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Wikipedia:Translation/La Revolución de Emiliano Zapata

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This page is part of Wikipedia Translation and keeps track of all information and discussions about this translation. For more details, see: Wikipedia:Translation/*/How-to.



A quick search on Google finds them referenced in other places than just Wikipedia. I can buy their music from AOL Music or from Amazon. I think that's sufficiently notable for me!



Okay, first draft translation is done. I'm sure there's plenty of places where the wording could be better. Some of the original article does not appear to be well written. Particularly notable to me were some very long, awkward sentences. A lot of the time, I've tried harder to capture meaning than specific wordings. Just something to keep in mind when this goes into proofreading. Sairen42 22:35, 3 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I have done proofreading, and I've compared the spanish article to the newly translated one. It seemed to me that the translation was properly done and in some ways it even "flows" a bit better that the original spanish one. Good job guys.

Only one small thing. In the section "180° Turnaround", the group name was diminished to "Rev" ("...the band members of "Rev" decided..."). I understand this comes from the original Spanish article, but I suggest that we use the original name instead of "Rev", because "Rev" sounds a bit too informal. What do you guys think?


  • the band members of "Rev"  ⇔  the band members of "La Revolución de Emiliano Zapata"

If "Rev" was a known nickname for the band, perhaps we should state this in the article to avoid confusion?

In any case, I've done the proofreading by closely comparing both articles, and I feel that the english article has reached a good standard.

Seraph 00:50, 14 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

This section is for all those who have requested this translation, are translating or proofreading this article, or just want to give some advice about the translation in progress. Do not forget to watch this page].

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The Revolution of Emiliano Zapata Of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia To jump to navigation blah, search The Revolution of Emiliano Zapata was a musical grouping of the years 1970 that managed to break marks of sales in Europe with its song “Nasty Sex” (“dirty Sex”). Broken ties with the continuous original concept in active-duty interpreting romantic ballads. Table of contents [to hide] 1 The past Vertiginous (beginnings) 2 the declivity 3 Giro of 180º 4 Last successes [to publish] The past Vertiginous (beginnings) In the heat of era of psicodélico and low rock the influence American hippie of ends years '60 according to: Javier Martin of the Field - a one of their founders group of original young people of the city of Guadalajara decided to meet to interpret in their peculiar fashionable style songs of those years. Initially its liking took them to act in local celebrations but the incipiente fame extended in a moment to a ampler area of the city. It is as a result of an aid organized by a called local broadcaster: Radio waves of the joy (from which they are winning by overwhelming majority of telephone votes) that are able to audicionar for an important record seal. At the beginning reluctant to do they sign it contract with Polydor discs beginning thus its brief but successful trajectory in the world of music rock. With an original musical concept in the creative sense they emigrate to the City of Mexico where never they finish adapting to the urban rate and where they establish the platform of its new musical launchings in 1970 sees the first light its simple one containing the subjects “Nasty Sex” and “Still gift `t (Not yet)” that the levels of popularity in hit parade local but amazingly at world-wide level scale quickly. Reason why the first house of Polydor Record sends (from Hamburg) 5 medals to them like recognition to its high index of sales (in the American Union, the United Kingdom and in Europe), of its only great success “Nasty Sex”. Initially the origin of the band was ignored but it I do not discredit the great impact obtained in those distant regions. Later they record what serious its second success “Shit City” that achieves a medium success in comparison to first. They were invited to act in the festival of Avandaro - to half-full of 1972 - but declined the invitation due to the enormous amount of commitments that already tenian at that time. It is in that year that also participates in films “the true vocation of Magdalena” who estelariza the actress and singer Angelica Maria and in where approaches of a more or less serious way the thematic ones which they troubled the young people of that time. The basic members of the group at that time were: Oscar Rojas (vocalista), Carlos Valle (guitar, harmonies), Francisco Martinez Ornelas (under), Marco Carrasco (battery) and Javier Martin of the Field (guitar). [to publish] the declivity Although the musical concept oscillated between several currents and influences the search of new successes was unfruitful, emphasizing single the subject: “Pigs” that was of ùltimo that certain profit notoriety. Combined to this the emotional wearing down which they began to experience the members of the group I trigger all a series of inconformidades and fights among them what would cause changes in its original formation. Including the vocalista Oscar Rojas hastiado of the city and the atmosphere that prevalecìa among them, definitively leaves the grouping (in 1974) beginning therefore the declivity. [to publish] Giro of 180º Within somewhat hostile political and social surroundings, the luck of the group is it jeopardize, the changes in the musical currents finish dominating everything what refers psicodelia musical and the rock and although few groups survive the marginalization of massive means (Is the case of the Tri, whose fame extendìa by the suburban zones of the cities) the members of the “Rev” choose to give a radical change to the musical style becoming you interpret of romantic ballad what gives aim to its musical history in which to rock talks about. This change - according to Antonio Cruz- it was meditated at great length and the decided thing allowed the band to continue existing in the artistic atmosphere. [to publish] Last successes Already integrated to another record house (Melody Discs) with another formation that includes a: Jorge Gamiz (vocalista), Servando Ayala Bobadilla (Keyboards), Adrian Cuevas (Under), Antonio Cruz (battery) and Javier Martin of the Field (Guitar) manages to resurge in means through 2 romantic songs that again place them in the Mexican lists of polularidad. “As I am strange to you” (1975) and “My form to feel” (1978) allows that the grouping is relocated in the popular musical taste, being these to the last successes that obtain. Obtained of “http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Revoluci%C3%B3n_de_Emiliano_Zapata” Category: Groups of music of Mexico

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