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Talk:Fatafehi ʻo Lapaha

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Another Claim with NO Inline Citation by Anacrossan


This article have no inline citation and also another host for the Namoa was King or King Kong claim by Anacrossan. The Namoa was King claim was deleted along with the Namoa article as it was not verified after 3 years in existence. The article Talakaipau, Hala 'o Vave are in AfD as it is also host for the same discredit claim.

The genealogy of this article is disputed with the Genealogy of Tonga as in the main references.

References to Mr Thomas meeting with Fatafehi is also disputed as the reference does not clearly pointed that out who was the Tu'i Tonga Fefine.

How can we be sure of these years mention in the article


1777 Capt Cook landed in Tonga and recorded some of the activities in Tonga.

1797 London Missionaries arrived in Tonga and recorded some of these events. George Vason spent four years in Tonga and publish his first book in 1810.

1822 Mr Lawry arrived in Tonga but left in 1823.

1826: London Missionary Society members from Tahiti (Hape & Tafeta) was detained in Nuku'alofa. Mr Thomas and Mr Hutchinson arrived and stayed in Tongatapu at Hihifo.

1827: Mr Turner and Mr Gross arrived in Nuku'alofa and took over the Mission from the LMS Tahitian.

The years that mention in the article is not references to these writing and how can this be correct as the Tongan dont even know how to tell time or read a calendar....lol..Puakatau (talk) 04:09, 29 September 2010 (UTC) Puakatau (talk) 03:58, 29 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Rewrite the article with inline citation


I have taken liberty to rewrite the article with inline citation. This article will reflect and supported by other sources.

Captain cook visited in 1777 and recorded that the brother is around 12 years old. So Fatafehi could have been born around 1777. The last article attributed Mr Thomas's Tui Tonga Fefine to Fatafehi 'o Lapaha in 1826. Fatafehi 'o Lapaha will be over 49 years and still possible to be still alive when Mr Thomas arrived. I will replace that section at a later stage.Puakatau (talk) 21:48, 12 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]



In reference to my article, the excerpt from the memoir of Rev.John Thomas(1827), quoted: April 16th, 1827." This morning we were visited by the greatest woman in Tonga. She is called the Tu'itonga fifini and is the sister of the late Tu'itonga Tangata; and the person who is now called Tu'itonga is her nephew. The China umbrella we gave her, she said was the same kind that Captain Cook brought.." In reference to this quotation from memoir of Rev. John Thomas, this is exactly proven and parallel to what I already documented on the written article. That Fatafehi 'o Lapaha was born in 1735. She was there when Captain Cook arrived in Tonga in 1777. As in reference to Fatafehi'o Lapaha comment when receiving the umbrella as gift from Rev.John Thomas that," The China umbrella we gave her she said was the same kind that Captain Cook brought.." This means that the china umbrella given to Fatafehi 'o Lapaha by the missionaries, Rev.John Thomas brings memory to Fatafehi 'o Lapaha the Tu'itonga fefine that this was similar to umbrella she was given by Captain Cook in 1777.This also confirms that Fatafehi 'o Lapaha was already old enough during Captain Cook time to recognise the details of the umbrella given to her as gift by Captain Cook. Contradicting Puakatau's version that Fatafehi was born in 1777 and still a newborn?

May I point out that Fatafehi 'o Lapaha is my great-great-great grandmother. I am a direct descendant of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha the last Tu'itonga Fefine and King Mumui Tu'iKanokupolu. I know since from childhood my Family History, my roots and ancestors. I grew up with the details and knowledge of my family genealogy.

So, this Puakatau version on Fatafehi 'o Lapaha that Fatafehi 'o Lapaha was born in 1777 or later is absolute dumb and does not add up.

Also,one can even examine the other articles that stolen and rewrite by Puakatau. For example the Aleamotu'a article.The article on Aleamotu'a is now full of lies and biasness of Puakatau. Also the article on Nuku'alofa, where it is now full of myths and lies that made up by Puakatau. Again another article stolen and rewrite by Puakatau is the article on King George Tupou 1, is another example of lies and extreme biasness of Puakatau's style of writing.

