginarios: discursos del indigenismo ISBN 8483870568
- ^ George T. Crane, Abla Amawi, The Theoretical evolution of international political economy. Oxford University Press US, 1997: page 108; Das, D. (2006) Globalization in the World of Finance: An Analytical History. Global Economy Journal 6 (1), article 2; Peter Dicken, Global Shift. Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy, Sage, 2007, p. 43
- ^ Social Economics: Premises, Findings and Policies (New Directions in Social Economics) [1 ed.] ISBN 0415137217; Ethics and the Market: Insights from Social Economics (Advances in Social Economics) [1 ed.] ISBN 0415394619; Social Economics: Retrospect and Prospect [1 ed.] ISBN 978-94-010-7627-2
- ^ Handbook of social economics. Volume 1A [1 ed.] ISBN 0444531874; Studies in Social Economics ISBN 9780203852309; Political and social economy: its practical applications ISBN 185506619X
- ^ Where Economics Went Wrong: Chicago’s Abandonment Of Classical Liberalism ISBN 0691179204; Liberalism: A Counter-History ISBN 9781781681664; The Political Economy of Power: Hegemony & Economic Liberalism ISBN 0312120192
- ^ Community Criminology: Fundamentals of Spatial and Temporal Scaling, Ecological Indicators, and Selectivity Bias ISBN 081472549X
- ^ The Business of Genocide: The Ss, Slave Labor, and the Concentration Camps ISBN 0807826774; Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 ISBN 0595431666; Chomsky, Noam; Herman, Edward S. (1979). The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism: The Political Economy of Human Rights. 1. (S.l.): South End Press. ISBN 9780914153276; IBM and the Holocaust ISBN 978-0896080904
- ^ MEEK, Ronald (1963). “The Interpretation of Physiocracy”, In: MEEK, Ronald. The Economics of Physiocracy, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; LESHEM, Dotan (2013). “Oikonomia Redefined”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 35(1): 43-66; Natural Law and the Rise of Economic Individualism in England; GEORGESCU-ROEGEN, N. The Entropy Law and the Economic Process in Retrospect. Eastern Economic Journal, v.XIII, n. 1, 1986; Nordeste, v. 42, p. 229-246, 2011. STERN, N. The Economics of Climate Change – the Stern Review. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007; The Economics of Climate Change in Argentina (The Latin American Studies Book Series) ISBN 3030622517
- ^ For God, Country, and Coca-Cola ISBN 9780465046997
- ^ The Wisdom of Crowds ISBN 0385721706; Surhone, L. M. (2010), The wisdom of crowds: James Surowiecki, anecdote, Francis Galton, crowd psychology, sampling (statistics), Charles Mackay ISBN 9786130456672
- ^ Eatwell, Roger (1997). Fascism, A History. [S.l.]: Viking-Penguin. pp. xvii–xxiv, 21, 26–31, 114–40, 352. ISBN 978-0140257007; Griffin, Roger (2000). «Revolution from the Right: Fascism». In: Parker, David. Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition in the West 1560-1991. London: Routledge. pp. 185–201. ISBN 978-0415172950; Eatwell, Roger (1997). Fascism, A History. [S.l.]: Viking-Penguin. pp. xvii–xxiv, 21, 26–31, 114–40, 352. ISBN 978-0140257007; Fritzsche, Peter (1998). Germans into Nazis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674350922
- ^ "Vilfredo Pareto". Retrieved 2024-03-29.
- ^ Fritzsche, Peter. 1998. Germans into nazis. ISBN 978-0674350922; Eatwell, Roger 1997 Fascism, A History. Viking-Penguin ISBN 978-0140257007pp: xvii-xxiv, 21, 26–31, 114–40, 352; Roger Griffin: Revolution from the Right: Fascism; Parker, David. Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition in the West 1560-1991. ISBN 978-0415172950, pp:185–201
- ^ The Wisdom of Crowds ISBN 0385721706
- ^ Werner Ustorf, ‘Survival of the Fittest’: German Protestant Missions, Nazism and Neocolonialism, 1933-1945? Journal of Religion in Africa 28 (1998), 94.
