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User:Wilhelmbk/sandbox/Getting Started

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Use the Windows Add Printer wizard (Start->Printers and Faxes->Add Printer).

  • Unclassified
Black & white printer is A3325250.
Color printer is A3 844046
  • Classified
Lexmark C772

General File Structure




Server directory containing the files that are under CM. People typically don't check files out from here until they have made changes on their own drives (because checking out in PVCS will prevent other users from checking out/in the same file).



Each person's Linux hard drive is where day-to-day work takes place. You establish (manually create) a "working" directory of your choosing (typically /home/username/wttxxx) to which the CM'd source will be copied.

PVCS You would initially create the directory from a Terminal window on the Linux PC, then make the /t4 link as described next.

ClearCase You would initially create the directory by telling ClearCase where you want to establish your snapshot view to your Development Stream. You then establish these symbolic links, at the root level:

PVCS t4 is a symbolic link to /home/username/wttxxx (i.e. In -s /home/wilhelmk/wtt_sim t4).

ClearCase t4 is a symbolic link to /home/username/wttxxx/WTT_Comp (i.e. In -s /home/wilhelmk/wilhelmk_WASP_Dev/WTT_Comp t4).

Both PVCS and ClearCase BigTac is a Symbolic link to /t4/BigTac

Once these symbolic links are created, you can create a drive mapping on the Windows PC - drive D: is mapped to /t4. However, once this mapping is made on the Windows side, if you then change the /t4 link on the Linux side, you must restart the Samba service (or reboot your Windows PC). To restart the Samba service without rebooting the Windows PC, type the following from a terminal window on the Linux PC, sitting at the root directory:

sudo /sbin/service centrifydc-samba restart

You should see something like the following:

Stopping Samba smbd: [ OK ] 
Stopping Samba winbind: [ OK ]
Stopping Samba nmbd: [ OK ]
Starting Samba nmbd: [ OK ]
Starting Samba winbind: [ OK ]
Starting Samba smbd: [ OK ]

F161inxx/t4 (D drive map on Windows PC) PVCS The directory is initially populated with source code by opening a command prompt on the Windows PC, changing to g:\fl6\common\scripts, and running the getwtt script with no arguments.

ClearCase The directory was initially populated with source code via the creation of a ClearCase

Development Stream. F161inxx/t4/BigTac Contains the BigTac installation.

F161inxx/t4/GCT Initially established by opening a command prompt on the Windows PC, changing to g:\fl6 \common\scripts, and running the getwtt script with an argument of InitGCT.

F161inxx/t4/fl6 F161inxx/t4/f 16/common F161inxx/t4/fl6/lib F161inxx/t4/fl6/mss F161inxx/t4/fl6/product

Note that the need to specify an aircraft configuration (e.g. Block 40, Block 50) was removed in early Fall of 2012 as part of the M6.1 OFP update. This directory contains the "buildable" code for a specific trainer configuration (e.g. wtt, mss, etc. It is mostly symbolic links to the t4/fl 6/common files. It is initially established by opening a command prompt on the Windows PC, changing to D: (which is mapped to the t4 symbolic link on the Linux side), and running the init_product.bat script with arguments appropriate to the trainer you're building. Since the product directory doesn't exist before this script is run for the first time after creating a new directory structure on the Linux side, the full path name to the batch file has to be used. For example, the command to build a WTT load from a Windows command window with the command prompt sitting at D: would be:

PVCS \fl6\common\scripts\init_product.bat wtt ClearCase \f16\common\scripts\baseline.py -cwtt Once the product directory has been created, you need to create a link to the trainer directory: /trainer is a symbolic link to /t4/trainer. F161inxx/t4/trainer F161inxx/t4/trainer/data

Be careful NOT to copy files in this directory from the corresponding G: location. Files here are unique to your desktop environment, while files in G: configure the actual training device. Merge, don't copy! An example is usystemconfig.xml - it is very different on D: than it is on G:. F161inxx/t4/fl6/unc F161inxx/t4/fl 6/wtt_tempfiles

PC Setup


All of the gory details of setting up a PC should eventually be at PC Setup. For now a few items are here: http ://wiki-01 /t4-blue/index.php?title=Getting_Started



A number of applications are kept in one of two repositories on the T4-BLUE server: vms-01 (file://vms-01/data/applications) or wsus-01 (file://wsus-01/depot) Any applications that do not exist in one of these repositories can be found in the outside software cabinet.

Windows Installation


See Windows Installation

Establish Xstart Client Startup on the Windows PC


You need an "Xterm.xs" file on your Windows & Linux PCs to allow you to create a window into the =Linux PC from your Windows PC. There is currently no CM'd version of these files, so you need to copy them from some else's drive.

Windows PC


The file name (of your choosing) goes in the C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Hummingbire\Connectivity\9.00\Exceed\YourChosenName.xs.

