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Wikipedia:Vaccine safety/Listeria

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This page contains automatic lists generated by Listeriabot. Italisized item names indicate that the article of that name does not exist on Wikipedia. For the list of vaccine related journal articles, please go to this page.



This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Article description vaccine_for subclass_of
vaccine type metaclass; a type of substance with immunizing properties type
Hepatitis B vaccine vaccine against Hepatitis B hepatitis B viral hepatitis vaccines
Hib vaccine vaccine Haemophilus influenzae Haemophilus vaccines
conjugate vaccine
influenza vaccine vaccine against influenza influenza viral vaccines
DNA vaccine novel type of vaccine vaccine
autovaccine bacterial vaccine prepared from non-pathogenic, autologous bacteria of human origin vaccine
hexavalent vaccine single vaccine protecting against six individual diseases combined vaccine
BCG vaccine vaccine primarily used against tuberculosis tuberculosis tuberculosis vaccines
heterologous vaccine
2009 flu pandemic vaccine vaccine to protect against 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza pandemic H1N1/09 virus vaccine
HPV vaccine class of vaccines against human papillomavirus anogenital venereal wart
human papillomavirus infection
MMR vaccine any of several combined vaccines against measles, mumps, and rubella measles
attenuated vaccine
combined vaccine
DPT vaccine vaccine against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus diphtheria
combined vaccine
toxoid special dead vaccine inactivated vaccine
smallpox vaccine first successful vaccine to be developed smallpox attenuated vaccine
viral vaccines
marker vaccine vaccine which allows for immunological differentiation (or segregation) of infected from vaccinated animals vaccine
Remune vaccine
Pandemrix flu vaccine influenza vaccine
virus-like particle virion that lacks nucleic acid particle
HIV vaccine in-progress vaccinations that may prevent or treat HIV infections human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease viral vaccines
polio vaccine vaccine to prevent poliomyelitis poliomyelitis vaccine
attenuated vaccine vaccine that uses a weakened (or attenuated) form of the germ that causes a disease vaccine
beneficial organism
cholera vaccine vaccine that is effective at preventing cholera cholera bacterial vaccine
live attenuated influenza vaccine vaccine that is sprayed into the nose to help protect against influenza influenza vaccine
attenuated vaccine
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine pneumococcal vaccine Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumococcal vaccine
vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, and poliomyelitis diphtheria
combined vaccine
cancer vaccine vaccine that either treats existing cancer or prevents development of cancer cancer vaccine
Cervarix HPV vaccine HPV vaccine
Gardasil HPV vaccine HPV vaccine
varicella vaccine vaccine to prevent chickenpox chickenpox
Human herpesvirus 3
herpes zoster
Herpesvirus vaccines
attenuated vaccine
Schistosomiasis vaccine vaccine against Schistosomiasis schistosomiasis vaccine
Sabin vaccine live vaccine containing attenuated poliovirus, types I, II, and III, grown in monkey kidney cell tissue culture, used for routine immunization of children against polio polio vaccine
attenuated vaccine
SAV001 HIV vaccine
Ebola vaccine vaccine to prevent Ebola Ebola hemorrhagic fever viral vaccines
hepatitis A vaccine vaccine to prevent Hepatitis A hepatitis A viral hepatitis vaccines
inactivated vaccine vaccines that uses the killed version of the germ that causes a disease vaccine
SPf66 malaria vaccine malaria vaccine
rabies vaccine group of vaccines against infection of humans and animals with the rabies virus rabies
rabies virus
anthrax vaccine vaccine ANTRAX bacterial vaccine
Japanese encephalitis vaccine any of several vaccines against Japanese encephalitis Japanese encephalitis vaccine
plague vaccine vaccine used against Yersinia pestis plague
Yersinia pestis
bacterial vaccine
Brucellosis vaccine vaccine for cattle, sheep and goats used against brucellosis brucellosis vaccine