- ^ Sex and Consequences: Abortion, Public Policy, and the Economics of Fertility ISBN 9780691221649; More sex is safer sex: the unconventional wisdom of economics ISBN 9781416539667; Prostitution in the Eastern Mediterranean World: The Economics of Sex in the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East [Hardcover ed.] ISBN 1784536520
- ^ Index and Stability in Bimatrix Games: A Geometric-Combinatorial Approach (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 560) ISBN 3540263667; Linear Multivariable Control: A Geometric Approach ISBN 978-3-662-22675-9
- ^ Creating Consent in Baʿthist Syria: Women and Welfare in a Totalitarian State ISBN 9780857727787; The Islamic State: From Terrorism to Totalitarian Insurgency ISBN 0367457636; Iron fists: branding the 20th century totalitarian state ISBN 071486109X; Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West (Praeger Security International)ISBN 0313348472
- ^ A Cyborg Manifesto ISBN 0816650489; Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: the Reinvention of Nature ISBN 0415903866
- ^ Maass, Alan; Zinn, Howard (2010). The Case for Socialism (Revised ed). Haymarket Books. p. 164. ISBN 978-1608460731; Contemporary Nationalism: Civic, Ethnocultural and Multicultural Politics ISBN 0415171393
- ^ "U.S. Pins Hope on Syrian Rebels With Loyalties All Over the Map" ISSN 0362-4331
- ^ Miller, F. P., Vandome, A. F., & McBrewster, J. (2010), Contemporary Islamic philosophy: Islam, philosophy, modernity, Western philosophy, Jamal-al-Din Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Iqbal, Islamic fundamentalism, Islamic philosophy, Alphascript Publishing ISBN 9786130678883
- ^ PUTNAM, Lara. The Transnational and the Text-Searchable: Digitized Sources and the Shadows They Cast. American Historical Review, v. 121, n. 2, p. 377-402, April 2016
- ^ Brown Book: War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany ISBN 3-923137-00-1
- ^ [671] What Is Enlightenment? ISBN 0415497817
- ^ Werner Ustorf, ‘Survival of the Fittest’: German Protestant Missions, Nazism and Neocolonialism, 1933-1945? Journal of Religion in Africa 28 (1998), 94.
- ^ An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations ISBN 0226763749
- ^ Nora Wang, “Deng Xiaoping: The Years in France”, The China Quarterly, Volume 92, 1982, pp. 698-705
- ^ Villa Victoria: The Transformation of Social Capital in a Boston Barrio ISBN 9780226762937
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- ^ International Inequality and National PovertyISBN 978-1-349-04071-1; Gender: In World Perspective ISBN 0745680712
- ^ JOHFRE, Sasha Shen, SAPERSTEIN, and HOLLENBACH, Aliya Jill A.. 2021. "Measuring Race and Ancestry in the Age of Genetic Testing." Demography 58 (3): 785–810.; Maass, Alan; Zinn, Howard (2010). The Case for Socialism (Revised ed.). Haymarket Books. p. 164. ISBN 978-1608460731; Contemporary Nationalism: Civic, Ethnocultural and Multicultural Politics ISBN 0415171393; LAM, David. Generating Extreme Inequality: Schooling, Earnings, and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in South Africa and Brazil. Research Report, 1999. PSC. Population Studies Center at the Institute for Social Research. University of Michigan
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- ^ Caliban and the Witch Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation ISBN 0141998253; [672] [673]
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- ^ [674]
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- ^ Akhtar, R. (2022). Protests, neoliberalism and right-wing populism amongst farmers in India. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-21.
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- ^ Bennoune, Karima (2006). "Secularism and human rights: A contextual analysis of headscarves, religious expression, and women's equality under international law". Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. 45: 367.
