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Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Medieval/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Medieval along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-06-01 to 2024-06-30

Total views: 2,638,718

Updated: 15:06, 9 July 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Leonardo da Vinci 199,196 6,639 GA Mid
2 Galileo Galilei 119,792 3,993 B Mid
3 Renaissance 118,655 3,955 C High
4 Occam's razor 107,189 3,572 C High
5 Rumi 86,595 2,886 B High
6 Niccolò Machiavelli 81,137 2,704 B High
7 Thomas More 79,555 2,651 B Mid
8 Dante Alighieri 79,004 2,633 B Low
9 Thomas Aquinas 67,829 2,260 C High
10 Nicolaus Copernicus 67,175 2,239 B Mid
11 Avicenna 46,058 1,535 B High
12 Erasmus 37,895 1,263 B High
13 John Calvin 37,659 1,255 FA Mid
14 Maimonides 35,291 1,176 B High
15 The Prince 34,836 1,161 C High
16 Giordano Bruno 34,588 1,152 B Mid
17 Hildegard of Bingen 32,516 1,083 B Mid
18 The School of Athens 29,395 979 C Mid
19 Paracelsus 26,304 876 B Mid
20 Catherine of Siena 24,726 824 C Mid
21 Al-Ghazali 24,621 820 C High
22 Ibn Taymiyya 23,425 780 C Low
23 Italian Renaissance 22,467 748 B Mid
24 Ibn Khaldun 21,745 724 C High
25 Ibn al-Haytham 21,142 704 B Mid
26 Omar Khayyam 20,743 691 C Low
27 First principle 19,968 665 C High
28 John Dee 19,913 663 B Mid
29 Dogma 19,618 653 C Mid
30 Al-Biruni 19,557 651 C Mid
31 Petrarch 18,979 632 C Mid
32 Renaissance humanism 18,764 625 B Mid
33 Cardinal virtues 18,730 624 C High
34 Mu'in al-Din Chishti 18,479 615 Start Unknown
35 Averroes 17,576 585 GA High
36 Bernard of Clairvaux 16,442 548 C Mid
37 Hermetica 15,567 518 B High
38 Ibn Arabi 14,963 498 B High
39 Meister Eckhart 14,421 480 C Mid
40 Galileo affair 14,381 479 B Mid
41 Boethius 14,062 468 B Mid
42 Scholasticism 13,719 457 Start High
43 Peter Abelard 13,241 441 B Mid
44 William of Ockham 13,030 434 C High
45 Prudence 12,737 424 Start Mid
46 Jabir ibn Hayyan 12,471 415 B Low
47 Al-Farabi 12,311 410 B High
48 Roger Bacon 12,297 409 B Mid
49 Shams Tabrizi 12,150 405 C Low
50 Anselm of Canterbury 11,823 394 B Mid
51 Abu Bakr al-Razi 11,016 367 C Mid
52 Summa Theologica 10,819 360 C High
53 Great chain of being 10,599 353 C Mid
54 Acedia 10,571 352 Start Low
55 Duns Scotus 10,384 346 B High
56 Anima mundi 10,102 336 Start Mid
57 Nominalism 9,997 333 C High
58 Albertus Magnus 9,921 330 C Mid
59 John of Damascus 9,871 329 B Mid
60 Thomism 9,739 324 C High
61 Isidore of Seville 9,248 308 C Mid
62 Bonaventure 8,879 295 C Mid
63 Five Ways (Aquinas) 8,641 288 Start Mid
64 Al-Kindi 7,899 263 B Mid
65 Celestial spheres 7,825 260 GA Low
66 Héloïse 7,405 246 B Mid
67 Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa 7,295 243 C Mid
68 Personal life of Leonardo da Vinci 7,283 242 B Low
69 Al-Ma'arri 7,198 239 GA Mid
