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2022 in paleomalacology

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List of years in paleomalacology
In science
In paleontology
In paleomammalogy
In paleobotany
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleoichthyology
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology

This list of fossil molluscs described in 2022 is a list of new taxa of fossil molluscs that were described during the year 2022, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to molluscan paleontology that occurred in 2022.



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Acanthohoplites albedocostatus[1]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous


Acantholytoceras costaevariavilis[1]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous


Aulatornoceras beyrichi[2]

Sp. nov


Söte & Becker

Devonian (Frasnian)

Büdesheim Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.


Gen. et sp. nov


Söte & Becker

Devonian (Frasnian)

Büdesheim Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. Genus includes new species B. housei. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Cadoceras (Catacadoceras) imlayi[3]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Chinitna Formation

 United States
( Alaska)

Cadoceras kniazevi[3]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Callovian)


Cadoceras (Paracadoceras) pseudofrearsi[3]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Callovian)


Cadomites zelenchukensis[4]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Bathonian)

( Karachay-Cherkessia)

Collignoniceras rhodanicum[5]

Sp. nov


Amédro, Baudouin & Delanoy in Amédro et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)


Crassotornoceras tenue[2]

Sp. nov


Söte & Becker

Devonian (Frasnian)

Büdesheim Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Crioceratites tepehuaensis[6]

Sp. nov


Esquivel-Macías et al.

Early Cretaceous



Gen. et comb. et 2 sp. nov


Marchesi, Balini & Jenks

Late Triassic (Carnian)

 United States
( Nevada)

A member of Trachyceratinae. The type species is C. compressum (Johnston, 1941); genus also includes new species C. crassum, and C. levicostatum. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Dactylioceras kopiki[8]

Sp. nov


Rogov in Rogov & Lutikov

Early Jurassic (Toarcian)

( Northwest Territories)
 United States
( Alaska)

A member of the family Dactylioceratidae.

Diplesioceras fischeri[9]

Sp. nov


Dietze, Schweigert & Chandler

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)

Oolithe de Bayeux Formation


Egoianites jauberti[10]

Sp. nov


Delanoy et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)


A member of the family Heteroceratidae.

Epitornoceras transmediterraneum[11]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Tornoceratidae.

Forresteria (Harleites) seidli[12]

Sp. nov


Summesberger et al.

Late Cretaceous (Santonian)

Gosau Group
(Streiteck Formation)


Heteroceras arnaudi[10]

Sp. nov


Delanoy et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)


A member of the family Heteroceratidae.

Heteroceras munierchalmasi[10]

Sp. nov


Delanoy et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)


A member of the family Heteroceratidae.

Heteroceras penagei[10]

Sp. nov


Delanoy et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)


A member of the family Heteroceratidae.

Hildoceras appenninicus[13]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Toarcian)


Kepplerites (Gowericeras) copernici[14]

Sp. nov


Mönnig & Dietl

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)


Kepplerites (Gowericeras) halleyi[14]

Sp. nov


Mönnig & Dietl

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

( Kostroma Oblast)

Kepplerites (Toricellites) besseli[14]

Sp. nov


Mönnig & Dietl

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)


Kutatissites sudai[1]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous



Gen. et sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Devonian (Givetian)

Red Ironstone Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. The type species is L. materni.

Linguatornoceras acutilobatum[2]

Sp. nov


Söte & Becker

Devonian (Frasnian)

Büdesheim Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Linguatornoceras sandense[2]

Sp. nov


Söte & Becker

Devonian (Frasnian)

Büdesheim Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Lissoceras kubanense[15]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)

( Karachay-Cherkessia)

Lissoceras paviai[15]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)

( Karachay-Cherkessia)

Megatyloceras leteilensis[16]

Sp. nov


Delanoy et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)


A member of the family Douvilleiceratidae.

Nejdia arabica[17]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Toarcian)

Marrat Formation

 Saudi Arabia

Paracrochordiceras watanabei[18]

Sp. nov



Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Fukkoshi Formation


A member of the family Acrochordiceratidae.

Paradanubites ozashiense[18]

Sp. nov



Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Fukkoshi Formation


A member of Danubitoidea belonging to the family Danubitidae.

Parahedenstroemia? tatjanae[19]

Sp. nov


Đaković, Krystyn & Sudar

Early Triassic


A member of the family Hedenstroemiidae.

Parapopanoceras involutum[18]

Sp. nov



Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Fukkoshi Formation


A member of Ceratitida belonging to the group Megaphyllitoidea and the family Parapopanoceratidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel


Red Ironstone Formation

 United States
( New York)

A member of the family Tornoceratidae. The type species is "Goniatites" paucistriatus d`Archiac & de Verneuil (1842); genus also includes "Tornoceras" rhysum Clarke (1898).

Ponticeras materni[20]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Devonian (Givetian)

Red Ironstone Formation


A member of Agoniatitida belonging to the group Gephuroceratina and the family Ponticeratidae.

Procheloniceras yajimai[1]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous


Pseudocrioceras mazierei[21]

Sp. nov


Frau & Delanoy

Early Cretaceous (Barremian/Aptian transition)


Pseudosaynella pacifica[1]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous



Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Fukkoshi Formation


A member of Dinaritoidea belonging to the family Khvalynitidae. The type species is P. takaizumii.

Shasticrioceras nakazawai[1]

Sp. nov

In press


Early Cretaceous


Sigaloceras (Gulielmina) fabricius[14]

Sp. nov


Mönnig & Dietl

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)


Tornoceras incisum[2]

Sp. nov


Söte & Becker

Devonian (Frasnian)

Büdesheim Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Tornoceras ventrovaricatum[2]

Sp. nov


Söte & Becker

Devonian (Frasnian)

Büdesheim Formation


A member of the family Tornoceratidae. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Witchellia companyi[22]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)


A member of the family Sonniniidae.

Witchellia striata[22]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)


A member of the family Sonniniidae.