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- ^ Current Issues in the Economics of Water Resource Management: Theory, Applications and Policies [1 ed.] ISBN 978-90-481-5986-4; [678] ISSN 2055-1045; The Political Economy of Water and Sanitation [1 ed.] ISBN 9780203876947; Dams and Development in China: The Moral Economy of Water and Power [Pilot project. eBook available to selected US libraries only] ISBN 9780231538268; Introduction To The Economics Of Water Resources: An International Perspective ISBN 1857286367; The Economics of Water Demands [1 ed.] ISBN 978-1-4613-5277-8; The Institutional Economics of Water: A Cross-Country Analysis of Institutions and Performance [illustrated edition] ISBN 1843767775; Economics of Water Resources: From Regulation to Privatization ISBN 978-94-015-8323-7; Economics of Water Management in Agriculture ISBN 1482238403; The Economics of Water Quality [1 ed.] ISBN 9781351890939; The Economics of Water Resources: A Comprehensive Approach ISBN 1316615073; The Economics of Water: Rules and Institutions [1st ed.] ISBN 9783030484859
- ^ The Blue Compendium: From Knowledge to Action for a Sustainable Ocean Economy ISBN 3031162765; Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy 3030896234, 9783030896232}}; Nature-Made Economy: Cod, Capital, and the Great Economization of the Ocean ISBN 0262545527; Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota : Ocean and Coastal Economy ISBN 9781603442701; The Ocean Economy in 2030: Edition 2016 (Volume 2016) ISBN 9264251715; Marine Extremes: Ocean Safety, Marine Health and the Blue Economy ISBN 1138590444; Rethinking Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean Economy ISBN 9789264910072; Blue Economy: An Ocean Science Perspective ISBN 9789811950650
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- ^ Viscount Maua and the Empire of Brazil: A Biography of Irineu Evangelista De Souza ISBN 0520320077; The Rise and Fall of the Paraguayan Republic, 1800–1870 ISBN 1477307079; The First and Last King of Haiti: The Rise and Fall of Henry Christophe ISBN 0593316169;Norton I, Emperor of the United States ISBN 0396085091; Mecca and Main Street ISBN 019531171X; Habsburgs on the Rio Grande: The Rise and Fall of the Second Mexican Empire ISBN 0674296834
- ^ Capitalism and Revolution in Iran (Middle East series) ISBN 0905762576; Bryan-Paul Frost; Sikkenga, Jeffrey (2003). History of American Political Thought. Lexington Books ISBN 9780739106242
- ^ Memory and the Mediterranean ISBN 9780375703997
- ^ Islamic Imperialism: A History [2 ed.] ISBN 0300198175; The Story Of Islamic Imperialism In India ISBN 8185990239
- ^ Dam Busters: Canadian Airmen and the Secret Raid Against Nazi Germany 9781443455442}} Blatant Injustice : The Story of a Jewish Refugee from Nazi Germany Imprisoned in Britain and Canada During World War II [1 ed.] ISBN 9780773528413; Unauthorized Entry: The Truth about Nazi War Criminals in Canada 1946-1956 ISBN 9781442682832; Cargo of Lies: The True Story of a Nazi Double Agent in Canada ISBN 9781442659766; The Good Allies - How Canada and the United States Fought Together to Defeat Fascism During the Second World War [1 ed.] ISBN 9780735248205; The blue shirts : Adrien Arcand and fascist anti-semitism in Canada ISBN 0776624687; Shades of Right: Nativist and Fascist Politics in Canada, 1920-1940 ISBN 9781487575175
- ^ Economic Life in the Modern Age ISBN 1351326589
- ^ From Cairo to Baghdad: British Travellers in Arabia ISBN 9780755608812; The Slave Girls of Baghdad: The Qiyān in the Early Abbasid Era ISBN 9780755698325; Energy And International War: From Babylon To Baghdad And Beyond : From Babylon to Baghdad and Beyond ISBN 9789812791597; Strangers with Memories: The United States and Canada from Free Trade to Baghdad ISBN 9780773551992; Irrigation and Agricultural Development. Based on an International Expert Consultation, Baghdad, Iraq, 24 February–1 March 1979 ISBN 978-0-08-025675-7; Dawn Over Baghdad: How the U.S. Military is Using Bullets and Ballots to Remake Iraq ISBN 1594030502; Banking on Baghdad: Inside Iraq's 7,000-Year History of War, Profit, and Conflict [1St Edition] ISBN 047167186X; The Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germany's Bid for World Power [First Edition] ISBN 0674057392
