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Wikipedia talk:Translation/Margo Glantz

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Revision suggestions


I don't know how this proofreading thing is supposed to work. I guess I could just edit it directly, but I'll put stuff here for approval first. If I don't hear anything within a week, I'll just implement the changes on my own. Anything between // is what I think should be cut. Anything between () is what I would like to add.

They /wanted/ (tried) to immigrate to the United States of America, where they had relatives, but were denied entry /into the US, so they/ (and had to) remain/ed/ in Mexico.

I agree with this edit. Keylay31hablame

/Therefore/ (As a result), Margo went to several schools/:/(.) (S)/s/he spent two years in the Secondary School No.15, a year in the Israelite School of Mexico(,) and earned her baccalaureate in the National Preparatory School Number 1, the old school of San Ildefonso, where (she was strongly influenced by one of her) /a/ teacher(s), Agustín Yáñez(.)/, strongly influenced her./

I like this edit quite a bit, as that last line was frustrating me. Keylay31hablame

From 1947 to 1953, Margo Glantz studied English and Spanish Literature, /and/ Art history, (and) major(ed)/ing/ in Theater History, /in/ (at) the National Autonomous University of Mexico/,/(.) /where/(Here) she had many outstanding professors, among them writers and philosophers /like/ (such as) Alfonso Reyes, Julio Torri, Rodolfo Usigli, Samuel Ramos and Leopoldo Zea. In 1953 she left for Europe, where she earned her doctorate in Hispanic Literature at the Sorbonne (University ((link?))). It was there where she presented her thesis /with the subject of/ (on) "The French Exoticism in Mexico (From 1847 to 1867)".

My belief/understanding is that she majored in Theatre History, (as her focus within art history...) and your edit moved away from that understanding. The rest of the edits here look good. Keylay31hablame

Ah, ok. That crossed my mind as I read the Spanish version, but I couldn´t tell for sure. -icehcky8

/Back in/ (On her return to) Mexico, she became a teacher in the Department of Theater History in the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature. In 1959 her first daughter, Alina, was born. After a journey to Cuba in 1961, she /also/ started to teach a course in Mexican Literature at the National Preparatory School Number 1, /and/ (as well as) courses in Universal Literature and of Mexican Literature at the Preparatory No.5. In the same year she started to teach at the University Center of Theatre(,) /and/ at the School of Theater and Fine arts of the UNAM, and in the Center of Classic Theater of the "Casa del Lago" (Lake House). During these years she published various essays and reports on Theatre in different /issues/ (supplements/pamphlets) and cultural magazines.

I like everything here, although i agree that the word issues is not clear. I will go back and read the Spanish translation and get back to you. Everything else looks good. Keylay31hablame
"Durante esos años publicó numerosos ensayos y reseñas de teatro en diversos suplementos y revistas culturales."
My translation of this sentence without reading the English version would be: During those years, she published several essays and theater reviews in a variety of magazines and handouts. I think this is a better translation. You? Keylay31hablame 20:59, 30 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Perfect! (I guess these vs. those doesnt matter a whole lot here since 1. we just talked about "these years", but 2. its in the past, so it could be said as "those years". And, as a Spanish article originally written by users, there's no need for EXACT translations. You have a preference here?) -icehcky8

She was also the /cultural/ director of the Cultural Institute Israel Mexico, until 1969.

Good. Keylay31hablame

In 1982 her father died(.)/, to whom/ (S)she had dedicated her autobiographic(al) work "Las genealogias" (to him precisely/exactly) a year before/, precisely/. ////I would actually prefer: (In 1981 she dedicated her autobiographical work, "Las genealogias" to her father. He died one year later in 1982.)

I like your last rewording. Though I might suggest: to her father, who died one year later. (combine the two sentences and no date is required. Keylay31hablame

Yea, that works a lot better. -icehcky8

In 1983 she was named Director of Literature (at)/in/ the National Institute of the Fine (Arts)/arts/ (INBA), where she promoted and directed a number of publications.

good Keylay31hablame

That same year she returned to Mexico, and since /which she/ has led courses at the Faculty of Philosophy and in numerous universities overseas. In 1989 she was named (a) Member of the National System of Researchers. In 1991 she obtained the National University Prize granted by UNAM, and in 1994 she was given the title of Emeritus Professor at UNAM, the nomination of Honorary Emeritus Creator of the National System of Creators, as well as the Council of Humanities Fellow, by the University of Princeton /////I don't like how this last sentence has been worded into a run-on sentence, but I can't think of a better way to do it.

Maybe: In 1989 she was named Member of the National System of Researchers. In 1991 she obtained the National University Prize and again in 1994 she was given the title of Emeritus Professor, both by UNAM. Likewise, the University of Princeton has since awarded her the nomination of Honorary Emeritus Creator of the National System of Creators, as well as the Council of Humanities Fellow. Keylay31hablame

Yea, that works for me. -icehcky8

In 1995 she was elected (to be a) member of the Academia Mexicana de la Lengua (Mexican Language Academy).

good Keylay31hablame

(That)/The/ same year she was granted the distinction of Emeritus Investigator of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (National System of Investigators)/;/ (A)a year later, (in) 2005, she was honored with the Doctorate Honoris Causa by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and with her nomination as a Emeritus Honorary Creator of the National System of Creators. In 2006 a virtual page was published about her, which was coordinated by Beatriz Aracil Varón, in the Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, of the Alicante University.


////Nothing in here was COMPLETELY wrong, but I did a lot to make it (for lack of a better term) more correct. I noticed some inconsistencies. For example, sometimes you would translate the name of a work/book, award, or university, and other times you'd use just the Spanish. It's okay, and I would encourage it, to keep proper nouns (names of unversities for example) as their real names. --Icehcky8 20:34, 30 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

All in all, your work looks good. In general, I think it's ok to just go right ahead and make these types of changes. If someone doesn't like them, they can either reedit (like I have now, or undo). Keylay31hablame 20:53, 30 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Awesome. Thanks for all your help! I'll put the changes in tomorrow. --Icehcky8 22:50, 30 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I made all the revisions discussed. Is the article ready for completion?
I say looks good to me. Any further proofreading will be slowly edited over time by the community. Keylay31hablame 22:57, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]