diphtheria vaccine vaccine against Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the bacterium that causes diphtheria diphtheria bacterial vaccine
Vaxigrip Influenza Vaccine influenza vaccine
Influvac Influenza vaccine influenza vaccine
subunit vaccine
rotavirus vaccine type of vaccine Rotavirus
viral vaccines
72F fusion protein candidate tuberculosis vaccine tuberculosis vaccines
Avicine vaccine cancer vaccine
adenovirus vaccine vaccine against adenovirus Adenoviridae viral vaccines
anti-idiotypic vaccine vaccine vaccine
Antigen-presenting cell vaccine vaccine
CYT006-AngQb vaccine vaccine
Calf lymph vaccine
caries vaccine vaccine to prevent and protect against tooth decay dental caries vaccine
CimaVax-EGF lung cancer vaccine developed in Cuba non-small-cell lung carcinoma cancer vaccine
conjugate vaccine type of vaccine vaccine
subunit vaccine
Cytomegalovirus vaccine vaccine to prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection human betaherpesvirus 5 Herpesvirus vaccines
Dryvax vaccine
Epstein–Barr vaccine proposed vaccine against Epstein–Barr virus Epstein–Barr virus infection Herpesvirus vaccines
Gp100:209-217(210M) peptide cancer vaccine cancer vaccine
H5N1 vaccine influenza vaccine influenza A virus subtype H5N1 influenza vaccine
Hepacivac European Initiative to Create Hepatitis C Vaccine vaccine
Hepatyrix vaccine
heterologous vaccine vaccine
Historical annual reformulations of the influenza vaccine influenza vaccine
tetanus vaccine vaccines used to prevent tetanus tetanus vaccine
hookworm vaccine vaccine against hookworm hookworm vaccine
HybriCell vaccine
MMRV vaccine combination vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella viruses measles
combined vaccine
MVA85A mva tuberculosis vaccines
MVA-B HIV vaccine
malaria vaccine vaccine that is used to prevent malaria malaria protozoan vaccines
measles vaccine vaccine used against the disease measles measles vaccine
MenAfriVac vaccine developed for use in sub-Saharan Africa meningococcal vaccine
meningococcal vaccine vaccines used to prevent infection by Neisseria meningitidis meningitis
meningococcal disease
bacterial vaccine
modified vaccinia Ankara attenuated vaccine of a poxvirus Poxviridae vaccine
mumps vaccine vaccine which prevents mumps mumps viral vaccines
Neurovax vaccine brand multiple sclerosis vaccine
Neuvenge therapeutic cancer vaccine in development cancer vaccine
NmVac4-A/C/Y/W-135 vaccine against bacterial meningitis vaccine
Optaflu influenza vaccine
Oral vaccination against rabies rabies vaccine
peptide vaccine peptide which serves to immunize an organism against a pathogen vaccine
pertussis vaccine vaccine protecting against whooping cough pertussis bacterial vaccine
plant expressed vaccine vaccine
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine pneumococcal vaccine and a conjugate vaccine Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumococcal vaccine
RBCG30 prospective tuberculosis vaccine tuberculosis vaccines
RTS,S malaria vaccine malaria protein subunit vaccine
malaria vaccine
rubella vaccine vaccine used to prevent rubella rubella vaccine
SCIB1 vaccine
synthetic vaccine synthetic peptides that mimic surface antigens of pathogens and are immunogenic, or vaccines manufactured with the aid of recombinant DNA techniques vaccine
TA-NIC vaccine in development for nicotine addiction vaccine
TA-CD vaccine used in treatment of addiction vaccine
Tcelna vaccine
tick-borne encephalitis vaccine preventive medicine tick-borne encephalitis viral vaccines
TroVax vaccine candidate
cancer vaccine
trypanosomiasis vaccine vaccine against trypanosomiasis trypanosomiasis vaccine
tuberculosis vaccines vaccines to prevent tuberculosis tuberculosis bacterial vaccine
tumor antigen vaccine vaccine
Ty21a typhoid vaccine typhoid vaccine
typhoid vaccine vaccines that prevent typhoid fever typhoid fever typhoid-paratyphoid vaccines
typhus vaccine vaccines developed to protect against typhus typhus rickettsial vaccine
Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccine vaccine for the prevention of typhoid typhoid fever typhoid vaccine
yellow fever vaccine vaccine that protects against yellow fever yellow fever viral vaccines
herpes zoster vaccine any vaccine to prevent shingles herpes zoster Herpesvirus vaccines
