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Please don't edit this page: If you need to leave a message, please put it here.


Meatpuppet Template


That was my fault. I used the "MeatPuppet1" template and just copied it and changed some of the wording. Since I am not good with all the templates and what not, if I don't know what it does, I leave it be. That was part of it. My apologizes on that. I am still learning the ins and outs of the templates and whatnot.

Again, my apolgizes. Hope my goof up didn't goof anything else up. Take care....SVRTVDude (VT) 04:20, 2 May 2007 (UTC)

Yankee Game


That was one amazing game. --TeckWiz is now R ParlateContribs@(Let's go Yankees!) 02:45, 5 May 2007 (UTC)

May I ask you a question, would you consider your password to be weak? Ryan Postlethwaite 02:47, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
I've changed it. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 02:53, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
Was it weak to start with? Ryan Postlethwaite 02:53, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
No, and nobody has attempted to steal it. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 02:56, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
I am no longer logged into the IP AndyZ used. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 03:13, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

Given the checkuser results, do you have any explanation other than the obvious? ViridaeTalk 11:22, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

Please don't post another unblock request, they are not helping you. I (and others) are watching this page so any explanation you might provide will be seen. There is further discussion on my talk page if you want to take a look. ViridaeTalk 13:32, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

Buick, I've emailed you in case you didn't know. It really is important that we get a full and honest explanation if you want to have a chance at your account being unblocked. Might I suggest you make a full statement on this page regarding the exact role you played in last nights events, as people have stated already, the checkuser evidence does seam to clearly show that you were involved. Ryan Postlethwaite 14:54, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
Seeing that a couple of you are considering an unblock, here is my account. I was sorting through recent changes and I noticed the main page was blank. Puzzled I entered the question "what happened to the main page?" I noticed something was wrong when my IP was autoblocked when AndyZ got blocked. I figured someone had used my wireless connection to logon to the account and pull the block prank. I am always logged onto this account and I use no other. That's why I was disturbed by the fact the some people concluded that the other account was from me. All CU said was both account came from the dsame IP. Some even suspected the IP was dynamic. I am not capable of hacking accounts and given my history, I would not try such a thing. Since this happened I secured the connection so outsiders can no longer log in without my knowledge. You can be assured any further edits that come from the IP are mine, unless I get reassgined another IP. If that happens, I will let you know. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 21:02, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
Your IP appears to be somewhat dynamic, the IP you used to post the message on your userpage is different to the one that had also been used by your account (shown by checkuser). ViridaeTalk 23:48, 7 May 2007 (UTC)



I'm doing what I can BCD, but I can't ignore the evidence on the CU. The deleted main page was not from your IP, it was from an open proxy. The block of Ryulong was from your IP, and check user showed that the only edits from that IP were from you. You said someone hacked into your wireless connection, well, that would mean they would have to be within around 50 metres of you. Here's what I think happened;

  • The original main page deletion was from an unknown user that had compromised the account.
  • You saw the edit summary of the deletion and realised that you now knew his password so logged into the account and blocked Ryulong (maybe as a joke).

I can't see any other explanation, especially when you and therefore your IP, were involved (by the recreation of the main page) prior to the Ryulong block. Is there anything else you want to tell us, or have you anymore information? Ryan Postlethwaite 22:34, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

I have none, I only realised this happened after the autoblock. All I know is that I am always logged in from this account. I even changed the password. Someone had to have used my wireless connection, our houses are closes to each other. I closed the connection to outsiders, so nobody other than me can use the connection. I really appreciate your help and I assure you this won't happen again, at least from my IP. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 22:58, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
Speaking as the creator of the hacked account, I believe that BuickCenturyDriver was not involved in this. Sorry for all the troubles my stupidity in creating a password has caused. (User:AndyZ) 23:26, 7 May 2007 (UTC)
Hmm, I agree with Ryan. I think that you toyed with the account, it is the only sensible explanation. I urge you to admit it if that is the truth. I assume good faith that you are not the cracker, but I do believe you exploited it. Teke 00:38, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
I wish you had been more careful, if you were none of this would have happened. I wish my IP was more secure, then I wouldn't have had some looney use your account to pull the prank. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 00:45, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
If it was an open wireless connection, then there would have to be another wikipedian within 300 feet of your router who was watching the main page, saw AndyZ's password in the deletion log, and decided to play a prank. However, since the only edits on that IP were yours, that hypothetical wikipedian must have been sitting around not editing and just waiting for something interesting to happen. I think it is possible that you saw the password and decided to play a prank with it. Very embarassing to admit, I guess, but the alternatives are difficult to believe. Thatcher131 00:50, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
I've got to re-iterate here, you blocked Ryulong on AndyZ's account - the evidence is clear, no-one is going to accept that you didn't, the CU evidence is clear, especially, as I've previously stated, you were involved before the Ryulong block was made. Have a think about things, then consider coming back with a truthfull account of what happened. Ryan Postlethwaite 00:52, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
I don't know if I was unclear on my previous post (judging by Teke's comment), but I'm on a non-comprimised account now, and this is AndyZ. I do believe that BCD was uninvolved in this incident, unless we can dig up any history between BCD and Ryulong (otherwise, why not go straight to User:Jimbo Wales like Robdurbar had done?). APR t (User:AndyZ's semi-bot account) 01:03, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
The points not that he compromised the account, it's the fact that once he knew it was compromised, he logged in using password and blocked Ryulong, possibly as a joke, but the evidence is clear that he did that. Ryan Postlethwaite 01:06, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
(unindenting) Yes, I realize that. Again, I don't see any motive behind blocking User:Ryulong (at least not of yet). APR t 01:08, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
And neither do I, that's what I find hard to believe, but the CU evidence suggests differently. Ryan Postlethwaite 01:10, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
Okay, well talk privately. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 01:33, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

