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Wikipedia talk:Education program archive/Bishop's University/Memory, truth and reconciliation in the developing world (2013)/Timeline

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Week 1


Sept. 5 Introduction to course; Canadian public memories

Week 2: Memory I


Sept. 10 “Who remembers the Armenians?”

Sept. 12 Memory and forgetting; What is Wikipedia?


Welcome to Wikipedia (available in print or online from the Wikimedia Foundation)

Week 3: Memory II


Sept. 17 Sites of memory

Sept. 19 Sites of conscience; How to edit Wikipedia; Overview Wikipedia article topics


online student orientation. During this training, you will create an account, make edits in a sandbox, and learn the basic rules of Wikipedia.

Assignments (due week 3)
  • Complete the online training for students.
  • Create a user page, and sign up on the list of students on the course page.
  • To practice editing and communicating on Wikipedia, introduce yourself to any Wikipedians helping your class (such as a Wikipedia Ambassador), and leave a message for a classmate on their user talk page.
  • All students have Wikipedia user accounts and are listed on the course page.

Response essay #1 due (for those choosing this option)

Week 4: The clash of historical narratives


Sept. 24 Usable pasts; How to avoid plagiarism and use citations properly; Finalize Wikipedia article topics


Using talk pages, Evaluating Wikipedia article quality, Wikimarkup cheatsheet

Advice for choosing articles and How to get help

Sept. 26 Historical narratives, conflict & reconciliation

Week 5: Truth commissions I – truth & reconciliation in South Africa & Guatemala


Oct. 1 South Africa’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

Oct. 3 Guatemala’s Commission for Historical Clarification; Discussion and presentation of your Wikipedia article research so far

Response essay #2 due (for those choosing this option)

Wikipedia article: first draft of opening section and outline due

  • If you are starting a new article, write a 3–4 paragraph summary version of your article—with citations—in your Wikipedia sandbox. If you are improving an existing article, write a summary version reflecting the content the article will have after it's been improved, and post this along with a brief description of your plans on the article’s talk page.
  • Begin working with classmates and other editors to polish your short starter article and fix any major issues.
  • Continue research in preparation for expanding your article.
  • All students have started editing articles or drafts on Wikipedia.

Week 6: Truth commissions II: Argentina, Korea & international accountability


Oct. 8 Argentina’s National Commission on the Disappeared

Oct. 10 South Korea’s truth commissions; How to move out of the Wikipedia sandbox


Moving out of your sandbox

Uploading images” and “Evaluating Wikipedia article quality

  • Students give in-class presentations about their experiences editing Wikipedia.

Week 7: Truth commissions III: Slavery and rescource-driven conflict


Oct. 15 Sierra Leone

Oct. 16 Mauritius; How to peer-review Wikipedia articles

Deadline for first draft of entire Wikipedia article

Week 8: Paths not taken: Southeast Asia


Oct. 22 After mass violence: Cambodia and Burma (Myanmar)

Oct. 24 Film “The Act of Killing” (Indonesia)

Response essay #3 due (for those choosing this option)

Week 9: Case Study I: Timor-Leste


Oct. 29 Genocides? Indonesia 1965 and Timor-Leste 1975-99

Oct. 31 Film “The Siege”

Peer reviews of other students’ Wikipedia articles due

Week 10: Case Study II


Nov. 5 The CAVR: producing the report

Nov. 7 The CAVR: follow-up

Response essay #4 due (on films) (for those choosing this option)

Week 11: Case Study III


Nov. 12 Sites of memory: the Comarca (CAVR) & Museum of the Timorese Resistance

Nov. 14 Reparations & international accountability

Final (revised) Wikipedia article due

  • Add final touches to your Wikipedia article.

You made it!

  • Students have finished all their work on Wikipedia that will be considered for grading.

Week 12: Case Study IV


Nov. 19 The joint Indonesian-Timorese Commission on Truth and Friendship

Nov. 21 Canada, truth and reconciliation: home and away

Response essay #5 due (for those choosing this option)

Week 13


Nov. 26 Course review

Reflection essay on Wikipedia assignment due

  • Write a reflective essay (2-4 pages) on your Wikipedia contributions.
  • Students have finished their written reflection. Will you contribute to Wikipedia in the future? Will you use it differently now?