Ammonite research

  • Mironenko & Naugolnykh (2022) describe a collection of cephalopod jaws from the Permian (Artinskian) Divjinskian Formation (Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia), interpreted as likely fossil material of goniatitid ammonites belonging to the genus Uraloceras, and infer from the anatomy of the studied jaws that representatives of the genus Uraloceras were likely active predators.[23]
  • A study on the morphological change through ontogeny of beyrichitine ammonites from the Anisian of Nevada is published by Bischof, Schlüter & Lehmann (2022).[24]
  • A study aiming to determine whether the environmental changes around the Triassic–Jurassic boundary influenced development of septal thickness in ammonites, as well aiming to determine the relation between septal thickness and paleolatitudinal occurrences, and whether ontogenetic septal thickness-trajectories reflected paleogeographic origin or phylogenetic relationships of ammonites, is published by Weber et al. (2022).[25]
  • A study on the hydrodynamic properties of shells of Late Triassic and Early Jurassic ammonites is published by Hebdon et al. (2022).[26]
  • A study on the functional morphology of ammonites from the Middle Triassic to the Early Jurassic, reevaluating possible causes of an overall shift of ammonite shell forms during the studied periods, is published by Hebdon et al. (2022), who interpret their findings as indicating that the trade-offs between coasting efficiency, volume accretion per unit surface area accreted and diameter accretion per unit of surface area (three factors proposed as explanations of the shift of shell forms) were identical in the Triassic and in the Jurassic.[27]
  • Jaws of ammonites belonging to the Boreal family Polyptychitidae, with lower jaws closely resembling jaws of craspeditids, cardioceratids and hoplitoids, are described for the first time from the Valanginian of Russia by Mironenko & Mitta (2022).[28]
  • A study on changes of septal spacing between succeeding chambers of the shell of Gaudryceras tenuiliratum during its ontogeny is published by Kawakami, Uchiyama & Wani (2022).[29]
  • A study on the impact of the conch shape on ammonite locomotion, based on data obtained from tests of 3D-printed, biomimetic robots representing the oxycone morphology (based on Sphenodiscus lobatus and S. lenticularis), the serpenticone morphology (based on Dactylioceras commune), the sphaerocone morphology (based on Goniatites crenistria) and the morphospace center, is published by Peterman & Ritterbush (2022).[30]

Other cephalopods


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Aphelaeceras azzelmattiense[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (TournaisianViséan boundary interval)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Arctoteuthis angusta[32]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous


A belemnite belonging to the family Cylindroteuthididae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Afhüppe & Becker

Devonian (Givetian)

Hagen-Balve Formation


A member of Discosorida belonging to the family Entimoceratidae. The type species is B. stichlingi.

Boreioteuthis mirifica[32]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous


A belemnite belonging to the family Cylindroteuthididae.

Chisiloceras maocaopuense[34]

Sp. nov


Fang in Fang et al.

Ordovician (Darriwilian)


A member of the family Endoceratidae.

Domatoceras tuckeri[35]

Sp. nov


Niko, Mapes & Seuss

Carboniferous (late Pennsylvanian)

Graham Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Grypoceratidae.

Endolobus sturgeoni[35]

Sp. nov


Niko, Mapes & Seuss

Carboniferous (late Pennsylvanian)

Graham Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Koninckioceratidae.

Enoploceras rieberi[36]

Sp. nov



Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Besano Formation



Gen. et sp. nov



Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A member of the family Rhiphaeoceratidae. The type species is E. venustum.

Holmiceras havelense[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Red Orthoceratite Limestone


Kotoceras minosiphonatum[34]

Sp. nov


Fang in Fang et al.

Ordovician (Darriwilian)


A member of the family Endoceratidae.

Lispoceras orbis[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Lituites baculus[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Middle Ordovician


Lituites bottkei[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Middle Ordovician


Lituites clavis[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Grey Orthoceratite Limestone


Lituites dewitzi[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Grey Orthoceratite Limestone


Lituites kruegeri[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Grey Orthoceratite Limestone


Lituites nebeni[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Grey Orthoceratite Limestone


Maccoyoceras concavum[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian–Viséan boundary interval)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Maccoyoceras habadraense[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Maccoyoceras pentagonum[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Maccoyoceras saharensis[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Metacoceras quadratum[35]

Sp. nov


Niko, Mapes & Seuss

Carboniferous (late Pennsylvanian)

Graham Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Tainoceratidae.

Michelinoceras minutum[34]

Sp. nov


Fang in Fang et al.

Ordovician (Darriwilian and Sandbian)


Michelinoceras multiseptum[34]

Sp. nov


Fang in Fang et al.

Ordovician (Darriwilian)


Pararhiphaeoceras parvum[37]

Sp. nov



Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A member of the family Rhiphaeoceratidae.

Planetoceras destrictum[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Planetoceras transforme[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Pleuronautilus chisatoi[40]

Sp. nov



Permian (Wordian)

Takakurayama Formation


A member of the family Tainoceratidae.

Proterovaginoceras rapidum[34]

Sp. nov


Fang in Fang et al.

Ordovician (Darriwilian)


A member of the family Endoceratidae.

Rhynchorthoceras kranepuhlense[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Red Orthoceratite Limestone


Rhynchorthoceras rugium[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Red Orthoceratite Limestone


Rineceras multituberculatum[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Rineceras rectangulatum[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Rineceras tenerum[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Solenochilus jackense[35]

Sp. nov


Niko, Mapes & Seuss

Carboniferous (late Pennsylvanian)

Graham Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Solenochilidae.

Stroboceras ancilis[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Viséan)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Stroboceras mane[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae. The type species is S. insalahensis; genus also includes new species S. felis and possibly also "Nautilus (Trematodiscus)" meekianus Winchell (1862) and "Nautilus (Trematodiscus)" strigatus Winchell (1862).


Gen. et sp. nov


Whalen & Landman

Carboniferous (Serpukhovian)

Bear Gulch Limestone

 United States
( Montana)

A member of Coleoidea of uncertain affinities. Originally assigned to the clade Vampyropoda; Klug et al. (2023) considered it to be a probable junior synonym of Gordoniconus beargulchensis.[42][43] The type species is S. bideni, named for Joe Biden.[44]

Thrincoceras devolvere[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Niko & Ehiro

Early Triassic (Olenekian)

Osawa Formation


A sinobelemnitid belemnite. Genus includes new species T. takaizumii.

Trilacinoceras filix[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Grey Orthoceratite Limestone


A member of the family Lituitidae.

Trilacinoceras knoefleri[38]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Korn

Ordovician (Darriwilian)

Upper Grey Orthoceratite Limestone


A member of the family Lituitidae.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel


 United States
( Michigan)

A member of the family Trigonoceratidae. The type species is T. peculiaris; genus also includes "Nautilus (Trematodiscus)" planidorsalis Winchell (1862).

Vestinautilus angulatus[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Vestinautilus bicristatus[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Vestinautilus concinnus[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Vestinautilus inflexus[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Vestinautilus padus[39]

Sp. nov


Korn, Miao & Bockwinkel

Early Carboniferous


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Vestinautilus papilio[31]

Sp. nov


Korn & Bockwinkel

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)


A member of the family Trigonoceratidae.