70 Fire (classical element) 6,979 232 C Low
71 Ramon Llull 6,955 231 B Mid
72 Ahmad Sirhindi 6,791 226 B Low
73 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola 6,649 221 B Mid
74 Pope Sylvester II 6,595 219 B Low
75 Problem of universals 6,490 216 C Mid
76 Anna Komnene 6,490 216 B Low
77 Rabia Basri 6,467 215 C Mid
78 On the Consolation of Philosophy 6,234 207 C Mid
79 Vishishtadvaita 6,180 206 C Mid
80 Microcosm–macrocosm analogy 6,148 204 C Mid
81 Hylomorphism 6,107 203 C Mid
82 Morality play 6,079 202 Start Low
83 Maximus the Confessor 6,003 200 B Low
84 Dvaita Vedanta 5,927 197 C Mid
85 Ibn Hazm 5,904 196 C Low
86 Machiavellianism (politics) 5,693 189 C Low
87 Devi Bhagavata Purana 5,410 180 C Low
88 How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? 5,284 176 C Low
89 Gerolamo Cardano 5,249 174 C Mid
90 Leon Battista Alberti 5,246 174 C Low
91 Ship of fools 5,180 172 Start Low
92 The Canon of Medicine 5,069 168 B Mid
93 Al-Jahiz 5,058 168 C Low
94 Rota Fortunae 4,981 166 C Low
95 Prithvi 4,964 165 Start Low
96 Fakhr al-Din al-Razi 4,948 164 C Mid
97 Air (classical element) 4,945 164 Start Low
98 Photios I of Constantinople 4,941 164 B Mid
99 Alcuin 4,926 164 C Mid
100 Nasir al-Din al-Tusi 4,907 163 B Low
101 Christine de Pizan 4,781 159 B Low
102 Haecceity 4,777 159 Start Mid
103 John Scotus Eriugena 4,773 159 C Mid
104 First circle of hell 4,736 157 GA Low
105 Abu Hasan al-Ash'ari 4,717 157 C Mid
106 Nizam al-Mulk 4,601 153 C Low
107 Nicholas of Cusa 4,450 148 C Mid
108 In Praise of Folly 4,410 147 Start High
109 Gregory Palamas 4,387 146 B Low
110 Earth (classical element) 4,364 145 Start Low
111 The Guide for the Perplexed 4,305 143 C High
112 Summum bonum 4,260 142 Start Low
113 Gemistos Plethon 4,245 141 Start Mid
114 Medieval philosophy 4,187 139 C High
115 Nachmanides 4,088 136 C Mid
116 Baba Buddha 3,958 131 C Low
117 Abu Mansur al-Maturidi 3,923 130 B Low
118 Jean Bodin 3,843 128 Start Mid
119 Jacobus Arminius 3,796 126 B Low
120 Shihab al-Din Yahya ibn Habash Suhrawardi 3,541 118 Start High
121 Second circle of hell 3,490 116 GA Low
122 Ibn al-Rawandi 3,480 116 C Low
123 Vincent Ferrer 3,464 115 C Low
124 Hemachandra 3,304 110 B Low
125 Nimbarka Sampradaya 3,290 109 C Low
126 Term logic 3,257 108 Start High
127 Proof of the Truthful 3,249 108 GA Mid
128 Judah Halevi 3,244 108 Start Low
129 Voluntarism (philosophy) 3,179 105 Start Low
130 Solomon ibn Gabirol 3,178 105 C Mid
131 Ibn al-Nafis 3,160 105 B Low
132 The Incoherence of the Philosophers 2,978 99 Start High
133 Ibn Tufayl 2,966 98 Start Mid
134 Saadia Gaon 2,960 98 B Mid
135 Third circle of hell 2,942 98 GA Low
136 Augustinianism 2,869 95 B Low
137 Francisco Suárez 2,856 95 C Mid
138 Hayy ibn Yaqdhan 2,837 94 Start Mid
139 Incorporeality 2,790 93 Start Mid
140 University of Constantinople 2,787 92 Start Low