- ^ On Savage Shores: How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe ISBN 2022046208 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum; Brothers in Arms, Partners in Trade: Dutch-Indigenous Alliances in the Atlantic World, 1595-1674 ISBN 9004210830; Liberating Sápmi: Indigenous Resistance in Europe's Far North ISBN 1629637122; Indigenous Knowledge as a Resource: Transmission, Reception, and Interaction of Knowledge between the Americas and Europe,{ISBN|9783947251438}}
- ^ Medieval London: From Commune to Capital [2007 ed.] ISBN 041541833X
- ^ The Alternative Universitym Lessons from Bolivarian Venezuela ISBN 150363602X; The Privatization of Education A Political Economy of Global Education Reform ISBN 0807774723
- ^ Black, Edwin (2001). IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation. [S.l.]: Crown Publishers. ISBN 9780914153276
- ^ Coloniality at Large: Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate ISBN 9780822388883; Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation [1 ed.] ISBN 041502675X
- ^ The Cultures of Globalization ISBN 0822321696; Culture and Imperialism ISBN 0679750541
- ^ Ethics of Liberation: In the Age of Globalization and Exclusion ISBN 9780822395218
- ^ Miners, mariners et masons : the global network of Victorian freemasonry ISBN 1905816243; The Meaning of Masonry, W. L. Wilmshurst. ISBN 0517331942; Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire: A History of the Fraternity and its Influence in Syria and the Levant ISBN 9781780763132; Miners, mariners et masons : the global network of Victorian freemasonry ISBN 1905816243; Living the Enlightenment: Freemasonry and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Europe ISBN 0195069927; Conspiracy Narratives from Postcolonial Africa: Freemasonry, Homosexuality, and Illicit Enrichment ISBN 0226835855
- ^ [679] ISBN 1497896401
- ^ The nazi connection: eugenics, american racism, and german National Socialism ISBN 9780195082609
- ^ Beyond Citizen Kane; Cisco firewalls ISBN 1587141140
- ^ Chicago Socialism: The People's History ISBN 2019939741 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
- ^ Holy War and Human Bondage: Tales of Christian-Muslim Slavery in the Early-Modern Mediterranean ISBN 0313065403; Rivers of Gold, Lives of Bondage: Governing through Slavery in Colonial Quito ISBN 1469607727; Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World ISBN 0195140737; Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World ISBN 0195140737; On human bondage: after slavery and social death ISBN 1119162548; North to Bondage: Loyalist Slavery in the Maritimes ISBN 0774832290; Serfdom and Slavery: Studies in Legal Bondage [1 ed.] ISBN 0582291852; Slavery and Bondage in Asia, 1550–1850: Towards a Global History of Coerced Labour ISBN 9783110777246
- ^ International Cooperation in the Development of Russia’s Far East and Siberia ISBN 978-1-349-50420-6
- ^ Cold War Moon Project A119: The Untold Story of America's Plan to Nuke the Moon ISBN 979-8327771741; The Cold War, the Space Race, and the Law of Outer Space: Space for Peace [1 ed.] ISBN 0367753847; Frontiers for the American Century: Outer Space, Antarctica, and Cold War Nationalism [1 ed.] ISBN 978-1-349-56138-4; Militarizing Outer Space: Astroculture, Dystopia and the Cold War ISBN 1349958506
- ^ General history of Africa, X: Africa and its diasporasISBN 0000387782 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum; General history of Africa, VIII: Africa since 1935 ISBN 978-92-3-102758-1; Thomas Sankara: A Revolutionary in Cold War Africa ISBN 2020026114 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum; Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race and the Cold War ISBN 0804799180; Cold War and Black Liberation: United States and White Rule in Africa, 1948-68 ISBN 0826204589: Foreign Intervention in Africa: From the Cold War to the War on Terror ISBN 0521882389; The Hot 'Cold War': The USSR in Southern Africa ISBN 074532472X
- ^ Frontiers for the American Century: Outer Space, Antarctica, and Cold War Nationalism [1 ed.] ISBN 978-1-349-56138-4
- ^ General history of Africa, X: Africa and its diasporas Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: Missing ISBN.Anti-Communism in Twentieth-Century America: A Critical History ISBN 1440800472; Under the Shadow of War: Fascism, Anti-Fascism, and Marxists, 1918-1939 ISBN 0231065329; Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War ISBN 1782662995; The Culture of the Cold War ISBN 9780801851957
