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Wikipedia talk:Education program archive/Rice University/Poverty, Justice, Human Capabilities, Section 2 (Fall 2013)/Grading

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Course Work and Grading


Your grade will be based on the components listed below. Your final grade will not be a simple average of points, but will also take into consideration such elements as effort, improvement over time, and the quality of participation.

Turning in Assignments: Assignments should be turned in on the course’s OWL-Space site. Students are responsible for checking that their assignments have been posted correctly. If OWL-Space is down, the assignment must be emailed to the instructor by the deadline and then posted subsequently when OWL-Space is back up. Late and unthoughtful comments and responses to course readings will be penalized and assignments posted over three hours late will not receive credit and cannot be made up. Other late submissions will be penalized 1/3 of a grade per day late (e.g. A ==> A- or A− ==> B+). Students must satisfactorily complete the PowerPoint and Wikipedia assignments to pass the course.

Font Size: To receive full credit, students are asked to change the font of all OWL-Space postings to Arial and from extra small to medium (for improved legibility). Points will be automatically deducted for incorrect font or font size. Please make it a practice to check your entry after posting to verify correct font style and size.

Browser: If you use a Mac, you may need to download Firefox to post correctly.

Class Attendance and Participation: 5%


Attendance is required. If you have more than three unexcused absences, your final course grade will be lowered by a third of a grade for each additional missed class. Students should plan to use the three permitted absences for such things as job interviews, athletic games, religious observances, etc. Certain classes on key topics will not qualify for unexcused absences; these will be announced in advance. Students are expected to come to class having completed all the reading assigned for that day and prepared to contribute to discussion. Be prepared to be called upon in class to discuss the readings.

Postings on Course Readings, News Events, and Outside Lectures: 20%


Introductory Postings and Presentations on Course Readings


Students will rotate in writing 200 word introductory comments on the readings, including a question, to be posted on the course’s OWL-Space discussion board. These will be due by 9 pm two days before the class in which the reading will be discussed. (Sign up sheets will be distributed.) Introductory posters will also read the responses of other students and select key points, ideas, and questions to use in making a brief oral presentation in class and in leading the discussion on the readings. Students will be graded on the quality and thoughtfulness of their postings and preparation.

Short Postings on Course Readings and Films


Students not providing an introductory posting for a particular set of readings are expected to post a short (100+ words) response to the introductory commentary and the reading assignments as well as an additional discussion question for the class. Entries are required to be done individually. These responses/questions must be posted by 8pm on the day before the readings are discussed in class. Postings should reflect the earlier postings of any other students, and should also desmonstrate careful study of the course readings for the day. If a film has been shown in the previous class, short postings should also include a response to the film. Students may miss up to three short responses without penalty.

Short Postings on News Events


Each student is expected to post links to two news stories that are relevant to the class material. The first must be posted by Wednesday, September 25, the second by Wednesday, Nov 13 by 9pm. For full credit, include a brief but substantive (100+ words) response to the story in your posting. (Students should be reading from respected news sources such as The New York Times, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Washington Post, or The Wall Street Journal throughout the semester.) Be creative and show how you’re using what you learn in class to look at the world in a new way. Bonus points may be awarded for postings made at least two weeks before the deadline.

Short Postings on Outside Lectures


Each student is expected to attend and post a reflection (150+ words) on least three approved outside lectures. The first outside lecture posting must be made by October 1, the second by October 31, and the third by November 21. Bonus points will be awarded for questions asked to lecturers (describe question and answer in posting). Students may substitute an approved a film screening that relates to the issues discussed in class as a replacement for one outside lecture. (Please note: the film screening will only count as an outside lecture if it is organized by the students themselves and pre-approved). Students are responsible for planning outside lectures in advance to avoid an end of semester crunch with no workable options.

PowerPoint Presentation: 25%


Students will be expected to give a ten-minute PowerPoint presentation at an assigned time during the semester. There will be a signup sheet for topics and dates, and students will work in teams of two. The presentation should address a specific topic area relevant to the course, and it should cover the problem(s) at issue, proposed policy tool(s), and debates and issues regarding the implementation and effectiveness of the policies. The presentation should be analytical in content and tone. Presentations that take a more descriptive or debating tone will receive fewer points. In addition, students are expected to follow instructions that will be provided for making effective PowerPoint presentations. PowerPoints and partner/self assessments must be posted to the assigned location on the course’s OWL-Space site by 5 pm on the same date the presentation is made (late submissions/assessments will lose points).