Immunization registry immunization information system vaccine
NicVAX experimental nicotine dependency vaccine conjugate vaccine
Hasumi vaccine cancer vaccine
recombinant vaccine vaccine produced through recombinant DNA technology vaccine
subunit vaccine vaccine consisting of one or more antigens that stimulate a strong immune response vaccine
pneumococcal vaccine vaccine to prevent infection by the bacterium Stretococcus pneumoniae pneumococcal infection streptococcal vaccines
AIDSVAX experimental vaccine developed by Genentech against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) vaccine
Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed vaccine anthrax vaccine
Mumpsvax mumps vaccine
cell-based vaccine vaccine
Live vector vaccine vaccine
Twinrix vaccine against hepatitis virus A and B hepatitis A
hepatitis B
hepatitis A vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine
inactivated vaccine
PneumoADIP vaccine
Edible algae vaccine vaccination strategy under preliminary research to combine a genetically engineered sub-unit vaccine and an immunologic adjuvant into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii microalgae vaccine
Hantavirus vaccine vaccine that protects humans against hantavirus infections Hantavirus vaccine
MeNZB meningococcal vaccine meningococcal vaccine
HspE7 investigational HPV vaccine vaccine
hepatitis C vaccine Possible vaccine and research into it hepatitis C vaccine
Vaccin diphtérique, tétanique, coquelucheux, poliomyélitique et de l'Haemophilus type b combined vaccine
DTaP-IPV vaccine Vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio diphtheria
combined vaccine
PFSPZ vaccine malaria vaccine vaccine candidate
malaria vaccine
VSV-EBOV experimental vaccine against Ebola virus disease vaccine candidate
Ebola vaccine
cAd3-ZEBOV experimental vaccine for two ebolaviruses Ebolavirus
Ebola hemorrhagic fever
Ebola vaccine
MVA-BN smallpox vaccine smallpox vaccine smallpox smallpox vaccine
pentavalent vaccine combination vaccine with five individual vaccines conjugated into one, intended to actively protect people from multiple diseases. combined vaccine
dengue vaccine vaccine used to prevent dengue fever in humans dengue fever viral vaccines
Quinvaxem combination vaccine (tradename) DTwP-HepB-Hib vaccine
vacunes de deleció vaccine
Zika fever vaccine vaccine in development Zika fever vaccine
GLS-5700 potential Zika vaccine DNA vaccine
Dengvaxia Dengue vaccine dengue vaccine
Prostvac prostate cancer vaccine vaccine candidate
T-cell vaccine vaccine designed to induce protective T-cells vaccine
rindopepimut chemical compound vaccine
universal flu vaccine vaccine that prevents infection from all strains of the flu vaccine
vaccine candidate pharmaceutical preparation being tested for use in preventing infections vaccine
Ovandrotone albumin immunogen and vaccine against androstenedione vaccine
Androvax vaccine vaccine
AGS-v vaccine candidate vaccine candidate
hepatitis b virus hbsag surface protein antigen pharmaceutical drug Hepatitis B vaccine
varicella-zoster virus strain oka/merck live antigen pharmaceutical drug varicella vaccine
Provenge pharmaceutical product cancer vaccine
Zostavax live attenuated vaccine against shingles by Merck herpes zoster herpes zoster vaccine
attenuated vaccine
Shingrix recombinant subunit vaccine by GSK herpes zoster herpes zoster vaccine
recombinant vaccine
suicidal DNA vaccine DNA vaccine containing suicidal DNA DNA vaccine
suicide gene
DTaP-IPV-HepB vaccine Combination vaccine pentavalent vaccine
DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccine combination vaccine pentavalent vaccine
Haemophilus B and hepatitis B vaccine bivalent vaccine
bivalent vaccine combined vaccine
CHIKV/IRES vaccine candidate vaccine candidate for chikungunya vaccine candidate
heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine pneumococcal vaccine in which seven pneumococcal serotypes are conjugated individually to a protein complex of Neisseria meningitidis pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
combined vaccine
streptococcal vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent streptococcal infections streptococcal infection bacterial vaccine