Assuming BCD is not the original cracker (which seems likely per Ryan's "moment of madness" scenario), there is still no plausible mechanism to explain the use of the IP. This IP has minimal Wikipedia edits (all seemingly BCD forgetting to log in), and things like Google don't reveal any publicity or usage as an open proxy, etc. It would strain credulity that someone had rumbled BCD's wireless as an open access point, refrained from using it on Wikipedia (or seemingly, anywhere else), but still just happened to be watching Wikipedia closely enough to take advantage of AndyZ's password within two minutes (posted in the Main page deletion summary at 19:32, Ryulong was blocked at 19:34). On the other hand, BCD was doing vandal patrol at that time, and noted the main page missing[1] at 19:33, one minute before the Ryulong block. Anyone looking into why the page was blanked would run into the summary comment with the password. Short of the CheckUser being incorrect in attributing the Ryulong block to BCD's IP address, BCD having some unknown motive for choosing Ryulong (and as a prank it needn't be anything too serious) is much less difficult to believe than the "the dog ate my bandwidth" story. - Quietvoice 01:36, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

I know IRC isn't binding, and my account of IRC is doubly not so, but I think it is worth mentioning that last night as all this was first coming down, BCD (or someone on the same IP address from the checkuser using his same name) assured us all on #wikipedia-en that his computer was 100% secure and, among other things, that his connection was wired only. Given that, I am surprised to see a wireless connection entering into the discussion. Between our conversations last night on IRC and this stuff back and forth here, I am not really inclined to support an unblock. (ESkog)(Talk) 01:55, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
It would shock some to hear that there are people don't have any idea what kind of connection they have, but it's true. My questions are: What happens if this account is unblocked? How would unblocking this account harm Wikipedia? BCD, if you were unblocked right now, what would you do? ehdh 03:35, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
I found in you contributions log here that you created the accounts User:Dalsuke Matsuzake, User:Manyramirez, and User:Jaos2 in January. Did they have a different password from yours? Tim Q. Wells 04:40, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

Look at his contributions, though. He's reverted a lot of vandalism and given many warnings, why would he do something like that? If his account was unblocked, it wouldn't harm wikipedia in any way, shape, or form...only help it. I was not here for the whole thing, but I have read everything on this talk page and know what happened at this point..so that's just my 2 cents. Bsroiaadn 04:42, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

I hesitate to muddy the waters further, but something that happened to me yesterday might (or might not, sorry to be wishywashy) be on point. I reverted a vandal, but during my reversion, another, different piece of vandalism (which wasn't there before) snuck in. This was quickly reverted, and I assumed I just reverted to the wrong version, but I spent quite a bit of time reviewing what I did wrong and never could find the version I reverted to. The servers/software/whatever were also acting weird yesterday, freezing my browser up a time or two.
To make a long story short, I know absolutely nothing about the technology behind a wiki, but it seems to me the only explanation to what happened to me is that the software "hiccuped" because the vandal and I posted at nearly the same moment, and we got this melange edit instead of an edit conflict. Isn't it possible, given BCD's clean history, that something similar happened to him? At least, per Occam's razor, it has the benefit of being simpler than "he suddenly went nuts", and it wouldn't be the first time I've had pretty odd results saving a page.
Someone with actual, you know, knowledge of what they're talking about can confirm/reject the technical likelihood of this.--barneca (talk) 12:57, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
Seems plausible to me. Given Buick's previous history I would say it seems likely. ViridaeTalk 13:23, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
Actually, after reading the discussion about this on AIV, I see there’s simply too much other stuff going on for it to be a one-time glitch. So, I guess, “nevermind”. --barneca (talk) 14:29, 8 May 2007 (UTC)
If I was unblocked, I'd go back to doing what i've been doing, reverting vandalism and keeping the baseball schedules up to date. I've been communicating with Ryan and will talk tomorrow. See you then. BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 23:32, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

Are you using a Wi-Fi connection that is either unprotected or protected with WEP? If so, your nonexistent or weak security allowed some prankster to use AndyZ's account with your IP. If you do, please switch to WPA or WPA2. It is also possible that your computer is zombified. Jesse Viviano 00:01, 9 May 2007 (UTC)

Jesse, leave it till tomorrow. Ryan Postlethwaite 00:01, 9 May 2007 (UTC)

In repsonse to Jesse Viviano, my connection is now protected.