One starts to question,is this Puakatau's style and techniques of writing/editing of lies and biasness into articles he stolen, affect the credibility of Wikipedia?

To conclude this, I am going to rewrite again the FATAFEHI 'O LAPAHA article, to its original and genuine status. It's up to Wikipedia to make the judgment whether to allow the lies and biasness of Puakatau versions or my geunine and unbias version on my great-great grandmother, Fatafehi 'o Lapaha the last Tu'itonga fefine or the last female monarch from the Tu'itonga dynasty of Tonga.

Anacrossan (talk) 21:38, 26 October 2010 (UTC) Anacrossan (talk) 21:52, 26 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The Recorded Tongan History


The history version of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha was written with as much inline citation that can be referenced. This version is more inline with Tongan custom as the Female Sacred King only married to the chiefs from the clan of House of Fiji or Falefisi. The offspring from these union are the Tamaha (Sacred Child).

The version by Anacrossan is a family self claim of Namoa was King which was discredit and deleted under the Namoa, Fale 'o Vave and Talakaipau articles. The original author used biased family original researched and her claim is not with anyt inline citation. Puakatau (talk) 20:17, 27 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Captain Cook Referenced

Captain Cook never recorded a Fatafehi 'o Lapaha and thats is why we can not referenced it so. Captain Cook only recorded the son which was around 12 years old at that time.

Tongan can only referenced date that early to Capt Cook's writing and George Vason's writing. The referenced of Anacrossan of dates and ages are all myths as her grannies were only learn how to read and tell days and times after 1926 when the Methodist Missionaries arrives...lol..

King Mumui had over 20 children with about over 8 ladies and none of the ladies was a Female Sacred King as in the Genealogy of Tonga recorded by Missionaries as dictated by the Tamaha 'Amelia and published from the Cocker's Genealogy site. King Mumui was installed by his son Tuku'aho and all these were written by George Vason in 1879 and published in 1810....lol..Puakatau (talk) 20:26, 27 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

20 children by Mumui, according to Puakatau! where is the evidence ??

I am amazed at this stupid and unreliable claims by Puakatau. Puakatau may be I have to think of suing you for millions of dollars for false claims and defamation. May be the court of Law will resolve your false claims and defamation of my family! It is a fact that Fatafehi 'o Lapaha is my great great great grandmother. Who are you to tell me I'm not. How can you know me if you don't even know you and your family?

Your version that Fatafehi was a newborn during Captain Cook. Please refer to Memoir of Rev. John Thomas mentioning the umbrella gift he gave to Fatafehi 'o lapaha. Also in his same memoir he mentioned that Taufa'ahau & Tupou carrying Fatafehi 'o Lapaha to the chapel because she is old ! Stop the rubbish and going on about online citation, what a rubbish argument from you. Your quotaion from the Cocker genealogy is from a very unreliable source which its has so many faults and false claims.

I am not going to waste my time talking on and on to an idiot liar like you !

The proof is you writings on articles you stolen from others, like the Aleamotu'a, Nuku'alofa, Tupou 1, etc. They are full of lies ! and biasness. Anyone reading your writings knows well the lies and extreme biasness of your article!

Anacrossan (talk) 08:25, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Anacrossan (talk) 08:33, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Addition to my comment above regarding this false claims by the so called puakatau !

Puaktau in where that Captain Cook ever mentioned a 12 years old boy/ or male ?

Capatain Cook did mentioned of meeting Tu'ipulotu,the only and young brother of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha. According to documentation of Captain Cook, Tu'ipulotu was an adult male.

In reference to 1926 that Tongans or what just learn to write, as argued by puakatau ! May I point out that if you look at the archives that stored the missionaries records, you will find that quite a few Tongans already know how to write in a very articulate writngs. Some of them may either learn before schools set up in Tonga at Havelu, Hofoa in 1826 !. Some of archives like Mitchell library in Syndey, New Zealand, etc. have evidence of letters written by Tongans and in perfect writings. Even the baptism records of Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga 1838- 1900s, showed that Tongans knew how to write perfectly.