salmonella vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent infection with salmonella, including vaccines used to prevent typhoid fever or paratyphoid fever and vaccines used to prevent nontyphoid salmonellosis Salmonella food poisoning bacterial vaccine
inactivated poliovirus vaccine suspension of formalin-inactivated poliovirus grown in monkey kidney cell tissue culture and used to prevent poliomyelitis inactivated vaccine
polio vaccine
diphtheria–tetanus vaccine combined vaccine used to prevent infection with diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, used in place of DTP vaccine when pertussis vaccine is contraindicated diphtheria
combined vaccine
Brucella vaccine bacterial vaccine for the prevention of brucellosis in man and animal brucellosis bacterial vaccine
staphylococcal vaccine staphylococcus vaccine staphylococcal infection bacterial vaccine
virus-like particle vaccine vaccine using supra-molecular structures composed of multiple copies of recombinantly expressed viral structural proteins vaccine
Marek Disease vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent Marek Disease, an avian disease caused by a herpesvirus Marek's disease vaccine
protozoan vaccines suspensions of attenuated or killed protozoa administered for the prevention or treatment of infectious protozoan disease parasitic protozoa infectious disease vaccine
Herpesvirus vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent infection by any virus from the family Herpesviridae Herpesviridae infectious disease viral vaccines
parainfluenza vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent infection with parainfluenza viruses in humans and animals human parainfluenza viral vaccines
Leishmaniasis vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent infection with Leishmania leishmaniasis protozoan vaccines
fungal vaccines suspensions of attenuated or killed fungi administered for the prevention or treatment of infectious fungal disease fungal infectious disease vaccine
diphtheria–tetanus–acellular pertussis vaccine combination vaccine containing diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis toxoids diphtheria
DPT vaccine
West Nile Virus vaccine vaccine or candidate vaccine used to prevent infection with West Nile Virus West Nile fever viral vaccines
acellular vaccines vaccines produced by using only the antigenic part of the disease causing organism vaccine
Escherichia coli vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used for Escherichia coli infections Escherichia coli infectious disease bacterial vaccine
viral hepatitis vaccines vaccine raised against any virus or viral derivative that causes hepatitis viral hepatitis viral vaccines
viral vaccines suspensions of attenuated or killed viruses administered for the prevention or treatment of infectious viral disease viral infectious disease vaccine
Shigella vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent bacillary dysentery caused by species of Shigella shigellosis bacterial vaccine
typhoid-paratyphoid vaccines vaccines used to prevent typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever salmonella vaccines
respiratory syncytial virus vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent infection with respiratory syncytial virus respiratory syncytial virus infectious disease viral vaccines
Haemophilus vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines containing antigenic polysaccharides from Haemophilus influenzae and designed to prevent infection Haemophilus influenzae infectious disease bacterial vaccine
Lyme Disease vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent Lyme Disease Lyme disease bacterial vaccine
pseudorabies vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease), a herpesvirus of swine and other animals pseudorabies vaccine
live unattenuated vaccines vaccines prepared from microorganisms without their virulence altered vaccine
SAIDS vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines designed to prevent simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome viral vaccines
bacterial vaccine suspension of attenuated or killed bacteria administered for the prevention or treatment of infectious bacterial disease bacterial infectious disease vaccine
contraceptive vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent conception vaccine