Xainzanoceras densum[34]

Sp. nov


Fang in Fang et al.

Ordovician (Katian)

Pagoda Formation


Possibly a member of the family Diestoceratidae.

Other cephalopod research

  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of Cambrian and Ordovician cephalopods is published by Pohle et al. (2022).[46]
  • Putative tentaculitoid Iwakiella ichiroi is reinterpreted as a sphaerorthoceratid orthocerid cephalopod by Niko (2022).[47]
  • A study on the identity of enigmatic black amorphous fossils often associated with belemnoid remains, based on the analysis of fossil material from the Upper Triassic (Carnian) Polzberg Lagerstätte (Austria), is published by Lukeneder & Lukeneder (2022), who interpret the enigmatic fossils as likely representing the preservation of a mineralized and secondarily carbonized cephalic-ocular-arm-cartilage complex of the belemnoid Phragmoteuthis bisinuata.[48]
  • A study on structures interpreted by Eduard Suess as beaks of Phragmoteuthis bisinuata is published by Doguzhaeva et al. (2022), who reinterpret the studied structures as cartilaginous remains of a prey, presumably juvenile fish; the authors also report a gladius of a previously unknown Carnian teuthid from the Cave del Predil (Italy), possibly similar to the Permian taxon Glochinomorpha stifeli, as well as an upper beak of a coleoid from the Anisian Buchenstein Formation (Italy), demonstrating typical coleoid upper beak morphology and composition, and interpreted by the authors as likely indicative of similar upper beak structure in P. bisinuata.[49] Their interpretation of purported beaks of P. bisinuata as remains of a prey is subsequently contested by Lukeneder & Lukeneder (2022).[50][51]
  • Belemnite species Liobelus acrei, otherwise known from the latest Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of the Boreal Realm, is reported from the Valanginian of the Vocontian Basin (France) by Mutterlose, Picollier & Dzyuba (2022), who interpret this finding as evidence of an isolated immigration of belemnites from the north in the early Valanginian, and establish two taxonomically different faunas of Tethyan belemnites.[52]
  • A study on the age of belemnites from the lower Santonian "Sponge horizon" of the Mozhzhelloovrazhnaya Formation in the Lower Volga region between Saratov and Volgograd (Russia), some of which are interpreted as redeposited from middle and upper Coniacian deposits on the basis of strontium, carbon and oxygen isotope data (with the first representatives of the genus Belemnitella interpreted as late Coniacian in age), is published by Zakharov et al. (2022).[53]
  • Revision of the type specimens of Eothinoceras americanum is published by Evans & Cichowolski (2022), who restrict the genus Eothinoceras to the type species, and propose a new scheme for classification of the genera belonging to the order Cyrtocerinida.[54]
  • A study on the distribution of nautiloids throughout the Cenozoic is published by Kiel, Goedert & Tsai (2022), who interpret their findings as indicating that from the Oligocene onward nautiloids became extinct in areas where pinnipeds appeared, while cetaceans (with possible exception of simocetids and agorophiids) were not found to significantly affect the demise of nautiloids.[55]
  • Fossil material of "Kummelonautilus" taiwanum is described from the Miocene Houdongkeng Formation (Taiwan) by Goedert, Kiel & Tsai (2022), who provisionally transfer this species to the genus Nautilus, and review the fossil record of the genus Nautilus in the Indo-Pacific region.[56]
  • A study on the external and internal morphology, affinities and ecology of Vampyronassa rhodanica, based on data on soft tissue of specimens from the La Voulte-sur-Rhône (France), is published by Rowe et al. (2022).[57]
  • First cephalopod statoliths from the Lower Cretaceous of Poland and United Kingdom are described by Pindakiewicz et al. (2022), who compare Mesozoic statoliths to those of extant cephalopods, and find the closest resemblance between Mesozoic forms and statoliths of extant idiosepiids.[58]
  • A study on the fossil material of Belosaepia from the Egemkapel Clay Member of the Tielt Formation and the Roubaix Clay Member of the Kortrijk Formation (Belgium), applying micro-CT imaging to the studied fossils, is published by Goolaerts et al. (2022), who identify growth lines in the studied fossils, and interpret their findings as indicating that the studied material belongs to representatives of a single species (B. tricarinata).[59]



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Acila (Truncacila) interferencia[60]

Sp. nov


Kiel et al.


Amlang Formation


A species of Acila.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jagt, Cooper & Jagt-Yazykova

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Maastricht Formation

A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Rutitrigoniidae. Genus includes new species A. rieui.

Aphanaia sobopolensis[62]

Sp. nov


Biakov & Kutygin

Early Permian

( Sakha)

Arcopagia esteponensis[63]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella



A member of the family Tellinidae.

Arcopagia ligustica[63]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella

Early Pliocene


A member of the family Tellinidae.

Arcopella crestii[63]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella

Late Pliocene


A member of the family Tellinidae.

Arcopella pseudomista[63]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella

Early Pliocene


A member of the family Tellinidae.

Bathymodiolus labayugensis[60]

Sp. nov


Kiel et al.


Amlang Formation


A species of Bathymodiolus.

Choniocardia olivieri[64]

Nom. nov





A member of the family Carditidae; a replacement name for Cardita (Miodon) bezanconi Cossmann (1887).

Conchocele pangasinanensis[60]

Sp. nov


Kiel et al.


Amlang Formation


A member of the family Thyasiridae.

Crassatella (Bathytormus) ignava[65]

Sp. nov




Malinovskaya Formation


A member of the family Crassatellidae.

Crassatella lassa[66]

Sp. nov



Late Eocene


Crassostrea sophiae[64]

Nom. nov





A species of Crassostrea; a replacement name for Ostrea elegans Deshayes (1832).

Cyclotellina hugoi[64]

Nom. nov





A member of the family Tellinidae; a replacement name for Tellina (Cyclotellina) bezanconi Cossmann (1906).

Gryphaea (Gryphaea) lavernockensis[67]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic

 United Kingdom

Kasimlara ? antiqua[68]

Sp. nov


Fang & Carter



A member of the family Kalenteridae belonging to the subfamily Healeyinae.


Nom. nov

Fang & Carter

Late Triassic

Yangcaogou Formation


A member of Cardiida belonging to the family Ferganoconchidae; a replacement name for Liaoningia Yu & Dong (1993). Ceccolini & Cianferoni (2021) proposed a replacement name Sinoliaoningia for the same genus in an earlier publication.[70]

Megaxinus gorrospei[60]

Sp. nov


Kiel et al.


