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Wikipedia talk:Education program archive/Mahidol University International College/ICCH224 (2017-18T2)/Grading

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Wikipedia contributions must meet the minimum quantity requirement to be graded.

  • We generally expect at least 5,000 bytes contribution in terms of text inclusive of references and formatting to the assigned article unless you upload media file(s) and/or help contribute to classmate article(s).
  • If media are created by the students, uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons and used in the article, either 1,000 or 2,000 bytes credit will be given, regardless of the number of media uploaded.
    • 1,000 bytes credit will be given to image(s) or sound file(s).
    • 2,000 bytes credit will be given to VDO(s).
  • If you help classmate(s) to edit their articles or create media files for uses in classmates' articles, up to 1,000 bytes of your contributions may be counted. Your classmate(s) must remain in the Wikipedia assignment program at the end of the term so that the articles can be counted.
  • All of the work must be created by you and recorded under your username.
  • No outstanding WP:COPVIO issues for both text and media.

The work will be graded based on quality and process criteria:


Learn from similar articles on Wikipedia (preferably higher quality than the article you are working on).

  • Structure
  • Content
    • All information are relevant to the article and written in encyclopedic tone. (Understand WP:NOT.)
    • Text are clearly supported by reliable sources. (Follow WP:REF.)
    • Do final clean up and proofreading.
  • Formatting & housekeeping
    • Formatting (citation e.g. {{cite web}}}, {{cite journal}} and {{cite book}}, heading styles, bullet/numbered point, font face, table, position/layout/caption of images etc.)
    • Other issues (course tag on talk page of your article, make sure you add categories to your article(s) and media)
    • File names in Wikimedia commons or reference name in the article should be sensible and helpful for other editors.
    • Unnecessary files, pages e.g. redirection are nominated for deletion.
    • To produce desired formatting, learn from source codes of other articles on Wikipedia or ask classmates/other Wikipedians.
  • Complete the assignment on time.
  • Understand Wikipedia articles and policies by independent reading.
  • Take appropriate action on comments given by the community/instructor.
  • Provide edit summary for every edit on the article namespace.
  • If conflict arises, do not engage in edit war. Use talk page/discussion pages to resolve the issue.
  • Help improve classmates' articles.
  • Thank other editors/reviewers of your article.