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Sources by number of appearances as a bibliography item

  • 3 - A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Seas Islands, by John Williams here;
  • 2 - Polynesian Researches, by William Ellis volume 1 here. volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here;
  • 1 - A Brief History of the Hawaiian People, by W. D. Alexander here; Esquisse de l'histoire du Protestantisme..., by James Forrester Anderson here; The Hawaiian Islands, by Rufus Anderson here; History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in India, by Rufus Anderson here; History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to the Oriental Churches, by Rufus Anderson, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; Siam and Laos as Seen by Our American Missionaries, by Mary Backus here; Index of Presbyterian Ministers … From A.D. 1706 to A. D. 1881, by William J. Beecher here; The Reformed Church of Ireland, 1537-1889, by J. T. Ball here; Bible Work in Bible Lands, by Isaac Bird here; Micronesia, Fifty Years in the Island World, by Theodora Crosby Bliss here; Letters of Samuel Rutherford...,” by Andrew A. Bonar here; Memoir of the Rev. Pliny Fisk, ed. Alvan Bond here; The Book of Common Prayer many editions [=%22Book%20of%20Common%20Prayer%22#v=onepage&q=Esquisse%20de%20l%27histoire%20du%20Protestantisme&f=false here]; Panamericanismo, by Erasmo Braga here; The New Era in the Philippines, by Arthur Judson Brown here; New Forces in Old China, by Arthur Judson Brown here; Christian Theology in Outline, by William Adams Brown here; Christian Nurture, by Horace Bushnell here; God in Christ, by Horace Bushnell here; The Nature of the Atonement, by John McLeod Campbell here; An Account of the Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, by W. Campbell, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; Life in Hawaii, by Titus Coan here; I nostri Protestanti, by Emilio Cumba, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; Historical Theology, by William Cunningham, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; Systemic and Polemic Theology, by Robert Louis Dabney, here; The Life of R. W. Dale of Birmingham, by A. W. W. Dale here; History of English Congregationalists, by R. W. Dale here; Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, by James Darling, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; Recollections of Alexander Duff, by Lal Bahari Day here; The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation, by James Denney here; The Death of Christ, by James Denney here; Jean Calvin, by Emile Doumergue, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here, volume 5 here, volume 6 here, volume 7 here; Gisbertus Voctius, by A. C. Duker, volume 1 here; A History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, by David Dunn; Aktensammlung zur Geschichte der Basler Reformation..., by Emil Durr, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here, volume 5 here, volume 6 here; Friedrich William Krummacher, trans. M. G. Easton, here; History of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, by John Dickson, avaiable here; Life of William Ellis, by John Ellis, here; History of the London Missionary Society, by William Ellis, volume 1 here; The Martyr Church of Madagascar, by William Ellis, here; Biographical Dictionary of Ministers and Preachers of the Welsh Calvinist Methodist Body, by Joseph Evans, here; The Philosophy of the Christian Religion, by Andrew Martin Fairbairn, here; Instructiones Historica-Theologicae, by John Forbes, here; The Person and Place of Jesus Christ, by P. T. Forsyth, here; Positive Preaching and the Modern Mind, by P. T. Forsyth, here; A Treatise on Justifying Faith, by James Fraser, here; The Evangelical Invasion of Brazil, by Samuel R. Gammon, here; Jubilee Papers of the Central China Presbyterian Mission, 1844-1894, ed. J. C. Garrett, here; Histoire de Geneve des origines a l'annee 1691, by Jean-Antoine Gautier, here; Cyclopedic Manual of the United Presbyterian Church, by William Melanchthon Glasgow, here; History of the Swiss Reformed Church Since the Reformation, by James I. Good, here; The Origin of the Reformed Church in Germany, by James I. Good, here; Our India Mission, by Andrew Gordon, here; History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada from the Earliest Times to 1834, by William Gregg, here; Outlines of Theology, by A. A. Hodge, here; Systematic Theology, by Charles Hodge, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, index here; A Master Builder on the Nile, by Rena L. Hogg, here; Fifty-Three Years in Syria, by Henry Harris Jessup, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; China and Formosa, by James Johnston, here; The Works of John Knox, by John Knox, ed. David Laing, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here, volume 5 here, volume 6 here; '”Calvinism, by Abraham Kuyper, here; Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology: Its Principles, by Abraham Kuyper, here; Lectures on Calvinism, by Abraham Kuyper, here; The History of the London Missionary Society, 1795-1895, by Richard Lovett, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; From Far Formosa, by George L. MacKay, here; The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ, by Hugh Ross Mackintosh, here; The Life of Robert Flint, by Donald MacMillan, here; Life of Lal Behardi Day, by G. Macpherson, here; 'Memoir of the Late Rev. Levi Parsons, ed. Daniel Oliver Morton, here; The Life of John Murdoch, LL.D., by Henry Morris, here; Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirche, by E. F. Karl Muller, here; History of the Puritans, by Daniel Neal, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here; The Mystical Presence, by John W. Nevin, here; The Christian View of God and the World, by James Orr, here; The Works of John Owen, by John Owen, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here, volume 5 here, volume 6 here, volume 7 here, volume 8 here, volume 9 here, volume 10 here, volume 11 here, volume 12 here, volume 13 here, volume 14 here, volume 15 here, volume 16 here, volume 17 here, volume 18 here, volume 19 here, volume 20 here, volume 21 here; A Preacher's Life, by Joseph Parker, here; A Golden Chaine, by William Perkins, here; Christian Theology, by Benedict Pictet, here; The Marprelate Tracts, by William Pierce, here; Twenty Years Among the Mexicans, by Melinda Rankin, here; Christianity & the Social Crisis, by Walter Rauschenbusch, here; A Theology for the Social Gospel, by Walter Rauschenbusch, here; A History of Protestant Missions in the Near East, by Julius Richter, here; Histoire de la Reformation de la Suisse, by Abraham Ruchat and Louis Vulliemin, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here; The Christian Faith, by Friedrich D. E Schleiermacher, here; Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, by Hew Scott, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here, volume 5 here, volume 6 here, volume 7 here; The Life of Andrew Martin Fairbairn, by W. B. Selbie, here; Dogmatic Theology, by William Shedd, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; The Life of Principal Rainy, by P. C. Simpson, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; System of Christian Theology, by Henry B. Smith, here; Annals of the American Pulpit, by William B. Sprague, volume 1 here, 2 here, 3 here, 4 here, 7 here, 9 here; The Worship and Offices of the Church of Scotland, by George W. Sprott, here; Life and Work in India, by Robert Stewart, here; Systematic Theology, by Augustus Hopkins Strong, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here; The Story of the American Board, by William E. Strong, here; Lectures on the Moral Government of God, by Nathaniel Taylor, volume 1 here, volume 2 here; A History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States, by Robert E. Thompson, here; The Collected Works of James Henley Thornwell, by James Henley Thornwell, volume 1 here, volume 2 here, volume 3 here, volume 4 here; Underwood of Korea, by Lillias H. Underwood, here; The Commentary of Dr. Zacharius Ursinus on the Heidlelberg Catechism, by Zacharius Ursinus, here; William McCutcheon Morrison, by Thomas C. Vinson, here; Congregational History, by John Waddington, here; John Calvin, by Williston Walker, here; A History of the Congregational Churches in the United States, by Williston Walker, here; The American Mission in Egypt, 1854-1896, by Andrew Watson, here; In the Valley of the Nile, by Charles R. Watson, here; Modern Missions in Mexico, by William R. Wheeler, here; Welsh Calvinistic Methodism, by William Williams, here;