141 Aseity 2,784 92 C Low
142 Marsilius of Padua 2,773 92 Start Mid
143 The Book of Healing 2,766 92 C High
144 Transcendentals 2,731 91 Start Low
145 Summa contra Gentiles 2,662 88 Start High
146 Abraham Abulafia 2,597 86 C Low
147 Abraham ibn Ezra 2,596 86 C Low
148 Illuminationism 2,554 85 C High
149 Mechthild of Magdeburg 2,552 85 B Low
150 Bessarion 2,497 83 C Low
151 Hunayn ibn Ishaq 2,492 83 C Low
152 Isaac Abarbanel 2,437 81 C Low
153 Robert Grosseteste 2,423 80 C Mid
154 Gennadius Scholarius 2,417 80 C Mid
155 Shuddhadvaita 2,387 79 Start Mid
156 Achintya Bheda Abheda 2,358 78 C Mid
157 Brethren of Purity 2,310 77 B Mid
158 Michael Psellos 2,173 72 C Mid
159 Nicole Oresme 2,171 72 B Mid
160 Etymologiae 2,119 70 GA Mid
161 Transmission of the Greek Classics 2,105 70 C Mid
162 Primum Mobile 2,042 68 Start Low
163 Floating man 2,040 68 C Low
164 Averroism 2,022 67 C High
165 Johann Reuchlin 2,003 66 Start Low
166 Renaissance sculpture 2,002 66 Start Low
167 List of works by Thomas Aquinas 1,954 65 Start Mid
168 Ipse dixit 1,903 63 Start Mid
169 Étienne de La Boétie 1,898 63 C Low
170 Sculpture in the Renaissance period 1,882 62 Redirect NA
171 Renaissance philosophy 1,875 62 C Mid
172 Kumārila Bhaṭṭa 1,854 61 Start Mid
173 Barlaam of Seminara 1,852 61 Start Low
174 Nasir Khusraw 1,849 61 C Low
175 Early Islamic philosophy 1,845 61 C High
176 Peter Lombard 1,834 61 C Mid
177 Univocity of being 1,820 60 Start Mid
178 Francisco de Vitoria 1,808 60 C Mid
179 Quiddity 1,620 54 Stub Low
180 Al-Mawardi 1,598 53 Start Low
181 Al-Juwayni 1,579 52 Start Low
182 Jean Buridan 1,565 52 Start Mid
183 Ibn al-Nadim 1,526 50 C Low
184 Lanfranc 1,487 49 B Low
185 Platonism in Islamic philosophy 1,484 49 Stub Low
186 Al-Tabarani 1,471 49 Stub Low
187 Sentences 1,464 48 Start Mid
188 Shaykh Tusi 1,461 48 Start Low
189 Scotism 1,450 48 Start High
190 Avempace 1,395 46 B Mid
191 Aevum 1,394 46 Start Low
192 Khalid ibn Yazid 1,391 46 Start Low
193 Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Fazārī 1,386 46 C Low
194 Adagia 1,347 44 C Low
195 Porphyrian tree 1,345 44 C Low
196 Zeami Motokiyo 1,341 44 C Mid
197 Hugh of Saint Victor 1,321 44 C Mid
198 Yi Hwang 1,290 43 Start High
199 Brunetto Latini 1,279 42 Start Low
200 Bhedabheda 1,277 42 Start Mid
201 Active intellect 1,269 42 Start Low
202 Eternity of the world 1,250 41 C Mid
203 Avicennism 1,241 41 Start High
204 Yusuf bin Ahmad al-Kawneyn 1,226 40 C Low
205 Actus purus 1,216 40 Start Low
206 John of Salisbury 1,195 39 Start Low
207 Menocchio 1,173 39 C Low
208 Averroes's theory of the unity of the intellect 1,159 38 GA Low
209 Gersonides 1,156 38 B Low
210 Abraham ibn Daud 1,144 38 C Low
211 Juan Luis Vives 1,128 37 C Low
212 Five wits 1,089 36 Start Low
213 The Incoherence of the Incoherence 1,087 36 Start High
214 Al-Qushayri 1,082 36 C Mid