Amlang Formation


A member of the family Lucinidae.

Meleagrinella golberti[71]

Sp. nov


Lutikov & Arp

Early Jurassic (Toarcian)

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Oxytomidae. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[71]

Meleagrinella prima[71]

Sp. nov


Lutikov in Lutikov & Arp

Early Jurassic (Toarcian)


A member of the family Oxytomidae. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[71]


Gen. et comb. nov

In press

Delvene et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Camarillas Formation


A member of Unionida belonging to the new family Monginaiidae. Genus includes "Elliptio" galvensis Mongin (1966).

Myonia komiensiformis[73]

Sp. nov





A member of Pholadomyida belonging to the family Sanguinolitidae.

Myonia kutygini[73]

Sp. nov





A member of Pholadomyida belonging to the family Sanguinolitidae.

Oudardia pliorecens[74]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella



A member of the family Tellinidae.

Palaeomutela (Palaeanodonta) berrutii[75]

Sp. nov


Silantiev et al.

Permian (Kungurian)

Collio Formation


A member of Actinodontida belonging to the family Palaeomutelidae.

Palaeomutela (Palaeanodonta) guncinaensis[75]

Sp. nov


Silantiev et al.

Permian (Kungurian)

Guncina Formation


A member of Actinodontida belonging to the family Palaeomutelidae.

Peronidia iberica[74]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella

Early Pliocene


A member of the family Tellinidae.

Peronidia intermedia[74]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella

Early Pliocene


A member of the family Tellinidae.

Pliocardia ballesterosi[60]

Sp. nov


Kiel et al.


Amlang Formation


A species of Pliocardia.

Praebarrettia magnifica[76]

Sp. nov


Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Dry Hill Formation


A rudist bivalve.

Psammotreta santacatalinae[63]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella

Early Pliocene


A member of the family Tellinidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kiel et al.


Amlang Formation


A bivalve of uncertain affinities. The type species is S. frijellanae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Hybertsen, Goedert & Kiel


Lincoln Creek Formation

 United States
( Alaska

A member of the family Vesicomyidae. The type species is "Archivesica" knapptonensis Amano & Kiel (2007); genus also includes "Archivesica" marincovichi Kiel & Amano (2010).


Gen. et comb. nov


Fang & Carter



A member of the family Kalenteridae belonging to the subfamily Healeyinae; a new genus for "Mytilus (Modiola)" pallasi de Verneuil (1845).

Whitfieldiella catherinei[76]

Sp. nov


Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Dry Hill Formation


A rudist bivalve.

Whitfieldiella gracilis[76]

Sp. nov


Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Dry Hill Formation


A rudist bivalve.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Jagt, Cooper & Jagt-Yazykova

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Maastricht Formation

A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Rutitrigoniidae. Genus includes new species W. neilpearti and W. ignota.

Bivalve research

  • Late Triassic bivalves are identified for the first time in olistostromes from the Sêwa Formation in the Riganpeicuo area (Tibet, China) by Xiao et al. (2022).[78]
  • A study on the impact of the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event on the body-size distribution of bivalves, based on data from three study sites in the United Kingdom, is published by Opazo & Twitchett (2022).[79]
  • Wolkenstein (2022) presents evidence of abundance and diversity in the color patterns of Pleuronectites laevigatus from the Middle Triassic Muschelkalk of Central Europe.[80]
  • Asato, Nakayama & Imai (2022) study color patterns of freshwater bivalves from the Lower Cretaceous Kitadani Formation (Japan), providing evidence of the presence of similar shell color patterns in extant and Early Cretaceous bivalves.[81]



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Akburunella laminaris[82]

Sp. nov





Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]

Akburunella nefanda archaica[82]

Ssp. nov





Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]

Akburunella sinuosa[82]

Sp. nov





Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]

Akburunella spinosa[82]

Sp. nov





Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]

Ampezzopleura barremica[83]

Sp. nov


Isaji, Haga & Kashiwagi

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Kimigahama Formation


Angularia corallina[84]

Sp. nov


Nützel et al.

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)

Oberrhät Formation


A member of Caenogastropoda belonging to the family Purpuroideidae.

Angulomphalus senowbarii[84]

Sp. nov


Nützel et al.

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)

Oberrhät Formation


A member of Vetigastropoda belonging to the family Ptychomphalidae.

Anisocycla subcylindrica[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A member of the family Murchisonellidae.

Antiphora aurora[83]

Sp. nov


Isaji, Haga & Kashiwagi

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Kimigahama Formation


Aplexa canculae[86]

Sp. nov



Paleocene (Thanetian)


A species of Aplexa.

Aplexa cotiensis[86]

Nom. nov





A species of Aplexa; a replacement name for Physa (Aplecta) brevispirata Cossmann & Pissarro (1913).

Aplexa iota[86]

Sp. nov





A species of Aplexa.

Aplexa oryza[86]

Sp. nov





A species of Aplexa.

Aplexa risleius[86]

Sp. nov



Paleocene (Thanetian)


A species of Aplexa.

Aplexa zhui[86]

Nom. nov



Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Dalazi Formation


A species of Aplexa; a replacement name for Physa fusiformis Zhu (1980).


Gen. et comb. nov


Pérez, Ferrari & Ezcurra



A member of the family Eucyclidae. The type species is "Calliotropis" microglyptophorus Darragh (1997); genus also includes "Calliotropis" antarchais Stilwell (2005).

Archaeocyclotus brevivillosus[88]

Sp. nov

In press

Bichain et al.


Burmese amber


A member of the family Cyclophoridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Brook & Hayward

Pliocene (Waipipian)

Kaawa Formation

 New Zealand

A member of the family Bothriembryontidae belonging to the subfamily Placostylinae. The type species is A. manukauensis.

Astralium ena[90]

Sp. nov


Tomida, Inoue & Kase


Ena Limestone


A species of Astralium.

Austrocypraea jimgracei[91]

Sp. nov


Southgate & Roberts



A member of the family Cypraeidae.

Barycypraea iungo[92]

Sp. nov


Seccombe & Aiken


 South Africa

A species of Barycypraea.

Baylea tenera[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Boggy Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Eotomariidae.

Brachystomia succineiformis[82]

Sp. nov





A species of Brachystomia. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]

Ceritella convexa[94]

Sp. nov


Gründel et al.

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)


A member of the family Ceritellidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Isaji, Haga & Kashiwagi

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Kimigahama Formation


Genus includes new species C. striata.