- ^ Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?: The "final Solution" in History ISBN 9781844677771; Michael J. Carley, Ivan R. Dee, 1999 PU Montreal, 2001, p. 256-257; F Alvin Finkel et Clement Leibovitz, The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion, Rendlesham, Merlin Press, 1997. Lacroix-Riz, « États-Unis et Vatican dans les tractations de paix de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale », Rencontres d’histoire critique de Gennevilliers 28-30 novembre 2013, « Guerre et paix », Actes à paraître, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2015. Annie Lacroix-Riz, « 1947-1948. Du Kominform au “coup de Prague”, l’Occident eut-il peur des Soviets et du communisme ? », Historiens et géographes (HG) n° 324, août-septembre 1989, p. 219-243. communication au colloque sur la campagne de Pologne, Varsovie, 15-17 octobre 2009, Actes non parus, Polen und wir, n° 3, 2014, p. 11-17 (version française, « La Pologne dans la stratégie politique et militaire de la France (octobre 1938-août 1939) »
- ^ The Great Illusion by Norman Angell ISBN 1602069387; Speaking about Torture ISBN 0823242250;n Letters and other Writings of James Madison, fourth President of the United States: Vl. II. (1794-1815) ISBN 3375082983
- ^ The Refugees as a Burden a Stimulus, and a Challenge to the West German Economy [1 ed.] ISBN 978-94-011-8707-7
- ^ Dams and Development in China: The Moral Economy of Water and Power] ISBN 9780231538268; The Political Economy of Water and Sanitation (1 ed.) ISBN 9780415994897; Dams and Development in China : The Moral Economy of Water and Power ISBN 9780231170116
- ^ The Israeli Republic An Iranian Revolutionary's Journey to the Jewish State ISBN 1632061392; The Peasant War in Germany ISBN 9140099555
- ^ A Nation Like All Nations Towards the Establishment of an Israeli Republic ISBN 1885881398;The Emergence Of A Binational Israel The Second Republic In The Making ISBN 1000316351; The Hebrew Republic Israel's Return to History ISBN 1442265973
- ^ Lumpen Bourgeoisie, Lumpen Development: Dependence, Class, And Politics In Latin America. ISBN 0853452350
- ^ An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital ISBN 1583672885
- ^ Democratic Statecraft: Political Realism and Popular Power ISBN 052119220X
- ^ Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Idées/International Archives of the History of Ideas 138 Jewish Christians and Christian Jews: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment [1 ed.] ISBN 978-94-010-4394-6; Vincenzo Ferrone. The Enlightenment: History of an Idea. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015. ISBN 9780691161457
- ^ Nora Wang, “Deng Xiaoping: The Years in France”, The China Quarterly, Volume 92, 1982, pp. 698-705; A Concise History of Modern Europe Liberty, Equality, Solidarity ISBN 1442205350
- ^ Soviet Non-Capitalist Development The Case of Nasser's Egypt ISBN 0275931358; Confronting Fascism in Egypt: Dictatorship versus Democracy in the 1930s ISBN 0804763445
- ^ The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined [Reprint ed.] David Strauss]] ISBN 1108019552; Walter Benjamin and the Bible ISBN 0826408796
- ^ Educational Innovation in Economics and Business: Pedagogy, Technology and Innovation ISBN 978-94-017-1386-3; The Principles of Economics: Some Lies My Teacher Told Me ISBN 0415064333
- ^ The Architecture of Doom The Nazi Philosphy of Beauty Through Violence ISBN 613043927X
- ^ Internet Naming and Discovery: Architecture and Economics [1 ed.] ISBN 1447145526; Urban Ethics in the Anthropocene ISBN 978-981-13-0307-4, Urban Ethics Under Conditions of Crisis: Politics, Architecture, Landscape Sustainability and Multidisciplinary Engineering ISBN 2019003264 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
- ^ Media Economics in Austria: A Comparison to Germany on Print, Television, Radio and the Internet [1st ed. 2023] ISBN 3658421940
- ^ Cuba: the Evaporation of a Myth: From Anti-Imperialist Revolution to Pawn of Social-Imperialism ISBN 9780898510089; The Communist International, Anti-Imperialism And Racial Equality In British Dominions ISBN 0815354789; Revisionism and Empire: Socialist Imperialism in Germany, 1897-1914 [Unknown Binding ed.] ISBN 0049430319
- ^ Quentin Tarantino's Django unchained: the continuation of metacinema ISBN 1628926600; American Inheritance: Liberty and Slavery in the Birth of a Nation, 1765-1795 ISBN 0393882209
- ^ Religion, Politics and Ideology in the Third Reich: Selected Essays (Cass Series--Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions) ISBN 0714681903
- ^ Revolutionary Emotions in Cold War Egypt: Islam, Communism, and Anti-Colonial Protest ISBN 1350383767
- ^ A History of Communism in South Africa ISBN 0620081945