rickettsial vaccine vaccine for the prevention of diseases caused by species of Rickettsia rickettsiosis bacterial vaccine
combined vaccine two or more vaccines in a single dosage form vaccine
Pseudomonas vaccines Vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent or treat Pseudomonas infections Pseudomonas infection bacterial vaccine
virosome vaccines vaccines using virosomes as antigen delivery system vaccine
Herpes Simplex Virus vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent infection with viruses from the genus Simplexvirus; includes vaccines for HSV-1 and HSV-2 Herpes simplex virus type 1 Herpesvirus vaccines
Alzheimer vaccines vaccines or candidate vaccines used to prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease vaccine
Agrippal S1 influenza vaccine
スギ花粉米 rice-based edible vaccine Edible vaccines
Priorix MMR vaccine brand measles
MMR vaccine
Edible vaccines food that aids immunity against a disease vaccine
Stamaril yellow fever vaccine brand yellow fever vaccine
attenuated vaccine
YF-Vax yellow fever vaccine brand yellow fever vaccine
attenuated vaccine
RotaTeq vaccine against rotavirus rotavirus vaccine
attenuated vaccine
Rotarix vaccine against rotavirus rotavirus vaccine
attenuated vaccine
Imovax vaccine against rabies for humans rabies vaccine
inactivated vaccine
Verorab vaccine against rabies for humans rabies vaccine
inactivated vaccine
RNA vaccine vaccine that transfects synthetic RNA to reprogram cells to make foreign protein that stimulates an adaptive immune response medication
nucleic acid-based vaccine
RNA therapeutics
Coronavirus-induced disease vaccine any vaccine against a a contagious disease caused by any coronavirus coronavirus disease viral vaccines
PR1 leukemia peptide vaccine type of cancer vaccine vaccine
INO-4800 experimental vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine candidate
DNA vaccine
adenovirus-based vaccine a vaccine based on a non-replicating viral vector viral vector vaccine
protein subunit vaccine vaccine containing recombinant proteins derived from parts of the targeted pathogen vaccine
ZyCoV-D DNA vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 DNA vaccine
vaccine candidate
GX-19 candidate vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine candidate
DNA vaccine
Institute of Medical Biology COVID-19 vaccine candidate candidate vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 inactivated vaccine
vaccine candidate
SCB-2019 candidate vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine
vaccine candidate
LNP-nCoVsaRNA candidate vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 RNA vaccine
vaccine candidate
Arcov candidate vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 RNA vaccine
vaccine candidate
Medicago Inc. COVID-19 vaccine candidate candidate vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 virus-like particle vaccine
vaccine candidate
AG0301-COVID19 experimental COVID-19 vaccine COVID-19 DNA vaccine
vaccine candidate
Finlay-FR-1 experimental COVID-19 vaccine COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine
vaccine candidate
University of Queensland COVID-19 vaccine candidate experimental COVID-19 vaccine COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine
vaccine candidate
Lunar-COV19 experimental COVID-19 vaccine COVID-19 RNA vaccine
vaccine candidate
GamEvac-Combi heterologous VSV- and Ad5-vectored Ebola vaccine Ebola vaccine
GRAd-COV2 experimental COVID-19 vaccine COVID-19 adenovirus-based vaccine
vaccine candidate
QazCovid-in experimental COVID-19 vaccine COVID-19 inactivated vaccine
vaccine candidate
West China Hospital COVID-19 vaccine candidate experimental COVID-19 vaccine protein subunit vaccine
vaccine candidate
V591 experimental COVID-19 vaccine COVID-19 replicating viral vector vaccine
vaccine candidate
replicating viral vector vaccine active artificial (harmless) virus containing target antigen viral vector vaccine
Совигрипп influenza influenza vaccine
OC-007 vaccine
genetically modified vaccine class of vaccine attenuated vaccine
RegaVax COVID-19
yellow fever
V451 experimental vaccine targeting SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
INFANRIX HEXA hexavalent vaccine by GlaxoSmithKline hexavalent vaccine
