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FormerlyA. W. Olsen & Partners
Company typePrivate
IndustryCommunication, Public relations, marketing, advertising
FounderGints Lazdins, Olga Kazaka
HeadquartersRiga, Latvia
WebsiteOfficial website

Olsen+Partners (formerly known as A. W. Olsen & Partners) is a Latvian communication agency established in 2005. The agency specializes in public relations, marketing, and advertising.[1][2][3][4] Over the past decade, the agency has won nine of the most prestigious awards in the field of communication — IPRA Golden World Awards — the highest number among agencies in the Baltic states.[5][6]



Olsen+Partners was co-founded in 2005 by Gints Lazdins and Olga Kazaka.[7] During the years, Olsen+Partners has gained recognition in the communication industry both locally and internationally.[8][9]

In 2011, the agency won Gold at the Baltic PR Awards for a lobbying campaign.[10][11] Five years later, in 2016, it received two Gold awards at the Baltic PR Awards for the #pay (#nomaksāt) campaign, recognized as the best social campaign and public sector campaign,[12] alongside a European Excellence Award for "Change Communications."[13]

In 2018, Olsen+Partners won the IPRA Golden World Awards for agencies working with the public sector,[14][15][16] secured a European Excellence Award in "Change Communications",[17] and was recognized at the Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards in the "Social Projects" category.[18] The award was given for the concept and communication campaign of the #FraudOff (#atkrāpies) movement.[19] That same year, the agency earned a Bronze award at the Mi:t&links Baltic Communication Awards for its "Celebrity Box" project in the "Digital Communications" category.[20][21][22]

In 2019, the agency continued its streak of excellence by winning the IPRA Golden World Awards in the category "Integration of Traditional and New Media".[23][24][25][8]

In 2021, the agency won the European Excellence Award in the "Change Communications" category,[26] and received three IPRA Golden World Awards in the categories of "Social Media", "Influencer Management" and "Integration of Traditional and New Media".[5][27][28] All three awards were given for the communication campaign "Be Real!" ("Esi reāls!"), developed for the Consumer Rights Protection Centre of Latvia and aimed to encourage critical thinking about social media content.[29][30]

In 2023, the agency won four IPRA Golden World Awards in the categories of "Integration of Traditional and New Media", "Public Affairs", "Public Sector", and "Healthcare".[31][32][33]

The agency rebranded in 2023, changing its name from "A. W. Olsen & Partners" to "Olsen+Partners"[34][35][36] with a renewed focus on trust-building.[37]

Olsen+Partners excels in both corporate communication and public sector campaigns,[38][39] delivering impactful strategies that build trust and drive meaningful results.



Olsen+Partners was established by Gints Lazdins and Olga Kazaka, who have backgrounds in corporate communication and trust management.

Olga Kazaka, who holds a PhD in Communication Science, is a sought-after lecturer on corporate communication, leadership, corporate culture, and trust management. From 2011 to 2024, she taught courses on Corporate Communication and Organizational Culture at the University of Latvia.

O. Kazaka is the author of the First PR Book published in Latvian (“Pirmā PR grāmata”) and Russian ("Первая книга о PR") as well as scientific and business publications.[40][41] Her work has been featured in various publications, including articles on strategic communication and leadership in the PR industry,[42] and the significance of brand identity.[43] She is invited as a speaker at conferences and seminars, including international events, and has served as a juror for various international competitions.[44][45][46][47]

Gints Lazdins has a bachelor's degree in political science and a master's degree in Cultural Management. He has been advising organisations from the private, public, and municipal sectors since 2002,[24][48] directing the approval of several legislative initiatives, and advising companies in Latvia in crisis communication.[7]