- ^ VERHULST, The Carolingian Economy, Cambridge, C.U.P., 2002; P. CONTAMINE, L’économie médiévale, Paris, Armand Colin, 2003
- ^ Exploring the Economy of Late Antiquity: Selected Essays ISBN 1107101948; Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity [1st ed.] ISBN 184217044 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: length; The Christian Economy of the Early Medieval West: Towards a Temple Society ISBN 2022930897 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
- ^ [680]
- ^ [681] IVANOV, S. A. Byzantium and the Slavs. In: SAKEL, Dean (Ed.). Byzantine culture - Papers from the Conference ‘Byzantine Days of Istanbul', Istanbul, Maio 21–23 de 2010. Ankara: Turk Tarik Kurumu, 2014,p. 207-215; 259-269; 453-465 Studies on Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production ISBN 9004263691; GARVER, Valerie L. (ed.) A cultural history of work in the medieval age. Londres: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. ISBN 0500320225; PERITORE, Neil Patrick. Feudalism – Critique of a Model of Society and Political Economy. Alternatives, v. XII, 1987, p. 61-81 The Holy Grail on Film: Essays on the Cinematic Quest ISBN 0786477857; [682]
- ^ On Decoloniality White Enclosures: Racial Capitalism and Coloniality along the Balkan Route ISBN 1478016639, Sullivan, E. D. S. (editor) (1983) The Utopian Vision: Seven Essays on the Quincentennial of Sir Thomas More San Diego State University Press, San Diego, California, ISBN 0-916304-51-5
- ^ Caliban and the Witch Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation ISBN 0141998253; Climate Change, Radical Uncertainty and Hope: Theology and Economics in Conversation ISBN 9789048558483; The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Economic Ethics ISBN 0192894323
- ^ Pax Pacifica: Terrorism, the Pacific Hemisphere, Globalization, and Peace Studies ISBN 159451111X, Pacific Essays: Terrorism, the Pacific Hemisphere, Globalization, & Peace Studies (Constructive Peace Studies) ISBN 0745320031, Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific: Theory and Practice (Praeger Security International) ISBN 0313382107
- ^ Ledi Sayadaw, Requisites of Enlightenment (1999) pp.256-257
- ^ "net importer". Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved 28 February 2023.
- ^ Talavera, Catherine (April 8, 2021). "Philippines still net importer of US farm products". The Philippine Star. Retrieved 28 February 2023.
- ^ pt:Adolfo Gordo; Dulles, John Foster (1973). Anarchists and Communists in Brazil 1900-1935. University of Texas Press. doi:10.7560/703025. ISBN 9780292703025; The Revolt of the Whip ISBN 0804781060
- ^ Metaphysical Problems, Political Solutions: Self, State, and Nation in Hobbes and Locke ISBN 073914815X; Hobbes and Locke: The Politics of Freedom and Obligation ISBN 978-1-349-05060-4
- ^ To Heal a Fractured World: The Ethics of Responsibility ISBN 0805211969; Leftism: from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse ISBN 0870001434
- ^ Socialist Economic Development in the 21st Century ISBN 1000545482
- ^ Terrorism in America: Pipe Bombs and Pipe Dreams ISBN 9780791417607; Nazism in Syria and Lebanon: The Ambivalence of the German Option, 1933–1945 (SOAS/Routledge Studies on the Middle East) ISBN 0415457149;
- ^ Why I am not a Hindu: a Sudra critique of Hindutva, philosophy, culture, and political economy ISBN 8185604185
- ^ Money and Politics on the International Stage : The Political Economy of the United Nations Security Council : money and influence ISBN 0521740061; The Political Economy of the United Nations Security Council: Money and Influence [draft ed.] ISBN 9780521518413; United Nations Library on Transnational Corporations. Volume 2 -- Transnational corporations : a historical perspective [illustrated edition] ISBN 0415085357
- ^ Stealing History: Art Theft, Looting, and Other Crimes Against our Cultural Heritage ISBN 1442260793; Herman Göring and the Nazi art collection: the looting of Europe's art treasures and their dispersal after World War II ISBN 1280377879; Allied Looting in World War II: Thefts of Art, Manuscripts, Stamps and Jewelry in Europe ISBN 0786460539
- ^ Colonialism and Cold War: The United States and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence, 1945-49 [First Edition (U.S.)] ISBN 0801413885; A Question of Balance: How France and the United States Created Cold War Europe ISBN 9780674271661; Buying into the Regime: Grapes and Consumption in Cold War Chile and the United States ISBN 9780822377375
