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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello! This is just another random stranger on the internet who uses Wikipedia and doesn't mind spending time correcting grammatical errors on random articles.

Pages I Worked On


This is not comprehensive, but rather a simple overview of pages on Wikipedia I've helped on. :)

Created Pages
Help Pages

Code (For No Reason)

// Define vars
boredom = 0
currentAction = "None"

// Infinite loop
while (true) {
    if (currentAction == "Working") { // Add boredom while working
        boredom += 1
    } else if (currentAction == "Coding") { // Remove boredom while coding
        boredom -= 1
    } else if (currentAction == "Sleeping") { // Reset boredom while sleeping
        boredom = 0

    // Prevent boredom going above 100 or below 0
    boredom = boredom > 100 ? 100 : boredom < 0 ? 0 : boredom
    console.log(boredom) // Log result



Here are some links that may be useful if you are curious about anything you see on the page.