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You stink, you are fired: A company told an Intern.

Kuala Lumpur: An international company in Wangsa Maju has fired an African student who was performing her Internship for four months. A (22) young lady from Lagos faced this two weeks before she finished her internship. The decision has affected her performance because she was almost done, so she got no marks for it. “It’s okay. Now here is the form I want you (Company) to state that you are firing me because I stink” said poor girl. “I stopped using all my perfumes because you kept complaining to me and now this is what I get”? She questioned. However, other interns from Sudan and Pakistan were astonished with such as incident and developed a worry on whether they will be able to finish their internship safely or not. This is so unprofessional. I just started; I was told the company has fired a total of 5 interns including her. Yesterday I witnessed a Sudanese guy punched the boss. I am scared I have no idea what is going to happen” asked a Pakistan girl. Source: http://www.kjournaliste.com/#!news/c1el9