215 Credo ut intelligam 1,070 35 Start Low
216 Al-Taftazani 1,059 35 C Low
217 Proslogion 1,041 34 Start High
218 Gerard of Cremona 1,029 34 B Low
219 Petrus Ramus 1,028 34 C Mid
220 Luis de Molina 1,020 34 Start Low
221 Views of Ibn Taymiyya 993 33 C Low
222 Jiva Goswami 988 32 Start Low
223 Yūsuf Balasaguni 956 31 Stub Mid
224 Opus Majus 954 31 Start Mid
225 Herrad of Landsberg 945 31 C Low
226 Adelard of Bath 936 31 C Mid
227 Thomas of Villanova 934 31 Start Low
228 Condemnations of 1210–1277 922 30 GA Mid
229 Nand Singh (saint) 904 30 Start Low
230 Timeline of Niccolò Machiavelli 890 29 List Low
231 Anan ben David 876 29 Start Low
232 Logos (Islam) 850 28 Start Low
233 Indigenous American philosophy 849 28 Start High
234 Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples 846 28 Start Low
235 Berengar of Tours 828 27 Start Low
236 Temporal finitism 828 27 Start High
237 Substantial form 826 27 Start Mid
238 Pietro d'Abano 822 27 Start Low
239 Al-Shahrastani 810 27 C Mid
240 Chovot HaLevavot 802 26 C Low
241 Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi 798 26 Start Low
242 Aztec philosophy 795 26 Start Mid
243 Abdallah ibn Yasin 791 26 Start Low
244 Rudrakshajabala Upanishad 780 26 B Low
245 Abu'l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī 767 25 C Low
246 Wonhyo 765 25 C High
247 Alain de Lille 760 25 C Low
248 De libero arbitrio diatribe sive collatio 753 25 Stub Low
249 Bahya ibn Paquda 740 24 Start Low
250 Synderesis 740 24 Start Low
251 Yoga Upanishads 734 24 C Low
252 John Argyropoulos 723 24 Start Low
253 Yoga-kundalini Upanishad 717 23 B Low
254 Roman Renaissance 715 23 B Low
255 Ramism 711 23 B Mid
256 Gaunilo of Marmoutiers 706 23 Start Low
257 Roscellinus 700 23 Start Mid
258 Byzantine philosophy 698 23 C High
259 Miskawayh 697 23 Start Low
260 Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi 697 23 Start Low
261 Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari 680 22 Start Low
262 Demetrios Chalkokondyles 679 22 Start Low
263 Vijayindra Tirtha 664 22 Start Low
264 Dynamics of the celestial spheres 662 22 GA Low
265 History of Advaita Vedanta 659 21 B Mid
266 Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate 656 21 C Low
267 George of Trebizond 654 21 Start Mid
268 Convivio 654 21 Start Low
269 Fihi Ma Fihi 654 21 Stub Low
270 Ibn Sab'in 652 21 Start Low
271 Alexander of Hales 649 21 Start Low
272 Peripatetic axiom 639 21 Start Low
273 Second scholasticism 636 21 Start Low
274 Manuel Chrysoloras 633 21 C Mid
275 William of Conches 619 20 B Low
276 Coluccio Salutati 611 20 Start Low
277 Kalagni Rudra Upanishad 610 20 B Low
278 Navya-Nyāya 606 20 Stub Mid
279 William of Moerbeke 604 20 Start Low
280 Abraham Maimonides 599 19 Start Low
281 Bernard of Chartres 598 19 Start Low
282 Vajrasuchi Upanishad 597 19 B Low
283 Ibn Umayl 594 19 C Low