vector-based vaccine type of vaccine vaccine
therapeutic vaccine vaccine or vaccine candidate for use in treatment of a disease vaccine
prophylactic vaccine vaccine or vaccine candidate for use in preventing disease vaccine
CoviVac vaccine rusa COVID-19 vaccine
People's Vaccine concept in vaccine equity vaccine
viral vector vaccine type of vaccine vaccine
Mambisa vaccine against COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine
subunit vaccine
FAKHRAVAC vaccine candidate against COVID-19 COVID-19 inactivated vaccine
Universal coronavirus vaccine vaccine that prevents infection from all strains of coronaviruses vaccine
monkeypox vaccine vaccine against the monkeypox virus mpox
Q fever vaccine vaccine for preventing Q fever infection in humans Q fever bacterial vaccine
ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine smallpox vaccine smallpox vaccine
DTwP-HepB-Hib vaccine combination vaccine pentavalent vaccine
R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine malaria malaria vaccine
protein subunit vaccine
Gardasil 9 HPV vaccine human papillomavirus infection
falimarev cancer vaccine made with a form of a chicken virus that does not cause disease in humans
Prevnar 13
mRNA-1283 vaccine candidate against COVID-19 COVID-19
mRNA-1083 combined vaccine candidate against influenza and Covid COVID-19
BNT162b5 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2
mRNA-1273.214 vaccine mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 COVID-19
Crohns MAP Vaccine Crohn's disease
End of auto-generated list.

Journals on vaccines


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Article description
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology journal
Vaccine scientific journal
Hum Vaccin journal
Expert Review of Vaccines journal
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy journal
Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research scientific journal
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics scientific journal
Journal of Vaccines journal
Vaccine weekly journal
Vaccine & immunization news : the newsletter of the Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization journal
Vaccines scientific journal
Vaccine (Auckland, N.Z.) journal
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization journal
Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination scientific journal
International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination journal
NPJ Vaccines scientific journal
Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy journal
Vaccine reports
Journal of Immune Based Therapies, Vaccines and Antimicrobials scholarly journal
Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
Vaccine & immunization news : the newsletter of the Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization
Vaccine Research Official scientific bi-annual publication of Pasteur Institute of Iran.
Children and Practice UK scientific journal
BIOINFO Vaccine Sciences
Cancer Vaccines
Aperito Journal of Infectious Diseases and Vaccine US scientific journal
International Journal of Vaccine Research US scientific journal
International Journal of Vaccines and Immune System US scientific journal
International Journal of Vaccines and Immunization US scientific journal
International Journal of Vaccines and Research US scientific journal
Journal of Vaccine & Immunotechnology US scientific journal
Journal of Vaccine Research Canadian scientific journal
Journal of Vaccine Research and Development
Journal of Vaccines and Immunology US scientific journal
Journal of Vaccines Immunology and Immunopathology US scientific journal
Madridge Journal of Vaccines US scientific journal
Vaccines & Vaccination Open Access US scientific journal
Vaccines and Immunology Open Access Journal (VIOAJ)
Vaccines Research & Vaccination US scientific journal
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research scientific journal
End of auto-generated list.

Vaccine candidates


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Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Article description
mRNA-1283 vaccine candidate against COVID-19
mRNA-1083 combined vaccine candidate against influenza and Covid
End of auto-generated list.

