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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/67

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Journal ISSN
0360-0300 A C M Computing Surveys
1936-1955 A C M Journal on Data and Information Quality
0362-5915 A C M Transactions on Database Systems
1094-9224 A C M Transactions on Information and System Security
1046-8188 A C M Transactions on Information Systems
1049-331X A C M Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
1710-2251 Advanced Technology for Learning
0219-5259 Advances in Complex Systems
1568-2633 Advances in Information Security
1060-3425 Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Proceedings
1529-3181 Association for Information Systems. Communications
1536-9323 Association of Information Systems. Journal
1449-8618 Australasian Journal of Information Systems
1530-0803 Australian Software Engineering Conference. Proceedings
1347-6297 Chem-Bio Informatics Journal
1757-4439 Communications of S I W N
1361-3723 Computer Fraud & Security
1865-2034 Computer Science -Research and Development
0360-8352 Computers & Industrial Engineering
0305-0548 Computers & Operations Research
0167-4048 Computers & Security
0010-485X Computing
0010-4884 Computing Reviews
1445-1336 Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology
CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering
1862-4405 Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings
1532-0936 Data Base for Advances in Information Systems
0167-9236 Decision Support Systems
1574-9541 Ecological Informatics
1567-4223 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
1863-2122 Electronic Communications of the EASST
1566-6379 Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation
1681-4835 Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
1479-4411 Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management
1382-3256 Empirical Software Engineering
1751-7575 Enterprise Information Systems
1860-6059 Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures
0960-085X European Journal of Information Systems
1567-2190 Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory
0740-624X Government Information Quarterly
1460-4582 Health Informatics Journal
1027-2666 I A S T E D International Conference. Applied Informatics. Proceedings
1940-1434 I E E E Computer Security Foundations Symposium. Proceedings
1536-1268 I E E E Pervasive Computing
0916-8532 I E I C E Transactions on Information and Systems
1751-8709 I E T Information Security
I U I: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. Proceedings
1648-5831 Informatics in Education
1476-0320 Informatics In Primary Care
1471-7727 Information and Organization
0968-5227 Information Management & Computer Security
1040-1628 Information Resources Management Journal
1265-499X Information Sciences for Decision Making
1363-4127 Information Security Technical Report
1617-9846 Information Systems and e-Business Management
1545-679X Information Systems Education Journal
1387-3326 Information Systems Frontiers
1350-1917 Information Systems Journal
1058-0530 Information Systems Management
1047-7047 Information Systems Research
1385-951X Information Technology & Management
0268-1102 Information Technology for Development
Information Technology Management
1310-0513 Information Theory and Applications
1290-385X Informatique théorique et applications (En ligne)
1555-1229 Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
0270-5257 International Conference on Software Engineering. Proceedings
1098-8068 International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium
1467-0895 International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
1746-0972 International Journal of Business Information Systems
1548-1131 International Journal of E-Business Research
1751-911X International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
1548-1115 International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
0308-1079 International Journal of General Systems
1044-7318 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
1539-3062 International Journal of I T Standards and Standardization Research
1744-1765 International Journal of Information and Computer Security
1615-5262 International Journal of Information Security
1479-3121 International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management
1305-239X International Journal of Information Technology
0219-6220 International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
1461-4111 International Journal of Information Technology and Management
1568-4156 International Journal of Integrated Care
1386-5056 International Journal of Medical Informatics
1747-8405 International Journal of Security and Networks
0218-1940 International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
1938-6451 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
1530-1435 International Symposium on Software Metrics
1529-4188 International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications
1529-7314 Issues in Information Systems
Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology
1532-4516 J I T T A
0887-4417 Journal of Computer Information Systems
1246-0125 Journal of Decision Systems
0972-7272 Journal of Digital Information Management
1741-0398 Journal of Enterprise Information Management
1062-7375 Journal of Global Information Management
1097-198X Journal of Global Information Technology Management
0219-6492 Journal of Information & Knowledge Management
1545-0287 Journal of Information Science and Technology
0888-7985 Journal of Information Systems
0268-3962 Journal of Information Technology
1933-1681 Journal of Information Technology & Politics
Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research
1042-1319 Journal of Information Technology Management
1557-1319 Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations
0921-0296 Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
1543-5962 Journal of International Technology and Information Management
0742-1222 Journal of Management Information Systems
1064-7570 Journal of Network and Systems Management
1546-2234 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing
1091-9392 Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
1443-458X Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology
1796-217X Journal of Software
1532-060X Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution
0963-8687 Journal of Strategic Information Systems
1555-1326 Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence
1548-7717 Journals of Cases on Information Technology
1384-6469 Kluwer International Series in Software Engineering
0219-1377 Knowledge and Information Systems
0950-7051 Knowledge-Based Systems
1617-5468 Lecture Notes in Informatics
0276-7783 M I S Quarterly
1540-1960 M I S Quarterly Executive
0307-7640 Médecine et informatique
1463-9238 Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine (Print)
0026-1270 Methods of Information in Medicine
1574-017X Mobile Information Systems
Proceedings / Design Science research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST)
Proceedings / European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Proceedings / Information Systems Research In Scandinavia (IRIS)
Proceedings / International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
1432-010X Requirements Engineering (electronic edition)
1584-384X Revista de Informatica Sociala
0905-0167 Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
1482-7905 Software Engineering and Applications
1077-4866 Software Process Improvement and Practice
1652-8719 Systems, Signs & Actions
1530-2180 Ubiquity
UIST: User Interface Software and Technology
0924-1868 User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
1109-2742 W S E A S Transactions on Communications
1109-2750 W S E A S Transactions on Computers
1790-0832 W S E A S Transactions on Information Science and Applications
0937-6429 Wirtschaftsinformatik