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Wikipedia:VideoWiki/WikiJournal PDF formatting

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VideoWiki/WikiJournal PDF formatting (Tutorial)
File:En.Video-WikiJournal PDF formatting.webm
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Steps for video creation
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Edit with VisualEditor



The steps for formatting a WikiJournal article as a PDF can be found in the editorial guidelines. First download the relevant word document template to your computer.

Copy-paste title authors


In the word document, paste in the article metadata (title, authors, dates etc.). In this example we also add a hyperlink for the "et al" in the author list because it was adapted from a Wikipedia page.

Copy-paste dates doi


When you paste in the submission and acceptance dates, it will automatically format them. In this example, there is only one affiliation and contact details, and no supplementary data. When adding the D O I, always double-check that it's correct.

Copy-paste text


You can copy and paste in the abstract and then the rest of the article's text.



You then have to find each heading and use the style gallery at the top to format them.

Figure placement


The figure layout is usually best changed to "square" mode so that the exact size and location can be optimised. Right-click to add a caption and then group that text box with the image so that they always stay together. This example has an unusually tall first figure, so let's use the whole column. If an image has text, make it large enough to be readable.

Figure resolution


The copy-paste process imports low-resolution images. You'll need to copy a higher-resolution version from Commons then right-click the image to replace with version from clipboard.

Figure extra


You can always look through previous examples for ideas.



Some tables will need to be wider than a text column. Make a text box to place it in. Again, right-click to add a caption above and use the design gallery to format it. In this example, the table is wide enough that the text box layout can be set to occupy the full page width.

Notes references and spaces


Notes and references should be formatted using the style gallery at the top to format them. We need to use find-replace just replace space with space again to remove the non-breaking-spaces that media-wiki sometimes includes.

Save docx and PDF


Finally, save it as both a doc x and a PDF using the title as its filename. Upload the doc x to the google folder, and the PDF to wiki.