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Review for Final Exam


Origins of writing: Mesopotamia, Egypt, China - Chapters 1-4


ADDED: Definition of Graphic Design: The arrangement of words shapes and images

Illuminated Manuscripts


Book of Kells 800CE - Codex

Coronation Gospels

  • Charlemagne's coronation
  • Realistic images. You can see depth, and shading.

Blackletter, Old Style, Textura

Chapter five, Gutenberg / Printing Press


First book was the Bible, set in Textura, imitating handwriting


Six, Albrecht Durer


Albrecht Durer

  • mastering the illustration.
  • Woodblock, etching, engraving.
  • Crosshatching.

Seven, Age of Enlightenment


Erhard Ratdolt

  • Borders and Margins.
  • Decoration.
  • Cast his border (not hand drawn)

Eight, Typography


ADDED: Anatomy of Type

Romain du Roi, 1702. For the King.

  • First transitional typeface. Based off of geometry, not Pen or Chisel

Three eras of typography: Old Style, Transitional, Modern

  • Old Style: handwriting, even thickness, tight letterspacing
  • Transitional (Caslon, Baskerville): Geometry, varied thickness, serifs
  • Modern (Bodoni), extreme contrast between thick and thin - after the french revolution, and symbolized modernity

Chapter 9, Industrial Revolution


Changes in Society:

  • Engine/Automation
  • Cities
  • Mass Media & Communication
  • Consumer Culture/Standardization
  • Travel/Railroad

Changes in the social impact of Design & Publishing

  • Commercialization of books
  • Increase in literacy
  • mass culture

Changes in Printing Technology

  • Linotype
  • steam press & automation
  • photography
  • color/lithography(illustrated books)



Ch 10, Arts and Crafts


Reaction to standardization of industrial revolution William Morris / architecture, furniture as well as design Arthur Mackmurdo / Hobby Horse Frederic Goudy / Typographic revivals

Art Nouveau

  • Symbolic (Gothic) representation of women, hair, and nature
  • Flat color
  • Comes from Japanese woodblock prints

Artists you need to know:


  • Signifier (Apple - the word) and Signified (your apple, my apple, everyone has their own interpretation)
  • Referent (ur Apple. The Ideal Apple. Does not really exist.)

Picasso & Duchamp


Ch 14, Plakatstil.



  • 1905 onwards
  • It means Poster Style in German.
  • Posters are important b/c we are in the city walking around. No TV/Radio yet.
  • A. M. Cassandre

Ch 15, Constructivism


ch 16, Bauhaus




  • Clear
    • Emphasized Negative Space
    • asymmetry on a grid

Ch 18, International Style

  • Grid
  • San Serif (Helvetica)
  • Objective Photographs
  • Left justify, with right rag

Ch 20, Corporate Design

  • Global push leads to emphasis on transcultural logos: Shapes not Words
  • Simple, Timeless (always already and forever), adapt to different contexts (TV, packaging, Trees), overcome language barriers
  • Paul Rand
  • William Goldman - CBS
  • Chermayeff & Geismar - Chase



Reaction to Modernism

  • Mannerism - Decoration (loud, garish, humor, breaking rules)
  • Historical citation
  • Vernacular

Digital Design
