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Wikipedia talk:Education program archive/Drake University/Global Youth Studies (Fall 2013)/Timeline

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August 28: Wikipedia essentials

In class
  • Open discussion of the concepts of systemic bias, neutrality, media literacy, and the impact and limits of Wikipedia.
  • Meet in Library with Wikipedia Campus Ambassador [1]
  • Meet peer editor Abbey
To discuss in training
  • Successfully create your account and enroll on our course page
  • All students have Wikipedia user accounts and are listed on the course page.

September 4: Interaction and Editing basics, continued

In class
  • Anatomy of Wikipedia articles, what makes a good article, how to distinguish between good and bad articles
  • Tips on finding the best articles to work on for class assignments
  • Complete the online student orientation: (takes about one hour). During this training, you will make edits in a sandbox, and review the basic rules of Wikipedia.
  • In addition to "Welcome to Wikipedia," please read “Wikipedia taps college ‘Ambassadors’ to broaden editor base.”
  • Bring to class, typed: One fact from this week's readings to incorporate into a WP article. Identify an article to which you wish to add the fact. Be prepared to tell us how your edit combats systemic bias. Bring the article or book with you so you have a complete reference. You will do this edit in class.
  • Bring to class, typed: A sentence of your area of research interest and three related pages from Wikipedia to explore in class.
  • Please be aware of community standards for citation and plagiarism, “Referencing on Wikipedia” and “Wikipedia:Close Paraphrasing
Assignments due by Friday, September 6
  • To practice editing and communicating on Wikipedia, introduce yourself to two of the three following course collaborators: Prof. Vandegrift, Prof. Dunham-LaGree, Abbey, peer editor on Wikipedia. Be sure to sign your post correctly
  • Leave a message for a classmate on their user talk page. Be sure to sign your post correctly!
  • Description on your user page of topic you plan to pursue. Describe your interests. Post several candidates for articles to edit OR several potential titles for articles to draft. This is a place to brainstorm for feedback.

September 11: Exploring the topic area

In class
Assignment due by Wednesday, September 11
  • Just bring your fact to edit. We will do this at the end of class (may take a bit of time after class to finish. Prof. V will stay and help anyone who needs it.) You are welcome to do this before class and leave early. Use proper inline citations. Watchlist the article where you make the changes so you can see what happens.
Assignment due by Friday, September 13
  • Look at your watchlist to see if the article you edited has changed.
  • Provide feedback on two classmates' talk pages about the topic ideas they posted on their user page. Use proper formatting.

September 18: Using sources, Choosing topics

In class
  • Reexamine the feedback you have received on your user page. Choose one of the articles you are considering for editing.
  • Prepare a less than one page critical evaluation of the article to present to classmates in class next week. Also, leave suggestions for improving it on the article's talk page using norms of conduct for the Wikipedia community.
  • We will discuss the range of topics you will be working on and strategies for researching and writing about them.
Assignment due September 20
  • Nothing!
For next week
  • Detailed (3 paragraph) proposal of planned research for Wikipedia article edit or composition turned in on your User Page. After getting Prof. V’s feedback, this will form the basis of finding your information on the 25th.

September 25: Discussion on drafting starter articles


Are you starting a new article? Here are some great tips on starting an article.

In class
  • Talk about Wikipedia culture and etiquette, and (optionally) revisit the concept of sandboxes and how to use them.
  • Q&A session with instructor and/or Wikipedia Ambassadors about interacting on Wikipedia and getting started with writing.
  • Due today in class (Thursday)! Detailed (3 paragraph) summary version of planned research (ideas for "starter article") for Wikipedia article posted on your talk page. After getting Prof. V’s and Abbey's feedback, this will form the basis of finding academic materials later on.
  • Be sure to remove old information from your user page as you go.
Assignment due September 26
  • Nothing!