284 Julius Caesar Scaliger 593 19 C Low
285 John of St. Thomas 593 19 Stub Low
286 Siger of Brabant 590 19 Start Mid
287 Narayana Upanishad 590 19 C Low
288 Defensor pacis 586 19 Start Low
289 John Peckham 585 19 GA Low
290 Theodore Metochites 584 19 Start Mid
291 Hector Boece 579 19 Start Low
292 Richard of Saint Victor 573 19 Start Low
293 Haribhadra (Jain philosopher) 569 18 Start Mid
294 Shakta Upanishads 567 18 Start Low
295 Hasdai Crescas 564 18 Start Low
296 Dionysios Skylosophos 557 18 Start Low
297 Moses ibn Ezra 552 18 Start Low
298 Abbo of Fleury 548 18 C Low
299 Vitello 544 18 Start Low
300 George Pachymeres 543 18 Start Low
301 Supposition theory 543 18 Start Low
302 Sum of Logic 542 18 Start Mid
303 Summa 542 18 Start Low
304 Giles of Rome 541 18 Start Low
305 Denis the Carthusian 539 17 C Low
306 Thomas Bradwardine 537 17 Start Low
307 Alexander Neckam 529 17 Start Low
308 Leo the Mathematician 526 17 C Mid
309 Abraham bar Hiyya 525 17 B Low
310 Dattatreya Upanishad 519 17 Start Low
311 Nicephorus Gregoras 518 17 Start Low
312 Occamism 518 17 Start Mid
313 Cahal Daly 503 16 Start Low
314 Sita Upanishad 503 16 B Low
315 Oxford Calculators 500 16 C Mid
316 Tullia d'Aragona 487 16 C Low
317 Bartolus de Saxoferrato 478 15 Start Low
318 Renaissance humanism in Northern Europe 472 15 Start Low
319 Intelligible form 468 15 Start Low
320 Amalric of Bena 467 15 Start Low
321 Tacitean studies 464 15 C Low
322 Abu Bakr al-Turtushi 461 15 Stub Low
323 Hugh of Saint-Cher 459 15 Start Low
324 Isotta Nogarola 458 15 C Low
325 Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji 457 15 Start Low
326 Buridan's bridge 440 14 Start Low
327 Pierre d'Ailly 436 14 Start Low
328 Modistae 432 14 C Low
329 De divisione naturae 429 14 Start Mid
330 Paschasius Radbertus 425 14 C Low
331 Lesser magistrate 423 14 C Low
332 De umbris idearum 423 14 Stub Low
333 Peter of Spain 420 14 Start Mid
334 Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani 413 13 Stub Low
335 Stephanus of Alexandria 411 13 Start Low
336 Isaac Israeli ben Solomon 410 13 B Low
337 Liber de causis 406 13 Stub Mid
338 Albert of Saxony (philosopher) 405 13 Start Low
339 William Ames 404 13 C Low
340 Joseph Albo 402 13 C Low
341 Domingo de Soto 397 13 Start Low
342 Tripura Upanishad 396 13 Start Low
343 Maimonidean Controversy 396 13 Start Low
344 Sariraka Upanishad 395 13 B Low
345 Origin of the Bhagavata Purana 393 13 C Low
346 Giovanni Botero 392 13 C Low
347 Hayagriva Upanishad 392 13 B Low
348 Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers 389 12 Start Low
349 Rodolphus Agricola 388 12 Start Low
350 Pietro Pomponazzi 388 12 Start Low
351 Actus essendi 388 12 Start Mid
352 Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani 387 12 C Mid
353 Dongshan Liangjie 386 12 Start Low
354 Martín de Azpilcueta 385 12 Start Low
