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Draft:Petra Štarková

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Petra Štarková (born December 24, 1975, Jevíčko) is a Czech psychologist, journalist, and author - writer of specialist and popular-science articles, feuilletons, and stories - primarily in the genres of fantasy and children's literature. She currently runs a private practice and lives in Brno. She is a freelance contributor to magazines such as Psychologie Dnes, Sociální služby, XB-1 (formerly Ikarie), E15, and others. She is also an expert witness in the fields of psychology, people with disabilities, and social services. Her books are published by Triton, Portál, Pasparta, and Albatros. Together with Ivona Březinová, she creates the editorial series "Má to háček," whose books are published by Albatros. The heroes of this series are always children with some problem, disability, or psychological disorder, and the books are intended for children from the age of 7-9 years precisely so that they can read and understand these issues on their own.