  1. ^ "Kāds ir jūsu zīmola solījums?". Dienas Bizness (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  2. ^ "Pasaulē labākās aģentūras vadītāja Olga Kazaka: Vajag pievienot slepeno mērcīti". www.santa.lv. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  3. ^ LASAP (2024-11-02). "5 kļūdas, no kurām izvairīties, izstrādājot komunikācijas stratēģiju 2025. gadam". LASAP (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
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  5. ^ a b "PTAC pasūtītā influenceru kampaņa triumfē prestižā konkursā". www.delfi.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  6. ^ LASAP (2019-07-15). "A. W. Olsen & Partners un LTAB kampaņa saņēmusi visprestižāko komunikācijas balvu pasaulē". LASAP (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  7. ^ a b "A. W.Olsen & Partners maina nosaukumu". Dienas Bizness (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-10-31.
  8. ^ a b "IPRA | GWA Winners". www.ipra.org. Retrieved 2024-10-31.
  9. ^ "Provokācija atmaksājas". Dienas Bizness (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  10. ^ "Noskaidroti "Baltic PR Awards 2011" uzvarētāji". jauns.lv (in Latvian). 2011-05-19. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  11. ^ "Baltic PR Awards Latvija demonstrē pārliecinošu pārākumu". Dienas Bizness (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  12. ^ "Sociālā kampaņa par nodokļu nomaksu ieguvusi Eiropas Izcilības balvu". jauns.lv (in Latvian). 2016-12-09. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  13. ^ "Winnerlist 2016 | European Excellence Awards". Retrieved 2024-11-26.
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  15. ^ "Latvijā izveidota pasaulē labākā valsts sektora komunikācijas kampaņa". Dienas Bizness (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-10-31.
  16. ^ "Latvian agency A. W. Olsen & Partners wins IPRA Golden World Awards 2018". The Baltic Course | Baltic States news & analytics. Retrieved 2024-10-31.
  17. ^ "Winnerlist 2018 | European Excellence Awards". 2018-11-06. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  18. ^ lvportals.lv. "Kampaņas #Atkrāpies! uzmanības centrā – darba kultūra - LV portāls". lvportals.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  19. ^ "FM kampaņa '#Atkrāpies' saņēmusi starptautisku apbalvojumu". www.delfi.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  20. ^ "Noskaidrotas sociālajos tīklos populārākās Latvijas slavenības". www.lsm.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  21. ^ "Slavenākais latvietis sociālajos tīklos – Stass Davidovs". www.delfi.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  22. ^ "Top 10: Latviešu slavenības, kurām virtuāli seko visvairāk cilvēku". Slavenības (in Latvian). 2015-09-09. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  23. ^ LASAP (2019-07-15). "A. W. Olsen & Partners un LTAB kampaņa saņēmusi visprestižāko komunikācijas balvu pasaulē". LASAP (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  24. ^ a b "Latvijas satiksmes drošības kampaņa saņem visprestižāko PR balvu pasaulē". www.santa.lv. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  25. ^ "Latvijas satiksmes drošības kampaņa saņēmusi visprestižāko PR balvu pasaulē". iauto.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  26. ^ "Winners 2021 | European Excellence Awards". Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  27. ^ Kazaka, Olga (2021-08-02). "Latvijas PR kampaņai trīs balvas pasaules sabiedrisko attiecību konkursā". LASAP (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  28. ^ "IPRA | GWA Winners". www.ipra.org. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  29. ^ "Latvijas PR kampaņai trīs balvas pasaules sabiedrisko attiecību konkursā | Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centrs". www.ptac.gov.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  30. ^ lvportals.lv. "PTAC: Uzsākta kampaņa "Esi reāls!" par influenceru mārketingu - LV portāls". lvportals.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  31. ^ "SPKC kampaņa ieguvusi balvu pasaules sabiedrisko attiecību jomas konkursā | Slimību profilakses un kontroles centrs". www.spkc.gov.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  32. ^ "Kampaņai "Pārvērt pārdrošību par drošību!" piešķirta balva lielākajā starptautiskajā sabiedrisko attiecību jomas konkursā". esparveselibu.lv (in Latvian). 2023-09-05. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  33. ^ "IPRA | GWA Winners". www.ipra.org. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  34. ^ LASAP (2023-08-24). "„A. W.Olsen & Partners" maina nosaukumu uz „Olsen+Partners"". LASAP (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  35. ^ "Foto: Tēla pucēšanas meistari sarīko sev ballīti Rīgas centrā". www.delfi.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  36. ^ "A.W. Olsen & Partners ēra ir beigusies, dodot vietu jaunai ērai - Olsen+Partners!". jauns.lv (in Latvian). 2023-08-25. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
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  38. ^ "Pasaulē labākās aģentūras vadītāja Olga Kazaka: Vajag pievienot slepeno mērcīti". www.santa.lv. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
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  40. ^ LASAP (2019-10-14). "Ir iznākusi "Pirmā PR grāmata"". LASAP (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  41. ^ "Olga Kazaka: Vai varam uz 'Tu'?". www.delfi.lv (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  42. ^ "Pasaulē labākās aģentūras vadītāja Olga Kazaka: Vajag pievienot slepeno mērcīti". www.santa.lv. Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  43. ^ "Kāds ir jūsu zīmola solījums?". Dienas Bizness (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
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  45. ^ "Olga Kazaka". Sarunu festivāls LAMPA (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.
  46. ^ Trainify Latvia (2021-03-20). Olga Kazaka | Iedvesma un Jaud | Trainify. Retrieved 2024-11-26 – via YouTube.
  47. ^ multinews lv (2023-12-27). Sijā auzas | Olga Kazaka: "Uzticība ir ļoti svarīga". Retrieved 2024-11-26 – via YouTube.
  48. ^ LASAP (2019-07-15). "A. W. Olsen & Partners un LTAB kampaņa saņēmusi visprestižāko komunikācijas balvu pasaulē". LASAP (in Latvian). Retrieved 2024-11-26.