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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/York College, CUNY/Psych 491 - Independent Study (Fall)

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Course name
Psych 491 - Independent Study
York College, CUNY
William Ashton
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Indurstrial-Organizational Psychology
Course dates
2018-08-27 00:00:00 UTC – 2018-12-12 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

Independent study for students on I-O Psychology and Wikipedia

Student Assigned Reviewing
Binky1110 Servant leadership
Jwills725 Servant leadership


Week 2

Course meetings
Thursday, 6 September 2018
In class - Introduction to the Wikipedia assignment

Welcome to your Wikipedia assignment's course timeline. This page guides you through the steps you'll need to complete for your Wikipedia assignment, with links to training modules and your classmates' work spaces.

Your course has been assigned a Wikipedia Expert. You can reach them through the Get Help button at the top of this page.


Assignment - Get started on Wikipedia

Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. (Because of Wikipedia's technical restraints, you may receive a message that you cannot create an account. To resolve this, please try again off campus or the next day.)

I think we will be able to meet on (9/6) in my new office, 4e-06.
Look ahead

Look in Week 6 at the assignment Servant Leadership material


This week, everyone should have a Wikipedia account.

Week 3

Course meetings
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Assignment - Evaluate Wikipedia


Evaluate an article

No in-person meeting; evaluate 2 articles

By Thursday noon (9/13) I would like you to evaluate 2 articles -- following the rules in the exercise for this week. One article should a OB related topic's article of your choosing and the second should be the Servant leadership article.

For both, leave a message on my talk page with a link to your sandbox where you took notes and a link to the article article itself. I'll be grading the sandbox notes. So for each bullet point in the exercise I would expect a fully developed and explained paragraph.



Week 4

Course meetings
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Assignment - Review the rules for health topics
Assignment - Choose possible topics


Choose a topic

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 6

Assignment - No in-person meeting - My way vs. the Wikipedia way

Review these five video lectures (which are video versions of what I lectured in class about last semester). 

In a paper posted to your sandbox, describe my apporach to finding research, Wikipedia's policy about psychological research and then constrast and compare the two. What are the similarities and what are the differences? 500-750 words. [BTW, if I say post in a sandbox, you can assume that I'll want you to post a link to that sandbox on my talk page.]

Assignment - Discussion

What's a content gap?Look at the discussion topic's bullet points and then research them in Wikipedia. In a sandbox respond to the bullet points in a formal essay (good college level writing, re-draft it, think about it until you have a conclusion). 250-500 words.

(Hopefully you'll be creating different sandboxes. You should start to organize them and link them to your userpage so you don't lose any or get confused.)

Week 5

Course meetings
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Due dates for future in-person meetings

Now that we've gotten through these 2 weeks w/out in-person meetings, we'll have in-person meetings for the rest of the semester.

So for the rest of the semester: any work due for the week is due WEDNESDAY AT NOON - the day before our meeting. I'll need time to review your work.

Assignment - Add to an article


Add a citation

Assignment - Exercise

Copyedit an article

Week 6

Course meetings
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Assignment - Start drafting your contributions

Reach out to your Wikipedia Expert if you have questions using the Get Help button at the top of this page.

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, pages 7–9

Assignment - Servant Leadership material

This is a milestone or due date to have done a significant amount of research in the library on Servant Leadership. Over the past month, you should have been reading, taking notes and re-drafting text on different sources you have found.

How can I tell?

Over the weeks you should have been posting these notes, drafts etc in sandboxes (and you should have easy to follow links from your user page to these sandboxes). This allows me and your partner to look at your progress, comment on it, add to it (and avoid duplicating your work).

Guide(s) for writing articles in your topic area



Science Communication

Assignment - Everyone has started writing

Everyone has begun writing their article drafts.

Week 7

Course meetings
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Assignment - Peer review three articles

Guiding framework

In class - Discussion

Thinking about Wikipedia


Every student has finished reviewing their assigned articles, making sure that every article has been reviewed.

Week 8

Course meetings
Thursday, 18 October 2018
We're stopping here (for a while)

We're going to hold here in terms of the assignments, until students catch up with the assignments.


1. Servant-leadership material. Due - 10/25 10/31

I'd like to see both students develop drafts about Servant-leadership to show that they both have a good handle on the topic.

