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Wikipedia talk:Education program archive/Duke University/WIKIPEDIA AND ITS ANCESTORS: Rethinking Encyclopedic Knowledge in the Digital Age (Spring 2013)/Grading

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Your performance in the following categories will determine your final grade:

In-class participation:        15%
Wikipedia entry(1):            30%
Journal entries(5):              20%
Visualization(1):                15%
Final paper:                      20%



A) During the semester, students will be required to post at least 1 contribution to Wikipedia (800-1000 words). Students will choose their entry according to their interest and field of study.

B) In 5 journal entries, students will present not only the nature of their contribution to Wikipedia, but they will also discuss the dynamic of their interactions with other Wikipedia editors. The goal of this activity is to encourage students to reflect on the role of concepts like: objectivity, intellectual cooperation, reliability of information, knowledge as social construction. At least 1 journal entry will be devoted to commenting on their visit to Duke’s Special Collections library. The goal of this activity is to develop an awareness of the importance of the books’ material qualities.

C) After a workshop that will introduce students to different visualizations techniques, students will transform the Wikipedia’s entry into a visualization (timeline, concept mapping etc.). The goal of this activity is to understand the role of image communication in encyclopedias.

D) At the end of the semester, students will write a final paper (4-5 pages) where they will meditate on their experience as Wikipedians. (detailed instructions will be distributed in class)