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Sociopathy is a widely known disorder that affects the functioning of the character of an individual and has been known to cause social strife. Sociopathy is mainly known for causing antisocial behavior among persons. Some of the traits of sociopathy that have been researched upon by word renowned scientists include a total absence of remorse as well as the lack of guilt. Sociopaths do not feel sorry for any heinous acts they commit and are pretty much comfortable with negative aspects of life. The initial sociopaths were first known by German Koch who asserted that the condition was as consequences of a bad birth makeup that caused an individual to behave as such. As such the scientist was able to propel the notion of sociopaths in the society we are in today.

Unfortunately, the cause of sociopathic behavior is widely unknown and it is termed as a mental illness that causes health issues. However, sociopathy has been attributed to a variety of mental characteristics with dysfunctionality in the family being a major proponent of the condition. It is therefore consistent to indicate that environmental factors have a huge bearing on the development of the condition. Genes however can be attributed as the main causes of the disease.

It is sad however that there is no known cure for the condition of sociopathy as there are no documented medications that have been known to cure the ailment. Therapy has been known to mitigate the factors but only to a limited extent as it can actually make the condition worse. Sociopaths are normal people and should be treated with a lot of love and care.