Clathromangelia acuticostata[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Clathromangelia.

Clathromangelia mulderi[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Clathromangelia.

Clathromangelia oliverioi[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Clathromangelia.

"Clavatula" ariejansseni[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Serravallian)

Týrtar Formation


A member of the family Clavatulidae.

"Clavatula" atatuerki[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Serravallian)

Týrtar Formation


A member of the family Clavatulidae.

"Clavatula" iberica[97]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A member of the family Clavatulidae.

"Clavatula" irisae[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Baden Formation


A member of the family Clavatulidae.

"Clavatula" jarzynkae[96]

Nom. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Grund Formation


A member of the family Clavatulidae; a replacement name for Clavatula auingeri Finlay (1927).

"Clavatula" nana[97]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A member of the family Clavatulidae.

"Clavatula" pliogradata[97]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A member of the family Clavatulidae.

Clavatula sorini[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Dej Formation


A species of Clavatula.

Clithon cooncreekense[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Coon Creek Formation

 United States
( Tennessee)

A species of Clithon.

Clithon duomillias[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds


Cook Mountain Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A species of Clithon.

Clithon lisae[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds


Cook Mountain Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A species of Clithon.

Clithon traceyi[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds


Cook Mountain Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A species of Clithon.

Columbellaria rara[99]

Sp. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

St-Ursanne Formation


A member of the family Colombellinidae.

Conotomaria lecatae[100]

Sp. nov


Chaix & Grenier

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)


A member of the family Pleurotomariidae.

Conus damianakisi[101]

Sp. nov


Psarras, Merle & Koskeridou

Miocene (Tortonian)


A species of Conus.

Conus davolii[101]

Sp. nov


Psarras, Merle & Koskeridou

Miocene (Tortonian)


A species of Conus.

Conus dellabellai[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A species of Conus.

Conus ictini[101]

Sp. nov


Psarras, Merle & Koskeridou

Miocene (Serravallian and Tortonian)


A species of Conus.

Conus lauriatragei[101]

Sp. nov


Psarras, Merle & Koskeridou

Miocene (Langhian to Tortonian)


A species of Conus.

Conus moissettei[101]

Sp. nov


Psarras, Merle & Koskeridou

Miocene (Tortonian)


A species of Conus.

Conus villalvernensis[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A species of Conus.

Coptocheilus kachinensis[102]

Sp. nov

Yu, Zhuo & Páll-Gergely


Burmese amber


A species of Coptocheilus.

Cornirostra anistratenkorum umbilicaris[82]

Ssp. nov





Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]

Crepidula bellardii[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A species of Crepidula.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

Yu, Zhuo & Páll-Gergely


Burmese amber


A member of the family Pupinidae. Genus includes new species C. caperatum and C. umbilicarinatum.

Cryptoptyxis? fortiter[99]

Sp. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

St-Ursanne Formation


A member of the family Maoraxidae.

Cyrillia clathrataeformis[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Cyrillia.

Cyrillia saldubensis[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Cyrillia.


Gen. et sp. nov


Chaix in Chaix & Plicot

Late Cretaceous (Santonian)


A member of the family Cypraeidae. The type species is D. pacaudi.

Diaugasma mediterranea[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Diaugasma.

Dictyotomaria turrisbabel[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Caddo Creek Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Phymatopleuridae.

Diempterus? multicostatus[99]

Sp. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

St-Ursanne Formation


A member of the family Aporrhaidae.


Gen. et 4 sp. et comb. nov





A member of the family Hydrobiidae. The type species is E. caeca; genus also includes new species E. angulata, E. minuta and E. striata, as well as "Hydrobia" enikalensis Kolesnikov (1935). Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Boggy Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Luciellidae. The type species is E. buckhornensis; genus also includes "Trochus" hissingerianus de Koninck (1843), "Pleurotomaria" squamula Phillips (1836) and "Luciellina" ocultabanda Kues & Batten (2001).

Endoplocus acutus[94]

Sp. nov


Gründel et al.

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)


A member of the family Nerineidae.

Endoplocus inflatus[94]

Sp. nov


Gründel et al.

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)


A member of the family Nerineidae.

Ericusa ngayawang[104]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Langhian)

Cadell Formation


A species of Ericusa.

Exelissa ursannella[99]

Sp. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

St-Ursanne Formation


A member of Cerithioidea belonging to the family Cryptaulacidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Chaix in Chaix & Plicot

Late Cretaceous (Santonian)


A member of the family Campanilidae. The type species is F. bidentata.

Favartia plioelata[105]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella



A species of Favartia.


Gen. et comb. et 3 sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene and Pliocene

 Czech Republic

A member of the family Clavatulidae. The type species is "Pleurotoma" granulato-cincta Münster in Goldfuss (1841); genus also includes new species G. callim, G. theoderichi and G. pelliscrocodili, as well as "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" angelae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Clavatula" contorta Švagrovský (1958), "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" nataliae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Pleurotoma" schreibersi Hörnes (1854), "Clavatula" calcarai Bellardi (1877), "Clavatula" curionii Bellardi (1877), "Clavatula" pellegrinii Simonelli (1896), "Pleurotoma" sotterii Michelotti (1847), "Clavatula" turbinata Bellardi (1877), "Clavatula" turgidula Bellardi (1877), "Clavatula" vigolensis Bellardi (1877), "Clavatula" rugata Bellardi (1877), "Murex" rusticus Brocchi (1814), "Pleurotoma" capgrandi Tournouër (1873), "Pleurotoma" obtruta Millet (1865), "Clavatula" delgadoi Vera-Peláez & Lozano-Francisco (2001) and possibly "Clavatula" boreointerrupta Kautsky (1925).

Hologyra callosa[84]

Sp. nov


Nützel et al.

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)

Oberrhät Formation


A member of the family Neritopsidae.

Hydrobia neofrauenfeldi[82]

Sp. nov





A species of Hydrobia. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]

Hydrobia orientalis[106]

Sp. nov



Late Permian

Wutonggou Formation


A species of Hydrobia.

Iberellus colladoi[107]

Sp. nov


Juárez-Ruiz & Altaba



A species of Iberellus.

Itieroptygmatis cylindrata[94]

Sp. nov


Gründel et al.

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)


A member of Nerineoidea belonging to the family Itieriidae.

Jenneria sandrae[108]

Sp. nov



Pleistocene (Chibanian)

Probably Bermont Formation

 United States
( Florida)

A species of Jenneria.

Leufroyia gradata[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Leufroyia.