unknown availability

  • 2 - Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission: Cyclopedia of Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti, and the Cook Islands (1907); Modern Missions on the Spanish Main, by William R. Wheeler;
  • 1 - The Marrow of Theology, by William Ames; The Story of the Churches, by Leonard Bacon; Corpus Reformatorium, ed. Karl Bretschneider et al.; Commentaries of John Calvin, by John Calvin; President Witherspoon, by Varnum L. Collins; William Robertson Nicholl, by T. H. Darlow; Dictionary of National Biography [UK]; Dictionary of the Christian World Mission (1907); The Political Theory of the Huguenots of the Dispersion, by G. H. Dodge; A History of Christian Missions in South Africa, by Johannes Du Plessis; A History of the Reformed Church, German, by Joseph Dubbs; George MacLeod, by R. Ferguson; Les Sources de l'histoire de France XVI siecle (1494-1610), by Henri Hausen; Bibliographie de l'Eglise Evangelique Reformere de la Suisse, by Henri Heyer and Eugene Pollard; Geschichte der Pietismus in den schweizerischen reformierten Kirchen by Wilhelm Hudorn; The Indian Mission of the Irish Presbyterian Church, by Robert Jeffrey; Works, by John a Lasco; Fergus Ferguson, D.D, by James Leckie; The Eskimos, by A. R. MacEwan; Life and Letters of John Cairns, by A. R. MacEwen; The Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1875-1925, by John T. McNeill; 'The Triumph of the Gospel in the New Hebrides, by Frank Hume L. Paton; John G. Paton, DD, ed. James Paton; Guam, A Sketch of the Mission of the American Board, by Francis M. Price; Proceedings of the Councils of the World Presbyterian Alliance; Proceedings of the International Congregational Council; A History of Protestant Missions in India, by J. A. Richter; Twenty Years of Presbyterian Work in the Philippines, by James Rogers; Geschichter de Basler Mission 1815-1915, by Wilhelm Schlatter and Hermann Witschl; Die Glaubenslehre der Evangellisch-Reformierten Kirche, by Alexander Schweitzer; Die protestantischen Centraldogmen in ihrer Entwicklung innerhal bilder reformierten Kirche, by Alexander Schweitzer; Institutes of Elenctic Theology, by Francis Turretin; Institutes of Elenctic Theology, by Francis Turretin; A History of the Foreign Missions of the Church of Scotland, by Robert W. Weir; A Complete Body of Divinity, by Samuel Willard; The Sea of Galilee Mission of the Free Church of Scotland, by J. H. Wilson and James Wells; Worthies of the Evangelical Union (1883); Early Writings: The Latin Works of Huldrych Zwingli, Vol. 1, by Huldrych Zwingli, ed. Samuel Macauley Jackson; On Providence and Other Essays: The Later Works of Huldrych Zwingli, Vol. 2, by Hudrych Zwingli, ed. Samuel Macauley Jackson and William John Hinke;