October 2: Library Orientation, intensive library search, receive feedback from Prof. V and Abbey

Assignment (ongoing)
  • Let's discuss the structure of journal articles! Please bring a digital or paper copy of a peer-reviewed research article to analyze in class. I encourage you to consult with a reference librarian if you are having a hard time finding one.
  • Make sure you've followed all the steps in Prof. V's September 26 post on our course talk page.
  • Begin or continue research in preparation for expanding your article.
  • Handouts: “Uploading images”, and “Evaluating Wikipedia article quality
Assignments due by Friday, October 3
  • A list of 5-7 sources on your Wikipedia user page that you will consider working on as your main project. Send request on Prof. V’s and Abbey's talk page for comment. Use their comments to consider how to continue obtaining quality sources for next week’s assignment.

October 9: Finalizing sources and posting them

Please work on midterm essay which is due. Class does not meet.
Assignments due Friday, October 11
  • Compile a finalized bibliography of relevant reliable sources and post it to your user page and the talk page of the article you are working on.
  • Continue reading the sources for additional information to include in your draft. Post three new or three replacement sources (higher quality than what you originally put).
  • Begin work on your article draft, if you haven't already. What you will do will differ depending on whether you're doing an original article or editing an older article.

October 16: Sandbox draft due to Abbey and Prof. V

In class progress check.

Assignment due by October 18 (Friday)

  • Write a 5-7 paragraph short version of your article-with citations-in your Wikipedia sandbox. You're encouraged to go farther - the more you have drafted, the better.
  • If you are improving an existing article, edit a version in your sandbox and link to the article's talk page. Your work should reflect the content the article will have after it’s been improved, and post this along with a brief description of your plans on the article’s talk page.
  • All students have started editing articles or drafts on Wikipedia.
  • Begin working with classmates and other editors to polish your short starter article and fix any major issues.

October 23: Continue building articles & clean up

Workshop in class

Due Friday, October 25:

  • Clean up your user page, removing things that no longer are relevant. Archive talk pages, if needed.
  • Expand your article into an initial draft of a comprehensive treatment of the topic. Incorporate Abbey's feedback. Create a quality Lead section. Get your sandbox article ready for peer review.

October 30: Getting and giving feedback

In class
  • Presentation on peer editing.
Due Friday, November 2
  • Peer review two of your classmates' articles. Leave suggestions on the sandbox article draft talk page.
  • Copy-edit the two reviewed articles while respecting each author's intent.
  • All articles have been reviewed by others. All students have reviewed articles by their classmates.

November 6: Responding to feedback

In class
  • Discuss how to create a summary of the feedback you received (you should have received feedback from Abbey, Prof. V and two peer reviewers.
Assignments due in class on November 6
  • Summarize on your user page the feedback you got from Prof. V, Gobonobo, Abbey and classmates. This will be your guidelines on what you plan to do to edit and complete the draft.
  • Make edits to your article based on peers’ feedback.
  • Create links both within your article and to your article so it is not an orphan article.
Important hard deadline on November 8

November 8, your article will be assigned a grade as a draft. Your drafts will be read and graded over the weekend - work towards having a draft of your article in place by the 8th. You are encouraged to incorporate edits into place based on feedback.

November 13: Class was cancelled this evening due to illness

Nothing due Friday 11/15

November 20: Go live!

In-class check-in and one hour "lab time." Bring your computer to class so we can edit and work.
Before you move your article live, please ensure that you have met the standards for avoiding plagiarism. There is a new video from Wikipedia to help you.
Move article live during class - out of the sandbox. Students collaborate to create final edits in live article. Students move their article live. They can use tips from this pdf.
  • Move article out of sandbox and integrated into edited article or posted as original (new) article.
  • Edit final Wikipedia article using all feedback received.
  • Create links from other articles to your article.
  • Make sure all citation links in your article are functional.
  • If you wrote a new article, nominate your article for Wikipedia:Did_you_know/Nomination (optional)Six presentations on WP projects - details handed out in class on November 6 and discussed on the 13.

November 27: No class - show off your article to your family.


December 4: Final edits

  • What was the feedback you got? Are there copyediting, hyperlinking, or image issues? Not quite correct references? Fix them this week!
  • seven presentations on WP projects. Details handed out in class on November 6 and discussed on the 13.

You made it!

  • Students have finished all their work on Wikipedia that will be considered for grading, and have presented on project in class.

Note: Your WP final essay will be graded based on the way it existed in WP on December 11. However, it is your collaboration with the WP community. I encourage you to keep editing!