Imagine that I'd asked you in a class to write a 10 page (2,500 word) paper on the topic of Servant-leadership. I'd like to see something similar in length and scope. If you want to take me at my word and write a 10 page paper on S-l, go ahead. Or if you feel that it would be more useful to write 5 500 word pieces, that would be fine also.

2. Besides #1, I want to see you begin to draft new sections for the S-l article on the mainspace. - Drafts due 10/17 10/24, peer reviews due 10/25 11/1, response 10/31 11/8.

I'd like to see each of you draft 2 new sections for the article. Each section should be around 300 words.

  • What Wikipedia guides can you use to determine the need for a new sections?

Once all students have drafted the 2 sections, I'd like you to peer review each other's sections (using the guide in Week 7) and then respond to the peer reviews (using the guide in Week 8).

3. Read these 2 article for next week - 10/17

Barbuto, & Wheeler (2006). Scale development and construct
clarification of servant leadership. Group & Organization Management, 31, 300–326.

Walumbwa, Hartnell, & Oke (2010). Servant leadership, procedural justice climate, service climate, employee attitudes, and organizational citizenship behavior: A cross-level investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 517-529.

For both, draft in your sandboxes a description of the research appropriate for Wikipedia. [This is a trick question.]

Also be ready to discussion the article in our meeting.


Assignment - Respond to your peer review

You probably have some feedback from other students and possibly other Wikipedians. Consider their suggestions, decide whether it makes your work more accurate and complete, and edit your draft to make those changes.


  • Editing Wikipedia, pages 12 and 14
  • Reach out to your Wikipedia Expert if you have any questions.

Week 9

Course meetings
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Assignment - Begin moving your work to Wikipedia

Now that you've improved your draft based on others' feedback, it's time to move your work live - to the "mainspace."

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 13

Week 10

Course meetings
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Assignment - Continue improving your article


Add links to your article

Now's the time to revisit your text and refine your work. You may do more research and find missing information; rewrite the lead section to represent all major points; reorganize the text to communicate the information better; or add images and other media.

Week 11

Course meetings
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Assignment - Catching up

For this week, catch up on the assignment from the past 3 weeks.

Respond to your peer review

Begin moving your work to Wikipedia

Continue improving your article

(check out the new end of semester goal)

Assignment - Polish your work

Continue to expand and improve your work, and format your article to match Wikipedia's tone and standards. Remember to contact your Wikipedia Expert at any time if you need further help!

Week 12

Course meetings
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Assignment - Final article

It's the final week to develop your article.

  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 15 to review a final check-list before completing your assignment.
  • Don't forget that you can ask for help from your Wikipedia Expert at any time!


Week 13

Course meetings
Thursday, 29 November 2018

Everyone should have finished all of the work they'll do on Wikipedia, and be ready for grading.

By 12/5 you should have your major changes to the Servant Leadership page up. This will allow a week or so for you to see if you additions are changed, commented upon or deleted by other editors.

Here's what I'll be grading you on:

1. Moving much of your sandbox material into the S-L article on the mainspace.

2. Working together to resolve all of the issues listed in the issues box on the page.

3. Working together to change the structure and sections of the S-L page.

 Page models for structure:

  • Leader-member exchange theory
  • Transformational leadership


  • Path-goal theory
  • Transactional leadership
Assignment - Reflective essay

A 750 word reflection on your experiences and learning this semester.

Do not draft this on Wikipedia but email it to me.

Your reflections should respond to these points:

  • Critiquing articles: What did you learn about Wikipedia during the article evaluation? How did you approach critiquing the article you selected for this assignment? How did you decide what to add to your chosen article?
  • Summarizing your contributions: include a summary of your edits and why you felt they were a valuable addition to the article. How does your article compare to earlier versions?
  • Peer review: If your class did peer review, include information about the peer review process. What did you contribute in your review of your peers article? What did your peers recommend you change on your article?
  • Feedback: Did you receive feedback from other Wikipedia editors, and if so, how did you respond to and handle that feedback?
  • Wikipedia generally: What did you learn from contributing to Wikipedia? How does a Wikipedia assignment compare to other assignments you've done in the past? How can Wikipedia be used to improve public understanding of our field/your topic? Why is this important?