Loriolotrema? nodosa[99]

Sp. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

St-Ursanne Formation


A member of the family Brachytrematidae.

Lyria estotiensis[109]

Sp. nov


Bail, Ledon & Pacaud

Oligocene (Chattian)


A species of Lyria.

Lyria lozoueti[109]

Sp. nov


Bail, Ledon & Pacaud

Miocene (Aquitanian)


A species of Lyria.

Maoristylus pliocenicus[89]

Sp. nov


Brook & Hayward

Pliocene (Waipipian)

Kaawa Formation

 New Zealand

A member of the family Bothriembryontidae belonging to the subfamily Placostylinae.


Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen


 Czech Republic

A member of the family Clavatulidae. The type species is M. grunerti; genus also includes new species M. pilleri, as well as "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" amaliae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" antoniae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" evae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Pleurotoma" laevigatum Eichwald (1830), "Perrona" nemethi Kovács & Vicián (2021), "Pleurotoma" neudorfensis Schaffer (1898), "Pleurotoma tuberculosa" polonica Pusch (1837), "Pleurotoma (Clavatula) asperulata" var. subsculpta Schaffer (1912), "Pleurotoma" ernesti Toula (1901), "Pleurotoma" asperulata Lamarck (1822), Clavatula saubrigiana laurensii Peyrot (1931) and possibly "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" szontaghi Strausz (1926), "Clavatula" taurofusulata Sacco (1890), "Clavatula" subdepressa Sacco (1890) and "Clavatula" tortonica Peyrot (1931).

Metacerithium boshuae[83]

Sp. nov


Isaji, Haga & Kashiwagi

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Kimigahama Formation


A member of the family Metacerithiidae.

Metalycaeus fossilis[110]

Sp. nov

In press

Yu, Páll-Gergely & Salvador


Zhangpu amber


A species of Metalycaeus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A member of the family Raphitomidae. The type species is M. minutissima.

Microdrillia plioserratula[111]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Microdrillia.

Microschiza rhaetica[84]

Sp. nov


Nützel et al.

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)

Oberrhät Formation


A member of the family Purpurinidae.

Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) velerinensis[111]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Mitromorpha.

Muricopsis landaui[112]

Sp. nov


Merle in Merle, Garrigues & Pointier



A species of Muricopsis.

Napaeus guanche[113]

Sp. nov

In press

Miller et al.

Middle Pleistocene

( Canary Islands)

A species of Napaeus.

Napaeus lipauges[113]

Sp. nov

In press

Miller et al.

Middle Pleistocene

( Canary Islands)

A species of Napaeus.

Narrimania saldubensis[114]

Sp. nov


Landau & Mulder




Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)


A member of the family Clavatulidae. The type species is "Perrona" harzhauseri Kovács & Vicián (2021); genus also includes new species N. zoltanorum, as well as "Clavatula" taurinensis Bellardi (1877).

Neridomus mccallae[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Edwards Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Neridomidae.

Neridomus minutissimus[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Walnut Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Neridomidae.

Nerinea donosa[94]

Sp. nov


Gründel et al.

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)


A member of the family Nerineidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to Tithonian)


Possibly a member of Cerithioidea. The type species is "Gymnocerithium" concavum Janicke (1966); genus also includes "Cerithium" amabile Zittel (1873), "Gymnocerithium"? convexoconcavum Gründel, Keupp & Lang (2019), "Cerithium" crenato-cinctum Zittel (1873), "Cerithium" involvens Zittel (1873) and "Cerithium" perrotundum Cossmann (1913).

Nystia conoidalis[115]

Sp. nov


Kadolsky & Morton

Oligocene (Rupelian)

 United Kingdom

A species of Nystia.

Odetta chirlii[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A species of Odetta.

Odostomia caucasica[82]

Sp. nov





A species of Odostomia. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen in Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Miocene (Burdigalian to Tortonian)

 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Czech Republic

A member of the family Clavatulidae. The type species is O. mandici; genus also includes "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" agathae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" brigittae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Pleurotoma" doderleini Hörnes (1854), "Pleurotoma (Clavatula)" dorotheae Hoernes & Auinger (1891), "Pleurotoma" rumana Simionescu & Barbu (1940), Clavatula schreibersi szokolyensis Strausz (1960), "Pleurotoma" winterlingensis Quenstedt (1884), "Clavatula" aradasi Bellardi (1877), "Clavatula" baccifera Bellardi (1877), "Clavatula" consularis Bellardi (1877) and "Clavatula" stazzanensis Bellardi (1877). The original generic name was Olegia,[96] but this name turned out to be preoccupied by Olegia Shaposhnikov (1979), necessitating the creation of a replacement name.[95]

Oligoptyxis khorasanica[116]

Sp. nov


Guzhov & Nazemi in Raisossadat et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)


A member of the family Nerineidae.

Ondina curta[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A species of Ondina.

Ondina elongata[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A species of Ondina.

Ondina pseudovitrea[85]

Sp. nov


Pavia et al.



A species of Ondina.

Ophieulima lobilloensis[114]

Sp. nov


Landau & Mulder



A species of Ophieulima.

Otostoma cattoi[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Edwards Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Otostomidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)


A member of the family Brachytrematidae. The type species is "Turbo" cotteausius d'Orbigny (1853); genus might also include "Turbo" greppini De Loriol in De Loriol & Koby (1895).

Palaeoleuca edeni[117]

Sp. nov



Paleocene (Thanetian) to Eocene (Ypresian)


A member of the family Ellobiidae.

Palaeoleuca gradata[117]

Sp. nov



Paleocene (Thanetian) to Eocene (Ypresian)


A member of the family Ellobiidae.

Palaeoleuca hulvizensis[117]

Nom. nov




 United Kingdom

A member of the family Ellobiidae; a replacement name for Auricula (Conovulus) pygmaea Morris (1854).


Gen. et sp. nov


Forner, Domènech & Martinell

Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A member of the family Eulimidae. The type species is P. quinionarii.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov

In press

Salvador & Yu

Jurassic and Cretaceous


A member of the new family Neritidae. Genus includes Chinese species formerly assigned to the genus Mesoneritina ("M." crassa Pan, 1982, "M." dakangensis Pan, 1978, "M." gansuensis Yu & Guo, 1982, "M." nanshanensis Pan, 1984, "M." opima Yu, 1974, "M." pustula Pan, 1980), as well as new species P. ambrae from the Kachin amber.

Papuliscala spinosa[114]

Sp. nov


Landau & Mulder



A species of Papuliscala.