- ^ MEADOWS, Donella H. (1972). The limits of growth (PDF). New York: Potomac. 205 pp ISBN 0-87663-165-0; Small Is Beautiful ISBN 0099225611
- ^ BreadTube Serves Imperialism: Examining The New Brand of Internet Pseudo-Socialism ISBN 0810883015; Mestres do Capitalismo ISBN 658013612X
- ^ The Brighton Police Scandal: A Story of Corruption, Intimidation & Violence ISBN 9781399017312; A Judge in Auschwitz: Konrad Morgen's Crusade Against SS Corruption & 'Illegal' Murder ISBN 1399018760; "Suharto Dies at 86; Indonesian Dictator Brought Order and Bloodshed" ISSN 0362-4331
- ^ [683] ISBN 3447040416
- ^ America's Last Call: On the Brink of a Financial Holocaust ISBN 0966317211
- ^ The econometrics of financial markets ISBN 0691043019
- ^ From Deep State to Islamic State: The Arab Counter-Revolution and its Jihadi Legacy [1 ed.] ISBN 0190613017; Muslims Against the Islamic State: Arab Critics and Supporters of Ali Abdarraziq’s Islamic Laicism ISBN 3631655541
- ^ The Italian Far Right from 1945 to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right) [1 ed.] ISBN 1032566817; Fascism and Genocide: Russia’s War Against Ukrainians [1. ed.] ISBN 9783838217840
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- ^ California nonprofit organization, formed in 1999, that represents individuals, sole proprietorships, corporations and partnerships involved with the origination, selling, or servicing of trust deed loans. Members include those regulated by the Bureau of Real Estate (BRE) and by the Department of Business Oversight (DBO). In addition to California licensed mortgage brokers and lenders, CMA also represents affiliate members, including title, escrow and software services, among others: [684]
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- ^ The United Wa State Party: Narco-Army or Ethnic Nationalist Party? ISBN 9789812304926
- ^ Fifth Circuit holds that disguised financing is not entitled to administrative priority claims
- ^ The Fiscal Crisis of American Cities: Essays on the Political Economy of Urban America with Special Reference to New York ISBN 0394721934
- ^ Internet and Digital Economics: Principles, Methods and Applications [1 ed.] ISBN 0521855918; Handbook of Telecommunications Economics: Technology Evolution and the Internet [volume 2] ISBN 0444514236; Internet Economics ISBN 0262133369; Internet Policy and Economics: Challenges and Perspectives [2nd ed.] ISBN 1441900373
- ^ "Eldorado GG - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding". Crunchbase. Retrieved 2023-07-03.
- ^ "IDFC Bank ties up with ePayLater, facilitates loan disbursals through UPI". Economic Times. 4 May 2018.; "AfterPay founder, Stefan van den Berg, joins ePayLater as strategic advisor". The Economic Times. 16 May 2018.
- ^ "Kayako Acquired by ESW Capital". CNBC. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
- ^ BRTC SPASS Card Bangladesh. Retrieved 2024-04-21 – via; Kano, Tsuyoshi (2013-12-07). "Impact of the introduction of IC card transport fare collection system and anti-corruption: Case study of a pilot project for a government bus corporation in Bangladesh". Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and Development: Notes - Volume 2. ICTD '13. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 57–60. doi:10.1145/2517899.2517904. ISBN 978-1-4503-1907-2.; [686]
- ^ The Federal Reserve Banks provide the National Settlement Service. Settlement (finance)
- ^ The Fiscal Crisis of American Cities: Essays on the Political Economy of Urban America with Special Reference to New York ISBN 0394721934
- ^ The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
- ^ BreadTube Serves Imperialism: Examining The New Brand of Internet Pseudo-Socialism ISBN 0810883015; Revisiting the Frankfurt School: Essays on Culture, Media and Theory ISBN 140941180X, The medium is the message
- ^ The Masters and the Slaves: A Study in the Development of Brazilian Civilization ISBN 0394301943
- ^ "Tech in Asia - Connecting Asia's startup ecosystem".; "For Gobi Partners, Covid-19 is a game changer for the SEA VC sector". Digital News Asia. March 23, 2021.
- ^ Chávez, Venezuela and the New Latin America: An interview with Hugo Chávez ISBN 1920888004
- ^ The People's Tycoon: Henry Ford and the American Century ISBN 9780307558978
- ^ [687]; [688];[689]; [690];[691];[692]; [693]; [694]; [695]; [696]; [697]; [698]
- ^ Reidy, Gearoid (2018-09-19). "Hackers Steal $60 Million From Japanese Crypto Exchange Zaif". Retrieved 2018-09-20.