Institutes in India


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Patna Medical College and Hospital
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS Rohtak
R.C.S.M. Govt Medical College and CPR Hospital, Kolhapur
Government Medical College, Srikakulam
S. S. Institute of Medical Sciences
Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences
Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Bhagalpur
K S Hegde Medical Academy
Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College
Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Malda Medical College and Hospital
Mysore Medical College
Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur
Dr. Somervell Memorial CSI Medical College
Government Medical College, Haldwani
Government Medical College, Nagpur
Grant Medical College and Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals
Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital
IPGMER and SSKM Hospital
Indira Gandhi Medical College
King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College
Dr. V. M. Government Medical College
Govt Medical College & Multispeciality Hospital, Akola
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Armed Forces Medical College
Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pariyaram
All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health
Amrita Hospital, Kochi
Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine
College of Nursing, Trivandrum, Kerala
Government Medical College, Rajouri
Santiniketan Medical College
Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar State Institute of Medical Sciences
Amrita Schools of Medicine
Vedanta University
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad
Employees State Insurance Corporation Medical College
College of Medicine & Sagar Dutta Hospital
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur
Baba Raghav Das Medical College
Bhagat Phool Singh Medical College
Government Medical College, Srinagar
Mamata medical college
Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha
T. D. Medical College
Zoram Medical College
Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University
Employee's State Insurance Corporation Medical College Hospital, Kollam
Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College
Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi Extension, Jhajjar
Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences
Dayanand Medical College & Hospital
MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore
Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Memorial Medical College
Swami Ramanand Teerth Rural Medical College
Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General hospital
Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College and Hospital
Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani
Sri Venkateswara Medical College
Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences
Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Government Medical College
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Deoghar
Dr B C Roy Institute of Medical Science & Research
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur
Ahalia school of pharmacy
Al Shifa College of Pharmacy
Amrita School Of Pharmacy
Chemists College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Government T.D.Medical College
College Of Pharmacy-Kannur Medical College
Crescent College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kannur
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Cheruvandoor Campus
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Regional Institute Of Medical Sciences And Research
Devaki Amma Memorial College Of Pharmacy
Dm Wims College Of Pharmacy
Dr.Joseph Mar Thoma Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research
Elims College Of Pharmacy
Ezhuthachan College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Government College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Grace College Of Pharmacy
Jamia Salafiya Pharmacy College
Jdt Islam College Of Pharmacy
K.T.N College Of Pharmacy
K.V.M. College Of Pharmacy
Karuna College Of Pharmacy
Kmct College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Malik Deenar College Of Pharmacy
Mar Dioscorus College Of Pharmacy
Mookambika College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research
Moulana College Of Pharmacy
Mount Zion College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research
National College of Pharmacy, Mukkom
Nazareth College Of Pharmacy
Nehru College Of Pharmacy
Nirmala College Of Pharmacy,Muvattupuzha
Prime College Of Pharmacy
Pushpagiri College Of Pharmacy
Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Pharmacy
Sanjo College Of Pharmaceutical Studies
St James College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
St. Joseph'S College Of Pharmacy
St.John's College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research
The Dale View College Of Pharmacy & Research Centre
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Gorakhpur
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Madurai
East Point College of Medical Sciences
Madhubani Medical College and Hospital
GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Sola
Government Medical College, Anantnag
Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital
Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial College, Wardha
Maharajah Institute of Medical Sciences
Aligarh Muslim University Faculty of Medicine
Aligarh Muslim University Faculty of Unani Medicine
Annamalai University Faculty of Medicine
Annamalai University Rajah Muthaiah Medical College
KLE University's Shri B M Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya
Siksha O Anusandhan University Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital
Saveetha University Saveetha Medical College and Hospital
Baba Farid University of Health Sciences Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital
Galgotias University School of Medical and Allied Sciences
Sharda University School of Medical Sciences and Research
SRM University College of Medicine and Health Sciences
Aliah University Faculty of Medical Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi University School of Medical Education
Desh Bhagat University School of Ayurveda
University of Delhi Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unami Medicine
University of Delhi Faculty of Homeopathic Medicine
University of Delhi Faculty of Medical Sciences
Punjabi University Faculty of Medicine
Vinayaka Missions University Faculty of Homoeopathy
Vinayaka Missions University Faculty of Medicine
Assam University Susruta School of Medical and Paramedical Sciences
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Madurai
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bilaspur
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati
Panjab University Faculty of Medical Sciences
HIHT University
Amity University Haryana Medical Program
Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Jammu Faculty of Medicine
Rama University Faculty of Medical Sciences
Central University of Haryana School of Medical Sciences
End of auto-generated list.

Journal articles


See Wikipedia:Vaccine safety/Listeria/Journal articles