Paragoniozona ornata[93]

Nom. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Lazy Bend Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A member of the family Phymatopleuridae; a replacement name for Pleurotomaria aspera Girty (1934).

Paragoniozona yanceyi[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Boggy Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Phymatopleuridae.

Perrona grossi[96]

Nom. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Florian Formation


A species of Perrona; a replacement name for Pleurotoma (Clavatula) auingeri Hilber (1879).

Perrona ilonae[96]

Nom. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Sámsonháza Formation


A species of Perrona; a replacement name for Clavatula vindobonensis nodosa Csepreghy-Meznerics (1954).

Perrona koeberli[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Grund Formation


A species of Perrona.

Perrona loetschi[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Grund Formation


A species of Perrona.

Perrona wanzenboecki[96]

Nom. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Baden Formation


A species of Perrona; a replacement name for Pleurotoma concinna Handmann (1883).

Peruvispira kanchanaburiensis[120]

Sp. nov

In press

Karapunar, Nützel & Ketwetsuriya


Ratburi Group


A member of the family Goniasmatidae.

Peruvispira oklahomaensis[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Gene Autry Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Goniasmatidae.

Phymatopleura conica[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Gene Autry Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Phymatopleuridae.

Phymatopleura girtyi[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Wewoka Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Phymatopleuridae.

Platyphysa nagensis[86]

Nom. nov





A replacement name for Physa prinsepii elongata Hislop (1860).

Pleurotomella obesula[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Pleurotomella.

Pleurotomella turrita[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Pleurotomella.


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of the family Hydrobiidae. Genus includes "Amnicola" cyclostomoides Sinzov (1880). Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[82]


Gen. et comb. nov


Merle in Merle, Garrigues & Pointier



A member of the family Muricidae belonging to the subfamily Muricopsinae. The type species is "Murex" distans Deshayes (1835).

Pseudamnicola roblesi[121]

Sp. nov


Albesa, López & Crespo

Early Miocene

Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin


A species of Pseudamnicola.

Pseudamnicola taodonggouensis[106]

Sp. nov



Late Permian

Wutonggou Formation


A species of Pseudamnicola.

Pseudodaphnella iberica[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Pseudodaphnella.

Pseudodaphnella velerinensis[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Pseudodaphnella.

Pseudodostia lisbonensis[98]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Symonds


Lisbon Formation

 United States
( Alabama)

A member of the family Neritidae.

Pseudomelania yamadai[83]

Sp. nov


Isaji, Haga & Kashiwagi

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Kimigahama Formation


Pseudonerinea ? pseudomelaniformis[94]

Sp. nov


Gründel et al.

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)


A member of Nerineoidea belonging to the family Pseudonerineidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Guzhov & Raisossadat in Raisossadat et al.



The type species is "Natica" scalaris Conrad (1852).

Purpuroidea moosleitneri[84]

Sp. nov


Nützel et al.

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)

Oberrhät Formation


A member of Caenogastropoda belonging to the family Purpuroideidae.

Pusionella hofmanni[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Dej Formation


A species of Pusionella.

Ringicula costata chokrakensis[122]

Ssp. nov





Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[122]

Ringicula costata paratethica[122]

Ssp. nov





Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[122]

Ringicula subglobosa[122]

Sp. nov





A species of Ringicula. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[122]

Saalensia lorioli[99]

Sp. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

St-Ursanne Formation


A member of the family Brachytrematidae.

Shansiella (Oklahomaella) globilineata[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Gene Autry Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Portlockiellidae.

Sigmesalia anatole[123]

Sp. nov


Hoşgör & Pacaud

Paleocene (Danian)

Çaldağ Formation


A member of the family Turritellidae.

Sigmesalia erifensis[123]

Sp. nov


Hoşgör & Pacaud

Paleocene (Danian)

Çaldağ Formation


A member of the family Turritellidae.

Skenea gofasi[114]

Sp. nov


Landau & Mulder



A species of Skenea.

Specula estebbunensis[114]

Sp. nov


Landau & Mulder



A species of Specula.

Spinatus ruizi[124]

Sp. nov


Liverani & Wieneke

Miocene (Langhian)


A member of the family Strombidae.

Spiroscala quasipulchra[93]

Nom. nov


Karapunar et al.


 United States

A member of the family Eotomariidae; a replacement name for Euconospira pulchra Batten (1958).

Spiroscala shwedagoniformis[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Gene Autry Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A member of the family Eotomariidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)


A member of the family Clavatulidae. The type species is "Clavatula" szekelyhidiae Kovács & Vicián (2021).

Stuoraxis kasei[83]

Sp. nov


Isaji, Haga & Kashiwagi

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Kimigahama Formation


A member of the family Stuoraxidae.

Stuorella zapfei[84]

Sp. nov


Nützel et al.

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)

Oberrhät Formation


A member of Vetigastropoda belonging to the family Stuorellidae.

Subpterynotus eocaenicus[125]

Sp. nov

Merle, Lesport & Ledon

Eocene (Bartonian)


A species of Subpterynotus.

Subpterynotus mainotensis[125]

Sp. nov

Merle, Lesport & Ledon

Miocene (Aquitanian)


A species of Subpterynotus.

Talassia plioalboranensis[114]

Sp. nov


Landau & Mulder



A species of Talassia.

Teretia inflatissima[95]

Sp. nov


Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Teretia.

Thalassonerita hagai[60]

Sp. nov


Kiel et al.


Amlang Formation


A member of the family Phenacolepadidae.

Tomellana aueri[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Baden Formation


A species of Tomellana.

Tomellana dulaii[96]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Janssen

Miocene (Langhian)

Dej Formation


A species of Tomellana.

Tomellana onubensis[97]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser

Early Pliocene


A species of Tomellana.

Tomellana postjouannetii[97]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser

Pliocene (Piacenzian)


A species of Tomellana.

Tortaxis zhangpuensis[110]

Sp. nov

In press

Yu, Páll-Gergely & Salvador


Zhangpu amber


Tosapusia peregrina[126]

Sp. nov


Bertaccini et al.



A species of Tosapusia.

Trigonostoma ariejansseni[127]

Sp. nov





A species of Trigonostoma.

Tudorella lenneae[128]

Sp. nov


Groh et al.


( Canary Islands)

A species of Tudorella.

Tudorella rothei[128]

Sp. nov


Groh et al.


( Canary Islands)

A species of Tudorella.

Turbonilla yadongensis[129]

Sp. nov

Li, Li & Garvie

Eocene (Ypresian)

Zhupure Formation


A species of Turbonilla.