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- ^ "Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act Overview". Investopedia. Retrieved 2023-07-03.; Rossow, Andrew. "AngelList Crypto Spin-Off, Republic, Aims To Lead With SEC Compliance". Forbes. Retrieved 2023-07-03.; In April 2020, Republic acquired Fig, a crowdfunding platform for games, to add video game investing to their platform.Fig (company) Crowdfunding [705] In June 2020, Republic acquired Compound, a real estate investment platform, to add real estate investing to its platform. [706] In November 2020, Republic acquired NextSeed, a local business debt-financing platform, to add main street investing to their platform. On March 15th, 2021, Gumroad, a startup helping creators sell their work, took advantage of a regulation passed on that same day that allowed companies to raise up to $5M from crowdfunding. Gumroad became the first company in history to raise the $5M and sold out within 12 hours of launching. Gumroad Crowdfunding; "Republic acquires NextSeed - 2020-11-16 - Crunchbase Acquisition Profile". Crunchbase. Retrieved 2023-07-03.; Konrad, Alex. "Inside Gumroad's Historic Crowdfunding — And Sahil Lavingia's Plans To Turn Customers Into Investors". Forbes. Retrieved 2023-12-21.; Mascarenhas, Natasha (2021-03-15). "Gumroad wants to make equity crowdfunding mainstream". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2023-12-21., [707] On March 17th, 2021, Republic announced their $36M Series A funding round led by Galaxy Interactive, a division of Mike Novogratz's Galaxy Digital with participation from Tribe Capital, Motley Fool Ventures, and Broadhaven Ventures. Michael Novogratz, The Motley Fool; "Republic Completes $36M Funding Round; Teases Token Sale Platform". 2021-03-17. Retrieved 2023-07-03.; "Republic Announces $36M Series A to Democratize Access to Investing for Everyone". 2021-03-17. Retrieved 2023-07-03. On October 13th 2021, Republic launched a $60M Crypto Seed Fund."Republic Launches $60M Crypto Seed Fund". 2021-10-13. Retrieved 2023-07-03.On October 19th, 2021, Republic announced a $150M Series B round led by Valor Equity Partners with new backers like Pillar VC, Brevan Howard, GoldenTree, and Atreides. Brevan Howard; Loizos, Connie (2021-10-19). "Republic may build a secondary exchange for digital securities, fueled by $150 million in new funding". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2023-07-03.; "Republic Closes $150M Series B Funding Round". Yahoo Finance. 2021-10-19. Retrieved 2023-07-03., Chingari (app); "Chingari's crypto token raises $40 million within 24 hours of its live sale". The Economic Times. 2021-11-06. ISSN 0013-0389. Retrieved 2023-07-03.In November 2021, Republic helped Chingari, India’s short-form video app, launch the GARI token and raised $40M within 24 hours of the live sale. On December 1, 2021, Republic announced its plan to acquire UK equity crowdfunding business Seedrs in a $100 million deal to expand into Europe; Seedrs; Butcher, Mike (2021-12-01). "Republic acquires the UK's Seedrs in $100M deal to push into Europe". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2023-07-03.
- ^ Brazil: A Biography ISBN 0374538484
- ^ Introductory stochastic analysis for finance and insurance [1 ed.] ISBN 0471716421
- ^ Governance and Domestic Policymaking in Saudi Arabia: Transforming Society, Economics, Politics and Culture ISBN 9780755644377; Foreign Policy in Iran and Saudi Arabia: Economics and Diplomacy in the Middle East ISBN 9780755608515; A Macroeconometric Model for Saudi Arabia: A Case Study on the World’s Largest Oil Exporter (SpringerBriefs in Economics) [1st ed. 2023] ISBN 3031122747; Financial Regulation and Liberation: Saudi Arabia’s Path Towards True Global Partnership (SpringerBriefs in Economics) ISBN 303068266 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: length; Business and Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia: Opportunities for Partnering and Investing in Emerging Businesses [1 ed.] ISBN 1118943961; Doing Business with Saudi Arabia (Global Market Briefings) [3rd ed.] 1905050062}}; Business and Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia: Opportunities for Partnering and Investing in Emerging Businesses [1 ed.] ISBN 1118943961; Business and Economic Development in Saudi Arabia: Essays with Saudi Scholars ISBN 978-0-333-67428-4; Business and Management Environment in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Opportunities for Multinational Corporations ISBN 0789034727; Saudi Business Law in Practice: Laws and Regulations as Applied in the Courts and Judicial Committees of Saudi Arabia ISBN 1509927220; Women Business Leaders: Identity, Resistance, and Alternative Forms of Knowledge in Saudi Arabia ISBN 2022015462 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
- ^ "ThinkMarkets extends £1 million insurance to elective professional traders". LeapRate. 2018-07-10. Retrieved 2023-07-03.