Why are you depending on online citation, Lazy ! Get off your backside and search for original records on Tonga rather then depending on your online false and unreliable sources like Cocker genealogy, etc.

I am not going to waste my time going on and on discussing with a fake like you puakatau! Go and find out about your little family history rather then your trying to tell lies on other families whom they already knew well about their own histories!

To wikipedia panel its up to you whether you accept an extreme bias and false version of puakatau, or the truth that I wrote on Fatafehi 'o Lapaha, my great great great grandmother. Not only that I have already provide an independent quotation/ source i.e., from memoir of missionary Rev.John Thomas, 1827.

Anacrossan (talk) 09:48, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I decide to add a bit more to this discussion.Fatafehi 'o Lapaha, my great-great-great grandmother as recorded by the memoir of missionary, Rev.John Thomas was the only paternal auntie of Laufilitonga, the last Tu'itonga from the Tu'itonga dynasty. It was also recorded in Rev.John Thomas that Fatafehi 'o Lapaha the last Tu'itonga fefine or the last female monarch from the Tu'itonga dynasty was the only sister and only auntie of the last Tu'itonga, Laufilitonga.

In comparison to Puakatau's comment that according to his sources from the Cocker genealogy and Tonga Genealogy ?? etc. that Fuanuinuiava was a son of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha. This Puakatau's version does not add up at all to what has been documented on the memoir of Rev.John Thomas, 1827. As the memoir of the Rev.John Thomas has clearly identified and recorded that, Laufilitonga was the nephew of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha. Laufilitonga's father was Tu'ipulotu, the only brother of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha.

If this already documented in Rev. John Thomas's memoir in 1827, that the nephew of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha, Laufilitonga was the current Tu'itonga,then this is quite a contradictory to Puakatau's claim that Fatafehi's son was King Fuanuinuiava Tu'itonga.

Also, the sources and refernces provided by Puakatau are so unreliable and fake therefore should be disregarded.Also the claim by Puakatau that his sources were originated from some Tamaha Amelia Ahomee in 1840s are all fake ! As Amelia he is referring to was never a Tamaha as he claim so as his sources like the Cocker genealogy and Tonga genealogy.They all unreliable sources.

I think I am not going to continuously participate on this discussion. I think that my input in this is enough. As I am very busy to able to participate on an ongoing discussion on a subject that I already stated that, what I have provided for the article of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha are genuine, consistent and reliable. Also, I have strong dies to the subject because Fatafehi 'o Lapaha is my great- great -great grandmother. I am a direct descendant and fourth grandchild of hers.

Anacrossan (talk) 23:14, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Anacrossan (talk) 23:21, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The article was revert to article with inline citation

Anacrossan have provided alot of information but did not provide inline citation to support her claim. Her claimed was also dicredit and deleted with her other article as it lacked inline citation after three years and she still can not verified her claim.

Anacrossan information is Original Research which is not accepted by Wikipedia to be published unless the information is published by a independent third party. Anacrossan have try to published it thru bebo bt it is laugh at by most Tongan as someone blowing her own trumpet.

Just asking Anacrossan is she is so called related to the Royal Family, can she showed here thru Talk how she is related to the Royal Family.

The citation by Mr Thomas is quoted but Mr Thomas did not metion the names of the Fe3male Sacred King he met.

The writing by Tongans was all post 1826 as that was when Mr Thomas and the Methodist missionaries set up school. For Tongan to use caledar before 1777 is a farce. The earliest record of Tongan are all by europeans including Capt Cook in 1777, no Tongan can read or write at this time. So how can she verified the birthdate she quoted and the timeline she used if the only date can be verified by Capt Cook which is not in his writing?...LOL... It is called by researcher that is when you pluck it from your bum and dress it up as a fact...lol..

Anacrossan, please provide inline citation for your claim and this will be a short discussion, if not, dont change the article until you have find some VERIFICATION for your SO CALLED CLAIMED. Puakatau (talk) 15:25, 30 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]


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