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User:Wilhelmbk/sandbox/ClearCase ClearQuest

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  • [file://///vms-01\data\F16_Program_Files\F16_WTT\DM\Clearcase\ClearCase_lnstallation.docClearcase/ClearquestInstallation]


  • [file://///vms-01\data\F16_Program_Files\F16_WTT\DM\Clearcase\Overview_Of_ClearCase.doc | Overview Of Clearcase]
  • [file://///vms-01\data\F16_Program_Files\F16_WTT\DM\Clearcase\TSS_CC_UCM_Users_Guide.doc | TSS Clearcase User Guide]
  • Using Beyond Compare with Clearcase

ClearCase Rules

Checking In Files

Do not deliver files to the Integration Stream unless you are at a point where you can action on the associated SCR to "Ready For Review". Break your work into smaller chunks, i.e. more SCRs, if needed.

Common ClearCase Tasks

Moving Files Between Directories

If you need to move files, "do not delete them from the original directory". Instead, follow these steps:

  • Check out the original directory that the files are moving "from".
  • Check out the new directory where the files are moving "to".
  • Either Cut & Paste, or Drag & Drop, the files to the new directory.


  • [file://///vms-01\data\F16_Program_Files\F16_WTT\DM\Clearcase\Modified_CQ_Flow_alt_revl0.jpg Clearquest Flow Chart]
  • [file://///vms-01\data\F16_Program_Files\F16_WTT\DM\Clearcase\TSS_CQ_Usage_Guide.doc TSS Clearquest User Guide]

Common ClearQuest Tasks

Adding Query Filters

This is best shown by an example. Say you wanted to set up a query with the following parameters:

type_of_record = RCR, AR, or SCR    AND
submitted_by  = wilhelmk
type_of_record = DR                 AND
functional   impactlist.responsible_engineer = wilhelmk OR Bihrle
  • Rt-click on Personal Queries, then select New Query.
  • Select Authorization Document, then select Next.
  • In the Fields column, double-click type_of_record to add it to the Filters column.
  • In the Fields column, double-click type_of_record again - it will be added again to the Filters column, and both will be indented under an And condition:
  • Rt-click on the And condition, then change it to Or.
  • In the Fields column, double-click submitted_by to add it to the Filters column - it will be placed directly under the type_of_record entries.
  • Rt-click on submitted_by, and select "Use submitted_by".
  • Rt-click on the upper type_of_record, and select "Group with type_of_record".
  • Expand the first And condition.
  • In the Fields column, expand the functionaljmpactjist entry, then double-click responsible_engineer to add it to the Filters column - it will be placed directly under the lowest type_of_record entry.
  • Rt-click on the lower type_of_record, and select "Use type_of_record".
  • Rt-click on functional_impactlist.responsible_engineer, and select "Group with type_of_record". Expand the lower And condition.
  • Select Next.
  • Expand each condition.
  • Select a given filter, then, in the Define Filters section, select an Operator value of "Equal".
  • Select the "Values" box - a list of applicable values will be displayed for the selected filter. Check each value that should be used as a criterion for that filter (essentially another OR condition of the selected values).
  • Repeat the above two steps for the remaining filter conditions.
Get a list of files associated with a Change Request

As of 1/2014, there is no good way to get a list of files associated with an SCR that you can subsequently copy/paste/manipulate. That is, using the ClearQuest GUI, you can see those files in a pop-up window if you select View Change Set under the Unified Change Management tab, but you can't copy that list to paste into another application. There is also no way to set up a query to get the file names (query results can be exported to a tab-delimited file). You need to use the cleartool command line to get this kind of information, which can be redirected to a text files.

Switch to the S: drive, navigate into your Dev Stream View folder, and run this command:

S:\Views\wilhelmk_WASP_Dev>cleartool lsactivity -I WTT00002254

You should get results similar to the following, which includes the files associated with the SCR:

activity "WTT00002254"
2013-08-09T13:04:38-05 by Wilhelm (wilhelmk.Domain Users@F16WIN03)
"Created automatically as a result of 'Work On' action in ClearQuest"
owner: T4-BLUE\wilhelmk
group: T4-BLUE\Domain Users
stream: wilhelmk_WASP_Dev@\WTT_Proj
title: WASP - Change RT Flight Model Monitor variables for D004o
change set versions:
clearquest record id: WTT00002254
clearquest record State: Closed