Once the file is created, right-click, select Edit, and set the properties as follows:

 Start Method: rlogin  (tcp/ip)
 Program Type: xwindow
 User ID: your windows login name
 Password: your windows password
 Host: f 161 inxx (xx is the number of your Linux PC)
 Host Type: linux
 Command: @ (XTerm,   method=stdappdb)   -display  @d&@;
 Information Prompt: None

Now set up a shortcut to start an XTerm to your Linux PC with the following properties:

Target: C:\Documents and Settings\wilhelmk\Application Data\Hummingbird\Connectivity\9.00\Exceed\ (or wherever you located the .xs file)
Start in: C:\Documents and Settings\wilhelmk\Application Data\Hummingbird\Connectivity\9.00\Exceed\ (or wherever you located the .xs file)

Note that you could locate the .xs file directly on your desktop, in which case you don't need the shortcut.

Linux PC


The file name linux.xs goes in the top-level of your D: drive. Note if you maintain multiple "hard" directories to which you re-map your D: drive, this file must be in each of those directories. http://wiki-01/t4-blue/index.php?title=Getting_Started

Once the file is created, right-click, select Edit, and set the properties as follows:

 Start Method: rlogin (tcp/ip)
 Program Type: Terminal  Emulator
 User ID: your windows login name
 Password: your windows password
 Host Type: linux
 Command: echo   "No  Command"
 Information Prompt: None

DOT Setup


You will need the following software installed on the Windows PC to run the DOT:

  • DirectX
  • DSix software (see Flight Model). Also setup the environment variables for DSix shown on that page.
  • Python (go here (file://vms-01/data/applications/Python))
  • Perl (go to WSUS-01 (file://wsus-01/Depot/), then "Perl 5.8.1 with mods\appl\Perl_with_mods_v5_8_l_32" and run Perl_with_mods_v5_8_l_32.EXE)
  • GCT setup
  • Windows Media 9 Encoder and SDK (CD in binder)
  • Install Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 (see Visual Studio). You will need Visual Studio 2005 to get the .NET Framework 2.0 Security settings, which need to be adjusted to run the DOT. Also make sure you add all the needed Visual Studio directories to your PATH variable.

The following additional setup is required to run the DOT:

  • Add a "els users" group and add your user name to the group. Reboot after this is done.
  • Copy the t4/trainer/data and t4/trainer/block50 folder from someone else's linux PC to your D:\trainer\data and D:\trainer\block50 to get all of the needed data files.
  • Copy someone else's BigTac folder.
  • Make the following file modifications:
    • In D:\trainer\data, modify the PC names in mss_usystemconfig.xml and wtt_usystemconfig.xml to reflect y
    • In D:\trainer\data, set NES_Present to 0 in wtt_cnfgdata.dat and mss_cnfgdata.dat.
    • In D:\trainer\data\disconfig.dat, set Application and Exercise ID to 100 + (your PC number).
    • In D:\BigTac\BTconfig.dat, set Exercise ID to 100 + (your PC number) and set Application ID to (100 * (
  • Move libg2c*.so, libgnat*.so and libgnarl*.so from /usr/lib on someone else's Linux PC to /usr/lib on your Linux PC via scp(ex: "sudo scp username@pchostname:/usr/lib/libgnat*.so /usr/lib").
  • Create desktop shortcuts to startthemss.bat and startthewtt.bat in D:\fl6\common\scripts.

Additionally, you will need to install Totalview on your Linux PC to debug linux tasks (see Totalview).

Changing Your Password


The servers are set up (somehow) so that a change to your Windows-side password also changes your TIT wn i Lim\x-Side- memver y°u chanSe y°ur Windows password, the XTerm shortcuts on both the Windows and Linux PCs must also be changed. Note if you maintain multiple "hard" directories on the Linux-side to which you re-map your D: drive, this file must be changed in each of those directories.

Map Network Drives


In Windows Explorer, click Tools -> Map Network Drive

  • Map D: to the t4 symbolic link on your Linux PC (e.g. \\F161in03\t4)
  • Map G: to \\vms-01\Data\F16_Source_Files
  • MapH:to\\vms-01\Data\F16_Program_Files
  • Map I: to Wvms-01 \Data\F 16_Developer_Files

Environment Variables


Environment Variables


  • build_d: Builds the WTT on your D: drive.
  • build_wtt: Builds the WTT on the G: drive.
  • dsfupdate_d: Updates the symbols database and generates *.i and *.h files in the /f 16/product/include/autogen folder.
  • dsfupdate_wtt: Same function as dsfupdate_d but for the G: drive.
  • fixproduct: Fixes links in your D: /f 16/product directory back to your D: /f 16/common directory.
  • getwtt: Copies the g : / f 16 folder onto your D: drive.
  • mux_make: Autogenerates the DSF files and pack/unpack source code for each MUX interface.
  • push_d: Pushes WTT executables from your /f i6/wtt/trn_f iles/boot/execs folder onto the trainer.

Common Problems and Solutions


Common Problems and Solutions