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Wikipedia:Snuggle/Work log/Archive Feb13

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Saturday, Feb. 9th[edit]

TL;DR: SSL cert being ordered. More progress on User Menu code. More substantial update in a week. I got a new laptop last weekend. I was hoping that with higher performance machine, I'd be able to accomplish more on the bus. At least in the short term, just getting the laptop configured seems to be a hindrance. I've learned that Windows 8 isn't worth my time, configuring the graphics in Linux with optimus (Intel integrated card + Nvidia discrete) is non-trivial and that the Realtek RL8723AE wireless network card is not a well supported piece of hardware by Realtek or open source developers.

OK -- Back to business. In the last couple weeks, I got the ball rolling on buying an SSL certificate with the help of mw:User:Ottomata and got some more progress done on programming the new user menu. I wanted to make the system extensible so that we could easily add or remove new types of operations in the future. That's added a little bit of engineering effort. It's really only about 500 lines of javascript, but rewrote those lines several times in order to make them sufficiently abstract. I'm just finishing tying everything together in the controller (a high level part of the system). The next step is to write the server-side scripting that will actually perform the actions. If everything goes as planned, I'll have a version ready for testing in ~ a week. Thanks for your patience. --EpochFail(talkwork) 19:08, 9 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Monday, Feb. 18th[edit]

Hooray for Presidents' Day! Having the day off today meant that I could spend the entire time actually getting the user menu in Snuggle working. It's not totally there yet, but I have a version that will show off most of the functionality.

A screenshot of the Snuggle UI demonstrates the preview feature in the user menu.

It doesn't actually perform the actions yet. I need to do a little bit more testing before I can know for sure that there won't be any badness posted to the wiki. Make sure to log in to Snuggle if you'd like to test the functionality. I'm not quite sure what to do with people who aren't logged in when it comes to interacting with newcomers on Wikipedia. Right now, the preview will simply not work if you aren't logged in via Snuggle.

--EpochFail(talkwork) 01:49, 19 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Micro-update: I just pushed a few updated to the development version. I've tested the underlying server-side action functionality. Once I've confirmed that the UI ties into it correctly, I'll open the new user menu up to everyone. I'm hoping to do that on Saturday.
I also had to kick my server process. Some downtime with the enwiki database server slave I was connecting to interrupted the synchronization process. We should catch up in the next couple of hours. This trouble made it clear that I need to surface the synchronization server's status in the UI. Expect mockups of that soon. --EpochFail(talkwork) 16:07, 22 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Saturday, Feb. 23rd[edit]

TL;DR: User menu functionally complete. Still waiting for synchronization from DB downtime.

I've finally completed the basic functionality of the user menu. Please feel free to make use of it and give me feedback. I'll try and address concerns as quickly as possible. http://stat1.wikimedia.org:8080

I'm still waiting on complete synchronization with Wikipedia since the last set of downtime. I'm not sure why things are running more slowly this time, but I've scheduled some time next week to figure out what the cause is. We should be up to date in about 24 hours. --EpochFail(talkwork) 23:29, 23 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]