355 Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi 381 12 Start Low
356 Henry of Ghent 380 12 Start Low
357 Judah Leon Abravanel 380 12 C Low
358 Policraticus 376 12 Stub Low
359 Yahya ibn Adi 375 12 Stub Low
360 Scotistic realism 372 12 Start Low
361 Cheng–Zhu school 371 12 Stub Low
362 Arethas of Caesarea 368 12 C Low
363 Ratramnus 367 12 C Low
364 Gabriel Biel 362 12 C Low
365 Cristoforo Landino 356 11 Start Low
366 Paulinus II of Aquileia 355 11 C Low
367 Passive intellect 355 11 Start Low
368 William of Auvergne 351 11 Start Low
369 Ground of the Soul 351 11 B Low
370 List of Medieval European scholars 350 11 List Mid
371 Samuel ibn Tibbon 349 11 C Low
372 Raymond of Sabunde 348 11 Start Low
373 Syncategorematic term 348 11 Start Mid
374 Jinul 347 11 Start Low
375 Al-Mu'ayyad fi'l-Din al-Shirazi 346 11 Start Low
376 Elia del Medigo 345 11 Stub Low
377 Peter John Olivi 342 11 Start Low
378 Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani 341 11 Stub Low
379 Abu Bishr Matta ibn Yunus 341 11 Start Low
380 Domingo Báñez 336 11 C Low
381 Bernardus Silvestris 330 11 Start Low
382 Rama Rahasya Upanishad 328 10 B Low
383 Shaiva Upanishads 324 10 C Low
384 Medieval aesthetics 324 10 C Low
385 Tomer Devorah 319 10 Stub Low
386 Caigentan 308 10 Start Low
387 Hamsa Upanishad 308 10 B Low
388 Boetius of Dacia 305 10 Start Low
389 Harnam Singh (saint) 304 10 Stub Low
390 Insolubilia 302 10 Start Low
391 Athir al-Din al-Abhari 301 10 Start Low
392 Arcs of Descent and Ascent 299 9 Start Low
393 Cesare Cremonini (philosopher) 297 9 Start Low
394 Anselm of Laon 296 9 Start Low
395 Vijnanabhiksu 294 9 Start Low
396 Herman of Carinthia 293 9 C Low
397 George Amiroutzes 293 9 Start Low
398 Theology of Aristotle 291 9 Start Mid
399 Abu Hatim Ahmad ibn Hamdan al-Razi 290 9 Start Low
400 Conimbricenses 289 9 Start Low
401 Abu al-Hassan al-Amiri 289 9 Stub Low
402 Francisco Sanches 283 9 C Low
403 Ibn al-Tayyib 280 9 C Low
404 Bahmanyar 279 9 Start Low
405 Al-Hajj Salim Suwari 278 9 Start Low
406 Agostino Steuco 276 9 C Low
407 Asaph the Jew 276 9 Start Low
408 Communitas perfecta 273 9 Start Low
409 Bhavana Upanishad 273 9 Start Low
410 Gilbert de la Porrée 272 9 Start Low
411 Recovery of Aristotle 272 9 Redirect NA
412 Jacopo Zabarella 269 8 C Low
413 Gregory of Rimini 269 8 C Low
414 Hyujeong 268 8 Start Low
415 Francesco Filelfo 267 8 C Low
416 Jayarāśi Bhaṭṭa 267 8 Start Low
417 Federico Cesi 266 8 Start Mid
418 Yanantin 266 8 C Low
419 Theodoric of Freiberg 265 8 Start Low
420 Jalal al-Din Davani 265 8 C Low
421 Pseudo-Platonica 265 8 C Low
422 Haydar Amuli 263 8 Start Low
423 Differentia 249 8 Stub Low
424 List of works by Averroes 249 8 List Mid
425 Hadi Sabzavari 245 8 Start Low
426 John Italus 241 8 C Low
427 Book of the 24 Philosophers 239 7 Start Low
428 Niralamba Upanishad 234 7 B Low