I would like to make a statement regarding the role I played in User:AndyZ's account being compromised. I initially saw the main page get deleted from Andy's account with the summary displaying his password, I immediately created the main page saying where is the main page so it would not be blank. I was intrigued to know what an administrator account was like, so I logged into AndyZ's account using his password that had just been disclosed. I then blocked the 1st user I came across, which unfortunately was User:Ryulong, this was not meant to be mallicious, it was simply to see what it was like to block someone. I accept that doing this was completely wrong of me, I have been thinking about it since the minute it happened, if I could turn back time I would, but I can't. I appologise to the whole community, I really hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, and please be aware - this will never happen again. Thank you for your time, BuickCenturydriver (Honk, contribs) 19:58, 9 May 2007 (UTC)

From my perspective, the above apology would have carried considerably more weight if you'd expressed it immediately. Instead, you continually lied to the community, thereby triggering lengthy (and often heated) discussions that wasted numerous contributors' time—time that could have been spent improving the encyclopedia (instead of debating your involvement in the incident and constructing all sorts of elaborate theories as to what occurred).
Furthermore, given the fact that you've been lying to us, why should we believe you now? How do we know that you aren't the original account hijacker (and simply neglected to switch back to your open proxy before you blocked Ryulong)? —David Levy 20:13/20:18, 9 May 2007 (UTC)
I agree this is a very serious situation, and he has wasted the communities time with this, I really wish that he could have come up with this sooner. I have to assume good faith with this, and say I don't believe he was the account hacker. Furthermore, I have been in email contact with BCD regarding this and it is obvious that he expresses utter remorse for the situation, he has simply been too scared to comment further on this. I would personally support an unblock, if BCD promised this would never happen again, the block now stands as a punishment, it is not protective. Ryan Postlethwaite 20:54, 9 May 2007 (UTC)
BCD, you were under incredible pressure to admit things. Getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar is always an embarrassing situation. A late admission of guilt is much better than not admitting to things. Yes, admitting this right away would have been much, much better, but we can't change things now. And the fact that BCD did not block every person he encountered until the acct was desysopped does also help me to believe this. In weighing everything, I too will support an unblock (non-admin that I am). I think BCD (as editor) was a valuable contributor, and hopefully will be again. If unblocked, I suspect BCD will have more people watching over his shoulder than almost any other user. I hope BCD can regain our trust, and an unblock will allow him to do so. Flyguy649talkcontribs 22:38, 9 May 2007 (UTC)
Note: I copied my above comment to WP:ANI#User:BuickCenturyDriver. Flyguy649talkcontribs 23:55, 9 May 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for the admittance and apology, that is very mature and appreciated. Teke 04:46, 12 May 2007 (UTC)



Given BCD's apology, and absent any compelling evidence he was the original cracker of AndyZ's account, I think it's reasonable to unblock him, and I've done so. Chick Bowen 00:13, 10 May 2007 (UTC)

You beat me to it by seconds. ViridaeTalk 00:14, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
And me - Alison 00:16, 10 May 2007 (UTC)



To BCD: at least four admins have now put their reputations on the line to support your unblocking. Don't let us down, ok? - Alison 00:16, 10 May 2007 (UTC)

  • Make that five. BCD has been incredibly silly, but I think has probably learned from the experience. Time for a dose of WP:AGF, tempered by some watchfulness. BCD, please, if anything like this happens again, what you do is change the password immediately and then report it using your own account to WP:ANI. Guy (Help!) 07:00, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
  • And one non-admin whose chances at RfA are shot after AGFing with you, Buick. And I have to agree with Guy. It's what User:Mark did with AndyZ. ~Crazytales 12:14, 10 May 2007 (UTC)

Question about AFD


Hello. You were recently involved in a deletion review and subsequently overturned the deletion of the Still Pending article about a month ago: Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/2007 April 17. The article has been nominated again, this time in AFD (Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Still_Pending_(2nd)). I'm pretty new to this, so bear with me, but I don't really understand why a recently overturned deletion would again be nominated in such short order. Can you help me to understand? Also, please feel free to join the AFD discussion, if you wish. Thank you. Stampsations 21:58, 10 May 2007 (UTC)

The new information added to the article meant people now thought it possible that it could be notable, however someone doesn't agree (obviously) having nominated it again. The old afd was on the old incarnation, the newest on the new incarnation. (hope you don't mind me answering BCD) ViridaeTalk 23:32, 10 May 2007 (UTC)