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Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/Work via WikiProjects/Obsolete sections

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Wikipedia 1.0 — (talk)
FAQTo do
Release version tools
Article selection process
Version 0.8 bot selection
Version 0.8 feedback
IRC channel (IRC)

Release criteria
Review team (FAQ)
Version 0.8 release
(manual selection) (t)
"Selection" project (Talk)

schools selection
Offline WP for Indian Schools

Core topics - 1,000
(Talk) (COTF) (bot)
"Selection" project for kids ((t))
Pushing to 1.0 (talk)

Static content subcom.

Article tables

  • Moved 07:44, 13 August 2010 (UTC).

These tables are now only of historical interest.

For the main list of WikiProjects, see Wikipedia:WikiProject_Council/Directory.'

Nearly all of our information is now supplied by WP1.0 bot, please see the main bot list. The article statistics are summarized in the table at the top of this page.

A few manual pages are still being used. A request was made during 2005-2006 to all known projects (as of Oct 2005) for a list of quality articles, this was called the first round. During late 2006 some projects were contacted for a list ofkey articles or high-importance articles from each WikiProject, this being the second round. These results were mainly recorded manually on the pages listed below, with summary information on the Main WikiProjects list (now very incomplete)

Area Listing status (summer 2006) Reply status
Arts Listing complete Round 2 almost complete
Language & literature Listing not updated Round 1 complete
Philosophy & religion Listing complete Round 2 complete
Everyday life Listing not updated Round 1 complete
Social Sciences & Society Listing not updated Round 1 complete
Geography Listing not updated Round 1 complete
History Listing complete?? Round 1 complete
Engineering & Technology Listing complete Round 1 complete
Mathematics Listing complete?? Round 1 complete
Science Listing complete Round 1 complete

Old pages

  • Moved 07:44, 13 August 2010 (UTC).

These have been retained as a courtesy to WikiProjects who have set up links. We will try to ensure that MartinBotII can read these tables also. Humanities will cease to be an active page, though updates there will be noted. Economics & Business and Hobbies & recreation are still active, but now they are transcluded into the following sections:

  • Economics and business: Part of Social Sciences & Society.
  • Hobbies and recreation: Part of Everyday Life
Area Listing status Reply status
Economics and business Listing complete Round 1 complete
Hobbies and recreation Listing complete Round 1 complete
Humanities Listing complete Round 1 complete