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Language of the Day[edit]

Cirth Writing on Balin's Tombstone
Cirth Writing on Balin's Tombstone

Khuzdul is a constructed language devised by J. R. R. Tolkien. It is one of the many fictional languages set in Middle-earth. It was the secret language of the Dwarves.

Tolkien noted some similarities between Dwarves and Jews: both were "at once natives and aliens in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue…". Tolkien also commented of the Dwarves that "their words are Semitic obviously, constructed to be Semitic." Tolkien based Khuzdul on Semitic languages. Like these, Khuzdul has triconsonantal roots: √KhZD "dwarf", √BND "head", √ZGL "silver (colour)". Also other similarities to Hebrew in phonology and morphology have been observed. Although only a very limited vocabulary is known, Tolkien mentioned that he had developed the language to a certain extent. A small amount of material on Khuzdul phonology and root modifications has survived and will be published in the future.

In the fictional setting of Middle-earth, little is known of Khuzdul (once written Khuzdûl), the Dwarves kept it secret, except for place names and a few phrases such as their battle-cry: Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu! meaning Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you! Find out more...

Did you know...[edit]

...that Adjuvilo, although it was a fully developed language, was merely created to help create dissent in the then-growing Ido movement?
...that Winston Churchill initially supported Basic English as an international language, but was put off when he was told that "blood, toil, tears and sweat" translates as "blood, hard work, eyewash and body water"?
...that Kēlen is a constructed language that has no verbs, but still is able to express anything?