429 William of Champeaux 232 7 Start Mid
430 Étienne Tempier 231 7 C Low
431 Triads (Gregory Palamas) 231 7 C Low
432 William Vorilong 231 7 Stub Low
433 Bassui Tokushō 230 7 C Low
434 Abner of Burgos 230 7 Start Low
435 Abu Ishaq al-Zajjaj 230 7 Start Low
436 De vita libri tres 229 7 Start Low
437 Genus (philosophy) 228 7 Stub Low
438 Cosmographia (Bernardus Silvestris) 226 7 C Mid
439 Gregory of Tatev 225 7 Start Low
440 Dakshinamurti Upanishad 225 7 Start Low
441 Melchor Cano 222 7 Start Low
442 Al-Akhdari 222 7 Stub Low
443 Pietru Caxaro 221 7 B Low
444 Logica nova 221 7 Start Mid
445 Pancabrahma Upanishad 220 7 B Low
446 Akshobhya Tirtha 219 7 Start Low
447 Constantine of Kostenets 218 7 Start Low
448 Sarasvati-rahasya Upanishad 218 7 Start Low
449 Gregor Reisch 217 7 Start Low
450 Krishna Upanishad 217 7 B Low
451 Robert Kilwardby 215 7 C Low
452 School of Saint Victor 215 7 Start Low
453 Knowledge by presence 215 7 C Low
454 Al-Jubba'i 214 7 Stub Low
455 Vaishnava Upanishads 214 7 C Low
456 Avadhutaka Upanishad 213 7 Start Low
457 Nikephoros Blemmydes 211 7 Start Low
458 Yohanan Alemanno 211 7 Start Low
459 Muhammad ibn Muhammad Tabrizi 211 7 C Low
460 Albert Brudzewski 210 7 C Low
461 Euthymius the Athonite 209 6 Start Low
462 Antonio Beccadelli (poet) 208 6 Start Low
463 Primum movens 207 6 Redirect NA
464 Durandus of Saint-Pourçain 206 6 Start Low
465 William of Sherwood 205 6 Start Low
466 Ibn Masarra 202 6 Stub Low
467 Guarino da Verona 201 6 Stub Low
468 Walter Burley 197 6 Start Low
469 Ibn Jinni 197 6 Stub Low
470 De vita solitaria 192 6 Start Low
471 Atharvashikha Upanishad 190 6 B Low
472 Palla Strozzi 189 6 Start Low
473 Saubhagyalakshmi Upanishad 188 6 Start Low
474 Nicholas of Autrecourt 186 6 Start Low
475 Immanuel the Roman 184 6 Start Low
476 Thierry of Chartres 183 6 Start Low
477 John of Jandun 182 6 Start Low
478 Al-Shahrazuri 180 6 Stub Low
479 Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Musa al-Nawbakhti 180 6 Start Low
480 John of Paris 179 5 Start Low
481 Petrus Aureoli 178 5 Start Low
482 John Capreolus 177 5 Start Mid
483 Yongjia Xuanjue 176 5 Start Low
484 De Constantia 176 5 Start Low
485 William of Saint-Amour 172 5 Start Low
486 Abu al-Abbas Iranshahri 172 5 C Low
487 Abu Jafar ibn Harun al-Turjali 172 5 Stub Low
488 Dominicus Gundissalinus 171 5 Start Low
489 The Book of Balance and Harmony 171 5 Start Low
490 Mun Ik-jeom 171 5 Stub Low
491 Gregory Chioniades 168 5 Start Low
492 Index of Renaissance articles 168 5 List Low
493 Ratnaprabhasuri 167 5 B Low
494 Charles de Bovelles 165 5 Start Mid
495 Joseph ben Judah of Ceuta 165 5 C Low
496 Byzantine rhetoric 165 5 Stub Low
497 Abu Sulayman Sijistani 165 5 Stub Low
498 Najm al-Din al-Qazwini al-Katibi 165 5 Start Low
499 Haecceitism 163 5 Start Mid
500 Rudrahridaya Upanishad 162 5 C Low