Valvata complanusa[106]

Sp. nov



Late Permian

Wutonggou Formation


A species of Valvata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Nützel, Schweigert & Karapunar

Late Triassic (Carnian)

San Cassiano Formation


A member of the family Seguenziidae. Genus includes new species V. microstriatus.

Worthenia (Yochelsonospira) kuesi[93]

Sp. nov


Karapunar et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Wetumka Formation

 United States
( Oklahoma)

A species of Worthenia.

Xinjiangospira habita[106]

Sp. nov



Late Permian

Wutonggou Formation


A member of the family Hydrobiidae.

Gastropod research

  • A study on transitions from water to land throughout the evolutionary history of gastropods is published by Vermeij & Watson-Zink (2022).[131]
  • A study on changes in gastropod diversity at the genus/subgenus level from the Norian to the Pliensbachian is published by Ferrari & Hautmann (2022), who report that gastropods lost 56% of genera/subgenera during the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event, which was much more than the average loss of marine life at the time, and attempt to determine potential causes of the end-Triassic extinctions of gastropods.[132]
  • A study aiming to determine the drivers of diversification for European freshwater gastropods over the past 100 million years is published by Neubauer et al. (2022).[133]
  • A study aiming to determine the factors which caused the diversification of European freshwater gastropods in the Late Cretaceous is published by Neubauer & Harzhauser (2022).[134]
  • Revision of the fossil material of Ancistrolepis from the Eocene (Ypresian) Llajas Formation (California, United States), representing the oldest occurrence of this genus reported to date, is published by Squires (2022).[135]

Other molluscs


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Calloplax roederi[136]

Sp. nov


Vendrasco, Powell & LaFollette


 United States
( California)

A chiton.

Chiton solaris[136]

Sp. nov


Vendrasco, Powell & LaFollette


 United States
( California)

A chiton.

Dorispira avannga[137]

Sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A helcionellid.

Dorispira? lemdadensis[138]

Sp. nov

Mghazli et al.



Dorispira septentrionalis[137]

Sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A helcionellid.

Dorispira tavsenensis[137]

Sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A helcionellid.

Dorispira tippik[137]

Sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A helcionellid.


Gen. et sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A member of Helcionelloida of uncertain affinities. The type species is E. acuminatus.


Nom. nov


Mapes in Mazaev

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

 United States

A rostroconch; a replacement name for Oxyprora Hoare, Mapes & Yancey (2002).

Ischnochiton loureiroi[140]

Sp. nov


Dell'Angelo et al.


Mondego Basin


A chiton, a species of Ischnochiton.

Lepidochitona rochae[140]

Sp. nov


Dell'Angelo et al.


Mondego Basin


A chiton, a species of Lepidochitona.

Scenella? siku[137]

Sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A member of Helcionelloida. Originally tentatively assigned to the genus Scenella, but subsequently made the type species of the separate genus Hensoniconus.[141]


Gen. et comb. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky


Aftenstjernesø Formation


A helcionellid. The type species is "Figurina" polaris Peel (2021).


Gen. et sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A member of Helcionelloida of uncertain affinities. The type species is T. erectus.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Peel & Kouchinsky

Cambrian (Wuliuan)

Henson Gletscher Formation


A helcionellid. The type species is V. troelseni; genus also includes V. frykmani.

Yochelcionella gracilituba[138]

Sp. nov

Mghazli et al.



Yochelcionella longituba[138]

Sp. nov

Mghazli et al.



Other mollusc research

  • Revision of the oldest known specimens of Jinonicella kolebabai from the Middle Ordovician strata of Ukraine and Belarus is published by Gubanov et al. (2022), who report the preservation of growth lines which were previously documented only in Silurian specimens.[142]
  • New information on the anatomy of Typhloesus wellsi is presented by Conway Morris & Caron (2022), who consider it plausible that Typhloesus was a pelagic mollusc with possible affinities with gastropods.[143]


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  2. ^ a b c d e f g Söte, T.; Becker, R. T. (2022). "Upper Frasnian ammonoids (Tornoceratidae) from Büdesheim (Eifel Mountains, Rhenish Massif, Germany)". Palaeontographica Abteilung A. 325 (1–6): 1–67. doi:10.1127/pala/2022/0136. S2CID 254960117.
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  5. ^ Amédro, F.; Baudouin, C.; Delanoy, G.; Devalque, C.; Robaszynski, F. (2022). "Une association d'ammonites rare dans la Zone à Romaniceras ornatissimum (Turonien moyen) du Massif d'Uchaux, Vaucluse, France". Carnets Geol. 22 (9): 333–393. doi:10.2110/carnets.2022.2209. S2CID 251192365.
  6. ^ Esquivel-Macías, C.; León-Olvera, R. G.; Ramírez-Cardona, M.; Flores-Castro, K. (2022). "Reporte de Crioceratites (Gerth, 1925) con la descripción de C. tepehuaense n. sp. en el centro oriente de México y algunas consideraciones bioestratigráficas y paleobiogeográficas". Tópicos de Investigación en Ciencias de la Tierra y Materiales. 9 (9): 1–12. doi:10.29057/aactm.v9i9.9129. S2CID 252743981.
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  8. ^ Rogov, M. A.; Lutikov, O. A. (2022). "A DactyliocerasMeleagrinella (Clathrolima) assemblage from the Agardhbukta (eastern coast of Spitsbergen): a first in situ Toarcian molluscan occurrence from Svalbard providing interregional correlation". Norwegian Journal of Geology. doi:10.17850/njg102-1-2. S2CID 248045907.
  9. ^ Dietze, V.; Schweigert, G.; Chandler, R. B. (2022). "Diplesioceras Buckman, 1920 – an enigmatic Middle Jurassic ammonite genus revisited". Palaeodiversity. 15 (1): 111–117. doi:10.18476/pale.v15.a8. S2CID 253304016.
  10. ^ a b c d Delanoy, G.; Baudouin, C.; Viale, C.; Gonnet, R. (2022). "Sur quelques ammonites du Barrémien supérieur appartenant aux familles des Heteroceratidae SPATH, 1922 et Hemihoplitidae SPATH, 1924 (Ancyloceratina, Ancyloceratoidea)". Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nice. XXXVII: 1–25.
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  12. ^ Summesberger, H.; Kennedy, W. J.; Wagreich, M.; Skoumal, P.; Schwaighofer, N.; Leiblfinger, A. (2022). "The ammonite Forresteria (Harleites) from the Santonian Gosau Group of the Randograben (Rußbach am Pass Gschütt, Salzburg), Austria" (PDF). Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien. 75: 1–13.
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