Draft:My love for you

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My love for you

The phrase "My affection for you" represents a sentiment that shows temporary and spacious dimensions. Its simplicity belies a profound connection between individuals, a declaration that echoes through the emptiness of human corpses. It has been of use for poets and an enduring refrain in love stories across cultures.

This expression, adaptable to various contexts, from the innocence of a first love to the seasoned depth of lifelong relationship, serves as a testament to the enduring nature of affection. It carries an intense promise of unwavering commitment, a flame resilient to the tests of time.

In writing, it has inspired countless verses and modern love songs. Beyond romantic love, it extends to the larger spectrum of human connections, encompassing friendships, family bonds, and self-appreciation (my personal favourite). In each instance, it signifies the profound impact of affection on our lives.

"My affection for you" is not confined to spoken words; it finds expression in actions, gestures, and silent moments. It represents a commitment to stand by someone, to celebrate their joys, and provide solace in sorrows. It encapsulates a promise to navigate life's challenges together and cherish shared moments of joy.

Where as "My love for you" can only be written and said which enforces and multiplies the meaning. It's encapsulated and magnified around the person who can only receive the words.

As we pass through human relationships, this phrase becomes a compass, guiding us through the ebb and flow of affection. It is a reminder that affection is dynamic, evolving, deepening, and maturing over time. It acknowledges that affection is a living entity that requires nurturing, understanding, and genuine investment.

To end this I have to say "My love for you" is limitless...

And you Evie, my love for you is greater than all. I love you so much, I struggle to sum it up in words but I can only try.

And yes I created this all :)
